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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Luckily, there's a great way of not ending up overflowing with them: not doing rifts. I made a single weight class of armor and I managed the different essences in such a way I never got stuck with too many of any type. I opened nuggets and rift containers for random essences and balanced out the amounts I needed by opening the convergence hero's choice chests that let you pick one essence type. I only started unpacking containers when I was ready to craft the armor. I still have plenty left for another weight class but I don't think the remaining skins are worth it. Saving them to upgrade my one armor to t2, assuming that requires essences.

I hope the next tier is a bit brighter. The heavy t1 armor looks very dull in low light, with hardly any contrast between the color channels, even when using extremely bright dyes. A bit disappointing. 

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I already finished the leggy armor and I have over 600 Essence of Triumph left over. I was able to liquidate all my Essences of Despair and Greed by crafting them into motivations and selling them on the TP, but as far as I know there's currently no way to do the same with Triumph. Please add SOMETHING that we can use to turn our T3 Essence into gold.

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I was going through my list of materials in the inventory and seeing what's required for Provisioner Tokens. When this system was created, I think the devs might have missed a trick... the idea is about making a material sink (of sorts) and most materials that can be offered to the NPC for tokens in the Outer Ring map are time-gated, but crafted nonetheless.

We already offer Obsidian Shards to an NPC in a one-off daily trade for Tokens, but we're using 2 of them per refined Ascended material. Now, regardless of the gated nature of the items that the Outer Ring NPC (Rend Scorchmaul) accepts, from an outsider's perspective at least, it seems that the Refined Ascended items have been overlooked for trades.

Not only do they require 100 dust/ore/fragments, but also Thermocatalytic Reagents and two Obsidian Shards per craft. So these are still Ascended crafted items that I believe should have been considered for a trade with NPCs for these Tokens.

Edited by Valandil.6453
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With the update to how the salvage gizmos work in this past update, I would think an update to Recharging Teleport to Friend where it can hold charges wouldn't be too farfetched. It would receive the charges by consuming the Teleport to Friends you have. Once you run out of charges from the Teleport to Friends you have stored, it would then go on the 10 min cooldown. 

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Reached the 15,000 AP cap from dailies a few weeks ago, I know this is very minor but it bugs me so much, why are the 10 AP still displayed on the daily completionist? Just have them removed after the cap has been reached just like with other repeatable achievements with an AP cap...

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Ascended crafteable trinkets in jewelry crafting, ideally using all my jewels. There is so many of them, and no way to burn them, and if someone wants to burn 35gold to craft that ascended accesory instead of running winterberries good for them, and let them do it. There are too many jewels, with little use.

Edited by evilcat.6817
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1 hour ago, evilcat.6817 said:

Ascended crafteable trinkets in jewelry crafting, ideally using all my jewels. There is so many of them, and no way to burn them, and if someone wants to burn 35gold to craft that ascended accesory instead of running winterberries good for them, and let them do it.

Sell them on the trading post for people who want research notes.

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Hello, I've got two suggestions~

1) Provide information on items in guild storage when mousing over them, just like in our personal inventories!

2) When in a group and going into a public instance, prioritize keeping said groups together in the same instance instead of splitting them up.

Thank you!

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I love the current format of the sales of gem skins, putting a whole category of items on sale compared to previously putting up select few skins per rotation.

I buy all skins in game when it is on sale, meaning I already own every single gem store items that was put on sale at least once. But with ever increasing number of skins comes difficulty of management and remembering which skins I own. While current sales format is a welcome one, it is difficult to browse though the very long list of items on sale to look for something I may be missing to my complete collection.

Recently, there's been an option added to trading post to "only show locked" items. Gem store needs this option as well, as soon as possible.

I will continue to purchase every skin that is brought out and put on sale. But having to scroll through the list is very time consuming and takes time away from my limited playtime.

Please add an option to hide unlocked skin items and bundles to make browsing & shopping a better experience.
Thank you.

