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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Three ideas for LFG:


1. Favorite button and category;

2. An option (a little button at the same window) to hide vertically all categories after choose one; that helps you see the movement in LFG in a little window while you continuously play; and

3. Another button to "big alert" when you are another window, like pvp does, for you group in LFG movement... When its full, for example.

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I'd like the ability to set storage limits on each of the material storage panels.  So, if i have the capacity to store 1000 pieces but I don't use cooking, but do create the occasional dye kit I could set the cooking panel to 250.  Don't have a guild hall so the Scribe panel could be set to 0.  The values would be from 0 and increase in 250 blocks to the maximum you have bought.

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53 minutes ago, Zeno Iagara.8540 said:

I'd like the ability to set storage limits on each of the material storage panels.  So, if i have the capacity to store 1000 pieces but I don't use cooking, but do create the occasional dye kit I could set the cooking panel to 250.  Don't have a guild hall so the Scribe panel could be set to 0.  The values would be from 0 and increase in 250 blocks to the maximum you have bought.

Why just sell everything in cooking and scribe section on the tp bud.

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53 minutes ago, Zeno Iagara.8540 said:

I'd like the ability to set storage limits on each of the material storage panels.  So, if i have the capacity to store 1000 pieces but I don't use cooking, but do create the occasional dye kit I could set the cooking panel to 250.  Don't have a guild hall so the Scribe panel could be set to 0.  The values would be from 0 and increase in 250 blocks to the maximum you have bought.

But what would be the purpose of that?

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Can you make hairstyles part of the gear template tabs?

For instance, in...

Tab 1.

Long blonde hair

Berserkers Gear


Tab 2.

Short Black Hair

Vipers Gear



Including changeable hairstyles that are kept saved in each tab will allow us to create alter egos for our characters, and also motivating players to buy more self hairstyle kits, armour, weapons, etc.. etc...

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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42 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Why just sell everything in cooking and scribe section on the tp bud.

I took the goal to be that when you send mats to storage, they wouldn’t go if you’ve hit your limit. That way you don’t have to go through and decide which mats you want each time you clear inventory. If you set a mat at 250, and it doesn’t go to storage, you know you have that much and can sell.

I can see the value in the idea. It would let you spend time figuring out which mats you want to keep and sell, and then somewhat automate that process so you don’t have to remember it every time you clear inventory.

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6 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I took the goal to be that when you send mats to storage, they wouldn’t go if you’ve hit your limit. That way you don’t have to go through and decide which mats you want each time you clear inventory. If you set a mat at 250, and it doesn’t go to storage, you know you have that much and can sell.

I can see the value in the idea. It would let you spend time figuring out which mats you want to keep and sell, and then somewhat automate that process so you don’t have to remember it every time you clear inventory.

hover over materail see how much is in storage sell on tp if to much in your oppinon

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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

hover over materail see how much is in storage sell on tp if to much in your oppinon

Yeah, I get it. It would just streamline things a bit. There are a lot of different kinds of materials and recipes in the game. I could see how it would be nice to spend time with the wiki figuring out what things you want to accumulate and what you don’t, set totals, and not have to worry about it in the middle of a meta when your bags are getting full and you need to clear space.

I’m not saying the game desperately needs the suggestion, but I could see how it would simplify mat management.

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2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Yeah, I get it. It would just streamline things a bit.

Clicking on "deposit in material storage" in the top right of the inventory and then selling in stacks once in a while seems like way easier and more streamlined way to do it.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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GW1 support full Japanese input so why can't GW2?

In Gw2 you cannot type using ひらがな "Hiragana" and "Katakana" カタカナ but it does have Kanji input support 漢字

Arenanet, can you please add full Japanese kana support back into the game so we can type Japanese with our friends while we play together? It sucks that we can't.



Edited by DreamyAbaddon.3265
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While being able to disable visibility of allies' visual effects is nice, we need a slider to adjust the visibility of ALL visual effects (player's own visual effects, enemy monster visual effects, infusions, etc.).

