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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Oh, those "poor" rich people and their inability to sell items for gazillions of gold. I feel so sad for them.

There shouldn't be items having such high prices to begin with. ArenaNet shouldn't catter to greedy players. Items do not have a tag on them with what they're worth, the greedy players that try to sell them for too much are the real problem. No item should cost more than 1-2k gold. More than that it's just pure greedy.

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What if  , rather than people getting fixated about  Gold Per Min events on 3rd party sites and choosing what is best , people could check a daily Stocks NPCs  that has :

a) Complete 3 events of your choice (multiple options - starts at 14:00 server time) and you will get rewarded with 5g Box of gold every 30 min , for the rest of 3 hours . If you complete the event sooner ,you get +10%

b) Choose another set of options (cannot join the first set) for 10 g (or 6g + a currency of their choice)  per 30 min , the buff  is extended into 6 hours 

b) New accounts , when they step into an invisible line near the low lvl World bosses areas , trigger a special event for the rest of the community to gather and extent the buff 

It is almost the same as the Daily Vault mechanic , but the community chooses  and know where other  peopleat any  time .


There is 2 drawbacks , where people with alts will try to squeeze out the mechanic , and people that can complete an Event such as instances in 10 min will be punished .

Maybe those underpowered events should be brought up , because of  powercreep , and offer some extra gold  ?


Merry Christmas 

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17 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

how do you know it will work this way, and even if it did why does it matter?  IF thats the price of the item, thats the price of the item.  THe way it is now, is that said item is NEVER available in game and then if u want it you have to go to guilds that sell it for 10-20k and trade them in items and you run the risk of being scammed.  SO i dont see how thats better

The longer a game is around, the more you will have players with near infinite resources compared to others. To these players, the TP numbers are just another game and don't really have an impact on them anymore. So prices can increase without bound and it won't affect them as much as it would someone who just started last year. This isn't exactly the healthiest of economies to maintain. 

Not that it is perfect now. (We could really use some better tools to see how things are selling and a cleanup of buy offers that have been sitting on there since 2012.) But just uncapping things and letting the numbers soar doesn't feel like we'd be moving in the right direction.

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I do too believe that certain items, at least the lower tier ones should have a price cap, and should not go above a set value.

What this does as it is now, is people abusing the current system and placing low value items in tp for an obscene amount of gold for reasons unknown. 

All we can do is speculate; but not going to throw wild accusations.

However, after some players shed some light in that exact same question that I had, as to why people place low tier weapons at a price the same as legendaries, it got me thinking and realise the obvious reason they do it.

If my theory is right, then what they are doing is extremely illegal and against the game's policy.

Having a price cap would definitely stop that; or at least reduce the amount of players doing it.

Question is: Should price cap be applied to legendaries too?

Knowing some people just spend real money in gems to trade for gold in order to obtain one?

I think price cap would improve the natural flow of things.

Apply it to every item up to rares or exotics, and just leave legendaries as they are.

I'm a bit fed up with having stashes of worthless tier 1 and 2 materials in my bank.

Having to sell them to a merchant because nobody wants them from tp.

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There is noting "illegal" or against the Terms of Service of the game for putting low level items at ridiculous prices. You could put a fairly common blue or green level iron axe on the TP at 10,000g if you wanted to.... no one would buy it, and it would cost you 500g just to list it, but there is nothing in the terms preventing you from wasting your own gold to do something like that.

On the issue of mats no one wants, placing caps would have no effect. A low cap would just mean that you can not sell below that level, even if people are willing to buy at below that level.... and listing at the cap does not net you any money, it just costs you the listing fee for essentially long term storage. A great example of the absolute failure of low caps is Nougat Centers, which are capped at 30 copper lowest selling price..... there are over 34 MILLION waiting to be sold at that price.

The only way ANET could (and really SHOULD!!!) address low demand items is to add new recipes or sinks that use those items. For example, if they put something worth while in the game which needed say 25 Nougat Centers then the demand would go up for those, allowing them to actually sell. If it was something desired, the 34M pool of available at base price would get used rather quickly. Similarly, if they put something in the game to convert say 25 or 50 Congealed Putrescence (currently 6.8 million at 2 copper) into something like Research Notes, those would also sell out quickly since Research Notes now have a fairly large use in SotO expansion.

There really is zero need for a top cap though. It is really only there cause you have to put some form of a limitation on things.

