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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Could we have more ways of obtaining the following items please?


● Charms and Symbols for Upgrades.

These crafting materials are almost essential for leveling up any profession.

They are extremely rare and obscenely expencive in TP.

Mind, more ways not necessarily easier. Just in larger anounts.

I'm stuck with my ranger at 490 leather worker. Only gain a tiny xp by crafting already known recipes.


● XP tomes.

I'm all about creating new characters.

I have a list of aprox. 50 other characters I want to create.

However, the difficulty and opportunities, or lack there of... obtaining xp tomes is way to hard. 

So that's what's holding me back.


● Currency exchange for LWS3.

Season 4 has it, as well as IBS. So why not this one?


● A 250 uses salvage kit.

Why max is 25 uses?

I have to often overload my inventory with many salvage kits. 

A couple of 250 uses SK would last ages and save a lot of space.

Same with gathering tools.



● Exotic food essence.

More ways of getting this too please.

By my calculations, we have less than 30% chance of obtaining this from salvaging food.

We can't even buy it. The only way is by salvaging food.

Thank you please.

Cheers guys.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

● A 250 uses salvage kit.

Why max is 25 uses?

I have to often overload my inventory with many salvage kits. 

A couple of 250 uses SK would last ages and save a lot of space.

Same with gathering tools.


You can make a Mystic Salvage Kit which has the same stats as a Master's Salvage Kit. You get Mystic Forge Stones from login rewards and the Mystic Salvage Kit is probably the best use for them.
Instead of a Basic Salvage Kit, ANet want you to buy the Copper-Fed Salvage-O-Matic from the Gem store. It is one of the best gem store purchases you could make, especially combined with Accound-wide inventory slots.

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1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I'm stuck with my ranger at 490 leather worker. Only gain a tiny xp by crafting already known recipes.

Just buy some Dire Intricate Gossamer Insignia off the TP and craft some helms or something with them. Boom, lvl 500.

1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I have a list of aprox. 50 other characters I want to create.

That's ... excessive. If you can afford the gold / gems for 50 that many slots, you must be really rich.
You get level 60 boosters from birthday presents. If you use those you'll need way fewer tomes.
You can play WvW if you really are desperate for tomes of knowledge, WvW will shower you in them, mostly from reward tracks.


1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

● Exotic food essence.

More ways of getting this too please.

By my calculations, we have less than 30% chance of obtaining this from salvaging food.

Cooking ascended foods is an end game thing and probably intended to be restrictive.
Increasing "drop" rates on the essences would break their economy probably.

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1 hour ago, Kerbezena.3804 said:

Just buy some Dire Intricate Gossamer Insignia off the TP and craft some helms or something with them. Boom, lvl 500.


I'll try that.


1 hour ago, Kerbezena.3804 said:

That's ... excessive. If you can afford the gold / gems for 50 that many slots, you must be really rich.


I wish... lol. 

Then I'd buy instant lvl 80s and wouldn’t have this problem. 

Not all in one go, ofcourse.

In time... eventually. 

Thanks for you help on this.

I'll look up for the insignia.


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Earned Hero Points in Heart of Maguma.

Trying to get map completion in Heart of Maguma, I set it to hide events and personal story. When getting near to completing it I kept getting pointed to hero points saying, "Repeat this challenge to earn a reward." I thought the reason to hide personal story and events was to go for map completion. I'd say hero points that have already been earned should require you to have events shown to be pointed to. Kind of what it is after you have earned the points, if there are no more hero points to earn from it and it doesn't add to my map completion because that challenge is already complete, isn't repeating it again for an award just like completing an event?

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On 11/6/2021 at 9:58 AM, Kerbezena.3804 said:

if this problem annoys you, please consider leaving a reaction on a post I made about it - among other issues with the mastery system:


The post that I quoted above was the last one of a thread spanning several years of discussion titled "Mastery popup will not go away." Someone has merged it into the QoL thread and it has become impossible to read the discussion. Can this operation be reverted, it makes no sense. Thank you.

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10 hours ago, Leo.3428 said:

The post that I quoted above was the last one of a thread spanning several years of discussion titled "Mastery popup will not go away." Someone has merged it into the QoL thread and it has become impossible to read the discussion. Can this operation be reverted, it makes no sense. Thank you.

11 hours ago I wrote the following email to the GW2 forums team:



Hi GW2 Forums team,


I was referred here by GW2 Support regarding an issue concerning recent merges of forum posts.
A few days ago, I created a lengthy forum post about some issues that I noticed concerning the unlocking and presentation of the mastery system.
I posted it to the bugs subforum because I feel that the behavior of the notification "Your current ability is fully trained and ready to master!" (popping up every few minutes, with no possibility to silence it, without skipping ahead in the story) could only be described as "unintended behavior".
When a post that was originally it's own thread is merged into a thread the original thread title is just lost.
Also, I do not remember being notified of the merger, which is inconvenient because I had shared the link to my original post externally and this old link only links to the merged [suggestions] QoL thread now, not to the specific comment out of the over 4.5K replies on currently 179 pages, that contains the content of my original post.

