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So many questions, so little answers. Anet it is Wednesday already and we heard NOTHING.

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On Friday, three days from now Arena Net will destroy our comunites to reshuffle the servers and add forever beta aka World restruction. There is no alliances in play, so what we get is litterally a shuffle. Alliances would have made it possible to move comunties but World restructions will not. There is not enough slots to cover a whole comunites. So i will leave friends behind that i played with for 12 years. Most people i know and played and talked to every day, and many people i played along side with. I don't know them but i do know them as they know me. So many left behind.


It is not unknown that i beeen sceptic to alliances and more so world restruction since it came up a decade ago. I said from the start it is a bad idea and most people agree with me on servers i play on, there are obviously also people that don't agree and that is fine. How ever what is not fine Arena Net is that it is THREE DAYS LEFT and you have not made a single post about WvW and World Restruction. We know NOTHING about how you are planning this, how it will play out, what will be, and what will come.

And the tools, the tools i been told i am a idiot that dont understand that you guys are making amazing tools to make awsome matchups and i am just a moron that do not give you the time to show them. So are you? Is there new tools? How will they work? How do matchup works. What deterimine which worlds will fight eachother? What counts as a win? How do you win? Will a win get something? How to you determine that? How long will we stick with the people on our world that is not with our guild? I mean it is litterally like links but again people told me your tools will fix everything, will they?


Where is the info? Why is there no info? We waited for a decade and a few days left and nothing is said.  TALK TO US!


And to the people who will tell me about how wrong i am i am sorrby but today i dont care how you feel about it. We are there now, i want to know what is gonna happen. I want Anet to show that WvW IS a cornerstone. I want that info before we get tossed in to something we know nothing about. TALK TO US ARENA NET!

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Hmmm Alliances with most people I choose or bots on SBI hard choice.

Your "communities" aren't going anywhere, you still have 5 guilds slots to talk to them. Got someone in map you enjoy talking too but not in a any guild? You can use this feature called the friend list to add them and even give them a nickname. You can always whisper and talk to them.

I would agree, ANET hasnt mention how long the "alliances" last before we get a shuffle of alliances.

Edited by Twilightzone.7452
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53 minutes ago, Leaa.2943 said:

On Friday, three days from now Arena Net will destroy our comunites to reshuffle the servers and add forever beta aka World restruction. There is no alliances in play, so what we get is litterally a shuffle. Alliances would have made it possible to move comunties but World restructions will not. There is not enough slots to cover a whole comunites. So i will leave friends behind that i played with for 12 years. Most people i know and played and talked to every day, and many people i played along side with. I don't know them but i do know them as they know me. So many left behind.

It is not unknown that i beeen sceptic to alliances and more so world restruction since it came up a decade ago. I said from the start it is a bad idea and most people agree with me on servers i play on, there are obviously also people that don't agree and that is fine. How ever what is not fine Arena Net is that it is THREE DAYS LEFT and you have not made a single post about WvW and World Restruction. We know NOTHING about how you are planning this, how it will play out, what will be, and what will come.

And the tools, the tools i been told i am a idiot that dont understand that you guys are making amazing tools to make awsome matchups and i am just a moron that do not give you the time to show them. So are you? Is there new tools? How will they work? How do matchup works. What deterimine which worlds will fight eachother? What counts as a win? How do you win? Will a win get something? How to you determine that? How long will we stick with the people on our world that is not with our guild? I mean it is litterally like links but again people told me your tools will fix everything, will they?

Where is the info? Why is there no info? We waited for a decade and a few days left and nothing is said.  TALK TO US!

And to the people who will tell me about how wrong i am i am sorrby but today i dont care how you feel about it. We are there now, i want to know what is gonna happen. I want Anet to show that WvW IS a cornerstone. I want that info before we get tossed in to something we know nothing about. TALK TO US ARENA NET!

