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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Make Festial of Four Winds tokens and Baubles tradable.

Out of all the festival currencies, those are the only ones that can't be obtained out of the festival period.

Candy corns, snowflake, zhaitaffy, magic essence on the other side can be easily obtained.


It is the big issue, you can't craft SAB or Festival of four winds decos during the whole year, have to stock when festival comme back. So please, make them tradable, this way I can craft zephyr bridges and lanterns every month of the year.

2 solutions:

1-Baubles and Festival tokens are tradable on tp

2-SAB and labyrinthine cliffs are open during whole year.

Edited by hugo.4705
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Dear Anet,

I wanted the Ancient Norn Cape Pin! and I did it, LOVE the effect of otter floating around me playfully. 


When I think of using a legendary amulet and not having my otter with me it is indeed very sad. 

Please make it possible to choose the effects that is unlocked even thou they aren't legendary to be use for legendary items. like using a non legendary skin on legendary weapon/armor. 

Thank you very much 
Excitedly waiting for 17th August
your loyal player since GW Beta 

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
Grammar (the one i spotted) pretty sure there are more mistakes.
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8 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

They sell combos for those who want a back and glider to match.  As an example, you can have wings that not only are visible at all times, but can "fly" as well....it's a cosmetic preference.  You could change each back item to match the same glider, but there is not a way to have a separate glider with each.  Yes, it was created before templates, and unlikely it will change.  However, submit it as a quality of life suggestion in the respective forum section.

Thanks a lot <3.
¿Where is that section in the forum?

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1 hour ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

Dear Anet,

I wanted the Ancient Norn Cape Pin! and I did it, LOVE the effect of otter floating around me playfully. 


When I think of using a legendary amulet and not having my otter with me it is indeed very sad. 

Please make it possible to choose the effects that is unlocked even thou they aren't legendary to be use for legendary items. like using a non legendary skin on legendary weapon/armor. 

Thank you very much 
Excitedly waiting for 17th August
your loyal player since GW Beta 

think you can extract the enrichment from the norn amulet and use it on any amulet even legendary ones to get the playful otter.. but if u like the otter to be made available for all the characters without transfer swapping on every characte before playing them, then... that's kinda complicated.. anet doesnt have a legendary enrichment or infusion at the moment

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Sorry if this is already possible, and I'm just not aware of how to do it... but I've got full stacks of blue and green "unid" gear. I also use the Copper-fed-salvageomatic to salvage blues and greens when I've opened these, but I'm not able to open a full stack of these in my inventory before it goes full.

If I right-click the salvage I can choose to salvage all pieces of gear of a certain rarity (blue, green, etc.) but then it will also salvage gear from the "unid" stack that I repeatedly open once my inventory has free space again.


Would it be possible to get an option to salvage all blue / green gear that is NOT in a container?


My iteration goes like


Say I've got about 100 slots free bag space.

1. Right-click stack of 250 "unid" blues and it will open 100 of these giving me a bunch of blue and green gear.

2. Right-click Copper-fed and choose automatically salvage all green(Masterwork) gear or lower. Problem now is that it will first try to salvage the 150 remaining unopened "unids" and then the 100 id'ed pieces of gear.


Instead I have to double-click the salvage kit and click on the 100 opened pieces, then repeat step 1 and manually salvage the next 100, and I can only do step 2 for the final 50 pieces of the "unid" blue stack because by then there are no more unopened gear in my inventory.


Is there a way to avoid this?


E.g. to simplify my process to


1. Right-click stack of 250 "unid" blues and it will open 100 of these giving me a bunch of blue and green gear.

2. Right-click Copper-fed and choose automatically salvage all "IDENTIFIED" green(Masterwork) gear or lower.


So that my gear bag stacks are left untouched?


Hopefully someone will swoop in and tell me what I've been doing wrong all this time 😄

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30 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

Sorry if this is already possible, and I'm just not aware of how to do it... but I've got full stacks of blue and green "unid" gear. I also use the Copper-fed-salvageomatic to salvage blues and greens when I've opened these, but I'm not able to open a full stack of these in my inventory before it goes full.

