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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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currently, in options, were are given the choice to show either health points or health percentage. in enemy healthbars.


please give us the option to include BOTH health points AND percentage on enemy healthbars. 

please also give us the option to show BOTH breakbar health AND percentage on enemy breakbars.


and also to show them individually and to turn them all off as well.

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Can we have a way to see all newly released skins in the bank wardrobe from the most current update. Such as having them highlighted, or having a newly released tab. Or have an option to show the skins in order of updates rather than alphabetical.

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#1 Arborstone, Eye of the North and Strike missions: currently these maps only let you pick either non EoD strikes if you are in EotN or only pick EoD strikes when in Arborstone, why? They are both central hubs, it makes no sense having to switch maps to access all strikes, it's a needless extra step, it's annoying.


#2 Research Notes: currently there's only 1 way to get these and it feels bad, you have to salvage crafted items, essentially clicking 250 times a stack on the strawberry food method ( where's the salvage all button?) or crafting armor pieces. You do realize there's people that don't have any idea how to do any of that? Can't we add research notes to chests at jp's and onto meta events, the chests at the end of meta events, and just regular events? I'd even be more okay with it if we could trade imperial favors for the research notes, or something else.


#3 Harvest Temple: it's no secret this strike is considerably longer and harder than every strike mission currently in the game, some people actually consider it to be the CM version, look I get it, it's a great fight, challenging, but it's incredibly obvious it's way too long for regular mode and the only reason any1 is ever gonna do it is because of the mastery point/achievement for doing it, most people will not chose to repeat it, rather skip it. I like the mechanics, it is fun, it's just way too long. I'd rather do Cold War and I already don't do Cold War if I dont have to. I play the other 3 EoD strikes, don't have a problem with those.


Feel free to add on here boys and girls, I want to see what the reward changes for metas before deciding if that still needs improved or not and I'm sure I'll think of more stuff.

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Agreed, this is a necessity considering the amount of research pages needed for multiple things from recipes to skins to jade bot enhancements and legendaries, you end up having to make thousands of clicks. It would at least be nice to know if it's going to be implemented because I don't know if I should just wait for it or use an auto-clicker which I would rather not use even if it's not against tos...


It's kinda bizarre it's not there since it's a salvage kit clearly intended to be used on bulk stuff, makes me feel like it was intended and somehow didn't end up there because someone forgot before expansion launched x)

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General QoL Improvement Suggestions

1)  Ways to Free Inventory of Unnecessary Clutter

  • a.  A library for books you collect pages for / from collections, such as "Your Awakened Ancestor and You".
  • b.  A "Key Items" inventory for items necessary to the story, such as the dwarven finger...
  • c.  Add remaining keys to wallet or make a "key ring"
  • Keys I know that still stack in inventory are:
  • *Dwarven Keys
  • *Ornate Rusted Keys
  • *Essences of Nightmare and Keys of Greater Nightmare (rather than having to click, maybe just automate converting 25 Essences into Greater when that many are acquired)
  • d.  Allow the Season Portal Tomes to be combined into a Mega Portal Tome and reduce it from 4 (counting EoD) to 1 inventory slot?
  • e.  Store Skins (e.g. a weapon or armor skin) with a "charge", and if you have 0 charges for that skin that you own (have unlocked), you use a Transmutation Charge to pay for it.

That way, Skins get removed from inventory and you can always use what you acquired / bought, and not have to consider actually deleting the skin due to bank space management.

2)  More Shared Inventory Slots!

I will give you my money.  Please, take it...  But, really, with the number of items in existence that you would want to put in there:  permanent Passes / convenience places, Home Portal Stone, World Boss Portal Device, Ley Energy Converter, Salvagers, Portal Scrolls for all Seasons +EoD, Maguuma Pact Operation Portal Device...  I'm not going to even count the food or permanent harvesting tools all characters may use.  hahaha!  These slots run out very quickly and it's been awhile since we've had an increase.  May we have some more?

3)  Glyphs you can buy separately

I love the permanent harvesting tools.  I have bought duplicates of many just for the specific glyphs that they have.  I have never, ever gotten a glyph from a BL chest.  May we have a way to buy the glyphs separately / add them on rotation to the Statuette merchant, etc., besides just TP?

4)  A "Favorites" List for Crafting

There's some things I'll craft daily, rather frequently, or maybe I'm working on a Legendary and I'm going to forget what that recipe I was working on was called.  Rather than having to search for it every time, it would be nice to have a Favorites (or multiples, even, that you can organize!) list to add them to.

5)  Hopes and Dreams

a.  More plant armor!  Sylvari are my favorite.  Plant armor's my favorite.  It's time for more variety so we can make.... more plant armor sets!  Even a single additional set for all armor types could go a long way.  We could probably use more variety of all racial armor.

b.  More faces, hair styles, body types, etc.  We see this come expansion time, but very rarely in-between.

  • *Where is the butt-long hair for everyone, female OR male?
  • *Why is there no pink tattoo color for Norns?
  • *Why was it hard to make a pink Sylvari?  Most pattern tones are too dark to look right on the light pink skin color.  A revisit of all skin/pattern tones of all races would be good.  I thought pink would be one of the easiest and was a bit surprised to find it actually was not (I am happy with my pink Sylvari, btw.  lol!).
  • *Even the thinnest human male feels thick.  The thinnest of the Sylvari males feel much better.  Most of my characters are as tiny or thin as they can be, so take that for what you will.

c.  Unicorn, Alicorn, and Pegasus mounts!