What additional information do you need to know? we've talked about this for 6 years, it's been in beta for like 3 years, what else do you need to know last minute?

Alliances was going to have the same amount of slots as a guild, so the 6th guild slot was created to make your alliance, it's been a month.

This is them talking to you. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/studio-update-guild-wars-2-in-spring-and-summer-2024/


World vs. World Updates

It’s happening! We’re excited to announce that the World Restructuring system will be moving into an always-on beta status beginning with the WvW reset on June 14.

This feature has been a long time coming, and there will undoubtedly be kinks that we’ll need to iron out with the launch, but making the feature perpetually available to players will allow us to iterate on the system more quickly than the limited beta events we’ve run previously . For example, we are continuing to hammer out the remaining queue bugs.

To further mitigate the queue issue in the short term, we’ll add an additional tier to both NA and EU WvW, which will reduce the queue length for maps during prime time. (As a note, the end of the final relinking period will be extended from May 31 to June 14.)

We have a few important changes coming to help prepare for the introduction of World Restructuring. We are increasing the guild membership limit from five to six to give WvW players some added flexibility in creating or joining guilds for World Restructuring. Second, we’re introducing an in-game timer under the name “Next team creation lockout” in the guild panel to help communicate when changes to battle guilds will take effect.

Finally, to help memorialize the worlds we’ve been battling over for the past twelve years, you’ll be able to don a new title to honor them (example: Anvil Rock Veteran). These will be available as a free one-time purchase from Commander War Razor in WvW. We recognize that the world you consider your true home may not be the world you currently reside on, so we’re leaving it up to you to choose the title that means the most to you. Choose carefully!


What else do you need to know? Wvw will literally function exactly the same as today. You'll just have new world names and server mates every month, other than the 500 that you signed up with. Do you even have 500 people ready to sign up for an alliance? If you do, you have 2 days left to put it together, or wait another month I guess on the next world recreation.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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1 hour ago, Leaa.2943 said:

On Friday, three days from now Arena Net will destroy our comunites to reshuffle the servers and add forever beta aka World restruction. There is no alliances in play, so what we get is litterally a shuffle. Alliances would have made it possible to move comunties but World restructions will not. There is not enough slots to cover a whole comunites. So i will leave friends behind that i played with for 12 years. Most people i know and played and talked to every day, and many people i played along side with. I don't know them but i do know them as they know me. So many left behind.


It is not unknown that i beeen sceptic to alliances and more so world restruction since it came up a decade ago. I said from the start it is a bad idea and most people agree with me on servers i play on, there are obviously also people that don't agree and that is fine. How ever what is not fine Arena Net is that it is THREE DAYS LEFT and you have not made a single post about WvW and World Restruction. We know NOTHING about how you are planning this, how it will play out, what will be, and what will come.

And the tools, the tools i been told i am a idiot that dont understand that you guys are making amazing tools to make awsome matchups and i am just a moron that do not give you the time to show them. So are you? Is there new tools? How will they work? How do matchup works. What deterimine which worlds will fight eachother? What counts as a win? How do you win? Will a win get something? How to you determine that? How long will we stick with the people on our world that is not with our guild? I mean it is litterally like links but again people told me your tools will fix everything, will they?


Where is the info? Why is there no info? We waited for a decade and a few days left and nothing is said.  TALK TO US!


And to the people who will tell me about how wrong i am i am sorrby but today i dont care how you feel about it. We are there now, i want to know what is gonna happen. I want Anet to show that WvW IS a cornerstone. I want that info before we get tossed in to something we know nothing about. TALK TO US ARENA NET!

I'm sorry but if you've professed to have played the game with people daily over the course of 12 years, and still manage to remain oblivious to something that's been announced for years and have multiple betas to show what's been going on (just set a guild as an alliance guild), then that's really on you.

The "tool" is spending 1 gold to make a guild to get all those long term friends to join together.

