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Please add higher scaling to any content you add "Rushes" to


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LS3 content does not function with full maps. It does not scale high enough.

It ruins every event and makes them genuinely unfun.

Please add higher scaling to any content you decide to add "Rushes" to.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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8 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Isn't power creep more of the issue?

Yes and no.

It's true the mobs in these zones are undertuned compared to current player power, however, the events in these maps were never coded to scale to extreme amounts like some other zones.

So when a rush happens, you basically just alt tab and do something else because you don't get to actually play a video game while doing the dailies.


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16 minutes ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

however, the events in these maps were never coded to scale to extreme amounts like some other zones.

What is this supposed to be based on? All of those maps were the latest content at one point and so people flocked to it naturally filling the maps. Was the cap lower on those maps when they released?

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What is this supposed to be based on?

The fact that there's like 1 veteran spawning and 0 champions with 50 people doing it.


Edited by Kozumi.5816
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Most of the events seem to scale just fine. The one i have issues with is the pre for Vermingus event. The bars on batteries scale just fine, but the mob spawns to fill those batteries do not. As a result the event takes forever, while at the same time being distinctly hard to tag (as mobs spawn very slowly, and die practically immediately after appearing).

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On 7/26/2024 at 9:52 PM, Kozumi.5816 said:

LS3 content does not function with full maps. It does not scale high enough.

From what I have observed in Ember Bay, it seems like mobs doesn't scale as much as they used to in LS3/PoF times anymore.

Back then we often farmed events in Ember Bay. We were like 15-20 people in total and did events such as the sloth and the skritt chains.
15-20 people were enough to spawn champions at most spawn spots. Sometime even two per spawn.
Also the wurm event inside the volcano used to spawn champions at 10-20 players.

But when doing events for the bonus week, I noticed that not a single event scaled up to spawn even a single champion.
We were like 30+ players scaling up the events, but nothing. Elite was the highest rank that spawned.
Sloth chain, skritt chain, wurm chain, not a single champion spawned due to scaling.

Edited by kiroho.4738
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19 minutes ago, kiroho.4738 said:

From what I have observed in Ember Bay, it seems like mobs doesn't scale as much as they used to in LS3/PoF times anymore.

Back then we often farmed events in Ember Bay. We were like 15-20 people in total and did events such as the sloth and the skritt chains.
15-20 people were enough to spawn champions at most spawn spots. Sometime even two per spawn.
Also the wurm event inside the volcano used to spawn champions at 10-20 players.

But when doing events for the bonus week, I noticed that not a single event scaled up to spawn even a single champion.
We were like 30+ players scaling up the events, but nothing. Elite was the highest rank that spawned.
Sloth chain, skritt chain, wurm chain, not a single champion spawned due to scaling.

less champion bags entering the economy that way.

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3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

less champion bags entering the economy that way.

Not really.
Ember Bay wasn't really a farm spot anyways. I never saw many people actively farming champs there, aside from our group.
Also there are much better farm spots, so if people want to farm, they will choose the better ones anyways.

And I really doubt Anet turned down the scaling just for the bonus event. Wouldn't make sense, as the impact to the economy wouldn't be noticable anyways.

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20 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

From what I have observed in Ember Bay, it seems like mobs doesn't scale as much as they used to in LS3/PoF times anymore.

there was a time when i used to visit those LS3 maps regularly (daily) and i remember there being a plague of AFK  farmer stacks on the beaches that even caused some fps drops for me with all those minions they had. when they had stacked so many there, that also scaled up just random open world spawns in number and power. i wouldn't be surprised if the scaling on the entire map was nerfed for that.

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5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I would not be able to tell the names of events; just whatever popped up.

Was it Ember Bay? There are not that many events on the map and most of them can/could spawn champions through scaling.


5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

But, I had this thread in mind when doing the Dailies; so I noticed that there were, indeed, Champions spawning.

If this includes Ember Bay (I restrict myself to this map because of my own experience there), it's interesting.

This could mean that a) the bonus event or the amount of players indeed bugged the scaling somehow or b) Anet indeed nerfed the map(s) at some point before the bonus event.
Latter wouldn't make sense imo though.

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On 7/28/2024 at 8:27 AM, kiroho.4738 said:

From what I have observed in Ember Bay, it seems like mobs doesn't scale as much as they used to in LS3/PoF times anymore.

Back then we often farmed events in Ember Bay. We were like 15-20 people in total and did events such as the sloth and the skritt chains.
15-20 people were enough to spawn champions at most spawn spots. Sometime even two per spawn.
Also the wurm event inside the volcano used to spawn champions at 10-20 players.

But when doing events for the bonus week, I noticed that not a single event scaled up to spawn even a single champion.
We were like 30+ players scaling up the events, but nothing. Elite was the highest rank that spawned.
Sloth chain, skritt chain, wurm chain, not a single champion spawned due to scaling.

I saw champions spawn during the wurm event on the first day of the rush. They still die quickly, though, so they might be easy to miss, and I'm not sure they generate champ bags (sometimes champions spawned through event scaling don't, presumably because they don't want to punish players for doing the event with a relatively small group).

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Working fine. Scaling it up more would only be annoying - when you want to finish things quickly. Especially now that they plan to keep the weeks without events close to 0 - adding such small stuff regularly. (Where we of course still want the rewards.) Yes it can be annoying for new players to tag small events. (But they can do that all the time - the majority of the time there is no special event.) For the big events they will have more help. (I guess for the Sage in Lake Doric it would be hard to find groups nowadays - outside of this event. Even when the map is on daily LS3.)

With Hablion pre event it even is buggy. Scales the number of mobs required but does not spawn them enough. In general the old scaling was worse than later (in later maps) - though we still have weird stuff. Like the wharf event chain in Dragon's End the 2nd event when defending. When you almost kill a wave and the bar is at like ... 1 remaining kill. And then it takes long to spawn the next set of enemies. (Instead of spawning them faster. Or just including one more in the previous set.)

For certain stuff always (and then it is perfectly doable) waiting was recommended - like the shrines in Siren's Landing (daily shrine is not really important but the mobs at the end are sometimes needed) where you had to be lucky to be on a map that tried to use a commander to rotate through all shrines (so people could tag each of them in one go). Waiting at a specific one you need (or going there fast) = no problem.

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i think if you pay attention, you'll find that almost no events spawn champions anymore in the entire world. i remember it dropping off sharply around end of dragons release, as icebrood saga map events like in bjora were still spawning champions pretty regularly at the time.


i know we have power creep, but classes haven't become that much more powerful since then and i've noticed a steep drop in difficulty.


i also remember them spawning at world bosses like fire elemental, and yet i haven't seen that in a very long time, either. you're lucky if that event even spawns veterans anymore, so it feels to me like they tuned down the scaling globally, which is odd since its one of the major critisisms of the game these days.


it almost feels like every event maxes out at ten players now? well, except eparch and his wyvern i geuss.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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