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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I like how now legendary weapons do not cost anything to remove sigils from them so you can easily swap stats and similar...

But I dont like that weapons get automatically set to zero every time you unequip them so you need to set them up every time you equip them again and you get all your sigils (and AR) moved to inventory just because you unequip it. 

I want Legendary weapons to have the manual option to set to default when you want it to because it happens too many times that I want to change my weapon to something else for one fight, for different PvP builds or similar and then I need to set my weapons all over again every time when I equip it again. 

I know there are Equipment Templates now which save all those weapons in the state but there are so much more build combinations then there are templates 

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4 hours ago, banJelacic.4201 said:

I know there are Equipment Templates now which save all those weapons in the state but there are so much more build combinations then there are templates 

Actually, the Gear Templates (something very different from the gear loadouts that we have now) would be a good solution to that problem.

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On 4/4/2024 at 9:01 PM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

There's this option, if you were not aware:

  • Cursor Contrast — Select the contrast to use for the mouse cursor by default.
    • Drop-down options include "Off" (disabled), "Low" (outline only), and "High" (additionally with a circumscribing circle effect)


I am aware of that option, but highlighting it looses accuracy when clicking inventory items, buttons, etc... Simple colour option would be a better solution, imo. Thank you though. 

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Preface: This is serious.

The Invisible Cat Cape has brought an unthinkable amount of QoL to my fashion game as I can have the backpiece slot enabled by default. If I want the cape to be invisible I can just transmute it into the Invisible Cat Cape and then I'll still have a backpiece showing on other gear templates. I want the same for helm, shoulders, and gloves. Basically, add an "Invisible X" for every toggable gear slot so we can change back and forth without having to worry about the slot being visually enabled.

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1 hour ago, Malus.2184 said:

I want the same for helm, shoulders, and gloves. Basically, add an "Invisible X" for every toggable gear slot so we can change back and forth without having to worry about the slot being visually enabled.

Let's not forget about boots.

If those slots get an invisible armour piece in addition to the toggle, boots need to get a toggle in addition to the invisible armour piece.

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I just disconnected during the first Ryland+Brahm phase in Dragonstorm, I logged back in as soon as I could and it put me in Eye of the North instead of Dragonstorm, and when I went into Dragonstorm it put me in a brand new instance instead of the one I was already in, so I had to do Dragonstorm twice today for something I had no control over. Please fix this.

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Hello All,

Just hoping to drop a quick suggestion here on adding full ultrawide support for cutscenes and conversations. This game has above average support for the overall game with ultrawide monitors (thank you Arena Net). There is however the issue of conversations having the top of characters heads cropped off and the main menu for example only shows about half of my toon for example. I am not necessarily looking for huge changes to make this a first class feature - especially since I know that it's a smaller userbase with these monitors.

I am sure someone out there has tweaks, but I really don't want to risk my account to a ban 😞

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Friends List Revamp
I have long had disdain for the friends list in this game. I don't 100% hate it but it can be improved a ton. I don't know if the old spaghetti code would be too difficult to change or not (I assume the LFG is linked to it), but if not, then these are the beginning steps I'd love to see changed:

  • Everyone you "follow" or have already added gets sent a friend request right away.
  • You can see all current requests out (this way if you have a friend who hasn't logged in in ages, you don't lose them) and in
  • You should be able to set what people can see based on guild or friendship (not like level but in general settings).
  • Set favorites.
  • Keep the nickname function.
  • Get rid of the "follow" function. 
  • I know I have seen someone show up as "looking for group". I would like this to be more apparent and easier to utilize since it's not always the most apparent.

Adding on to that bottom one, I'd love for a guild message to show up in chat if someone is using LFG. We should be able to turn that off or limit based on guild permissions too.

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As Super Adventure Fest starts next week..... any chance this year's release can have some way to address the Fancy Furniture Coins?.... right now, aside from just discarding them, the only use for them is a cloud decor for a guild hall..... how many 8 bit clouds does a guild hall need?

They need to either be exchangeable for some other (useful) item (continue coins, food, baubles, etc.) or an option to sell them for like a few coppers.

edit: New idea... maybe a slot machine like game that takes Fancy Furniture Coins or an NPC that does like a three card monte game paid for with Fancy Furniture Coins, either one with a small chance to win valuable gear and a high chance of getting like materials, food, or baubles.