I'm sure if your communities are that strong, they can certainly get their kitten together once in about 12 years for a week. Or if not, just wait until the next week. It's really not the end of the world if it's late.

I would strongly recommend doing that, instead of wasting time writing paragraphs of tl;dr

I mean I really don't get it. I have friends that don't even know what's going on and I just tell them to accept the invite and that's it.  It's not that hard.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Also being over dramatic leaving people behind, like worlds will be shuffled every 4 months, there's a chance they could be shuffled into your world even if not in an alliance together and nothing is stopping you from sending a whisper to someone to keep in touch.

Like later Imma log on and send Archonwing a tell, hey man you got room for one more in your alliance?

Archon: No we're full, but you can be first in queue for invite the until next wr.

Me: Aright cool cool cool, let me know when something opens up.

Archon: Ok, back to abusing moa until nerf day.

Me: Naw, we need to get pull nerfed next, dem boon buddies be salty going over cliffs too.

Haters gonna hate 🕺 -->

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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Half a decade coming with all the info and Anet added the 6th guild slot to create community guilds specifically for WvW… and people act like it’s a shocking surprise.

You know what will you will see when you log in after reset? People fighting like normal. People crying for commanders. People complaining no one responds to callouts. People complaining no one defends. With the exact same matchup system we have now on the surface. It’ll just be regular WvW with a more random worlds and more focused on guilds.

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10 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

You know what will you will see when you log in after reset?

Yes. The forum will be flooded by players wondering why their guild is all on different teams and how they didn't know about the change and Anet didn't send them in game mail. /sarcasm

Some will legitimately have bugged out and be placed on wrong team too and will post. I've heard the best thing to do at that point is open a ticket with support.



Edited by Chaba.5410
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WR seems to be an exceptionally hard comprehension test for a lot of people, and preparing for and navigating it seems to require a level of adulting many struggle to find.

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9 hours ago, Twilightzone.7452 said:

Hmmm Alliances with most people I choose or bots on SBI hard choice.

Your "communities" aren't going anywhere, you still have 5 guilds slots to talk to them. Got someone in map you enjoy talking too but not in a any guild? You can use this feature called the friend list to add them and even give them a nickname. You can always whisper and talk to them.

I would agree, ANET hasnt mention how long the "alliances" last before we get a shuffle of alliances.

What's this Alliance you speak of?

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8 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

What additional information do you need to know? we've talked about this for 6 years, it's been in beta for like 3 years, what else do you need to know last minute?

Alliances was going to have the same amount of slots as a guild, so the 6th guild slot was created to make your alliance, it's been a month.

This is them talking to you. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/studio-update-guild-wars-2-in-spring-and-summer-2024/


What else do you need to know? Wvw will literally function exactly the same as today. You'll just have new world names and server mates every month, other than the 500 that you signed up with. Do you even have 500 people ready to sign up for an alliance? If you do, you have 2 days left to put it together, or wait another month I guess on the next world recreation.

lol, how long has it been and no more detailed posts before it goes live to provide more details on sorting, transfers, initial placements and all the more. Are they sticking with 500, are they using new factors in sorts, is there more logic to deal with time of play?

Have to agree they are treating this with a, I don't care kind of attitude that is a bit annoying personally. It's more marketing versus a real QoL change kind of feel.  

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8 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I'm sorry but if you've professed to have played the game with people daily over the course of 12 years, and still manage to remain oblivious to something that's been announced for years and have multiple betas to show what's been going on (just set a guild as an alliance guild), then that's really on you.

The "tool" is spending 1 gold to make a guild to get all those long term friends to join together.

I'm sure if your communities are that strong, they can certainly get their kitten together once in about 12 years for a week. Or if not, just wait until the next week. It's really not the end of the world if it's late.

I would strongly recommend doing that, instead of wasting time writing paragraphs of tl;dr

I mean I really don't get it. I have friends that don't even know what's going on and I just tell them to accept the invite and that's it.  It's not that hard.

