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Next up for nerfs

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


It decays fast af on its own. Kite it, wait for infusing terror stab to expire, then interrupt them to death.  

People are voting confused on this....

Its actually hilarious😂

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

I am complaining about necro. Is there a reason i cant also think the class i play is OP?

Nah king, you're valid. I hate when my specs are OP. It makes them less enjoyable and the ANet nerfs are inc, and they always nerf kitten in the most backwards way possible. Usually they nerf the fun out of it, or completely gut it. That's what happens when the balance team doesn't play the game. 

Edited by WhoWantsAHug.3186
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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:

they don't have to use it immediately in Shroud, letting them outplay any of your attempts to wait then CC.


I'm all for checking inexperienced players opinions on here.

What if i told you, that you can just outright CC them if they dont use the stabi? 👀

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Top 20? You sure? How in the world you still make posts about every class you have trouble dealing with. No idea how you got up to that rating if you don't understand others their classes/specs and feel the need to make that many class nerf posts.

Around that rating I have only seen someone having trouble with 1 or 2 specific spec builds, but apart of that not. So howww do you have that still???

Once again you fail to understand that people can talk about balance without it being about them personally winning/losing. But seriously, stop talking to me.

Edited by Paradoxoglanis.1904
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12 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

What if i told you, that you can just outright CC them if they dont use the stabi? 👀

Does it really need to be said that most impactful CCs have cast times and Reaper stability is instant cast? Meaning a good Reaper can see you casting your CC, eat it with Stability, and leave you in a worse position than before?

Yet again, proving you don't think before you speak.

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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, MilkyTea.9042 said:

The fact this thread is up immediately after some of the more problematic professions in g3+ got nerfed is hilarious to me (holo was overnerfed though imo). How about we just buff the specs that aren't doing so hot to promote more viable builds and cut the crap with always trying to nerf professions that counter whatever spec someone plays?


This was a forum joke ^ Please do not take it seriously at least 86% of those topics are memes
But you're right. 

17 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

nothing needs buffs.

I can think of a few things that do. You probably can too.

19 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:

Am I crazy or are people insanely spoiled/unaware of how good their class has things?

No, and some people also pretend to be obtuse unless you point out their class benefits to them at that; but I can understand the aversion to going back in the nerf pit and the arguments that might create as far as reaper specifically goes.

Necro was bottom tier for a while, then ping ponged back and forth between being bunker nonsense and useless so I'd prefer if reaper stayed usable. I don't think it's overperforming to the degree that it needs axing -right this second-, especially because there's a handful of classes that don't care about their shroud mechanic (the ones with stealth access). That's subject to change but atm-

13 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

They left shroud.    Thats all you are trying to force.

10 seconds to eat their HP for free, at which point they jump back into shroud to try not to die and:

a.) if they used infusing terror, it's on cooldown, so delete them

b.) if they didn't use infusing terror, kite strategy 1. 


Does it really need to be said that most impactful CCs have cast times and Reaper stability is instant cast? Meaning a good Reaper can see you casting your CC, eat it with Stability, and leave you in a worse position than before?

@bethekey.8314 this is coming from an ele main who gets like, exclusively kittened by chill, I'd imagine if it works for them it works in general.

RE: necros using infusing terror on reaction to eat CC,  cool, keep kiting. You don't really care whether or not they use it, just alter what you need to do based on whether they do or not. 

Not to mention I can probably count on one (maybe two?) hand(s) the amount of reapers that use infusing to parry. Most of them just precast it so they can swing wildly for a couple seconds. The ones that are slightly more aware probably need a custom game plan anyway. Same thing with eles that parry you with arcane shield.


a good Reaper

On that note can we like, stop trying to punish people for learning their classes? This probably isn't the balancing point you want to aim at.

ideally you want to aim at classes or builds that don't require prediction, proper rotation or game sense to do well on, IMO.  If you have to qualify your statement with "a good", then you're already aware that the class is no longer the supporting factor, and you're dealing with players that know what they're doing and want your changes to make specifically those players less effective. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, bethekey.8314 said:

Does it really need to be said that most impactful CCs have cast times and Reaper stability is instant cast? Meaning a good Reaper can see you casting your CC, eat it with Stability, and leave you in a worse position than before?