Edited by DemonAtTheWheel.1804
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Due to the new weapons (now and in the future), more builds will be viable... so I was thinking that adding the possibility to purchase more equipment/build templates per character (especially for people who don't like to play with many chars, or just main 1-2) to give possibility to have various more actually efficient options on each character (and not being limited to 8 )

I toss it there because for me would be useful, I know several people who wouldn't buy them (most of my static xd), but I don't think think would be an huge problem to add this possibility (add more equipment/build templates purchasable), and at least I would definetely LOVE IT.

I guess some people won't even considerate it, but some (like me) would actually buy them... and would be just a profit for anet (for something easy to implement)

Edited by Kyo.1084
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I totally agree with you but you are not right, the way it is makes more money for Anet. People have to buy new character slot, maybe more templates on that new character and of course more bag slots. Some people may even buy new tools for new character or who knows what.

See? More money for Anet.

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I mean nobody is forced to buy the extra templates.... is just for people who just play 1-2 chars only like me..
so is just a choice, for who wants to to have different characters with different builds is up to them.

I don't see the issue honestly, is a win win (I get more templates which I would loveto have and anet makes more money out of it, with barely any effort made) 🤣

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So I've been playing reaper with dual sword. But the main hard sword effects are kind of a downgrade when wearing a legendary weapon.

The giant green discs you are firing normally on 1 ability is gone. Just throwing your legendary weapon instead

I would prefer just having no legendary "exclusive effect" on this one, as the effect is currently .. For now I reskinned the main hand.

It would have been cool if you had recolored the effect to match the legendary swords color instead, but this just feels like a downgrade

I'm hoping you will read this and reconsider this approach on future weapons

In my opinion, if you're not going to make the legendary version more cool, then just use standard ability effect. 

The sword effects feels far less impactful and cool with legendary sword

I usually think legendary weapon attacks are nice. Can even be an incentive to craft the weapon, but not in this case. It's just a huge downgrade on the standard ability.

But maybe it's just me?

Thx for reading 🙂

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It would be great if all the orr temples (Temple of Balthazar, Cathedral of Eternal Radiance [Lyssa], Cathedral of Zephyrs [Dwayna], Temple of Melandru, and Temple of Grenth) and Gates of Arah were all put on a set timer like all the other meta events because then we would know when exactly we could do them. Especially since there are many things people are working on that lead us back to those areas. Having them all on a set timer would be a huge quality of life update.

 Temple of Balthazar: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_of_Balthazar

Cathedral of Eternal Radiance [Lyssa]: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cathedral_of_Eternal_Radiance_(meta_event)

Cathedral of Zephyrs [Dwayna]: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cathedral_of_Zephyrs_(meta_event)

Temple of Melandru: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_of_Melandru

Temple of Grenth: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_of_Grenth

Gates of Arah: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gates_of_Arah

Edited by Rozalina.3196
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As crazy as it might sound, I think we could use 

A) More inventory space, the current max is workable, but an expansion wouldn't hurt, either increase the limit on bag slots or bless us with a 36+40 slot bags (upgrade from 32), or both, maybe...

B) Significantly more Material Storage capacity, 10 stacks limit doesn't cut it for some materials, I think it’s worth the investment, a sizable amount of people will buy into that.

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AoE rings from allies add alot of unnecessary visual complexity to a game that already has too much visual complexity, but the current disable aoe rings option also disables half the boss mechanics from showing up on the screen.   If would be nice if they can be 2 different options so you can turn off the ally ones and still see boss mechanics.

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Please allow players to unlock Fishing without having to get spoiled in story.

Locking a large game feature behind an important lore beat is really lame. Then to have dailies from different expansions that are locked behind masteries that are hidden in those stories. This is why players getting raptor unlocked without having to get spoiled on PoF was a good decision.

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On 4/2/2024 at 11:07 AM, Yogurt Goblin.5934 said:

Any chance we get a way to "break down" item back into their currencies. Mostly just like anything from a seasonal festival e.g. candy corn pieces from candy corn cob. 

The baubles already have this mechanic of just adding the option to convert the bauble bubbles back at the vendor. 

We STILL can't turn the other Halloween materials into the bigger ones out of season.

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Superior Sigil of Blight is too weak and has too long a cooldown. If you compare the sigil with others, the 8 seconds are excessively high. sigils with a weapon change effect are at 9 seconds.

Please update Superior Sigil of Blight to make it usable.

en: Superior Sigil of Blight - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

de: Überlegenes Sigill der Verschandelung – Guild Wars 2 Wiki

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