You discount communities that you have been part of. As I have called them pub communities. It's a matter of seeing peeps day in and day out. Fighting with them, helping them, aiding them, emoting them, doing things with them, yet you might not be in the same guild or voice. But you have still gotten to know them, know when they will or will not do things. 

But none of that matters. WR is inc, so anyone not in a guild or comm guild needs to get there or, get your mindset to float and see where the winds take you. Good hunting!

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3 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Half a decade coming with all the info and Anet added the 6th guild slot to create community guilds specifically for WvW… and people act like it’s a shocking surprise.

You know what will you will see when you log in after reset? People fighting like normal. People crying for commanders. People complaining no one responds to callouts. People complaining no one defends. With the exact same matchup system we have now on the surface. It’ll just be regular WvW with a more random worlds and more focused on guilds.

So you agree Anet did all they could to warn peeps? I find that amazing in your snark tank to think that, and I usually ask people nightly are they aware and still get, what are you talking about. 

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3 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Yes. The forum will be flooded by players wondering why their guild is all on different teams and how they didn't know about the change and Anet didn't send them in game mail. /sarcasm

Some will legitimately have bugged out and be placed on wrong team too and will post. I've heard the best thing to do at that point is open a ticket with support.



I will hope we see none of that, but I am still concerned that players aren't looking at website, guild leads are slack (have seen in replies), Anet hasn't done enough to post in game notice or posters have been slack in sharing info to in game players. 

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10 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

On Friday, three days from now Arena Net will destroy our comunites to reshuffle the servers and add forever beta aka World restruction.

Have to agree, they are missing out on an updated blog of how/what/where/why of the logic that will be used on the release of the feature. Anet is doing a bad job of selling it as an improved system and no details of what follows. It's more a talking piece with no follow-up currently. Look we checked a box, congratz! 

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10 hours ago, Twilightzone.7452 said:

Hmmm Alliances with most people I choose or bots on SBI hard choice.

Your "communities" aren't going anywhere, you still have 5 guilds slots to talk to them. Got someone in map you enjoy talking too but not in a any guild? You can use this feature called the friend list to add them and even give them a nickname. You can always whisper and talk to them.

I would agree, ANET hasnt mention how long the "alliances" last before we get a shuffle of alliances.

the point is, people join a "ally" suiting to their skill lvl.
he might have had ton of friends below or above his skill lvl these people are gone its not about talking to them.

then again alliances to me is like the last nail for WvW. like i said people will stick to people with the same skill lvl, thus all the somewhat proper people will join each other crushing everything, for a while its fun but sooner or later the boredom strikes they will quit. the one who gets farmed by them will quit before that already or avoid them like a plague.
see i know anet is like in perfect case senario people will split up and we will have balanced fights from no skill to high skill. this could have happened if alliances would have been reduced to 30 max.  but no the amount of people u can ram into 1 guild is enough to fill up a whole server in WvW for multiple maps. the system is just beyond bad. it doesnt add or remove anything from what we had already right now.

either way everything with alliances is wrong. plus anet is losing their income for server transfers before all the bandwagons had to server transfer now they just join the guild and end up in same server on the next shuffle. all for free!

anyway i dont see anything good coming out of this alliance crap. i know people i can trust but i never said a word to them just by roaming around i know who will fight and who will dash off, things like this will be gone i either gonna have to trust every1 or not trust any1.

Edited by reddie.5861
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2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

I will hope we see none of that, but I am still concerned that players aren't looking at website, guild leads are slack (have seen in replies), Anet hasn't done enough to post in game notice or posters have been slack in sharing info to in game players. 

It's absolutely going to happen, at least some degree of chaos. I mostly play with a WvW guild, Alliance and everything. After dozens of announcements, warnings in chat, comms, etc. We still had a couple of guys asking "what's about the new Alliance thing?".  These are not casual gamers, we have several rallies every week.


