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Stop the power creep builds!

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I'm under the feeling lately that something is wrong about power builds. How my "supposedly" unkillable ele is getting steam rolled so often like an ambiant creature? And its not only my usual thieves or rangers issues. A core engi insta killed me this morning! A CORE ENGI???? I'm still shocked!

A fight that last 2-3 secondes isnt fun at all and as it happen a bit too often lately I think its time to get a damage cap like 5k-7k max dmg per skills.

Edited by manu.7539
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  • manu.7539 changed the title to Stop the power creep builds!

Which dmg buffs are you talking about exactly that could  lead to "powercrept oneshot builds"? Because i'm only aware of dmg nerfs and defense buffs and the last time i got hit by burst with oneshot potential it was when ice relic was bugged. Which has been fixed/nerfed.

The real power creep comes from boon spam and defense buffs and yes, anet should stop with that.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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55 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Which dmg buffs are you talking about exactly that could  lead to "powercrept oneshot builds"? Because i'm only aware of dmg nerfs and defense buffs and the last time i got hit by burst with oneshot potential it was when ice relic was bugged. Which has been fixed/nerfed.

The real power creep comes from boon spam and defense buffs and yes, anet should stop with that.

Tbh I cant say what damage buffs happened or if it really happened. All I can say is that I feel really weak suddenly vs power builds in small scale fights. Being one shot by a core engi this morning told me that my feeling was maybe right! I mean, the guy leaped on me and that was it for the "fight" 😕

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core one shot engi is a meme build, it's self buffs using every utility slot and tool belt skill to get the one shot, if it misses you can easily kill it. it's a gimmick build. i made a whole meme video using it.

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Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that every single broken/oneshot/op type build is always written off as a "gimmick", like this is some kinda secret word to the devs to not nerf the build. Whoa ease off guys, only one player in wvw uses this build for a joke video, relax, look the other way!

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3 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that every single broken/oneshot/op type build is always written off as a "gimmick", like this is some kinda secret word to the devs to not nerf the build. Whoa ease off guys, only one player in wvw uses this build for a joke video, relax, look the other way!

that's because if you know what to look for you can hard counter the build and just breath on them to kill them.

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9 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

But isn't that how it is for every build?

There aren't really good oneshot builds anymore, that can't be easily countered, but there are plenty of broken and overpowered other types of builds, that are much harder to counter, so no, it's not the same for every build.

But yea, if you play a glassy build yourself and just stand there as another glass player unloads their burst on you - you are going to die.

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3 hours ago, manu.7539 said:

Tbh I cant say what damage buffs happened or if it really happened. All I can say is that I feel really weak suddenly vs power builds in small scale fights. Being one shot by a core engi this morning told me that my feeling was maybe right! I mean, the guy leaped on me and that was it for the "fight" 😕

Well, did you look at your combat logs? What does the numbers say?

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This reads like a lead-poisoned boomer's Facebook post. 

2 hours ago, Alec B.8905 said:

core one shot engi is a meme build, it's self buffs using every utility slot and tool belt skill to get the one shot, if it misses you can easily kill it. it's a gimmick build. i made a whole meme video using it.

Exactly. This is a learn to play issue for OP, nothing more. 

7 hours ago, manu.7539 said:

supposedly" unkillable ele

Your ele shouldn't be unkillable at all. Perhaps support ele is what needs a nerf. If you're normally "unkillable" while just spamming buttons off cooldown (which clearly is what you're doing if you're dying to zerker core engi...) perhaps that's a bit more indicative of what needs changed here. 

7 hours ago, manu.7539 said:

A fight that last 2-3 secondes isnt fun at all

Sure it can be. I like my fights to actually require timing, strategy, reaction, movement and positioning. The shorter/glassier the fight, the more impactful of each individual action. Mistakes are punished; well-played risks are rewarded.

As opposed to long fights on "safe" builds that make countless mistakes while using skills in an unintelligent manner but still win, because the build does the work for you. 

Sorry OP, but that engi is playing the game on hard mode, and you're playing the game with the controller unplugged. 

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8 hours ago, manu.7539 said:

How my "supposedly" unkillable ele is getting steam rolled so often like an ambiant creature?

When was Elementalist ever suppose to be unkillable?

Now I'll admit, it's my least favorite of all 9 professions (So that's something I guess) but even I know Ele mains never shut up about how squishy they are and how desperately they need a ranged weapon because all they do is die to everything.

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2 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Don't you guys understand?  Lowly pedestrian classes like core engi are not entitled to win against noble and proper classes like elementalist.  It's SHOCKING!

I didnt want to disrespect the core engi class but the truth is that in my 12-14k hours of WvW I dont remember any of them being even close to one shot me! In contrary I've seen some taking no damage but doing no damage, that's about it from my annoying moments vs core engis until that fight, thats why I was shocked and whatever you think, that is the honest expression of my experience in WvW


3 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

When was Elementalist ever suppose to be unkillable?

Now I'll admit, it's my least favorite of all 9 professions (So that's something I guess) but even I know Ele mains never shut up about how squishy they are and how desperately they need a ranged weapon because all they do is die to everything.

"supposedly" with quotes... guess its too subtle but that was a bit ironic and based on past comments about me or the ele class.


4 hours ago, Lalary.3561 said:

If you are dying to core eng in 2-3 seconds on some snoozefest bunker ele build, sounds 100% like you problem than anything else.


Yeah, I must agree that I'm at least a big part of the problem. I'm too stubborn to change that build that used to be great, then decent but now its just a scrap. The mobility is still good, the damage is still decent but the sustain isnt there anymore so facing classes that can chain the 10k ish damage is getting very annoying, its like putting my hand in the fire each time I try to not runaway.

I tried today a scepter/focus set instead of my usual sword/dagger I'm still lost with it and badly miss the dynamism of my usual playstyle but the sustain is definitely stronger.

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3 minutes ago, Zeria.6583 said:

Everyone should be nake in wvw, there's really no point to wear any clothes and cause unbalance.

Then all the female norns have a natural advantage because of those 2 extra… buttons.

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4 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that every single broken/oneshot/op type build is always written off as a "gimmick", like this is some kinda secret word to the devs to not nerf the build. Whoa ease off guys, only one player in wvw uses this build for a joke video, relax, look the other way!

Looks at other way... humm theres a perma all boons zerg ball being totally carried by boons against smaller groups.

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21 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

But isn't that how it is for every build?

Not really. 

The gimmick builds put everything they have into like one or maybe two skills. After that, they have nothing. That's not like glass builds that still build for some survivability. These gimmick builds don't just do high damage, it's that they use their entire toolkit to make one skill one shot someone.

Engie one shot nade builds are prime examples of this, because they use literally every utility and tool belt skill to buff up and use a single skill to get their kills. If you know how to deal with the singular grenade skill they use, they literally have nothing left in their kit to survive with. Another would be Norn bear ranger. You again, use your entire kit to boost the damage of a racial elite skill that's on a super long cooldown. You miss that hit, you might as well start role playing as a punching bag. 

They are pure gimmicks. Once people start learning how to deal with the singular skill they use, there's nothing left the build can do. These builds have long set up times, so you get one kill, and then hope you can escape, and that's it.

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