If you look at the things which are currently listed for 10,000 gold, they are all items which were either discontinued years ago (items which were either replaced, renamed, or for some other reason can no longer be acquired organically but are still allowed to be owned) or are only obtainable via like black lion chests, and have not been part of the chest options in years making them super rare.

To address that issue (things being sold at 10K gold) the solution is not an artificial cap on what you are allowed to sell at.... it is for ANET to make them able to be acquired again or easier than they already are. We know this to be true by the way things have already gone in the game. For example, at one point the Permafrost dye was over 1600 gold, then it started being gotten as a rare drop in game as well as via black lion chests in 2018 and the price plummeted, getting as low as 66 gold earlier this year.

In fact, if ANET added back in some way to acquire those items currently listed at more than 5K gold, no only would those prices drop fast, but all those people who wasted 500 gold to list something for a flex would realize what a mistake they made flexing in such an absurd manner.

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Just now, DemonAtTheWheel.1804 said:

There is noting "illegal" or against the Terms of Service of the game for putting low level items at ridiculous prices.


That's not what I meant.

Doing it to increase the account value in order to sell it, is.

But as I said. It's mere speculation.

Just now, DemonAtTheWheel.1804 said:

You could put a fairly common blue or green level iron axe on the TP at 10,000g if you wanted to.... no one would buy it, and it would cost you 500g just to list it, but there is nothing in the terms preventing you from wasting your own gold to do something like that.
On the issue of mats no one wants, placing caps would have no effect. A low cap would just mean that you can not sell below that level, even if people are willing to buy at below that level.... and listing at the cap does not net you any money, it just costs you the listing fee for essentially long term storage. A great example of the absolute failure of low caps is Nougat Centers, which are capped at 30 copper lowest selling price..... there are over 34 MILLION waiting to be sold at that price.

The only way ANET could (and really SHOULD!!!) address low demand items is to add new recipes or sinks that use those items. For example, if they put something worth while in the game which needed say 25 Nougat Centers then the demand would go up for those, allowing them to actually sell. If it was something desired, the 34M pool of available at base price would get used rather quickly. Similarly, if they put something in the game to convert say 25 or 50 Congealed Putrescence (currently 6.8 million at 2 copper) into something like Research Notes, those would also sell out quickly since Research Notes now have a fairly large use in SotO expansion.

There really is zero need for a top cap though. It is really only there cause you have to put some form of a limitation on things.

If you look at the things which are currently listed for 10,000 gold, they are all items which were either discontinued years ago (items which were either replaced, renamed, or for some other reason can no longer be acquired organically but are still allowed to be owned) or are only obtainable via like black lion chests, and have not been part of the chest options in years making them super rare.

To address that issue (things being sold at 10K gold) the solution is not an artificial cap on what you are allowed to sell at.... it is for ANET to make them able to be acquired again or easier than they already are. We know this to be true by the way things have already gone in the game. For example, at one point the Permafrost dye was over 1600 gold, then it started being gotten as a rare drop in game as well as via black lion chests in 2018 and the price plummeted, getting as low as 66 gold earlier this year.

In fact, if ANET added back in some way to acquire those items currently listed at more than 5K gold, no only would those prices drop fast, but all those people who wasted 500 gold to list something for a flex would realize what a mistake they made flexing in such an absurd manner.

There's nothing illegal placing it at a high price, but it is annoying as everything. 

Having to use filters everytime you're browsing.

New recipes for low tier materials is actually a good idea, even if it's components for other items that could be sold at a higher price.

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- option to salvage unidentified items automatically after opening😰

- making bloodstone dusts, empyreal fragments and dragonite ores etc sellable to NPC 🥴

- not having to type to delete common items like mad snowball minis, mystic forge stones etc.

- loading screen not taking forever

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2 hours ago, Samnang.1879 said:

- making bloodstone dusts, empyreal fragments and dragonite ores etc sellable to NPC 🥴

- not having to type to delete common items like mad snowball minis, mystic forge stones etc.

#1.... bloodstone dust, empyreal fragments, and dragonite ore all have gobblers available via achievements.... the empyreal fragment one is only able to be gotten during Winter's Day, so if you do not have it yet, you may want to get it while there is still time this year. With the gobblers you will burn through your extra stock pile fairly fast (and get loot that is sellable)

-Empyreal fragments is Star of Gratitude... do the Grawk Munch achiev, followed by For The Childeren to get it.  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Grawnk_Munch

-Bloodstone Dust has 2; Herta and Mawdrey II. 

