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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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7 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Nothing in my post is misleading though? If you buy GW1 through Steam and GW2 through Steam, you (currently) can't link the two and access the related rewards. I think that's a shame, and it would be a good thing to fix if possible. I keep meeting new players who joined through Steam who weren't aware of this when they got the game and so decided to switch over to the ArenaNet version as a result. Better to get that out of the way 2 months into playing instead of 2 years and countless dollars in.

If they make linking possible for Steam users at some point in the future, that'd be great.

Yes, my post does state that HoM rewards require playing/linking GW1, something that you can do at any time even if you play GW2 first. In fact, that's the way I discovered and ultimately purchased GW1, by enjoying the second game and seeing a section of rewards dedicated to owning and playing the first game. Most of the people I know who own GW1 also did it in this order (the others being OG players who had GW1 when it was new and migrated here after). You already get a nice selection of armor skins just from account linking, so to me that already makes it worth the effort.

This thread is about the dragon mini and 2FA, but it also brought to mind other the limitations on Steam accounts, hence my bringing up the HoM to begin with. It's just another one of those things I'd appreciate knowing about as a newer player instead of finding out years down the line and being unable to do anything about it.

That's great and all, but read the post where they quoted you, and see if you come away believing that they understood that, because I didn't.  They just added more to their "list".

Edited by robertthebard.8150
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I'm in agreement with OP. While I do know that the game is relatively new on steam, they should of look at 2FA reward and rewards for linking the two games together as an option for steam users. I for one, would also love to play and experience GW1 on steam knowing that I have the ability to gain select cosmetics to use on GW2 without worry of needing to redo everything outside of steam.

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1 minute ago, robertthebard.8150 said:

That's great and all, but read the post where they quoted you, and see if you come away believing that understood that, because I didn't.  They just added more to their "list".

Okay, lets not stray from the main topic anymore as it's getting out of hand and apparently confused me. We'll worry about gw1 stuff for another time and I'll look more into this. All I'm focused on is making steam users be able to access same benefits through the website including getting the mini mystical dragon because that item should not be exclusive at all.

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Just now, Lilya Athena.9035 said:

Okay, lets not stray from the main topic anymore as it's getting out of hand and apparently confused me. We'll worry about gw1 stuff for another time and I'll look more into this. All I'm focused on is making steam users be able to access same benefits through the website including getting the mini mystical dragon because that item should not be exclusive at all.

it's literally 1 mini....if that upsets you that much, I got bad news for you, thers alot of cosmetics/titles you won't be able to get. The game is over 10 years old after all....Also it was your choice to play on steam, the game is free either with steam or without it...I'm starting to feel like the entire steam launch was a massive waste of time 

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6 minutes ago, Sarius.9285 said:

it's literally 1 mini....if that upsets you that much, I got bad news for you, thers alot of cosmetics/titles you won't be able to get. The game is over 10 years old after all....Also it was your choice to play on steam, the game is free either with steam or without it...I'm starting to feel like the entire steam launch was a massive waste of time 

I'm not complaining about ten years of stuff I was not here for because I'm new. I'm pointing out that we should have the same access to stuff on the website. Please don't jump to conclusions. It's about same benefits, not hand me everything I missed for ten years. If they bring those back out then awesome, cool. But if you have an item that is permanent on their website we should have access too.

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On 12/27/2022 at 10:37 PM, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

"hey guys! So... 3 years ago, I decided to leave the game and to do so I deleted my only character who was still wearing her Legendary Armor (WvW), 4 legendary weapons (Eternity, Bifrost, Kamohoali'i Kotaki and Kraitkin), Warbringer, Aurora plus a lot of expensive things like the permanent hairstyle contract, 5 32-slot bags, the 3 unlimited salvage kits and the unlimited gathering tools... So, hmm... Think you can restore them for me, pretty please 🥺"



I would say that dont sound like a accidental deletion, more like a lets delete all my stuff so I dont get the urge to come back.

You made your choice 3 years ago live with it.

There is a totaly different view if it was 1h-week ago depending on how often you play.

And about the deleting infinite tools do note that they cant see what glyphs you got in them so if it is not a tool that come with a glyph do take screen shots of them in your bag ( that way they cant say you moved a glyph bettwen tools before screen shots) so you can prove you had said glyphs bound on your account before the deletion.

