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New offhand options POLL

New off hand  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. What off hand would you like to see for theif?

    • None, I want a main hand or 2hand
    • Axe offhand
    • Mace offhand
    • Sword offhand
    • Focus offhand
    • Shield offhand
    • Torch offhand
    • Warhorn offhand
    • (Greatsword, just for kicks)

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  • Poll closed on 06/01/2024 at 07:00 AM

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Posted (edited)

It doesn't matter since the new weapon will be a 2-hander or main hander since the team is too lazy to design too many dual skills for thief.

Edited by Asra.8746
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Posted (edited)

Shield offhand seems like it would be straightforward and interesting to implement. Shield 4 could be some kind of short range shadowstep,  Shield 5 is a block that blocks for a short duration, costs a lot of initiative, but blocking an attack returns some initiative and flips it to a different attack, which creates a combo field of some kind (not smoke, maybe chaos or dark or maybe RNG). All the combo 3 attacks debuff the enemy/buff you in some unique way appropriate to the mainhand and apply stealth if you meet some condition (like somekind of initiative threshold).

Edited by roamzero.9486
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Posted (edited)

the shape of the weapon does not matter as much as the actual skills of it to me.

so far dagger provides direct access to stealth with CnD and pistol provides a smoke field for stealth combos to use our stealth attacks and all the traits that are based on it, as well as on stealth/exit traits. we have a ton of our traits tied to frequent stealth access or evades so the offhand should provide one or the other, i find there is more skill in evades but more counterplay to stealth and thus prefer stealth options.

personally i voted for torch, it would likely add burning to condi/hybrid builds and looking at mesmer torch it might provide stealth access without the need to hit/combo (likely only 1-2s for stealth attack).  +many NPC bandits do use a torch.

i like to play axe lately, the condi variant is quite initiative hungry so i play it on deadeye but frequent malice resets are important and against players CnD is not reliable enough - tho nearby structures/npcs do help.  the power variant on daredevil needs the stealth attack axes to prepare a good burst, because the power scaling on AA and axe 2 is so low ideally i try to get 2-3 stealth attacks and rest AA into a axe 3 burst, but to do that i have to enter stealth on cooldown with bound which offers rather little counter play in 1 vs 1 to my opponents and in 1 vs X i will miss dash to disengage on reveal from say a ranger or warrior shout.

a short duration stealth with a small cast time like 1/4 or 1/2 would offer better counterplay in 1 vs 1 and allow me to run dash for 1 vs X on power  axe daredevil, while also making condi/hybrid axe deadeye more reliable. if it was a 1s AoE stealth it might also help spectre supports.

Edited by bq pd.2148
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A torch casting shadows instead of light, with defensive skills like barrier and protection when targeting allies, and the scepter/torch 3 giving aegis to the party (at high initiative cost).

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Ilusenn.6420 said:

A torch casting shadows instead of light, with defensive skills like barrier and protection when targeting allies, and the scepter/torch 3 giving aegis to the party (at high initiative cost).

High initiative costs are my favourite.

Using 1-2 skill(s) just so I can't use any other skills is the best feeling when playing a given class. Only bad classes, like the other 8 classes, need to rotate through skills  back-to-back;  I can't imagine why people enjoy doing that.

Edited by Asra.8746
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7 hours ago, Asra.8746 said:

High initiative costs are my favourite.

Using 1-2 skill(s) just so I can't use any other skills is the best feeling when playing a given class. Only bad classes, like the other 8 classes, need to rotate through skills  back-to-back;  I can't imagine why people enjoy doing that.

with you there, but they also wanted that skill to be AoE aegis on an initiative skill.
if the skill is affordable, it will be problematic unless replaced by a different boon in pvp/wvw at the very least.

personally i would prefer to get aegis from new/reworked utilities and not tied to initiative...

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21 hours ago, Asra.8746 said:

High initiative costs are my favourite.

Using 1-2 skill(s) just so I can't use any other skills is the best feeling when playing a given class. Only bad classes, like the other 8 classes, need to rotate through skills  back-to-back;  I can't imagine why people enjoy doing that.

I can't agree with you on high initiative costs as a main mechanic. I understand your need to reduce the number of skills (and it's important to make it possible in viable builds for accessibility) but I don't think it would be wise to make a costly skill in a main rotation. That's why I suggested party aegis, a powerful but situational boon that currently lacks in pve heal specter builds.

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As much as I'm loathed to make a "this game should be like 'X' game" suggestion; i've been playing a lot of Dragon's Dogma 2 lately, and the Trickster vocation is pretty fun.

so my suggestion is an Offhand Focus that creates a decoy at targetted location, pulling aggro, potentially granting boons to nearby allies

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18 hours ago, Ilusenn.6420 said:

I can't agree with you on high initiative costs as a main mechanic. I understand your need to reduce the number of skills (and it's important to make it possible in viable builds for accessibility) but I don't think it would be wise to make a costly skill in a main rotation. That's why I suggested party aegis, a powerful but situational boon that currently lacks in pve heal specter builds.

It was sarcasm. I thought I was clear with the exaggeration - I guess not.

