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June 25th Balance Patch Preview: Moa Nerfed

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Moa was cheesy and should have been re-designed but simply making the duration 2 seconds is the absolute laziest nerf that Anet could possibly do, this skill will just go the way of epidemic and never be used by any build in WvW again. Reminds me of when they said they wanted to re-design all the auto-proc traits to reward more skillful gameplay and then all they did was give them a 5 minute internal cooldown.

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Posted (edited)

Just saying and I fight Mez more than I rep them. Over nerfs are not something we want to support in this game mode. 

Edit: Side note I say this as moa'd a number of times today. 


Edited by TheGrimm.5624
Edit: lol
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Just now, Arrow Blade of El Elyon.9341 said:

Does this mean Moa will go the way of the Dodo? 🙂

lol, no it will mean the pitch forks will go against the necro pulls next and War will never get a good pull since a tag wasn't ready for CC and then complained to a Dev in squad of... Why ME!!!!!!


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3 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

Think Moa needed duration reduction yes, as most sheep cant survive without a commander, but just nerf to 4 seconds would have been enough

this... 1 or 2 sec reduction at max would have been enough especially combined with the new change that you get an animation on you when the skill is being casted on you... which might have been enough already by itself.

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I think the passive effect of this sigent for mez should be stronger or at least less generic and more related to the mez class.

Wvw getting a far bigger update though ele dagger buffs (tempest d/d going to be a lots more used so there will be more auras) as well as the chill duration nerf on frost aura (oddly reaper going to be nerfed more then ele from this.)

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Posted (edited)

I mean I'm not going to cry bc mes gets its cheese skill revoked but it's not like that's the only cheese skill in the game so I'm not going to act like they deserved it either . . .

We've got like four billion classes at this point? Balance is pointless. Stop trying . . .

Edited by Gop.8713
that apostrophe, man. That apostrophe . . .
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  • 2 weeks later...

Man that was literally my favourite skill, I used to moa enemy commanders and save it to a screenshot folder. I got such a reputation for it that a guild literally ran away from me across a map, I once moa'd a guild leader I didn't like during a gvg and he completely lost it. Came back to the game during the last week of servers and I gotta say, I'm very disappointed 

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1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Meanwhile on the other side of the world...



Commander: Anet help, we getting moa'ed and punted off cliffs.
Balance Team checks the wiki.

Balance Team: Ok, we will nerf Mesmer Signet of Humility.

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Sorry again, get hit by this far more than I use it. Up the tells, which are included. Start there. 

The extra bits are just biased issues of someone complaining they couldn't handle being Moa'd. That's not balance that is bias. If in doubt, buff the Moa health and skills instead. This change is just pandering to some tag that freaked out. They should just roam or havoc more and be better prepared when they tag and hit with it versus just freak out and complain to a dev in voice. Maybe the dev should reply with, practice more instead of blind nerfs. 

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8 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Well deserved nerf. Toxic gameplay will be dealt with


The number of players I have killed while in Moa...toxic how? I think at best players not getting time to practice and know Moa skills is more the issue that Anet should allow for and to up those stats and abilities versus go the route that makes it an even more extreme of an issue when it occurs versus more familiar. 

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My favourite part is how you will now get a nice tell before your free dodge.

I can't see myself bothering to waste resources evading this skill when I can spend almost half of the reduced duration in evasion frames anyway.

Given that the most reactive way to avoid this skill is to dodge it, why not just let it hit you, then dodge, then flee. The cost to you is basically the same, you get additional stall time to reposition, at the cost of only 1/2 second where you are vulnerable to anything.

The cost to the Mesmer is a whole elite slot, 90 seconds of no access to the already lukewarm passive, and an opponent that they have just given an extra dodge to. It is painfully obvious that whoever authored the change neither plays nor understands the game, much less game balance in the more broad sense.

Disclaimer: Mesmer is one of my least played classes, I have been on the receiving end of the signet more often that I have used it. I could mention any number of frustrating mechanics in fighting against a Mesmer, none of them involve Moa.

In short, if it was problematic, adding the tell and not allowing retargeting would have been more than sufficient.

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12 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Commander: Anet help, we getting moa'ed and punted off cliffs.
Balance Team checks the wiki.

Balance Team: Ok, we will nerf Mesmer Signet of Humility.

Well at 10:27 time mark an anet dev does get eng moa'd and punted, and then mesmer moa'd and punted again to block them from getting back to the zerg, I guess the mesmer moa really got to them. 😏

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