I can't play certain specs (such as Homosmith) because they constantly spam bright flashing lights.

I can't use the Pharus because drawing the bow produces a big bright flashing pillar of light.

I can't do the Ley-Line Anomaly events because the event spams bright flashing lights.

Some players troll with blinding radio active infusions.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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Firstly, it is warming seeing all the upgrades of tge game, fix, enhancements along reading about the plans for the future. So it is nice to see the support and future plans. :)

Through, in 10 years, there is still something that stayed the same.

I have 13 characters, asura, charrs, norn, humans... I like them all. But I also like having a different profession spec for each.

Sadly, the specs I like the most, the medium ones, when I create a character I can't hide the annoyance and disapointment knowing I will not have as much armors mix and match customization as others.

I created so many nice designs with my light and heavy characters but medium....

It is always the same, trenchcoats, pants that doesn't look as amazing as other weight... come on. Take the bladed armor... either putting another torso and see the pants doing nothing, or being forced to have the whole suit. And this is this pain for EVERYTHING.

It feeks so annoying at a point of thinking that my engie will be better with heavy skins.


Sadly, I do truly understand the fear of devs of anyone working on those of clipping issues. But frankly, lastly I found some rare light and heavy mixes with clipping issues and I found it was looking well on my characters.

I wonder, couldn't all medium chest just be like, cut when at belt level, and letting all the thing under being part of the pants skin?

Yeah. I know it will be some work. But come on. I will never be enough grateful to devs, for bringing back LS1, marionette, and even... old lion's arch! ;D Should I speak about SAB world 3 preview? Those last two years were amazing.


And here today. Really. I just have one request for GW2. A changing great QoL, fixing Medium armor. Being finally mix and matchable. Allowing medium looks never made before.

I have 3 engies. A ranger and a daredevil. But more than the other half is light or heavy specs. I start going in round with medium knowing that using a transmut charge for leggings is useless, all looking the same or hidden by the chest piece taking over the whole body.... sure chest are nice... aetherblade, dungeon ones, the one crafting... but I just which I could put a leggings that do show themselves. 

.... come on. I search bladed legging medium... even on google the image show the whole armor and not just legs even wiki use full armor.... what is the point if the bottom isn't separated from top? This is literally scamming 1 SLOT of armor pieces.


Honestly. This is it. I would like this option to separate bottom and top.. putting bladed chest with aetherblade bottom of trwnchcoat... having a bandit top with a full funerary bottom.... having this selecrable to have current version or this mux and match one.


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Please get rid of transmutation charges. Charge in game gold or at the very least, if you're going to keep them, make them rewards for doing open world PVE events. It sucks the only real way to get them is to do WvW, which is a mode that not everyone wants to play. 

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6 hours ago, PaiiiiN.4089 said:

Adding achievement that once your account break certain value(Account value that can be viewed on gw2efficiency) ,it lift the money limit you withdraw from mail, which making the buy/sell easier.

Except they want you to use tp, so implementing initiatives to skip tp usage probably isn't in line with dev's goals here.

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It's a small point. But a crucial one. No cat outfit is complete without Toe Beans. I have not confirmed this on any model out the outfit apart from Asura, but the plain bottom to the shoes lacks toes and is therefore 73% less adorable. The math on this is incontrovertible and must be remedied immediately. Thank you.

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can you remove the level requirement on legendary gear and make it work like the "Bloodbound Weapons"?

one of the biggest turndowns while making a new character and trying to level up normally is having to change gear every so often and while leveling using Tomes of knowledge solves this, it has its own drawbacks (like not having a "break" between story chapters, breaking immersion or just feeling too strong).

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8 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

can you remove the level requirement on legendary gear and make it work like the "Bloodbound Weapons"?

one of the biggest turndowns while making a new character and trying to level up normally is having to change gear every so often and while leveling using Tomes of knowledge solves this, it has its own drawbacks (like not having a "break" between story chapters, breaking immersion or just feeling too strong).

That’s not a good idea. While leveling you constantly get new gear and below 80 gear isn’t even that important. 

Edited by vares.8457
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