Specter will always be garbage as a healer compared to other healers because core thief does not support healing builds, and target based heals doesn't work in a game like GW2. Adding a weapon will not change this - it will merely be a useless addition to the class.

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2 hours ago, Asra.8746 said:

It was sarcasm. I thought I was clear with the exaggeration - I guess not.

Specter will always be garbage as a healer compared to other healers because core thief does not support healing builds, and target based heals doesn't work in a game like GW2. Adding a weapon will not change this - it will merely be a useless addition to the class.

I don't know why you'd speak to me like that but you don't seem like someone pleasant to argue with, I'll leave you with your convictions and continue to enjoy playing heal specter.

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i'd choose greatsword over anything, lets get Samurai elite spec up in here weilding an Odachi!

but i would also be happy with a focus for my Shadowmancer (Specter) 😄

because it looks quite silly at the moment with my shadowy spellcaster carrying a pistol around!

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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Liewec.2896 said:

i'd choose greatsword over anything, lets get Samurai elite spec up in here weilding an Odachi!

but i would also be happy with a focus for my Shadowmancer (Specter) 😄

because it looks quite silly at the moment with my shadowy spellcaster carrying a pistol around!

Go play a Bladesworn. That's the elite spec that fulfills your class fantasy...stop trying to turn thief into a worse class than it already is. This is the same mentality that lead to that garbage elite spec (Deadeye) being added to the game - cause people with this level of mentality wanted a "sniper" thief.

Edited by Asra.8746
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1 hour ago, Asra.8746 said:

Go play a Bladesworn. That's the elite spec that fulfills your class fantasy...stop trying to turn thief into a worse class than it already is. This is the same mentality that lead to that garbage elite spec (Deadeye) being added to the game - cause people with this level of mentality wanted a "sniper" thief.

Up until deadeye, thief was the only profession without any long ranged option (no, shadowsteps do not count) and was getting its kitten handed to it outside of its +1/decap non-role. So far it has been carrying the profession through content. Anet also dropped the ball with the last two mainhands, but at least axe wasn't nerfed into absolute uselessness. Scepter, meanwhile, is trash.

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2 hours ago, Asra.8746 said:

Go play a Bladesworn. That's the elite spec that fulfills your class fantasy...stop trying to turn thief into a worse class than it already is. This is the same mentality that lead to that garbage elite spec (Deadeye) being added to the game - cause people with this level of mentality wanted a "sniper" thief.

how exactly would it be a bad fit for thief?! Thief is the ninja/samurai class and a moveset like this would fit them perfectly!

also nah bladesworn isn't the same, its all about explosions and projectiles, the only thing that really fits is the burst.

can you think of a more fitting next elite spec for Thief than Samurai?

(perhaps the utilities could be Stances which change your weapon skills from defensive to offensive etc)

also how do you not like Deadeye?! yes its a sniper, and its really fun to play, and fits the assassin theme.

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god please no greatsword thief. no hammer thief either. no longbow thief. a new offhand is desperately needed, any other suggestions should be ignored. torch or focus would be my pick, but really anything to give us some variety since all we have is x/p and x/d

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Liewec.2896 said:

can you think of a more fitting next elite spec for Thief than Samurai?

GW2's Thieves are about running away, teleporting all over the place and hiding in the shadows.

Samurai were about being generals with a big on-field presence.  Moreover, they usually wore clunky armour that was designed for combat on horses, but is not practical for nimble movement on foot (which is Thief's entire shtick).

Unless you want to go for a pop fiction Samurai that couldn't be further away from reality, it's a theme that's the complete opposite of fitting for Thief.

Adapting GW1's Assassin into the game by replacing Stealth with something else and giving Thief an off-hand sword would be much more fitting. For all I care, they could directly rip the Shadow Dance concept of WoW as a mechanic to replace Stealth with.

11 hours ago, Liewec.2896 said:

also how do you not like Deadeye?! yes its a sniper, and its really fun to play, and fits the assassin theme.

Stealth + Shadow-Stepping + another mobility + long range damage

It's not hard to understand why people have despised Deadeye since it's reveal.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Unless you want to go for a pop fiction Samurai

thats actually what i was thinking, classes are more fun when we deviate from reality,

just look at warrior, giant hammers are never actually used like they are in fantasy games,

and spinning around like a beyblade with dual axes is cool but not very realistic.

so yeah i was thinking of samurai from anime and games, swift with parries and shadowsteps.



Stealth + Shadow-Stepping + another mobility + long range damage

It's not hard to understand why people have despised Deadeye since it's reveal.


my bad i thought you meant you didn't like deadeye for its theme/lore etc, but yes i agree it can be OP in pvp.

i wouldn't be opposed to offhand sword either 🙂

Edited by Liewec.2896
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I'd pick off-hand Sword at this point but I want literally any off-hand that isn't stealth focused to synergize with main-hand Sword and the stealthless Speed/Evasion/Brawler builds we used to have. No more backward teleport spam type skills either like 'Measured Shot' and 'Shadow Strike' plz. 🙏🥺

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