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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Cultural Outfits: It would be great qol to have cultural-specific looks for characters--works like the cooks outfit and wedding outfit & the designs are based on already existing NPC armor in the home citiesPick a method: sell these on the gem store, or add a cultural outfit seller near the cultural armor sellers, or give them as rewards

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Achievement-Related Tooltips:

So in many PoF missions, there will be a little icon around your buffs with what achievements are doable in that particular mission.

Would like to see this added to HoT and/or the core game.eg. I just finished Dragon Vigil and realized I had 2 achievements I could have done but wasn't really aware of..end of the quest chain and just wanted to get it done! (No bombs allowed and maintian Aurene's shield).

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@Gaile Gray.6029 said:LFGwhen you are in a certain map and you open your LFG the LFG take you to that map or you are in Heart of the Mists open PvP LFG or you in WvW open WvW LFG(to some level same as the hero panel )show an icon on the group that advertise in LFG if their map is full (or the map of the player that did the LFG advertise is full)

UI For Map Bonus Rewardsi hope you show the next reward in the map i am currently in like the one in WvW(over the mini map) that will help if i see that i ll get a bonus by completing one more event may be i ll stay in the map until i get that map reward

Pact Supply Network Agentupgrade your home instance or the new sun refuge with a merchant with six taps for each of the pact supply network agents for that day

Build TemplatesANET if you have issue with where to put the gears may be we can specialize one of our bags to contain the gears that is currently used in build templates for that certain character

Faster Way To Sell Rare Sigils /Runes And Belowsame as junk may sell all for each rarity of sigils/runes

Salvage allwhen you right click on salvage tool for salvage all and the window show up to see all the gears that is going to be salvaged you can right click on certain gears on that window to be removed from the salvage all

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If legendary weapons could have signets swapped out just like legendary armor with runes that would be amazing!

Something like the novelty tab but for tonics would be amazing.

In the new player home instance, when it is out, it would be awesome if we could have any nodes we've already bought but place them where we want them like a decoration.

Also, a bit of a reach of a request I know, but it we could save builds for PVE that would be amazing too!

I also want to say THANK YOU! For all the times you've listened to player feedback and added QOL changes already like chairs etc!!!!!

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An item, scroll thingy or device that allows people to do various usefull things, like ,knowing the next world boss, teleporting into an empty/pacific version of an already visited instance even if she doesn't exist anymore: Old Lion's arch, Rata primus (cube), claw island, aetherblade retreat..etcWould be an awesome thing for farmers and RPlayers. :D :3 :)

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Added checkboxes to hide your equipped visual effects the same way you can toggle off showing the helmet, gloves and shoulders. E.g., I may want Aurora for the stats swapping, but I might not want the aura it gives you. I have also collected a variety of infusions over the years that provide visual effects, some of which I may not want to be active at all times, though I still want the +5 Power/Condition Damage and +9 Agony Resistance. The ability to toggle some visual effects off would be very welcome as a QoL addition. For Legendary weapons it could hide any slotted infusion effect and turn off the footprints in example for those that may not want those. Note that I mean for a checkbox to just remove all effects tied to a specific piece of equipment. If I want to use an Infusion effect and put it on Aurora, but want to hide the Aurora effect, then both effects still gets disabled if I disabled the visual effects on Aurora. It'd be up to me to put the effects I want in pieces of equipment I don't hide effects on.

Speaking of visual effects and infusions, if there could be some sort of logic coded into the way they load that'd be nice too, e.g., helm infusion effect loads before shoulders, before ring 1 slot 1, before ring 1 slot 2, before ring 2 slot 1 etc. —Sometimes you may want one effect to overwrite another, e.g., you may want the green glow from Phospholuminescent but you want the eyes to go blue and skin blue-ish white from Winter's Heart so you want the latter to apply last, but with the game seemingly loading them at random, the desired look may randomly not be achieved and you end up with green skin and blue eyes instead. It can be a bit annoying when they are as rare/expensive as they are and with Guild Wars 2 being very much fashion wars at endgame for a lot of players. With more effects undoubtedly coming, having more control over how they stack and the effect they create together for yourself and other players would be a nice improvement.

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Please hear me out on this one - Weapon swapping for eles and engis.I mained ele through all my story, and can't tell you the amount of times I've been caught in a boss fight with the wrong weapon equipped. Sometimes you need to switch to staff or dagger or whatever, but you're stuck in combat and it means the fight takes longer and is much more agonizing than it should be. If we could get weapon swapping but with a really long cooldown, or maybe only in pve, it would make things a lot easier.