I speak not of the chimera that sometimes shows up on the store.  Something more normal, or like the unicorn from the movie The Last Unicorn (my personal favorite kind of unicorn).  Maybe you've already even planned this, but even a Kirin mount's a good start.

Thanks for listening to your players!

Edited by Valiare.9231
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The old town clothing outfits are really cute. Please could there be a way for new/returning players to buy these outfits? Especially a way to buy them without having to hope someone still has an old tonic that they might put up on market. Saw a post once that they were able to be bought with Black Lion Statuettes, but that does not seem to still be the case. Please can there be a way to purchase these outfits?

Edited by whtcrow.1396
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1 hour ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

You have to buy Endless Tonics at Trading Post, and then exchange it — Black Lion Exchange Specialist or Black Lion Trader (LA).

The Trading Post (auction hall) is just items that other players have and are willing to sell. The endless tonics are  old discontinued items. Some people just happen to still have one to sell.

My request was for Guildwars to re-introduce the clothing/endless tonics into active play again and actively sell them from a merchant or otherwise so we could purchase them- vs from other players and hoping that someone online might have an old one that they may be willing to sell.

Edited by whtcrow.1396
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Does anyone know if the Dev's have spoken about this? Or do I have to go out and buy a cheap mouse just for this purpose so as to not destroy my expensive mouse? Why was this even implemented this way? Every other Salvage Kit is able to right-click salvage all, and considering the amount you would need for most EoD items it seems like a huge misstep on Anet's part. 

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4 minutes ago, Hellbore.1473 said:

Does anyone know if the Dev's have spoken about this? Or do I have to go out and buy a cheap mouse just for this purpose so as to not destroy my expensive mouse? Why was this even implemented this way? Every other Salvage Kit is able to right-click salvage all, and considering the amount you would need for most EoD items it seems like a huge misstep on Anet's part. 

I found a "throw away" mouse for this purpose. lol

This does not feel like intended gameplay.

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Ever open a stack of desert crafting material coffers?


Okay, okay, it does seem like an oversight. However I think they intended these to be used on gear. I salvaged 40-50 pieces of gear that gave 75-100 pages each and rued the fact that my salvage kit takes up a slot of inventory space since then.

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13 minutes ago, ens.9854 said:

Ever open a stack of desert crafting material coffers?


Okay, okay, it does seem like an oversight. However I think they intended these to be used on gear. I salvaged 40-50 pieces of gear that gave 75-100 pages each and rued the fact that my salvage kit takes up a slot of inventory space since then.

There is also the cost per note factor. If you simply want to reduce the number of clicks but don't care about price ascended weapon and armor can get you something like 200 notes per salvage

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Many of us female players want more feminine outfits or armor skins, many are just like....yea, shoes and legs especially.

Also some of us would love either a back piece that is like a cat, lion or animal tail or even an extra slot for something like this, you have bat wings and horns why not demon tail.

Overall we would like more fashion and character customization.

I would love to help work with a design team to come up with some ideas if you need.

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Yes, a salvage stack option would be great. Anet should also bring back bowl of applesauce and loaf of bread as salvageable items while they're at it, or at least tell us at what price point they want 1 research note to be worth, so we're not wasting our time on items that, out of the blue, with no warning, get hit with the nerfhammer, as we can't mind read what Anet's intentions are with each individual item. I still have 29.2g of applesauce on my guardian and was waiting for a salvage stack option, as I didn't want to get RSI in my hands from all the clicking - but instead, out of the blue, the very next day, both the loaf of bread and bowl of applesauce get nerfed without any warning, leaving me 29.2g out of pocket, and my guardian with a whole bunch of useless applesauce - and I don't see Anet refunding me for it either. It was NOT cool for Anet to do that.

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5 hours ago, ens.9854 said:

Ever open a stack of desert crafting material coffers?


Okay, okay, it does seem like an oversight. However I think they intended these to be used on gear. I salvaged 40-50 pieces of gear that gave 75-100 pages each and rued the fact that my salvage kit takes up a slot of inventory space since then.

Let’s be honest, desert crafting material coffers often end up being destroyed anyway. 

That’s actually very true, salvaging stacks low-tier toxic crystals or maintenance oils was most likely not the intended way to use research kits. And it could be that the absence of a ‘salvage all’ is to deter from doing this. If this is confirmed to be the case, I’m fine with that. But as you say, I feel like it’s more of an oversight given that most salvaging kits have the option. 

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I propose an Achievement Mode for story, to make getting story achievements more focused on the challenge itself (e.g. you don't have to get it right the 1st time or slog through repeat story to get to the right point to attempt it again).

How I imagine it working is something like this: You have an interface where you can jump into various parts in the story before where an achievement occurs and can pick the point in it based on which achievements you still need. This way of jumping into the story would not affect the current story you are on or give rewards (apart from the rewards relating to successful completion of achievements). You go into it, make an attempt and if you fail or succeed with all the achievements in that area, you leave.

I also propose such being account wide access (e.g. if one character has completed a story chapter, then Achievement Mode for that chapter is unlocked for all characters). This way you can readily tackle a challenge on the character of your choice, so you can try different approaches.

I realize this may be asking a lot of development resources, but I think it would make it far more compelling dealing with the achievements system for story chapters. As it is now, I simply don't engage with it much because of how long it would take to backtrack just to re-attempt some achievements and I've read of others having similar issues.

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