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Spears and Mesmers

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Posted (edited)

Hey there my fellow mesmers! 😁

With the new Janthir Wilds revealed, I thought it would be nice with a thread where we can discuss and speculate about our new spear! I'm actually excited for what skills it will have, and what kind of role it will fulfill for mesmer!

I really hope Mirage will benefit of the spear this time, so it doesn't turn into another "Rifle" ugh😅

Let your ideas go wild, I want to read them all! 🤩

Edited by AshkyLicious.4729
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I'd like our Spear to actually become a pure AoE dps specialised weapon, since we don't really have a weapon like that yet. The closest one is our Staff, but it's more a hybrid support/condi dps weapon.

If it's melee or ranged doesn't really matter, but it would be cool with an AoE melee weapon that makes us as a mesmer feel powerful and dangerous for once 🙂 I'm missing that oumph in our class!

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Mobility and evasiveness like underwater would be nice as a counterpart to staff, some cc would be nice and melee/mid range as we don't have a 2H melee weapon yet.

If trait stays with sword, expecting power, maybe boon rip and cc.

I'd pretty much take a copy of underwater 1, ambush, 4 and 5.
2 I preferred the old feigned surge that didn't have the awkward blink at the end, and 3 is ok but could be more fun.

Above all please no bloody ground targeted clone summon skill.

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Posted (edited)

gonna speak from pve point: I sincerely hope for it to be dps weapon, since rifle support already exists, there is no reason to make another healer weapon, most probably will be ranged, maybe it will be like styanax warframe where skills will have rain of spears or something along those lines.

I was thinking of it being melee weapon with throwing lance skill or two but melee system in this game kinda feels bad for some reason.

Who knows maybe it will make mirage ambush viable ( it won't probably), but most likely will be virtuoso/ boon chrono thing. THAT IS  assuming it is going to have actually good skills/numbers. If I can I will sign up for beta testing weapons on 27th to actually see for myself.  

Edited by Lugh.8470
some mistake oops
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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Curunen.8729 said:

Mobility and evasiveness like underwater would be nice as a counterpart to staff, some cc would be nice and melee/mid range as we don't have a 2H melee weapon yet.

If trait stays with sword, expecting power, maybe boon rip and cc.

I'd pretty much take a copy of underwater 1, ambush, 4 and 5.
2 I preferred the old feigned surge that didn't have the awkward blink at the end, and 3 is ok but could be more fun.

Above all please no bloody ground targeted clone summon skill.

I like this alot! Would be really neat with more mobility for once cuz neither Rifle and Dagger gave us that, and I'm always for evasiveness since that will also mean that it'll fit Mirages elusive nature! Would be cool to actually dance between foes with our Spear as a Mirage, without the forced movement from Lingering Thoughts.

A melee/mid-range Spear would def be a breath of fresh air for Mesmers. I'm fed up with full range cuz there's so much projectile hate in this game, half of my attacks gets blocked/reflected cuz of that when Im playing WvW. It would also be a great counterpart to our Staff. Would be so cool to go Spear/Staff, getting a cool hybrid build between dps and support!

And can't agree more, for the love of all the six gods NO GROUND TARGETED CLONE SUMMON SKILL!

Edited by AshkyLicious.4729
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2 hours ago, AshkyLicious.4729 said:

I like this alot! Would be really neat with more mobility for once cuz neither Rifle and Dagger gave us that, and I'm always for evasiveness since that will also mean that it'll fit Mirages elusive nature! Would be cool to actually dance between foes with our Spear as a Mirage, without the forced movement from Lingering Thoughts.

A melee/mid-range Spear would def be a breath of fresh air for Mesmers. I'm fed up with full range cuz there's so much projectile hate in this game, half of my attacks gets blocked/reflected cuz of that when Im playing WvW. It would also be a great counterpart to our Staff. Would be so cool to go Spear/Staff, getting a cool hybrid build between dps and support!

And can't agree more, for the love of all the six gods NO GROUND TARGETED CLONE SUMMON SKILL!

Five gods. 