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Can we get a right click compact items in the guild bank tab, especially if you are the guild leader? Hate having to pull the items out to do it in the bags. A bit tedious and runs a risk of forgetting to put something back.

An outfit tab that saves custom outfits we make with various parts for later use.

A build tab that saves builds for more ease of switching.

Better rewards with 'in-between' achievement chests. (like 5,500, etc) Add something like a Black lion key or a wardrobe box.

A little clicky box in options that hides weapon until drawn. Nothing like having a cool backpack that you want to show off but have a staff/shield/bow/greatsword/hammer sticking through it.

Better tracking. I shouldn't lose the daily quest tracker if I decide to track an achievement. Instead it should just minimize itself and expand when clicked on. Or make it toggable that I can hit tab or something to toggle between the achieve and the daily tracker.

Better report system where we can type in a description when we make a report. We should be able to say what we saw with the gold spam, like the spammer was flying etc instead of having to tab out of the game to give a more detailed report.

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@"Soap.5098" said:Please hear me out on this one - Weapon swapping for eles and engis.I mained ele through all my story, and can't tell you the amount of times I've been caught in a boss fight with the wrong weapon equipped. Sometimes you need to switch to staff or dagger or whatever, but you're stuck in combat and it means the fight takes longer and is much more agonizing than it should be. If we could get weapon swapping but with a really long cooldown, or maybe only in pve, it would make things a lot easier.

Mmm theres to points here:

1: The acumulated effect and more burst or invulnerabilities.2: The effect of more flexibility.

I think "1" can be partially fixed making the cds between sets of weapons to stay the same (if the cd of a third weapon skill its different than the other set, there should need to be a more complex mechanism)-> just remain the complete cd charge of the last skill in that slot that was used.About "2" and remanents of "1", probably will need to create some sort of debuff for having two sets: invulnerabilities and dodges duration is reduced by 25%, damage is reduced by 10%.

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Temporary Gathering Glyphs for Karma:I really appreciate that there are temporary gathering tools that contain glyphs for bonus materials in the game. I think it's important not to give people who use the gem store unfair advantages. But, I think it's also important not to trivialize the gemstore purchases that have already been made.
The problem for people like me who purchased unlimited gathering tools (and, in many cases, multiple sets of tools) is that there is not also temporary glyphs that can be purchased with karma for the unlimited tools. At this point I have to decide between the convenience of using my unlimited tools and the efficiency of using the karma tools for additional leather, unbound magic, etc. I think players who have purchased the tools from the gemstore should have the same advantages of bonus gathering coupled with the convenience that they have already paid for.I would like to be able to purchase STACKABLE (remember, convenience is the biggest point of purchasing unlimited tools) temporary glyphs for karma and continue to use the great skins and unbreakable nature of the gathering tools that I purchased from the gemstore.

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Store in Wardrobe actually granting a per item item-specific Transmutation Charge, e.g., if I store Luminous Heavy Warplate Skin, the next time I want to apply this skin to a character's armor, it is free of charge for as many Luminous Heavy Warplate Skins I have stored through Store in Wardrobe. I do not mean that it should grant me a non-specific Transmutation Charge that can be used for any skin on any armor piece, just that the next time I wish to apply a specifically stored skin that was put away with Store in Wardrobe, it does so for free. Store in Wardrobe feels so misleading currently.

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with the new novelty section you can add toys and such items to the wardrobe. which, after second thought, some items you can add are more convenient, and have unique functionalities as a inventory item.

this i would like to make a QOL suggestion that a merchant should be placed somewhere in the world (LA) which you can purchase for free the inventory item versions of items you have unlocked in the wardrobe. it is truly unfair that i have to repurchase some items (which go up to 1k gold in price) in order to get back the functionality and convenience that i once had.

p.s. : i miss my hill sliding bench of the final judge. -sadness-

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Huh, didn't know this thread existed.

I would LOVE it if we could save multiple sets of keybindings to swap between. I get that we have two concurrent sets of keybinds, but optimally used I need both concurrent keybinds configured differently for multiple characters. And THOSE keybinds are completely different than what I want for playing music. I'd love to play instruments more, but its really not worth manually redoing my bindings every time I want to.

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A button on the character select screen that shows "Favorite" characters only. I play in windowed mode so I can see builds, Discord chats, etc. and only get 7 of my 11 characters on the screen, and I have to organize it so the ones I'm actively leveling+my main and item holding mule (Temp position for now) are the first batch in the list.

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