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The new in combat AFK timer is causing me grief

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On 8/11/2024 at 3:48 PM, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

The system is not shooting those who actually play the game, because in order for you to be kicked you have to be AFK and in combat. You got kicked because you were in combat and you were in AFK, the system does what is intended to do. Don't AFK near enemies, don't get kicked, people generally learn it pretty early on that they're not supposed to AFK next to enemies.

Please..... being afk for 30 min and more i'll be ok with you. Not for 5 single f***** minute, especially when you'r not in combat, because i wasn't in combat at this point. What the hell? Do you understand the meaning of this ? That you can't just stop a few minutes pressing your keyboard for all the reason that may arise  (emergency, phonecall, door ring, stand up to take some food or drink)? What happen if a troll bring a ennemy to you to get you kick ? Are we still allow to live ? to made a short break of a few minute without moving ?

It is a probleme if, as an active player, i'm kick for 5 little minute of inactivity, and especially when the game FORCE you to wait by a timer of 10 min and more over when you are not in an afk farming situation.  If i give the exemple of my case it is because it is a case where it is unfair to be kick and making me fail the end or the start of a event and because i'm not the only one.
And this topic, this forum is there for that, allowing regular player to share their experience, and the bad one, so Anet could adjust there systeme and they should because a system whose aim is to fight a minority of abusers but which hits the majority is NOT a good system?

And this kind of  answer, your answer and all the similar answer  like "you won't be kick if you play the game", sorry to tell you this but, it is a huge condescending answer, it does'nt bring any solution and is lack of empathic for all the legit player who get kick for no reason by a system too strict. Please grow up

Edited by LothiaVela.6789
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2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Had the warning pop up for me to day in Verdant Brink.  Was sitting on the way point at the far south-west corner (before Auric Basin) for a few minutes as I was AFK with work, then I opened the map to see where I wanted to go next.  Got the warning then.  Was probably only 5 minutes give or take and that's not really a spot where one can be attacked (or is it?).  Found it strange.

Was your status set to away or online out of curiosity?

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40 minutes ago, LothiaVela.6789 said:

Please..... being afk for 30 min and more i'll be ok with you. Not for 5 single f***** minute, especially when you'r not in combat, because i wasn't in combat at this point. What the hell? Do you understand the meaning of this ? That you can't just stop a few minutes pressing your keyboard for all the reason that may arise  (emergency, phonecall, door ring, stand up to take some food or drink)? What happen if a troll bring a ennemy to you to get you kick ? Are we still allow to live ? to made a short break of a few minute without moving ?

It is a probleme if, as an active player, i'm kick for 5 little minute of inactivity, and especially when the game FORCE you to wait by a timer of 10 min and more over when you are not in an afk farming situation.  If i give the exemple of my case it is because it is a case where it is unfair to be kick and making me fail the end or the start of a event and because i'm not the only one.
And this topic, this forum is there for that, allowing regular player to share their experience, and the bad one, so Anet could adjust there systeme and they should because a system whose aim is to fight a minority of abusers but which hits the majority is NOT a good system?

If you got kicked in 5 minutes you went AFK near enemies. Do you understand the meaning of that? The system works perfectly. I've been AFKing in the Mistlock for ~45 minutes already and I've yet to be kicked. 
If someone can bring an enemy to you then you were simply AFK near enemies already, there is a range on enemies that they're allowed to move.

If you get kicked in 5 minutes for inactivity as an active player you simply aren't active.

There is no need to adjust the system, don't AFK around enemies and you won't be kicked, it's not that hard.

44 minutes ago, LothiaVela.6789 said:

And this kind of  answer, your answer and all the similar answer  like "you won't be kick if you play the game", sorry to tell you this but, it is a huge condescending answer, it does'nt bring any solution and is lack of empathic for all the legit player who get kick for no reason by a system too strict. Please grow up

If you start your response with swearting, going "do you understand this?" and kitten like that don't expect people to not be condescending to you and be emphatetic to you whining about being kicked for inactivity BY BEING INACTIVE. 

How the hell am I not getting kicked when I AFK in the Crown Pavilion or before any metas I do? Oh right, I AFK away from enemies, like how you should be doing instead of coming to the forums to complain.