If I right-click the salvage I can choose to salvage all pieces of gear of a certain rarity (blue, green, etc.) but then it will also salvage gear from the "unid" stack that I repeatedly open once my inventory has free space again.


Would it be possible to get an option to salvage all blue / green gear that is NOT in a container?


My iteration goes like


Say I've got about 100 slots free bag space.

1. Right-click stack of 250 "unid" blues and it will open 100 of these giving me a bunch of blue and green gear.

2. Right-click Copper-fed and choose automatically salvage all green(Masterwork) gear or lower. Problem now is that it will first try to salvage the 150 remaining unopened "unids" and then the 100 id'ed pieces of gear.


Instead I have to double-click the salvage kit and click on the 100 opened pieces, then repeat step 1 and manually salvage the next 100, and I can only do step 2 for the final 50 pieces of the "unid" blue stack because by then there are no more unopened gear in my inventory.


Is there a way to avoid this?


E.g. to simplify my process to


1. Right-click stack of 250 "unid" blues and it will open 100 of these giving me a bunch of blue and green gear.

2. Right-click Copper-fed and choose automatically salvage all "IDENTIFIED" green(Masterwork) gear or lower.


So that my gear bag stacks are left untouched?


Hopefully someone will swoop in and tell me what I've been doing wrong all this time 😄

There's this:


Invisible Bags/Invisible Packs/Safe Boxes/Courier's Bags — Items in these bags cannot be sold to merchants nor at the Black Lion Trading Company. Their contents do not move when inventory is sorted. Using 'Deposit Collectibles' will not affect items inside invisible bags; however, items can still be deposited individually using the right-click menu. Using "Salvage All" option on salvage kits won't salvage items put in this bag. (Useful for saving Unidentified gear for later use)

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Yes- the enrichment can be removed and put into legendary amulets. However, as crystal paladin said, it is still limited to one otter enrichment per account, currently.


I have the otter animation on my main character, using transcendence


my bet is that EoD will either have legendary infusions or aquabreather, as they are the only things left I can think of that aren’t currently ‘legendary’. Hopefully the otter will be one of them, because I love it too, and would love it even more if I could have the animation but on a different stat effect (primarily thinking of the WvW reward track boost for my personal taste)


additionally, I would love to have the floaty tendrils from the WvW legendary armor on different armor skins, as well as would ADORE being able to have both Nightfury bats AND actual shoulder armor simultaneously, so I see more of what you mean by unlocking effects to legendary armory

Edited by genjonah.1253
Thought of more, no need to make a second post
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23 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Invisible Bags/Invisible Packs/Safe Boxes/Courier's Bags — Items in these bags cannot be sold to merchants nor at the Black Lion Trading Company. Their contents do not move when inventory is sorted. Using 'Deposit Collectibles' will not affect items inside invisible bags; however, items can still be deposited individually using the right-click menu. Using "Salvage All" option on salvage kits won't salvage items put in this bag. (Useful for saving Unidentified gear for later use)



Ah, i hadn't thought about that.. i knew they hide stuff from depositing/vendoring, but wasn't aware it also hid the unidentified gear... not usually a fan of using those but I guess I'm getting one per character now.

I've been using the shared inventory slots for the unid stacks too but they're full now 😄 

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From patch notes today:

  • Combo fields have received updated, higher quality visual effects. Rectangular combo fields do not yet have updated visuals, but they will be updated to match in a future update.

The new combo field rings have even more visual noise now, and although I'm all in for pretty particle effects, I really wish there was a way to disable them without also disabling some of the enemies rings/telegraphs, these rings can consume some fps during big fights, also as I said, they are a huge visual noise when clutter and sometime they ruin the game immersion.


Please, can you add an option to disable only friendly skill rings?

Edited by Kilty.4906
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So today I was doing Drizzlewood meta, with tens of people. On a boss fight,  you had the regular effects, you had skyscales landing, you had the new circles... 


I think I'm just about reaching the tolerance threshold, there is so much visual noise it's literally off the scale. It's absolutely ridiculous for a modern game to not have some kind of option to adjust visual effects, let alone in this one where they are so prominent. I literally cannot see the boss or what it's doing, and the new rings are pushing this over the brink.