I lost a glyph of the forester (Dreamcleaver Logging Axe) and unbound (Jack-in-the-Box Scythe) that way awhile back.

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6 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

I would say that dont sound like a accidental deletion, more like a lets delete all my stuff so I dont get the urge to come back.

I never said it was accidental. What you describe is exactly what happened.

and like I said, I accidentally delete a set of tools once but decided not to bother support cuz it's not their fault we take dumb decisions like deleting characters without checking and double checking they have nothing equipped.

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ANet, isn't about time you gave us customisation for UI?

One example is that sometimes we have way too many little icon of boosters, boons, attunement, among many others, and it shots all the way to the far right of the screen and behind the map.

Imo, this not only looks naf, but we have to constantly make the mini map as short as possible in order to see what's going on.


An idea as an optional alternative; and mind that I said optional, is to have the boons made into very tiny little icons and placed under character's name.

However, the best thing you could do for the players is to give us full resize and drag ui at our like.

For instance, some players would like to have the mini map on top right or left of the screen.

The health and endurance could have different styles and colours.

Some people like to have a green bar for health instead of a red circle.

Some people like to have a blue side bar for endurance, rather than a yellow arch like shape. 

I think you get the idea.


Second issue.

In WvW, the territory lines blue and green are not very distinguishable from one another.

If you don't mind very much, could you please darken the blue a little, and make green more of an olive or army type green?

Which leads me to my next suggestion.

Would the answer to improve WvW be adding a fourth team to all maps?

So instead of 3 home teams, we'll have 4 homes.

The 4th one could be yellow or purple colours.

Also, I don't know if you ever got to read or considered my suggestion about adding the Siege Turtle to WvW?


Please may I request again to add coloured symbols to Guild Ranks?


Thanks guys.

Happy new year to all.

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Can we get a Day skin and Night skin for weapons like Sharur that change during the night? Sharur skin specifically removes the cool arm glow at night which was alot of the appeal to me getting it.

Like unlocking the weapon gives 3 appearances, Day locked to day version, Night locked to night version and the normal one that transforms depending on the time.

Edited by Bookah pls.9352
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Give people who own a storage-expansion the ability to create inventory stacks of the same size. And allow them to stack/split things like gathering tools and salvage-kits to the same stack sizes. But leave the 250-stacks for mailing untouched.

Let us ping our personal map-marks. Whoever clicks on the link gets auto-scrolled to the area and sees the red flashing '!'
There are a lot of important areas which neither have a POI/Waypoint/Vista.

Allow targeting for mapchat. So we can click on the target link and get autoscrolled to the location with a boss-icon that is visible for 5 seconds. 

Disable the target-feature for the Winter Wonderland.

Fix the transformation-potions as you have promised in your patchnotes. We still have to write out the full name for deletion.

Allow chair-novelties in WvW.

Add basic fish to all maps where we can only fish junk at the moment (including instances).

Add a swap-seat button for the turtle mount. It looks the mount in position and gives the pilot control over the cannon. Add a cooldown for swapping seats so it cannot be abused.

Make mounting up into a turtle of another player more complicated. Use an onscreen prompt that cannot be skipped by pressing enter. Same treatment for ALL toy-boxes and other stuff that is commonly used for trolling people.

Give us a preferred-option for the United Legions Waystation, which allows us to pick our preferred item by pressing F twice in a row. Or just enable it for the EMP. 

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fashion QOL : fashion is a big part of our game, essentially it is one of the most ultimate forms of gw2 endgame with the lack of vertical gear progression. it's also a big hotspot for monetization and a way for players to support their developers, ANET please upgrade the already existing wardrobe system to even greater heights, so that this game's customization can be more vocalized in the mmo space, here are two of my suggestions.

request 1 : please find a way to let character model hair to synergize with helmets that would otherwise hide the hair. there's so much jank considering how many collectibles skins in this game hide your.. hair, where collecting skins is the endgame. 

request 2 : add a fashion based equipment/wardrobe slot for masks, eye masks, face paint etc. that way they can be used along with helmets in the game.
the eye infusions were a good step in the right direction, while it's still expensive and inaccessible to large portion of the community due to its rarity, we're seeing more creative steps and content being generated around meshing eye infusions, helmets, outfits.

reference FFXIV, they allow beautiful hair to flow through helmets, though primitive and limited on some aspects they have the tech to allow accessories and glasses to be worn with helmet gear, we should look at other games and see what areas they do well, they built a massive following on fashion, have bigger fashion communities than us dedicated to the craft, why can't we? there's still a reason why despite how much better the fashion systems are in here, people keep raving about glamours and transmogs. we gotta give and take.