Yet again, proving you don't think before you speak.

True but thats a risk, and im all for those kind of risks. Im not taking away from the points raised about necro overall, as over a few years now,  every game on average had at-least 2 in it. Thats not a bad average for class where 90% of its players claim to be "squishy". Scrapper was op, still 2 necros per game, SLB was op, still 2 necros per game, and so on.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Posted (edited)

Necros out here calling themselves squishy with 300 Toughness from DM + Engineer Rune giving them enough Toughness to have pseudo Mercenary Amulet. Nuh-uh. 💀


(The rune mention is because of Wayfinder Relic opening up doors )

Edited by Vinny.7260
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22 minutes ago, Vinny.7260 said:

Necros out here calling themselves squishy with 300 Toughness from DM + Engineer Rune giving them enough Toughness to have pseudo Mercenary Amulet. Nuh-uh. 💀


(The rune mention is because of Wayfinder Relic opening up doors )

Wayfinder relic is a godsend for PvP. Literally opens up so many build pathways. 

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3 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:

Does it really need to be said that most impactful CCs have cast times and Reaper stability is instant cast? Meaning a good Reaper can see you casting your CC, eat it with Stability, and leave you in a worse position than before?

Bait them first. If no reaction CC them and GG

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On 5/21/2024 at 9:32 PM, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Condi reaper. Nerf its cc. That or do something so it doesnt have like 50k hp that you have to burn down 2-3 times every fight.

Cata. Way too many boons, too much energy for spamming jade sphere. Nerf aoe on jade sphere.

Tempest. Nerf aura sharing. Cut aura duration in half or something if you take the trait.

Chrono. Nerf chaotic transference, same as tempest cut the aura duration in half or something. Nerf Temporal Anchor or whatever gives them so much superspeed. Make F4 invuln channelled (or delete it again lol).

Thief. Take your pick: Reveal on whiffing stealth attacks. Reveal if your attack is reflected and hits you. Nerf shadows rejuvenation for black powder stealth/blind spam. Nerf deaths retreat range, nerf deaths advance stealth duration. Delete silent scope. Just dont do something dumb like increase initiative costs again. That doesnt solve anything.

Guard. Nerf Renewed Focus. Or maybe buff it. Just remove the channel so its like mes. That seems fair.

Ranger. Nerf smoke cloud. idc what. Nerf its cooldown, its duration, radius, or just delete it. Remember how removing smokescale cc was going to make it useless? Guess that wasnt true.


Mes, remove blurred inscriptions Blurred Inscriptions - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) 

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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:

Does it really need to be said that most impactful CCs have cast times and Reaper stability is instant cast? Meaning a good Reaper can see you casting your CC, eat it with Stability, and leave you in a worse position than before?

Yet again, proving you don't think before you speak.

Okey...imma play along....

lets say it is indeed not possible to CC the reaper, because he is using his 3 perfectly to negate your stun every single time.

What do you do now!?!?!   😵 SAHNE! YOUR GIMMICK DOESNT WORK!


There is a dozen other tricks you can abuse to force him out of shroud that go beyond "Stun him to death".

Why not use soft CC like immob, and abuse the way "shrouded removal" cleanses? I have the perfect clip to demonstrate it.

I apply a single immob and then make that borderline uncleansable by laying down a firefield under him. 

Shrouded removal is a constant flow of cleanses, but it only cleanses the single condition that was applied last. Aslong as i constantly reapply a condition (burn in this case), there is no way for him to get rid of the movementimpairing condition, because i am burrying it under other condis. The only way for him to cleanse the immob, without leaving shroud, is transfering the immob with Plague sending.  Aslong as you are staying out of range, or when he already got a hit on you in shroud, like he did in the clip.... he cant cleanse it.

At that point you got what you wanted! he either has to immediately leave shroud, or watch me deplete it without the slightest chance to hit back!

You see where i am going with this?

Knowing how to abuse reapers holes to force him out of shroud, is crucial to winning this matchup.  Play the clip at 0.25x speed and watch.