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Let's be honest for a moment; The reason why a lot of people in this thread are so "enthusiastic" about this new afk-system and are "passionately defending it" is not cause it's gonna be great for everyone. It certainly isn't about something as convoluted like "efficient instanced map participation" Are they really convinced another global restriction is great for everyone? That eh... unique perspective. More Restrictions = Fun times.


I am just gonna take a humorous wild guess about what was reaaaaaly on the mind of "it's fans" the moment they learned about this new system:

"I was waiting for such a system so bad, i loath afk-farmers, leechers and their kin from the bottom of my heart, I hate them, i wanna see them get burned to the ground, i only have a good night's rest if i can grief them all day long, i couldn't care less what others think or the casualties among other players as a consequence of such implementations ... i personally want to SEE THEM GONE out of MY game" 

Unfortunately; The Dev's created this game for everyone; not just for YOU or ME.... EVERYONE.

So it might come as a shocker that Afk-farmers, Leechers, etc are also considered part of this "Everyone".  (we don't know what the future holds, maybe they will turn 360 degree on it and go full Bezerker Ban mode, but that seems the most unlikely outcome)

Again; While alot of people seem to praise this new system; it actually gave the Dev's a lot of headaches.... why do you think they went for this half-baked solution? Because those people that kept "complaining/nagging" about it forced the Dev's hand to tread in a Grey zone area they wished to have left alone/untouched completely. They are not gonna go all way if that's what many would think. That demography is way too important financial wise. They are not gonna shoot themselves in the foot.  


*punches confused responses to a pulp with fiery charr fists *bring it on!* *swoosh swoosh kpow kpow!*

Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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14 hours ago, LothiaVela.6789 said:

[...] (emergency, phonecall, door ring, stand up to take some food or drink)? What happen if a troll bring a ennemy to you to get you kick ? Are we still allow to live ? to made a short break of a few minute without moving ?[...]

Just to put that a bit in perspective. If you have an emergency, what happens in the game should be the last of your worries since you'd probably not be able to do whatever you planned anyway.  Phonecall? Didn't know one needs to use two hands for that and will be inevitably forced to move away from the computer. Sure, if you still use some ancient technology with a fixed phone with a wired receiver it might be another story, but I somehow doubt this is the case. Door ring? Usually doesn't take that long to answer (maybe if you live in a chateau and the door is really far away...). Take some food/drink? Unless you start preparing a full three course meal this won't take that long aswell (unless you really live in a chateau...). And in most of this scenarios you know you will be away for a few minutes beforehand = you can park in a safe spot or you will be back way before the 5 minutes run out anyway. So I really don't get all the fuzz.

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Worst change ever. The game is less chill now, wherever you go there will be a 5min timer lurking behind you. I will never attempt long metas from now on.

I literally played for a few hours for the first time in months, guess what, I lost the active map while waiting Octovine event to start lol. I was confused why I got back to character screen.

anet should've just banned everyone who kept complained about afk farming and stuff out of jealousity, "oh no there are people on this map that I visit twice a year, they are feeding legendary mats into the market, game is doomed!" people... instead of implementing this annoying change...

Why waste dev time on something so useless I will never know.

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6 hours ago, Noidea Incognito.9607 said:


I am just gonna take a humorous wild guess about what was reaaaaaly on the mind of "it's fans" the moment they learned about this new system:

And here's a less wild guess: people who don't mind it, simply understand that the implemented system doesn't really interfere with playing the game. I find it rather laughable that the biggest downside brought up here is some vague hypothetical "emergency!", as if irl emergency is both more and less important than the space in the OW map instance, at the same time. What happens if you get kicked to login screen? You log back in when you can play. What happens if you miss a meta event? Well, nothing. You didn't play the game in the first place, you'll get it next time when you'll be able to not afk. Not only that, but as mentioned many times now, it's not hard to get your characer where they won't be put in combat by mobs. So... what's your issue with it again?