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Ich hoffe ich Poste hier richtig.

Ich hätte einen kleinen Vorschlag für Guild wars 2. 

und zwar find ich die Gilden Rüstung ziemlich cool jedoch ist das Wappen drauf wenn man sie ausgerüstet hat.

Das sieht dann nicht mehr so cool aus aber wenn man dann ohne Wappen das Design haben möchte muss man der Gilde Repräsentieren somit ist man in keiner Gilde mehr und hat die ganzen Bonis nicht kitten. #

Klar ist der Sin einer Gilden Rüstung das man sie Repräsentiert und somit ein Wappen sichtbar ist trotzdem würde es sehr cool sein ,wenn man bei der Gildenrüstung einen Hacken hätte (Ausrüstung ) das man den Wappen deaktivieren oder aktivieren könnte.


ich hoffe jemand aus den Guild wars 2Team ließt dies hier und kann es umsetzen..

Es ist nur was kleines aber auch kleine Dinge sind wichtig 🙂

Mit Freundlichen Grüßen 

Ein Guild Wars 2 Spieler

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5 minutes ago, ScHaCo.6837 said:


Ich hoffe ich Poste hier richtig.

Ich hätte einen kleinen Vorschlag für Guild wars 2. 

und zwar find ich die Gilden Rüstung ziemlich cool jedoch ist das Wappen drauf wenn man sie ausgerüstet hat.

Das sieht dann nicht mehr so cool aus aber wenn man dann ohne Wappen das Design haben möchte muss man der Gilde Repräsentieren somit ist man in keiner Gilde mehr und hat die ganzen Bonis nicht kitten. #

Klar ist der Sin einer Gilden Rüstung das man sie Repräsentiert und somit ein Wappen sichtbar ist trotzdem würde es sehr cool sein ,wenn man bei der Gildenrüstung einen Hacken hätte (Ausrüstung ) das man den Wappen deaktivieren oder aktivieren könnte.


ich hoffe jemand aus den Guild wars 2Team ließt dies hier und kann es umsetzen..

Es ist nur was kleines aber auch kleine Dinge sind wichtig 🙂

Mit Freundlichen Grüßen 

Ein Guild Wars 2 Spieler

From google translate:


I hope I am posting this in the correct place.
I have a little suggestion for Guild Wars 2.

I find the guild armor pretty cool, but the coat of arms is on it when you have it equipped.

It doesn't look so cool anymore, but if you want the design without a crest, you have to represent the guild, so you're not in a guild anymore and don't have all the bonuses. #

Of course, the purpose of a guild armor is that you represent it and thus a coat of arms is visible, but it would be very cool if you had a hook for the guild armor (equipment) that you could activate or deactivate the coat of arms.
Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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For a long time, I hadn't bothered purchasing most of the Dragon's End Legendary recipes.  I mostly focused on building up materials instead, until about a week ago.  I figured I had collected plenty materials and started buying the recipes.  I bought about 6 or 7 of them, then started clicking on them to learn the recipes.  It said that one (the Dragon axe) that I had bought I already knew!  I'm not sure if I found it as a treasure from a kill, or I had bought it before I decided to hold off on buying the recipes, or what.  But I found I was unable to sell the recipe back to the merchant I had just bought it from.


Why is this not allowed in the game?  Those recipes are quite expensive, it would have been nice to sell that one back to the vender and chosen another one.  I know that in this case it was my fault for not watching more carefully to see the red lettered "You already know this recipe", but I didn't think I knew any of them yet and I got sloppy.  But I feel merchants should buy back the items they sell to you, even if there is a bit of a loss incurred for the player's mistake for doing so.

Edited by Samurai.9567
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I agree, and I'd be satisfied with a 10 min return period or something like that.  Long enough for me to go oopsie when I get overzealous or misclick, realize the mistake, and then be able to exchange it.   Sometimes, no matter how much we read and pay attention, some latency or sloppy fingers betray us.  

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