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Event timers are cringe

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Posted (edited)

Just hopped to say this.

Timers (completion timers) on events (not meta events, random OW events) completely kills my enjoyement when i want play play slow and chill, every kittening event fails if you don't speedrun or if people don't show up around you, it's the season why i quit playing casually since EoD.

OW should be the relaxed place where i can run random sub optimal builds and roleplay the way I want, but then if I do, the game is unplayable.

Wake up and remove times maybe? There is no good reason to have these events on times anyway, but if you really want to make timers, then have it start when a player starts contributing!!! Why the heck should timers on event provide a good experience when you can find one and it's already 1 min from ending and at 0% progress?

Cya at janthir wild launch, i hope i'll not to quit again for the same reason and be able to enjoy the game slow there

Edited by TheThief.8475
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3 hours ago, TheThief.8475 said:

Timers on event completely kills my enjoyement when i want play play slow and chill, every kittening event fails if you don't speedrun or if people don't show up around you, it's the season why i quit playing casually since EoD.

How did you make it to EoD? Event timers are nothing new and have existed in GW2 since 2012. This seems like a really odd thing to complain about.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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I'm not sure the timers are the problem or that they just don't have enough breadcrumbs leading players to older content.  People that are doing the Return questline often complain that there is no one doing certain things, so I totally get that part of it.   It would be nice if they would incorporate more things into the wizard's vault weeklies.  Right now they seem to have a base group of events they pull from based on xpac players have, etc.  It would be nice if they pulled from living world seasons too.  

Timers are here to stay, but they could definitely do more to populate older maps.  

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7 hours ago, Poormany.4507 said:

How did you make it to EoD? Event timers are nothing new and have existed in GW2 since 2012. This seems like a really odd thing to complain about.

I should not complain because they are in the game since the beginning? 

What a wonderful argument

They always were bad, they became to annoy me lately, satisfied?

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

I'm not sure the timers are the problem or that they just don't have enough breadcrumbs leading players to older content.  People that are doing the Return questline often complain that there is no one doing certain things, so I totally get that part of it.   It would be nice if they would incorporate more things into the wizard's vault weeklies.  Right now they seem to have a base group of events they pull from based on xpac players have, etc.  It would be nice if they pulled from living world seasons too.  

Timers are here to stay, but they could definitely do more to populate older maps.  

Well i actually quit because I was annoyed at failing events in Inner Nayos that you must do to progress story. I found a lot of events around, they're all on a timer, no one shows up, and they fail just because their "completion window" starts even if no one has contributed to the completion yet.

Edited by TheThief.8475
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40 minutes ago, TheThief.8475 said:

Well i actually quit because I was annoyed at failing events in Inner Nayos that you must do to progress story. I found a lot of events around, they're all on a timer, no one shows up, and they fail just because their "completion window" starts even if no one has contributed to the completion yet.

Well, actually, for what i know, most if not all event who got a timer are either part event chain (so someone had to a previous event), manually triggered by a player, or only trigger when a player is nearby.

Because you see a event with like 3min left and no one doing it doesn't mean no one was on it, could be someone who started the event, got wrecked by the boss and decided to give up.

Also, the real plague of the game is the absence of fail conditions for event, it shatters any stake you can have in the game, so it's a good design to have a fail conditions in a form of a timer on event, the fact you don't like it is irrelevant.

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12 hours ago, TheThief.8475 said:

There is no good reason to have these events on times anyway, but if you really want to make timers, then have it start when a player starts contributing!!! Why the heck should timers on event provide a good experience when you can find one and it's already 1 min from ending and at 0% progress?


Because the world happens even if you're not there, events are part of chains, and by design they're made to progress into other events one way or another if they are either successfully completed or not. By taking away timers not only you'd lock away branches you'd flat out break the event chain system and there for most of the open world game.

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Can't say I'm the world's biggest fan of normal event timers either. I get why they exists, but there's times I wish some events didn't have them so I could complete them at my own time if the map is a bit emptier or isn't an event anyone else wants to do

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I really don't have such experience at all. If anything I'm more annoyed with some events having too long timers that you have to wait out till the end. I mean sure, maybe sometimes you will fail a group event if it's only 2 mins left and you're there alone but I wouldn't say that's often. 

Especially lately the events cycle quite fast so it's really easy to wait out till it starts again if you really want it now. And I think most events are part of a chain so someone already had to start the chain. 

Anyway I would recommend you don't worry too much about random OW events. They are there to make world feel alive. And that means some will run out and cycle again or go to next phase. There is really no need to worry about specific event. Even if you're after achievements, it's just a few AP, nothing really important, you'll get it eventually if you play the game. And if you don't play the game well they aren't of consequence for you.

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I see a direct conflict between you "wanting to rp during events" and the request to remove the event timer. If every npc/mob/event waits for you at every step they take, you end up with a terribly fake -even for gaming standards- world which works against the immersive experience.
It makes sense in some cases to wait for the player interaction -like starting an escort event. But it doesn't make much sense for the events to infinitely passively linger until you decide they can move on. The timers are a visual representation of ingame time flow made for player convenience and clarity. They're not "cringe" and they were never "bad" as a general ingame mechanic.

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9 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

Because the world happens even if you're not there, events are part of chains, and by design they're made to progress into other events one way or another if they are either successfully completed or not. By taking away timers not only you'd lock away branches you'd flat out break the event chain system and there for most of the open world game.

^^^^^ Pretty much spot on this. The game concept was to have things happen in an order and potentially fork in a different direction if it wasn't done then there are other things that might occur. 