- Dragonite ore is Princess. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Princess

All three of them are also consumed by the Gleam of Sentience, which is acquired part of the way though the quest to get the Aurora legendary trinket, which requires Living World season 3 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aurora

#2.... fully agree on the typing to delete things.... HOWEVER, the Mystic Forge Stones are useful. Use them to create Mystic Salvage Kit, which is cheaper than most other salvage kit usage and also give results similar to the SilverFed Salvagomatic while being less expensive per use (10 copper vs 60 copper)  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Salvage_Kit

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1 hour ago, DemonAtTheWheel.1804 said:

As much as I would like the whole fishing experience to be changed, I'm not holding my breath.

Would be cool if they would allow you to use your mouse to stay "in the zone" rather than skill 2 and skill 3.

Would also be super cool if you could fish from underwater via spear/trident/harpoon

you can also use strafe left and right.

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I have a few QoL suggestions:

1. For collection items that are recorded in the account, and are already marked as "acquired", let them be tossed without the whole typing in their names part.  That prevents people from thinking they're still actually useful for something important.

2. For collection items that are USED in some capacity, indicate that capacity more consistently so they're not just tossed.  Some say "Crafting Material: (Profession) which is extremely helpful.  But others used in recipes or for creating other collection items often aren't clearly marked as such.

3. Another suggestion is a "library" in the home instance (or a special inventory area in the bank) for all the books that can be collected.  Some are needed for crafting, others for quests, and most are just "to read" and don't actually have value.  If that's not possible adding, "May discard after reading" would be a great thing to add to them.

4. All of the account-bound "keys" should be in the inventory wallet where the map keys are.  Like the tarnished keys, completed Aetherkeys, as well as things like black lion claim ticket and scraps.  Plus the new Proofs of Legend.  Individually, they're not that bad, but cumulatively, it adds up.

5. Finally, Tomes of Mentorship and unused writs of experience. 

The former are still possible to get, and the latter aren't.  Perhaps something can be done to utilize them for those who have as many characters as they want (or, like me, as they can possibly get in one account) and where they've all reached Level 80 already.  I like the idea of salvaging ToM's for a spirit shard. 

And maybe put the writs of experience in the Wizard's vault at a commensurate prorated cost for a Tome of Experience (say 1 astral cookie for 2 writs of experience as one example) so that extras can be used for something useful.

Three full panels of my completely maxed bank are full of this stuff, and I'd LOVE to weed them out.  I'd think having a space in the crafting items storage for the crafting items (or anything used in a "crafting" way) would be ideal, with "quest items" as a separate storage area like the wallet or even a new tab below the wardrobe storage in the account vault.

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49 minutes ago, mathion.8549 said:


5. Finally, Tomes of Mentorship and unused writs of experience. 

The former are still possible to get, and the latter aren't.  Perhaps something can be done to utilize them for those who have as many characters as they want (or, like me, as they can possibly get in one account) and where they've all reached Level 80 already.  I like the idea of salvaging ToM's for a spirit shard. 

And maybe put the writs of experience in the Wizard's vault at a commensurate prorated cost for a Tome of Experience (say 1 astral cookie for 2 writs of experience as one example) so that extras can be used for something useful.

Three full panels of my completely maxed bank are full of this stuff, and I'd LOVE to weed them out.  I'd think having a space in the crafting items storage for the crafting items (or anything used in a "crafting" way) would be ideal, with "quest items" as a separate storage area like the wallet or even a new tab below the wardrobe storage in the account vault.

You can turn 20 writs of experience into a tome of knowlage.

Other then that I ate all of them up on my weekly lvl 10 black lion key characters.

Edited by Linken.6345
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2 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

Apply the shrinking tonic effect on Charrs and Norns when they enter a JP area, they take up so much screen real estate. It's especially problematic on the Winter Wonderland puzzles since they can prevent you from seeing anything from their sheer bulk.

If it is done to characters automatically I think there would be a problem. Some players would not want it to happen.

If we had a way where only you see it and it is optional (like how the bobblehead item works), that would be fine by me.

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23 minutes ago, Tanek.5983 said:

If it is done to characters automatically I think there would be a problem. Some players would not want it to happen.

If they actively want to stay huge and thus grief other players by blocking their sight, they deserve to be shrunk down involuntarily.

But something similar to Mad King's Clock Tower, where every other player is transformed to prevent blocking the sight, would be also be a good solution.

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2 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

If they actively want to stay huge and thus grief other players by blocking their sight, they deserve to be shrunk down involuntarily.

But something similar to Mad King's Clock Tower, where every other player is transformed to prevent blocking the sight, would be also be a good solution.