On 8/5/2024 at 1:40 PM, Noidea Incognito.9607 said:

The complains/reports is mostly about the pve-openworld which is basically a free for all loot/farm fest Valhalla

Make no mistake: gw2 is all about farming; Jp's. dungeons, fractals, whatever you do, you always farm something whether its chests bags currency etc. The end rewards is again... loot.

So by default 98% players in Gw2 are (passive/idle) farmers; it is a fact.

Do you not understand what "passive/idle" means? Where did you get your 98% are idle farmers "fact" from?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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So... what's your issue with it again?

If I have issues with it personally? None. So? What are you trying to imply? As long as you aren't personally affected by it, why should you care if others get screwed by it?

Ah i see.... is that how people are thinking nowadays....?

No thank you sir. I am all for solutions; just not half-baked ones that doesn't solve that much, yet imposes another leash on a global scale.

If you really believe such "improvements" make the overall gaming experience much more enjoyable for EVERYONE then.... ok, fine.

I shall respect your opinion, but i don't agree with it. 


Do you not understand what "passive/idle" means?

Something along the lines of AFK.  Since i cant call them AFK farmers i had to settle for calling them something that means same but more friendly/acceptable... like Passive/idle.


Where did you get your 98% are idle farmers "fact" from?

Fact? I wish it WAS a fact, then we wouldn't be having this silly discussion about how bad afk-ing is. This doesn't change the fact the people in favor of such a flawed system are condemning "fellow farmers"... At the end of the day we are all farmers, please don't kid yourselves into thinking "i am different" nope. Farming is Farming;

whether its the normal way or the smart way.  


*preforms a roundhouse kick and crushes confused responses *swoop swoop kpow kpow!*

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2 hours ago, Neferpitouh.4356 said:

Worst change ever. The game is less chill now, wherever you go there will be a 5min timer lurking behind you. I will never attempt long metas from now on.

I literally played for a few hours for the first time in months, guess what, I lost the active map while waiting Octovine event to start lol. I was confused why I got back to character screen.

I don't know how, but.. I've been AFK for Gerent for about 30 minutes when I got home from work and I wasn't kicked, then I went AFK for ~15 minutes before Tarir and I was still not kicked. Oh right.. I wasn't AFK where I could be killed. It ain't that hard.

2 hours ago, Neferpitouh.4356 said:

anet should've just banned everyone who kept complained about afk farming and stuff out of jealousity, "oh no there are people on this map that I visit twice a year, they are feeding legendary mats into the market, game is doomed!" people... instead of implementing this annoying change...

Why waste dev time on something so useless I will never know.

I have a slight feeling you're not complaining about being kicked waiting for a meta, but you can't AFK farm anymore, in that case the system is PERFECT.

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10 minutes ago, Noidea Incognito.9607 said:

If I have issues with it personally? None. So? What are you trying to imply? As long as you aren't personally affected by it, why should you care if others get screwed by it?

Ah i see.... is that how people are thinking nowadays....?

No thank you sir. I am all for solutions; just not half-baked ones that doesn't solve that much, yet imposes another leash on a global scale.

If you really believe such "improvements" make the overall gaming experience much more enjoyable for EVERYONE then.... ok, fine.

I shall respect your opinion, but i don't agree with it. 

I'm not trying to imply anything, I said why it's not an issue and asked you why you still think it is. Which you failed to answer, instead going for some disconnected "we're better than this!" semi-rant, as far as I'm able to understand what you just wrote here. So... what's your [perceived?] issue with it again?

You're also saying you're all for solution, but I don't see you provide any, so for now I'm not sure about that claim either. All of the words quoted above look just... devoid of any actual meaning?


10 minutes ago, Noidea Incognito.9607 said:

Something along the lines of AFK.  Since i cant call them AFK farmers i had to settle for calling them something that means same but more friendly/acceptable... like Passive/idle.

But that's not how "98% of players" play or get their loot. So what was that about?

10 minutes ago, Noidea Incognito.9607 said:

Fact? I wish it WAS a fact, then we wouldn't be having this silly discussion about how bad afk-ing is. This doesn't change the fact the people in favor of such a flawed system are condemning "fellow farmers"... At the end of the day we are all farmers, please don't kid yourselves into thinking "i am different" nope. Farming is Farming;

whether its the normal way or the smart way. 