Please! for the sake of health of your players and enjoyment of the game add the option.

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Dear ArenaNet, This is for World vs World
Please Auto apply Rank Points to a newly created toon when they enters WvW - pre-requisite: when a player's point exceed  the ability maximum point needed. 

Add all rank points button would do too.

Thank You

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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With respect to the Elementalist, they have a minor specialization trait in the Arcane tree  'Evasive Arcana' that when you high light over the trait you are able to cycle through the different effects that depend on your attunement. This is an awesome UI feature that I wish would be applied to the other aspects of the UI for the Elementalists. The two biggest perpetrators that I've seen are the Glyphs of Renewal and Glyph of Storms. Each of which have unique effects that aren't detailed in the skill unless you have it selected and in the corresponding attunement.

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Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is safe and doing well!

Amidst all the discussion of the hype and beta of End of Dragons, I thought about bringing a topic primarily about Elona that I have been thinking about for quite some time. Perhaps it's too late and rather abrupt to mention it now but I have always wondered how cool a shadhavar mount skin for Jackal would be and look like. It would definitely match the desert and camel aesthetic becuase a shadhavar galloping through the desert sands feels like it would blend in really well with the Elonian and desert theme. It could perhaps be inspired by Elonian royalty so its designs could incorporate beautifully embellished and embroidered saddles and other features and so on.

Also I recently realized that shadhavars aren't just a made up name but actually inspired by a real mythological creature from middle east that is basically analogous to unicorns in other cultures so that further increased my interest in this.

I'd definitely love to hear what other players might think of this but yeah. I feel like it would be a nice addition to the aesthetic and cultural side of Elona hehe.


Thank you!


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let baby characters (non level 80) wear legendary armor from the vault?  (no level requirement?)   the stats could simply be put similar to what happens in low level zones when a high level character goes in with exotic armor.  Also, it would be entertaining.


(and it would be nice to work hard for something that feels rewarding for the baby characters in lower level zones too.)


For the fashion wars!

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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Hide other players' personal NPC agent icons when they're inaccessible to you


Since there's these BL vendors and delivery agents you can spawn, they show up with both an icon overhead as well as an icon on the minimap. But I cannot access these because they're personal - so is it possible to tune these personal agents so that they - like private squads hide the commander tag - don't show up on my map?





Edited by Dondarrion.2748
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Make hide/unhide specific to equipment templates.


With the recent addition of the legendary armoury, legendary armour can now use different wardrobe armours in each equipment template. One thing however that is still blatantly missing, is that hide/unhide is still character-wide, and not connected to the equipment templates.


Do you want a backpack on one outfit, but not on another? You can't do that.


Does this outfit look best without shoulder pieces? Too bad.


You want an equipment template with armour you put together yourself instead of your outfit? Well you're gonna have to toggle that outfit off manually whenever you change templates. Every. Single. Time.


I love matching my wardrobe to what I'm playing, so that my power soulbeast and my druid can have completely different vibes. However, because hiding is global, it's made outfits useless and forced me to hide backpacks as I don't always have a backpack matching my colour of clothing.

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So, I know that they made other trinkets that can have their effects toogled, but a Friend of mine noticed that he can't toogle the effects of his Vision Trinket. I looked on the wiki if it'd be a bug or anything, and it states it there too, that the Visual Effects cannot be disabled. After this I asked the Costumer support why, as it was making my Friend really upset that he couldn't disable the effects and was forced from the game to either run around as a dark reaper with some pink bubbles behind him, or to equip an ascended trinket instead of his Vision. The costumer support basically didn't gave me a big relevating answer, they just told they are just the suport team and I should take a try in the Forum, as the Developers or responsible people for that read the Forums daily to gather feedback. I mean, they did a step already to make that stuff possible on some Trinkets, but I think every Trinket should have the option to have the Effects disabled or not. And other than the Stacking Effect of the PVE Trinkets, I don't really know what issues they could have to make it not possible.

Thank you a lot for reading, I appreciate your work, but I really hope you realize this feedback, as I am sure that others have this problem too.

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