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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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This is a request regarding the game, but more, a request about the community who makes that game Amazing.

I would like the following persons to have a reference in-game, maybe npc considering from how long they were there:


1-https://twitter.com/KoboldArt Kobold Art aka the owner of Asura Sisters comics. The asura sisters could be in game. Awesome art style.

2-https://twitter.com/that_shaman That Shaman this is a pillar, here since gw1. Definitely deserves an Npc.

Reasons? Keep the community up to data, make release post on reddit, give tips on twitter.

3-https://twitter.com/The_Noxxi Noxxi the Noxian. This is a very cool and cheerful person helping persons dealing with depression. Always a pleasure to read through about recent releases. Noxxi shouldn't be forgotten too.


Those are the three persons I admirate highly and who deserve a place in GW2, I am surprised that they don't have a single tribute in game.

Edited by hugo.4705
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Please consider adding more balloon and kite novelties. Maybe instead of designing new ones the old ones could be added in different colors, eg. Hot Air Balloon. These could be rewards from different festival vendors.

Or it could be done similar way to Enchanted Colorful Snowball where you can change the color.
Thank you. 


Edit: Now that I think of it, the original Hot Air Balloon was from the Festival of Four Winds (Queen's Jubilee), so perhaps the different color options could be added with this year's festival.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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Being able to Salvage Medallions and Crests the same way we salvage Runes and Sigils would be great. They're the only item that clogs the inventory when mass-salvaging things at the moment, it's nice they give a couple of silver at vendors, but it'd be great to have the option of salvaging them if we'd like to 🙂

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I have quite a few I'd love (some of which I know others have asked for but I'm including them anyway because it's always helpful to see that more than one person wants a specific feature):

An infinite revive orb option. I am squishy. And cheap. And sometimes it's really a pain to waypoint and then go all the way back to where you were, if someone isn't around to revive you. Also, please get rid of revive orb sickness. Having someone revive you doesn't apply it, and it's free, and it feels bad that a paid option has an inconvenience attached to it like that. 

A way to trade single use items like teleport to friend, merchant express, revive orb etc in for other similar items (like trade in a tp to friend for a bank access express), especially if you want or prefer or need certain items, but not others.

The ability to either change ranger pet's stats or reskin them so you can use whatever pet you want and still get the benefits you need/want. It makes me sad that my white wolf isn't the best option to use for an ideal build, and it's part of the reason I don't much play my ranger anymore.

A way to make infinite gathering tools into legendary items, to be added to the legendary armory. I don't care what's involved in upgrading them to legendary status, whether it's a collection or a crafting process or both, but it'd be really useful. Also, it'd be nice that if you do upgrade them to legendary status, doing so would allow for 2 glyph slots per gathering tool, so you could use glyph of reaping with glyph of volatility on the same tool, for instance. 

The ability to take squads into home instances. As someone who regularly shares their fully stocked home to guildies and others asking in map chat, it'd be nice to be able to take more people in at once.

The ability to use a different head skin with an outfit rather than just toggling the head off.

The ability to save dye combinations for mounts and outfits.

An option to set mount skins (preferably with different chosen dye combinations) to random if you want, so mounting up would cycle through the skins you have for that particular mount (but of course make it purely optional). Same concept for minis.

The ability to name your skyscale. We raised them. It feels weird that we can't name them, especially since we can name ranger pets. It'd also be nice to be able to name any of our mounts. But especially the skyscale.

Make it so going into wvw and then back doesn't keep warclaw selected as your preferred mount. Just a small annoyance.

It'd be nice to be able to tp to your home instance at any time for free, in any of the home cities you prefer, regardless of race. Ie I currently main a human, but I prefer Rata Sum, and I also tend to change which instance I use depending on the daily gathering achievements available, like most. The home portal stone is therefore of no use to me, as I am not asura. Yes there are portal scrolls you can make, but they do clog inventory space/shared inventory slots.

A library to store all of the lore books obtainable. Initially I kept the books I obtained, but due to inventory space I eventually just deleted them and I wish that hadn't been necessary.

More items obtained via collections, especially legendary collections, marked as This item has no value and is useful only part of a collection. Many items that should be marked with this are not, so I have to hang on to them until I research to see if they are safe to get rid of. And sometimes you can't even find concrete answers on whether you can safely get rid of them or not. Frustrating and time consuming. 

Never make any items completely devoid of value, where I just have to destroy or delete them, because it really feels like a waste. Either make it salvageable or make it worth one copper.

It'd kind of be nice to increase mat storage, maybe to 5000. Most probably won't need it, but when you do get to the point of crafting legendaries, they require a lot of mats. Also it'd be nice to increase the stack count from 250 to 500 at least, for stuff in inventory and in the bank.

Make it possible to favorite crafting recipes because it's a pain to search for them every time I want to craft something. 