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11 minutes ago, TheThief.8475 said:

This post truned into a 

-> don't like it = confused emote

-> defend it = like or thanks emote

Amusing discussion

Not really, but there's plenty of users explaining the reasoning behind the timer and why it makes sense, which is something you choose to ignore. If you're not interested in a discussion, at least don't pretend it's others not entering it.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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The timers definitely don’t require speed running lol.

23 hours ago, TheThief.8475 said:

Wake up and remove times maybe? There is no good reason to have these events on times anyway, but if you really want to make timers, then have it start when a player starts contributing!!! Why the heck should timers on event provide a good experience when you can find one and it's already 1 min from ending and at 0% progress

Of course there’s good reasons. 

. if no one does the event, some of them can make completing Hearts and more very difficult for players doing map completion. 

- without timers it’d increase the problem of afk and leeches. 

why does content require to be absolutely brain dead without risk of failure to be “relaxing” lol.. 

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15 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Not really, but there's plenty of users explaining the reasoning behind the timer and why it makes sense, which is something you choose to ignore. If you're not interested in a discussion, at least don't pretend it's others not entering it.

I don't choose to ignore their reasoning, they just don't solve the problem I pointed out

It can make all the sense you want, but if it is frustrating from a gameplay standpoint, I will still not like it

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15 hours ago, Magmi.6723 said:

The timers definitely don’t require speed running lol.

Of course there’s good reasons. 

. if no one does the event, some of them can make completing Hearts and more very difficult for players doing map completion. 

- without timers it’d increase the problem of afk and leeches. 

why does content require to be absolutely brain dead without risk of failure to be “relaxing” lol.. 

I explained that the fail timers can still exist but they should not start on their own, but when a player starts contributing, for example 

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13 hours ago, Funky.4861 said:

What's your alternative to timers, OP? Make all events solo-able by people in healers/tank gear?

If they are random open world solo events what is the problem in a tank or healer soloing them ?

-----Everyone is ignoring the fact that I don't want fail time removed, I just want them to not start on their own.

Events can still fail if you can't complete them during their fail timers, events chains still exist, you just won't step on events that are about to fail and not be able to do anything about it. -----

I keep crossing events that have 0% progress and 1/2 minutes remaining, and some of them are not doable in that time if you don't speedrun (and you may fail anyway, not because you deserve it, but because you crossed them in that moment and not 3 minutes earlier)

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On 6/9/2024 at 5:07 PM, TheThief.8475 said:

Why the heck should timers on event provide a good experience when you can find one and it's already 1 min from ending and at 0% progress?

Why the heck should a movie's schedule provide a good experience when you can walk in on the end credits?

That's roughly the same argument.

The game is so big that stuff has to be on a timer, otherwise stuff would happen completely at random, which would be even more impossible.

Either show up on time or find something else to do. That's the way the world works in general, not just GW2.

Half of life is just showing up. If you can't manage that, well that's kinda on you.

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There's a few different kinds of timers:

  • Events that start at a certain time (such as many world bosses)
  • Events that start a certain amount of time after it was last completed
  • Events that run for a certain amount of time (such as defend events with infinite mobs that you have to fend off)
  • Events which, once started, have a maximum time before it will fail.

The first 2 are, imo, perfectly fine - some could possibly use a slight tweak but that's beside the point.
The 3rd kind is sort of ok too, though they sometimes take far too long so people lose interest and wander off (like "defend xxx for the next 8 minutes" in a low-level map...)
The last kind is trickier. First of all they come in 2 flavors - events that start by themselves and events that are manually triggered. Events that start by themselves and then have a failure timer seems a bit pointless, they might sit completely abandoned for a long time then someone comes by and wants to try, only to find that it's got 30 seconds left so no chance of completion. Manually triggered events are usually fine, however someone might start an event only to realize it's too hard or too boring or something and just abandon it, letting its timer run out - which basically is the first kind of failure-timer events. This kind of event are often frustrating to find; for some reason it always feels like you find them with too little time remaining to be able to finish...
It might be better to let those events fail if they sit untouched for a while (the time it takes to go to the nearest WP and run back maybe?).

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3 hours ago, TheThief.8475 said:

I don't choose to ignore their reasoning, they just don't solve the problem I pointed out

It can make all the sense you want, but if it is frustrating from a gameplay standpoint, I will still not like it

It's "not solving a problem" because, as explained, it is not exactly a problem in the first place.

3 hours ago, TheThief.8475 said:

I explained that the fail timers can still exist but they should not start on their own, but when a player starts contributing, for example 

That would be weird and in many cases make no sense. The world doesn't stop moving just because you're not in the area and didn't give out a direct permit for the event to occur. I wouldn't like it.

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Removing timers from normal events would need full event overhaul when just removing the timer from normal events will not work because there is many of normal events that requires the other event with the timer to fail to start, many of waypoins that gets locked by the normal event nearby would not be usable until someone completes the event which in many areas could make certain waypoints unusable completely and less populated map instance would become very annoying to navigate if they ended up be full of events.


I don't know why normal events with timers makes Guild Wars 2 unplayable for you when i never had problem with normal events with times and i play Guild Wars 2 casually and very very VERY slowly.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It's "not solving a problem" because, as explained, it is not exactly a problem in the first place.

That would be weird and in many cases make no sense. The world doesn't stop moving just because you're not in the area and didn't give out a direct permit for the event to occur. I wouldn't like it.

It kind of bothers me the op keeps insisting on having main character syndrome. I would kill many bandits for a proper A-life system in this game. 

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