You're literally the one who attmepted to call it "a fact". I'm question how is this a fact and you respond with... "I wish it was a fact".
"So by default 98% players in Gw2 are (passive/idle) farmers; it is a fact." -these are literally your words I quoted in the previous post. I'm not sure what you're even responding to here, but it's not what you were questioned about and it doesn't seem to be explaining anything about what you wrote before.

"farming" has nothing to do with anything here. "afk farming" does. These are not the same thing and you don't seem to even understand that? Which tbh would at least explain why your previous posts didn't seem to make much sense.

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It's funny how these threads always read like those:"I didn't do anything wrong and got banned" threads.

Until occasionally a developer comes around, smacks the poster on the face with the exact infraction they did to shut them up (and yes, there have been false positives, which is all the more infuriating with the majority of liers clouding things up).

The same way here: you can literally see who the "afk" crowd is.

It's gotten a tad better recently, though some of the regular farm spots are still alive and running, while others have been deserted.

Game looks slightly less like a korean bot farm simulator unless you know which area to look at.

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I'm not trying to imply anything, I said why it's not an issue and asked you why you still think it is. Which you failed to answer, instead going for some disconnected "we're better than this!" semi-rant, as far as I'm able to understand what you just wrote here. So... what's your [perceived?] issue with it again?

You're also saying you're all for solution, but I don't see you provide any, so for now I'm not sure about that claim either. All of the words quoted above look just... devoid of any actual meaning?

Yeah... All though i am "perceiving" something else atm . Something along the lines of using Rhetoric to try  debunk an unfavorable deemed Opinion with selective Cherry picking of sentences while keeping up a pretense of seeming to be genuinely interested in one's thinking about a possible issue.  At the very least admit your motivation for posting like this is driven by a bias to "defend" this half baked solution like its a some sort of divine tool to inflict retribution on Afk-farmers, leechers, etc alike.(Not just you, others that posted in similar fashion as well) 

When i say "Half baked solution" you clearly seem to fail in trying to comprehend what that actually means. (either that or you pretend to being "incapable of comprehending it")



But that's not how "98% of players" play or get their loot. So what was that about?

Clearly the idea of a Metaphor embedded in an Opinion is like pure magic to some.


You're literally the one who attmepted to call it "a fact". I'm question how is this a fact and you respond with... "I wish it was a fact".
"So by default 98% players in Gw2 are (passive/idle) farmers; it is a fact." -these are literally your words I quoted in the previous post. I'm not sure what you're even responding to here, but it's not what you were questioned about and it doesn't seem to be explaining anything about what you wrote before.

"farming" has nothing to do with anything here. "afk farming" does. These are not the same thing and you don't seem to even understand that? Which tbh would at least explain why your previous posts didn't seem to make much sense.

Can you have an Opinion based on facts? absolutely.

Can you have an Opinion be fact-less yet be based on personal experience? absolutely.

Can you have an Opinion based it on fabricated facts? Bzzzzt! obviously a bad idea. (especially when dealing with people like yourself)  

If i say "I wish it was a fact" it means that it wasn't a fact to begin with. That you "perceived" it like that in someones OPINION; that's entirely on you.


*Leaves the Battle arena with bruises  Mod, please close the place up for me... we done here.*

Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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Yeah... All though i am "perceiving" something else atm . Something along the lines of using Rhetoric to try  debunk an unfavorable deemed Opinion with selective Cherry picking of sentences while keeping up a pretense of seeming to be genuinely interested in one's thinking about a possible issue.  At the very least admit your motivation for posting like this is driven by a bias to "defend" this half baked solution like its a some sort of divine tool to inflict retribution on Afk-farmers, leechers, etc alike.(Not just you, others that posted in similar fashion as well) 

When i say "Half baked solution" you clearly seem to fail in trying to comprehend what that actually means. (either that or you pretend to being "incapable of comprehending it")

Asking the question you're unwilling to answer and covering your fully made up "facts" that don't remotely make any sense in the first place doesn't have anything to do with "cherry picking". It has everything to do with you trying to write whatever false claim you want and avoid being questioned about it because it uncovers you just made it up and used terms you don't understand. What I posted and asked is exactly what I meant, you keep avoiding it because it doesn't fit your narrative and then claim I'm somehow the one biased here.
Now you're tryng to latch onto saying "it's a half baked solution" and claim I don't understand it, as if I ever said it's a perfect solution. How about you actually start commenting on what you're quoting instead of frantically weaving and turning around everything you can?