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I think I'd lean towards mesmer spear being melee as well. Mesmer already has a lot of ranged weapons, and only two melee weapons... and with ranged greatsword and dagger already established, there aren't many options left to expand that number unless they find some way to mesmer up a melee bow.

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12 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

I predict that it will be a hybrid condi/support single-target ranged weapon.

That is exactly what Mesmer does NOT need, so that's what we're most likely to get.

...at least not a projectile weapon...please Anet🙏 

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I'd like the idea of it being an evasive melee two-hander, as for Power or Condi, that can depend on if the skills are 'Blade' types or not. (Similar to how Dagger is rn).

A rapid hitting attack for a Mirage ambush would be great, probably similar to the UW water version, like others have said.

Having some leaps and lunches would be great for Mesmer from a PvP perspective.

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Posted (edited)

I hope for a melee weapon (with just slightly more range than other melee weapons due to reach, 300 max) with good dps, good cleave, and some mobility. if it's to be a condition weapon, bleeds or confusion would make the most sense. The attacks should also all have the blade attribute, since the spear is basically a dagger on a stick.

Just please no weaopon that's only usable on Chrono again.

Edited by Thar.9465
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Posted (edited)

It'll be a pole that you stick to the ground and start pole dancing. Enemies will die from all the confusion looking at the scene.

But for real though, I think Mesmers are long due for an AoE cleaving weapon. No, dagger isn't it, not enough impact. For point of reference, I'm thinking along the line of Reaper's Greatsword + some mobility.


Edited by ZephidelGRS.9520
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1 hour ago, Rezok.2709 said:

I'd prefer a big cleave AoE power weapon. Feels like that is the biggest thing we are missing.

Dagger already has  good cleave and greatsword as aoe in the kit, what we dont have are aoe condi weapons.

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The devs seem to show some interest for mesmer's invisibility these day so I'll throw a shot in the dark and say that mesmer's spear will have something to do with insivibility. Maybe some of it's skills will behave differently or be more powerful/have more effects when used while being invisible.

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Posted (edited)

+1 on big AOE weapon, probably in melee. We are still missing that for WvW zerg fight. Only decent weapon is greatsword. Dagger is full projectile so not good for WvW.

Edited by Exciton.8942
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Think I'd take anything at that point as long as it can have a somewhat decent cleave; hopefully a power melee weapon. Either wide swings as if wielding a yanyuedao (also known as guandao), either proper piercing over +/- 300 range forward/180 large by recycling underwater animations as if wielding a partisan/ranseur with large side blades, 'cause kitten looks.

I like most of the underwater skills already, although I'd expect the spear ambush to work like Feigned surge (which reminds the sword ambush, but hey, gotta close the gap with those melee weapons) so that skill could definitely be changed. The Phantasmal mariner could offer something a bit different given how plain it is. What I'd definitely keep is the Vortex, even merge it with Slipstream to create some sort of melee version of the focus' Temporal curtain to make good use with more ease of a cleaving melee weapon (as well as freeing up a weapon skill to innovate)!

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A power weapon that focuses on aoe and maybe boon removal. The next big question is whether or not it will synergize with virtuoso's blade mechanic since spear UW doesn't even register as blade skills (trident too for that matter but it's a diff story). Melee would be sick, especially if they keep the evasive playstyle and put it on land. I could imagine the much-needed mobility for other mesmer specs. The mirage ambush should be the same; it works fine as it is. It would be cool to make a skill like vortex but have it ground-targeted hehehe.

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So Anet left us with some hints for the different spears! Two of the hints sounds mesmery to me, especially the first one:

- "A spear skill that inflicts a debilitating effect with a new unique effect."

- "A set of spear skills with multiple ways to reset the cooldown of its key skill."

What do you think?

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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, Curunen.8729 said:

I'd pretty much take a copy of underwater 1, ambush, 4 and 5.

only if the power scaling is increased. currently the ambush skill does too little damage and regardless of what we get on land, the aquatic ambush needs more damage.

Edited by bq pd.2148
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