With Clocktower it makes sense to do it with the wisps because you all need to be jumping together. In Winter you have more options. Personally, I like seeing all the other players jumping along the paths and think the experience would be worse if everyone else was a wisp. Again, if it is an optional thing only you see, that's fine.

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2 hours ago, Tanek.5983 said:

With Clocktower it makes sense to do it with the wisps because you all need to be jumping together. In Winter you have more options. Personally, I like seeing all the other players jumping along the paths and think the experience would be worse if everyone else was a wisp. Again, if it is an optional thing only you see, that's fine.

What? On all paths, you only have one option and on normal and expert this is further reduced to one option: Keep moving. Once you're on those snowflakes you have to get off them asap. The only option you have is to wait on the rest platform since waiting too long outside of that will kill you. My issue is the other players blocking my view on a timed activity where you need precision jumps. You know, the same thing as the Clock Tower. The main difference is that you can go right away if you mess up in Wonderland while you have to wait in the latter.

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5 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

Apply the shrinking tonic effect on Charrs and Norns when they enter a JP area, they take up so much screen real estate. It's especially problematic on the Winter Wonderland puzzles since they can prevent you from seeing anything from their sheer bulk.

While I can certainly see that a Norn or Charr player would actually benefit from being shrunk (cause the big toons are harder to use on JPs than the small ones, and Charr move funny), it being forced on ONLY those classes is wrong. An option to choose it would be preferred.

other options... just as absurd as forcing shrinking potions on specific races:

  • How bout you do JPs as a large toon and stop worrying about what other players do.
  • Force apply Endless Embiggening Tonic on all them puny Asura, Sylvari and Human toons so they are big and cumbersome like Norns, making the JP harder on them
  • Transmutate all players into generic Asura and apply cripple (so native Asura players are inconvenienced by the change too) for all JP zones

Yeah, all those absurd options suck.... so does forcing a shrink on larger players.

The only forced option that could be applied equally would be for a RNG based transmutation to a random generic NPC body. You would have a 1 in 5 chance (so 20%) that you get transformed into the same race, and an 80% chance you would have to adjust "on the fly" to the new size and movement style. The only way to change those odds would be to run as a Human or Sylvari, since they are the same size and general movement, giving you a 40% chance of not having to adapt and a 60% chance of having to deal with it.

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Please give us more text size options in the chat box! I have really bad eyes and the "large" size doesn't cut it at all. I have to choose between focusing on combat or trying to read the chat box when doing dialogue-heavy story missions because even on my 27" monitor the text is tiny.


Here's the only chat sizes lined up for comparison, along with a size I'd love...

Edited by Katie.1325
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On 12/22/2023 at 3:44 PM, Shuzuru.3651 said:

i would rather have the more flexible tome or some shard rather than lvl20,30,40 scroll, for exemple

I agree, the level scrolls make sense as a reward but they don't stack (even lvl 20 doesn't always stack with the other lvl 20). and maybe i don't have any characters less than level 20. Just change those for the level books. We already have 2 kinds, one that converts to spirit shards when used by lvl 80 toon, and one that can be used only to gain level on under 80 toon. If they don't wanna give spirit shards, they could use the kind from the mentoring pack. Changes 7 or more different type of item with similar function, to 3 (I'm counting the little leveling papers, I combine them to tome then to spirit shard)

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On 12/23/2023 at 1:49 PM, hyper.3902 said:

please fix /stuck to work ❤️

it works for me it's just funky. you get no message that it's working in the background, and any movement cancels it. 

Since it would cause me to wp anyway, I type /stuck so it files a report about getting stuck, then use wp myself. I don't want to wait around for 2 minutes sitting on my hands, and then still wp.

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14 minutes ago, willow.8209 said:

it works for me it's just funky. you get no message that it's working in the background, and any movement cancels it. 

Since it would cause me to wp anyway, I type /stuck so it files a report about getting stuck, then use wp myself. I don't want to wait around for 2 minutes sitting on my hands, and then still wp.

it "works" but takes two minutes to do anything visible to correct the issue, which is really just WP away.

So, basically it works as well as Flick in A Christmas Story yelling "stuck" while his tongue is frozen to the pole.... that does not really work, lol.

You would think "/stuck" would bump you straight up higher than a jump to get you free, or move your toon like 20 units laterally to the side to get you unstuck, without actually moving you 1/2 way across the map. Alternately, transport you like 3o units directly up so it is like an air drop in the Drizzlewood Coast map.


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