It'd also be nice to be able to transfer a crafting profession to another character, especially if you maxed out a profession on a character you don't even play anymore.

A merchant in the home instance that anyone can use, in case someone needs gathering tools. Also, I may just not be able to find them, but why is it that the Rata Sum home instance doesn't seem to have any vendors (only accessible to the owner) like the others do? 

Make more materials storable in the bank material storage, especially Scribe materials like lumber cores, the flowers used for dyes, baubles and bauble bubbles.

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Can we have a Favorites section for Miniatures (Hero>Equipment>Miniatures)
Just like we have in the Dyes section (Hero>Equipment>Dyes)
There are so many mini's and if you don't remember the name of which one your after it's hard to find.
A Favorites system would make this process easier to accomplish.

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Yes please! Ideally one which works like dyes, so each character can have different favourites but even if it had to be account-wide it would be nice.


It doesn't help that at the moment they seem to be mostly but not entirely in order of release, I assume they're sorted by item ID or some sort of other internal system which makes sense to computers but not players but it does make it hard to find the one you want without searching, which only works if you can remember the name.

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10 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Yes please! Ideally one which works like dyes, so each character can have different favourites but even if it had to be account-wide it would be nice.


It doesn't help that at the moment they seem to be mostly but not entirely in order of release, I assume they're sorted by item ID or some sort of other internal system which makes sense to computers but not players but it does make it hard to find the one you want without searching, which only works if you can remember the name.

Newest on top to oldest it looks like. But theres a few oddities that got added later that..are down towards the older minis. Systems wonky. I usually pick one mini per character and just go with it until i get bored 😕

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43 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Newest on top to oldest it looks like. But theres a few oddities that got added later that..are down towards the older minis. Systems wonky. I usually pick one mini per character and just go with it until i get bored 😕

I do the same thing, but I still change them a lot, sometimes multiple times in one evening.


Also I have 677 minis (and counting) so scrolling through the list to find a specific one can be impractical.

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8 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I do the same thing, but I still change them a lot, sometimes multiple times in one evening.


Also I have 677 minis (and counting) so scrolling through the list to find a specific one can be impractical.

I know that pain, the joys of collecting!!

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I'd love to see them separate the Achievement panel from all the other panels. I hate it when i'm looking at a specific achievement, check my hero tab, then go back into the achievement and it's been reset so i have to start to dig back down into it again. 


As well as show the amount of certain items in the right side instead of a percentage. For example, if I've selected slayer, i'd like to see #/5000 i'm on, not that i'm at 57%. 

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Hello all, I have a suggestion for the new Aurene Legendary coming from End of Dragons:


Instead of 16 separate legendaries, I think a single Aurene legendary should be switchable to any weapon class after completing a single set through a grind.

So if a player aims for an Aurene Staff, they'd first have access to the staff but can continue the grind to add on more weapon classes. There would be 16 separate recipes that can be crafted, forged, or acquired through achievement tracks at a similar cost to an ascended weapon. 

Adding all 16 weapon classes to the Aurene Legendary can be linked to achievement points and a fancy title.


I do not think the playerbase will have much incentive to acquire more than one of the Aurene Legendaries unless the weapon has the potential of being universal.


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I know it may be nitpicking but:

Inquest mark II world boss should be renamed to either:

-Prototype X golem mark II

-Supressor golem mark II


Why? "Golem mark II" already represent an existing golem serie: The inquest red equivalent of Peacemaker round marks aka PM-632z.


Whereas we know thanks to sandswept isles that the golem used as world boss in mount maelstrom is a Supressor mark.

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I don't know if it's been said already, but I'd pawn my Sky Scales for shared inventory slots for gathering tools.  Dear ArenaNet... I will pay embarrassing amounts of real world money to share the gathering tools between my characters - and I will buy different toolsets if you add gathering tools to the wardrobe.  Do this and take all of my money please.  


Also, I'd also like to promote my suggestion many pages back...


Buff the group finder and make it easier for folks to find groups, guilds (or new guild members), and training opportunities.  At a minimum, I hope you put some thought into the matchmaking system for strike mission challenge mode.  Especially if they're the centerpiece of group content/end-game in EoD.

Edited by Golvellius.7856
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I want the same thing I've wanted since release. A way to turn off some of the visual noise. For example, I have zero interest in seeing all the damage numbers popping up all over my screen. Pretty much every other MMO allows the option to turn things like that off.

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QoL in regards to armory.

—> being able to get a no stat/non-sellable copy of the legendary when pulled from the armory. Because even if you accidentally double click a weapon / armor you lose…. All it’s stats… all it’s infusions… sigils… runes etc. instead if we could get that copy put in as non-sellable / bound on account, or something where we can weapon swap easily it would be better . I get you can put more equipment tabs but even then it is a mess and feels clunky. 

many thanks

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