He just used his stabi! I use that to my advantage, because he will be very confident while stabi is up, and probably not dodge. I then apply a Immob while running away and constantly cover it, by simply laying down focus fire4 under him, and there is nothing he can do, but leave shroud.

Or am i wrong here? If you think so please explain to me what this reaper could have done diffrently....

or did i actually force him out of shroud, by landing even a single Soft CC and then kiting?😮


You dont want any tips,... you think you are already playing that matchup perfectly... fine, whatever floats your boat. But please dont act like I am talking nonsense.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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2 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:


Okey...imma play along....

lets say it is indeed impossible to CC a reaper, because he is using his 3 perfectly to negate your stun... Then use soft CC like immob, and abuse the way that"shrouded removal" cleanses!

I have the perfect clip to demonstrate it.

I apply a single immob and then constantly apply covercondis. Because of the way that the trait shrouded removal cleanses, its VERY hard for him to get rid of it in shroud aslong as i constantly reapply even a single condition.   Shrouded removal is a constant flow of cleanses, but it only cleanses the single condition that was applied last. Aslong as i constantly reapply a condition (burn in this case), there is no way for him to get rid of the movementimpairing condition, because i am burrying it under other condis. The only way for him to get out of it is hitting Shroud2, as it transfers condis.... But he is immob´d so when he uses the 2, he will just jump in place, hit noone, and waste it..... so he has to leave shroud, hoping to transfer the immob with Staff4.    

At that point you got what you wanted! he is out of shroud!

Watch the clip! Play it at 0.25x speed and see for yourself! He pops shroud, i turn around, an immob! 

He is cleansing, but he only just clears my covercondis and the immob remains untouched. I apply 2 long Immobs and then constantly cover them, by simply AA´ing, and there is nothing he can do, but leave shroud.

Or am i wrong here? 

Explain to me what this reaper should have done diffrently....  or did i actually force him out of shroud, by applying a single Soft CC and then kiting 😉


You dont want any tips... its fine... but dont act like I am talking nonsense.

Its not like i am saying "just kite it, duh".  I am explaining why this build has this specific flaw and how to properly abuse it. I also explain how the reaper could work around it, and therefore what you have to watch out while doing it.

I am not pulling these tips out of my ar se dude... This is how you beat reaper!  .....  how you can not see that, is beyond me.

i had Hollts teach me that matchup, and ever since then ive gotten a wagonload better at it.


I am literally just trying to get some knowledge across... but you seem to not be interested.

but I dont wanna learn to play, me complain on forum instead 😭

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On 5/22/2024 at 6:14 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Warrior maces for the lot of you.

There, balance has been achieved.

Might actually get them buffed then though...

If any other class would get a weapon nerfed to Warrior Mace level, the forum would burn to the ground. 


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Posted (edited)
On 5/23/2024 at 2:11 AM, MilkyTea.9042 said:

Yeah any smart WB is going to jump on the reaper in my experience, regardless of positioning.

Congrats. Necro counters Ele, not sure why you're complaining about them.

But equally, we could say any smart dps will anticipate that, the necro hangs back, and the WB tps into a 3v1 gank. Ive seen it often enough with WBs, they sure love the W key, plat or not.

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2 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

But equally, we could say any smart dps will anticipate that, the necro hangs back, and the WB tps into a 3v1 gank. Ive seen it often enough with WBs, they sure love the W key, plat or not.

But equally, we could say the smart dps on the enemy team will also anticipate that and push up with the WB. 🤪

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Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, MilkyTea.9042 said:

But equally, we could say the smart dps on the enemy team will also anticipate that and push up with the WB. 🤪

60% of players in the game working together, you sure you want to double down on that? 😜 

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On 5/21/2024 at 11:32 PM, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Make F4 invuln channelled (or delete it again lol).

wtf? might as well remove the class from the game then. If f4 is deleted or even chanelled anyone will be able to delete a chrono.

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5 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

Is BUUSTEDD. Apparently there's some bug or unintended mechanic making it broken. I don't know what it is, but I heard it was a thing

Right? Heard something like that too. Whatever it is, it needs some attention

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