Clearly the idea of a Metaphor embedded in an Opinion is like pure magic to some.

Turning a miniscule % into 98% is not a metaphor, it's just just a lie. You didn't even attempt using any comparison, you just falsly inflated (and that's putting it lightly) the number to a random 98% to claim everyone does it by default and then assured everyone that "it's a fact". So no, I'm not the one who doesn't understand what a metaphor is.


Can you have an Opinion based on facts? absolutely.

Can you have an Opinion be fact-less yet be based on personal experience? absolutely.

Can you have an Opinion based it on fabricated facts? Bzzzzt! obviously a bad idea. (especially when dealing with people like yourself)  

If i say "I wish it was a fact" it means that it wasn't a fact to begin with. That you "perceived" it like that in someones OPINION; that's entirely on you.

"it's on me" that I "perceived" it like that? 🤦‍♂️ You literally wrote this:

On 8/5/2024 at 1:40 PM, Noidea Incognito.9607 said:

So by default 98% players in Gw2 are (passive/idle) farmers; it is a fact. deny it all you want and claim you are "different/not like that"... that's impossible. Your total AP is proof how much you already farmed(and this digit will continuing to increase in the future)

You didn't say "you wish x was a fact" (why would you wish 98% of players were passive/idle farmers in the first place? Unclear), you proclaimed 98% of players are passive/idle farmers by default, announced it's a fact whether someone denies it or not and then... tried saying "total AP" somehow confirms it, where "it" is... players passively/idle farming?

That didn't make sense and neither does your current explanation, where you somehow try turning it into you "wishing it was a fact". It's clear what you wrote, it's still right there to see. But if currently you simply backpedal out of your proclaimed undeniable "facts" then that's enough to make it clear you just completely made up what you wrote in your previous posts. So that's good enough as far as clarifying it goes.

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On 8/14/2024 at 2:09 AM, Noidea Incognito.9607 said:

The Dev's created this game for everyone; not just for YOU or ME.... EVERYONE

This is incorrect. The devs did not create the game for people who are not willing to abide by its terms of service and have specifically reserved the right to exclude such individuals.

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I can't be bothered to check: I have seen when someone in town uses an aoe boon effect, my character will draw their weapons and change to a combat stance.  Does that count as entering combat? 

If so, then the troll meta is going to change.

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On 8/1/2024 at 12:13 PM, Arya Whitefire.8423 said:

For 8-10 years I could go park myself at the Octovine, or similar metas 10-20 minutes early, go attend to real life a bit,  come back before the start, and be ready to go.

Now, I find myself at the login screen because some trash mob put me in combat, probably killed me, and somehow I've magically become an AFK farmer who needs to be punished.

Fix it please


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14 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

I can't be bothered to check: I have seen when someone in town uses an aoe boon effect, my character will draw their weapons and change to a combat stance.  Does that count as entering combat? 

If so, then the troll meta is going to change.

Not sure, what effect was used?

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1 hour ago, Arya Whitefire.8423 said:

Just happened again. But this time I caught it with 50 seconds left.

I'm literally laying dead on the ground, and being kicked for AFK farming.  This makes zero sense.

Please fix it.  This is user hostile design as currently implemented.

Working as intended. Stop staying dead for 5 minutes and res at a wp and maybe contribute a few braincells to the meta.

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All over the world German tourists are infamous for their pesky habit of placing a towel on a beach chair and than going "afk" from said beach chair. I hang my head in shame for my fellow countryman and put myself in character select, when I know I'll be afk for longer than a quick trip to the bathroom, so I don't clog up maps for people who are actively playing. Don't be a Handtuch. 

That said: I didn't ask for this feature, but I am not mad about it either. 

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