I have also noticed that another post, previously found under https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/6726-mastery-popup-will-not-go-away
This thread had more than ninety replies, but it is not clear to me where they ended up. Were they all merged into the thread by date? I saw that my own reply to this post appeared towards the very back of the merged thread. This is horrible. Before it was … a thread, now it is like the transporter accident in the very first Star Trek motion picture.
I'm sure that whoever makes these merges intends to make the forums more clear and give developers a better overview, but how is merging a post with 92 replies into one big thread by date going to achieve that?


Bernhard | Kerbezena.3804


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So, earlier I started a thread about a BLTC wishlist, where we could get notified when items appear or go on discount in the Gem Shop. It got merged into this mega-QoL thread.

After spending some time looking through recent requests in the big Gem Shop request thread, it's clear players are missing things they want to buy, sometimes by mere weeks, and not even realizing that the thing they were asking for was just available.

ArenaNet is losing income from those of us who will never check in daily just to see what's on the shop.

Has the analysis been done to make sure that there wouldn't be ROI for developer time to create a wishlist system?

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Finally got my second or third infusion after opening way too many trick-or-treat bags.  Yay.  The downside is that I've not used any of them (either because I didn't like how they looked or can't find a good example; more on that later), particularly because I don't really want to replace existing basic infusions or don't have the gear to put them in.  Moreover, because infusions become linked to the item in question (and cannot be removed without an Infusion Extraction Device), I've been rather hesitant to do so.

That's where I got an idea:  why not make them truly cosmetic items?

Just like outfits, dyes, and the wardrobe, it'd be awesome to have a dedicated sub-tab in which we can slot a number of infusions independent of ascended equipment, with which you could style your character.  And it could really be just that:  something similar to the existing wardrobe functionality where a list of available infusions is shown and a number of slots into which they can be "equipped," with a preview of your character.  Then, once you're content, you press the usual button to accept (for 0 transmutation charges, of course).

This proposal would also have the added bonuses of:

  • Infusions would become Account-bound items once used, and can thus be traded between characters on your account (though this might already be the case).
  • Infusion identification and stacking will be a lot more straightforward.
  • They can finally be previewed!
  • A future feature update could link them into Equipment Tabs, allowing them to be reused across appearances without being directly tied to equipment (because come on, it is Fashion Wars).
Edited by fluffdragon.1523
Improve clarity
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This small, tiny request isn't exactly QoL per say.

Just a few visual adjustements.

But it doesn't justify starting a new thread over this, as it fits in this category. 

Here it goes.


● Jormag's Breath and Herritage Fire Sword.

Is it possible to make the flames/Breath on both swords equal please?

Either by increasing the one in JB or slightly reducing the fire sword one?

JB is drowned by the huge yellow flame, almost making no visual effect.

It would be awesome to have a yellow and blue light effect around character.


● Sigil of Air - lightning.

The visual effect on this is almost invisible.

It's almost impossible to tell when it took effect.

Is it possible to make the lightning bolt bigger and have a purple colour to it in order to be visible?


● Equinox Weapons.

Is it possible to make these weapons look more metallic or woody and less plastic?

I really like this weapon set, but they look a bit like plastic toys?

Perhaps increasing the glow a bit too?


● Trinkets.

These items could also have the option to be displayed.

It would be really cool to see some of my characters with earrings and necklaces; or have the option to display rings instead of gloves.


Thanks for your time.

Keep up the good work.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
Meant Sigil not Rune
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13 hours ago, MikeG.6389 said:

Huh? PvE showers you with rewards, even if you take reward tracks in PvP and WvW into account, let alone without them.

Oh, I agree. I'm just stating that I'm not against this idea. A reward track seems more interesting than an experience bar that ends in a spirit shard at the bottom of the screen.

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Hey guys, I recently stopped playing Final Fantasy 14 and I realized a few things which could be pretty cool in GW2 aswell. In FF14 you were able to right-click someone and examine them. Meaning I could see what their gear level and what Transmogs they use for their gear.

I find that pretty cool for GW2 aswell. But since I know GW2 doesn't like "gear-check" how about still give that preview of other player what they wear incase I like their fashion? You could show the preview without any sort of stats so I only see how the item is called. I find myself often enough seeing cool looking armor of other people but I even thou I play since 9 years lose track of that kind of gear it is. It would be awesome to have that in-game to find out easier 🙂

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