Edited by Cill.3678
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On 3/6/2024 at 9:28 AM, Ghin.1653 said:

Lily of the Elon Qol Request:

Either add a "return to previous location" button, automatically return the player to their previous location when they click the invitation again, add a right click option on invitation to return to previous location.

There is a portal that can do this at the location but from what I understand most other passes already return you to the previous location when used again (at least mistlock sanctuary does).

Have you checked lately. Elon is now my Mistlock go to location now that Return to Previous Location has been added. What I would like now is Elon be treated as a rest area like Arbostone. Four hours of rest. Elon also is not an instance that removes the Jade Tech buffs obtained from Cantha. I now can return to any PVE area from Elon and retain my buffs. I got spoiled on the Jade Tech buffs. They turn all my toons into superheroes regardless of build. This makes having EoD worth having.

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I’d gotten so used to using lounges, buying an alt account in the sale has made me realise how much less frequently we get small trade centres in maps these days. I suspect it’s deliberately done to drive sales of lounges, but it comes at the cost of immersion imo.

The most egregious example is New Kaineng City; supposedly a sprawling, bustling, commercial metropolis, but zero facilities (unlike Amnoon, which at least has merchants and bankers). It’s baffling that there isn’t a single banker in the whole of Cantha until you’ve not only unlocked Arborstone access, but also trained it to level 4 of the mastery track (though you can access it through crafting stations from level 2).

I think at least the following would make sense to add some of these amenities to:

  • Seitung Province
    • Daigo Ward (the main built-up area of the island)
  • New Kaineng City
    • Lutgardis Plaza
    • Ministry Ward (I’d be happy for services to be split between them)
  • Skywatch Archipelago
    • Droknar’s Light (since Droknar’s Forge was a big commercial hub in GW1, and this is supposedly a fractal of it where the dwarves didn’t sacrifice themselves)

It’s as much about flavour and depth as it is about convenience; lounges are still likely to be the more convenient option almost all the time. I like that Ebonhawke was enough of a commercial hub back in the day to warrant its own portal scroll, and it’s just bizarre that a human fort is still more viable and active than NKC. I’m open to alternative/additional suggestions for hubs, though.

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It's because they were very uninspired when they made the masteries for EoD afaic. In this context I'm referring to Arborstone Revitalization. To give that any value at all, it required not putting any of that in the rest of EoD. Story wise it was about Cantha being discovered new by you and there not being trade routes in place etc. but it's been a while now and why haven't they brought out changes for Seitung and Kaineng by now? And I'm not too deep into lore but I still don't understand why it could be in Arborstone when it couldn't be anywhere else at the time.

And of course you didn't get the teleport thingy to Arborstone right away nor did they come out with a lounge till much later. I just never understood that.

I'm not as miffed by it in SoTO but the main gripes I have there is that Wizard's tower always takes a very long time to load and that with Inner Nayos the teleport point from the Wizard's Tower was only available for alts (who didn't do the story) till the second part was released. This contributed to me losing interest in SoTO as quickly as it did. I did find it odd though that the teleport thingy for Wizard's Tower was hidden by a collection that wasn't mentioned at all. I didn't even know that it was there until I started looking into it and then I found out it was already there from the start apparently.


You know, come to think of it. A lot has to do with access for my alts. I only do the main story on my main. I find the story mediocre at best (just a personal opinion) but I do want to know what the latest state of affairs is, if you will. So I won't be enticed to repeat the story and as such I keep running into that inaccessibility for my alts, which then leads to disinterest right from the start. I mean, if I had an interest in the gen3 legendaries or this new legendary armor set, I would be motivated to give those two expansions another shot but as it stands I don't really have a reason to be there anymore. What can I say?

