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Precursor drop

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After 11+ years of playing the game, I got a precursor drop while lazying around Sparkfly Fen. It was from a Risen something.

The precursor is Rage, arguably the cheapest precursor (about 19 gold), and I'll probably never make the legendary because for the amount of stuff I'd need I'd rather do a more useful legendary weapon.

But, I always considered the whole precursor drop a myth, after the first year of the game.

It's not a myth! It's not a myth!

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1 minute ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I got one from a Level 6 Raptor Hatchling in Metrica Province.

Also one from that chest they gave out to everybody after the big Southsun Event that tanked FPS.  Lol.

I got screwed out of that chest. I made the mistake of opening the chest on a character that wasn't level 80. I happened to log in on a character that I was leveling at the time when that chest was mailed out. I opened it and got equipment that was less than level 80. Here's the kicker, I was unable to get compensation for my error because the chest was already considered 'compensation'.

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Got axe precursor from a green champion bag in ascalonian catacombs and bard from just running around verdant brink the rest of my 23 precursors are from forging 4 exotic/rare in the mystic forge.

First I forged for specific ones to get all for myself and later just throw in random with crap sigils.

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11.5 years and just over 8,000 hours in I've had 1 precursor (The Energizer) which came from one of the pods in Dragon's Stand. The funny thing is I was there getting crystalline ore to make Exordium and I was so focused on keeping track of that and how many machetes I had left and how much time I had to get round the map that I didn't notice the precursor at first. It was only when I stopped to clear my inventory out a bit that I noticed an unfamiliar icon, realised it was an exotic and then finally worked out it was a precursor. I had to check the drops log to find out where it came from.

That was in 2022, by that point I'd just assumed I'd never get one as a drop. That didn't bother me because I'd made several legendaries without a precursor drop, but it was still nice to finally get one. Maybe I'll get another one in 8 years. 😄

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My first was (I think) Dawn, which I actually equipped as an exo zerk gs on my warr for a long time before I made asc gear. Then it sat in bank forever before I eventually made Sunrise many years later. The first one I specifically remember dropping was Tooth of Frostfang, which I remember bc it very appropriately dropped from a champ box at Claw of Jormag. I remember that one bc it dropped after pre crafting was a thing, so I used the opportunity to both try out the crafting experience and make two of same leggy for ttl. Before the armory, leggies didn't have much appeal for me . . .

That's for actual drops, but as others have pointed out it's much easier to get one from forge, or by opening unid rares way back when they were affected by mf. I think that's actually where most of mine came from . . .

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The first Pre fell at my feet when I was a newly returned newcomer and didn't even know what it was. Of course, I wondered why this boring looking exotic longbow cost almost 200 gold. I gladly sold it xD

I guess that was 3-4 years ago.

I've gotten 2 more since then. The last one just a couple days ago. Ofc now most are pretty much worthless.

But when it comes to dropluck, Tequatl is where I had my peak. For a while I had always killed him sometime before 6 a.m. (if enough came together at all) and probably got a total of 10 ascended chests. At the time I thought that this frequency was normal, until I once complained to a friend that I had never gotten the Mini Teq, but had already gotten 8 chests. He couldn't believe it.


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Shame on you all for spreading this propaganda, in my 5 years of active playing over never seen a single one drop and therefore they don't exist. Feel free to prove me wrong Devs by fiddling my loot drops 

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11 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:

Buy 3 more rage from trading post

But 4 rage in the mystic forge

Ragequit game

Hehe you cant do this anymore with most of them the only exotic precursors you can put in the forge is dusk and dawn.

I guess people mass forging exotics got miffed at speed clicking them into the forge.

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On 5/3/2024 at 5:43 PM, Anyandrell.6238 said:

I will not sell it or give it away.

I'll keep it in the bank FOREVER as a testimony that precursor drop is not a myth!

Hehe I have them the same. Got 2 of them in 6 years, Chaos and the torch one. Both are cheap especially now after we get Chaos from wizard vault and not on my near future crafting list. So I just keep them in bank as a souvenir. 

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