Do not underestimate how disconnected are some players.

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18 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

lol, how long has it been and no more detailed posts before it goes live to provide more details on sorting, transfers, initial placements and all the more. Are they sticking with 500, are they using new factors in sorts, is there more logic to deal with time of play?

Have to agree they are treating this with a, I don't care kind of attitude that is a bit annoying personally. It's more marketing versus a real QoL change kind of feel.  

Why would they talk about sorting? they will hide details about the system as much as they do for world population measurements and relink method, so players don't game the system.

Transfers are locked out, hence why we're getting 4 week periods instead of the usual 8 weeks, until they figure that part out.

Initial placements? random like the betas? what else would they use for a system that's suppose to be sorting all worlds to be near each other in population status and come in fresh with no data behind it for placements.

Yes they are sticking to 500, bit late to change that number don't you think? that's been the answer for six years, maybe this is something they will look at if they decide to actually go forward with the alliance part down the road. 

Again why would they share all the details of sorting so players can just game the system. They did tell us last beta that time zone sorting was implemented. Sorry but for the health of the system the players don't need to know the nitty gritty parts of the system. Human nature will just make us want to abuse the system for an advantage. Same reason players use fotm specs to fight with.


Haters gonna hate 🕺 🤭 -->


Edited by XenesisII.1540
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16 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

How do matchup works.

like currently

16 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

What deterimine which worlds will fight eachother?

still like currently


16 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

What counts as a win? How do you win?

same as now


16 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

How long will we stick with the people on our world that is not with our guild?

1 month, and they will change it if they find it too long or too short


16 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

I mean it is litterally like links but again people told me your tools will fix everything

I think you are mixing up a lot of things with this. The only "tools" they ever talked about are mock ups of screens that allow alliance leaders to track the WvW actiivty of members of the guilds of said alliance, and leaderboards. 


16 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

Alliances would have made it possible to move comunties but World restructions will not. There is not enough slots to cover a whole comunites.

It never was into question that alliances go over 500 players. Never.


If you want to know what's the plan with alliances, it's because anet want to have more control over team balance. And to gain control, you need to increase granularity and lock teams. The rest is statistics and their ability to do math. Which means that for every thing else, I don't see why it wouldn't behave differently that what we have now., or even why you would expect that. 

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18 hours ago, Twilightzone.7452 said:

Your "communities" aren't going anywhere, you still have 5 guilds slots to talk to them. Got someone in map you enjoy talking too but not in a any guild? You can use this feature called the friend list to add them and even give them a nickname. You can always whisper and talk to them.

To talk to them, yes. But only in chat, and in practice I only do that with close friends and my squad of the moment. To play with them (including the cameraderie of all of us chatting and sharing a laugh in voice as we're playing, which is a core part of our being a community), no.

I'm in 3 guilds right now, that regularly do WvW, but largely at different times of the day and week. I have friends in all of them. Guild and server politics, though,  have meant that they're still going to be 3 guilds after the change. So; I have to pick one of them to run with, and focus on one part of the day/week, in the full expectation that the others won't be on the same teams of the same matchup. And there's no point in trying to replace either of them with another regular guild after the change, because even if I happen to find one there's an extremely good chance they'll get moved away from me at the next shuffle.  In other words, I'm going to be losing the pleasure of playing with old friends whatever I choose, and expecting to find it to be harder to play with coherent teams as and when I want to, to boot. I feel my community is being ripped apart under me, and that I'm going to lose out quite a bit overall in a way that I have no easy way of replacing..

I hope I'm wrong - but I doubt it. Time will tell.

Edited by Doghouse.1562
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Just now, Doghouse.1562 said:

Guild politics have meant that they're still going to be 3 guilds after the change. So; I have to pick one of them to run with

Game companies don't normally get involved in guild politics.  WR really has nothing to do with guild politics either.  You'd still be stuck having to pick and choose if they had ever transferred to a different server.

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