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Having recently upgraded my GPU at long last, two things have become immediately apparent to me:

Firstly, that it is a decadent luxury to actually hit 60 FPS in Divinity's Reach from time to time. And two, that the root of the worst performance issues in the entire game... is other players. Specifically, the unbridled enthusiasm with which the developers have granted players the ability to bedeck themselves in the most garish, particle-infused, geometrically complex outfits imaginable... and then also allowing players to have miniatures which represent fully-detailed renditions of various NPCs, effectively doubling the population of any given scene the moment one of our heroic protagonists enters it.

As it stands, lowering the character model limit (or experiencing sluggish loading) produces those ugly, creepy, grey-armoured void-faced placeholders that immediately break immersion because they look very much like a glitch... or it simply renders other players invisible. This certainly improves performance, but is an utter mess visually, being simultaneously ugly and inconsistent. And it also stinks of "we couldn't fix it, so here's a janky workaround".

As such, here is my suggestion:

Create a new set of baked character models representing each of the possible race-gender-armour combinations. For those who don't know what I mean by "baked", I mean - a solid character model with predefined textures, like many of the NPCs in the game, that does not have lots of individual armour slot/body parts that have to be loaded and assigned individually. No colour channels, no "is the helmet on or off", no backpacks. Just a baked version of racial armour with a standard appearance, as one might expect to see among the NPCs of a given racial city.

For example: if one were to encounter a Norn male warrior, instead of loading either "giant wedding cake with angel wings and a thousand particles" or "ugly grey thing with no face", it would instead display a quintessential Norn male warrior model - wearing one of the Norn racial heavy armour sets, and wielding Norn weapons.

If you encountered a Sylvari female mesmer? You would see a quintessential Sylvari model, as if you'd encountered an NPC fresh from the grove. And so on.

For those who PVP, this would be much like the existing options for replacing player models in PVP... but with specific racial visuals, instead of the "everyone is a human with generic class armour" approach.


As indicated by the topic title, this would be a replacement/expansion of the character model limit option. Essentially, it would be customisable with the following options:

  • To display standardised models beyond a specified range from the player
  • To display standardised models beyond a certain local character limit (so beyond a player's immediate vicinity, and past a certain population threshold, standard models would be displayed)
  • To display standardised models for any player who is not one of the following (tick boxes for each) - a friend, a guildmate, in the same party, in the same squad etc
  • To display default mount visuals
  • To display transformations (tonics etc)

End Result

Imagine how much more immersive this would be than either having character models fail to display, or having your framerate collapse. Imagine walking into a major city, and instead of seeing a mass of glowing visual noise displayed at slideshow speeds... you saw a bustling metropolis full of Sylvari, Asura, Humans and Norn and Charr, each one immediately identifiable by race and armour - at a glance, you could see other players in such a way that was completely in-keeping with the lore and reinforced the illusion of the world... while also actually accentuating the different class choices.

Imagine the significance, then, of seeing amongst the crowd of strangers... someone you "recognise"; someone who is in your party, on your friend list etc - suddenly their unique appearance would be shining out to you (which, as an aside, would also potentially encourage people to be a lot more sociable).

In more practical terms, imagine how much visual clarity (and performance) you could gain during big meta events; at a glance, you could see the general class composition of a group. It would also be a lot easier, in the chaos of battle, to actually process what you're seeing in a more general sense - the basic colour palette/outline differences between the races and their armour sets would make the whole scene easier to parse.

The Inevitable Criticism

"But ArenaNet make a lot of money out of cosmetics, and people want their cosmetics to be seen by other players!"

Yes, but in terms of ethics - it's utterly dubious to force those visuals down the throats/digital pipelines of other people to the point of damaging their experience due to horrendous performance. But far more importantly: The developers already allow you to arbitrarily negate the visuals of other players through the character model limit option... it's just that it's very ugly, very inconsistent, and not at all immersive.

What I am suggesting is that this "oops we couldn't optimize the engine, so have a biscuit" implementation was properly developed.


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A fishing category in the LFG would be very nice

I feel like people would also be more likely to check out some more maps for fishing, if it was visible to them when I host one

Edited by jokke.6239
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