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Willbender Need NERF in Pvp

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16 minutes ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

Nerf resistance and stability across the board. Those two boons promote braindead gameplay

With a lot less tability and resistance, you all would be perma cc'd and being affected by debilitating effects. 1 nerf across this and you get an entire chain reaction in pvp that will make balance worse. Be careful what you wish

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50 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

With a lot less tability and resistance, you all would be perma cc'd and being affected by debilitating effects. 1 nerf across this and you get an entire chain reaction in pvp that will make balance worse. Be careful what you wish

Don't think you're really getting what I'm saying. Not every spec has high uptime on stability or resistance. When I say "across the board" it's just about the specs that can spam it. I play plenty of specs that don't have either and am perfectly fine avoiding CC with gameplay, ie dodge, postioning etc. If I don't dodge them, then I didn't play well and will get CCd. 


Not sure how long you've been playing this game, but close to a year ago, ANet reduced the CDs on a ton of utility skills, including many stunbreaks. Trust me, if there was less stab and res in the game, it would be for the better. Even things like aegis need to come WAY down. When GW2 was released in 2012, guardian was THE ONLY class with aegis and the only class that could "spam" stab, so to speak. Also resistance didn't exist till a later expansions. Am I advocating for the complete removal of these? No. Should there be more stab access now? Probably. More weapons have more CC now, so it makes sense. 

back in the day, people had to dodge CC or worry about being immobed. Now you can just spam boons and forget about it. 

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27 minutes ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

Don't think you're really getting what I'm saying. Not every spec has high uptime on stability or resistance. When I say "across the board" it's just about the specs that can spam it. I play plenty of specs that don't have either and am perfectly fine avoiding CC with gameplay, ie dodge, postioning etc. If I don't dodge them, then I didn't play well and will get CCd. 


Not sure how long you've been playing this game, but close to a year ago, ANet reduced the CDs on a ton of utility skills, including many stunbreaks. Trust me, if there was less stab and res in the game, it would be for the better. Even things like aegis need to come WAY down. When GW2 was released in 2012, guardian was THE ONLY class with aegis and the only class that could "spam" stab, so to speak. Also resistance didn't exist till a later expansions. Am I advocating for the complete removal of these? No. Should there be more stab access now? Probably. More weapons have more CC now, so it makes sense. 

back in the day, people had to dodge CC or worry about being immobed. Now you can just spam boons and forget about it. 

Then why can my team get still chain cc'd enough when I grant them this from times. I once had someone say they didn't notice I gave them extra 🥲. You would only see more bloated builds that abuse what I said earlier and sitting like a duck is lovely 😉.

Now if you were talking about WvW for this, I would understand a little but not in pvp

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Personally, never had this take. I'll acknowledge that it's very strong, but I always found WB to be one of the more enjoyable classes to fight because it's one of the few classes that has very big, choreographed skills to dodge. It's not predicated on some obnoxious kitten mechanic like stealth spam or invuln spam or CC spam or huge condi bombs that unload catalogs of conditions with very minimal input. Kite during f3 activation. They have very high mobility but ironically poor sticking power. Sword 5 is one of the more important skills to dodge, as it's the immob source. They'll blink to you after a brief lunge forward. If that immob lands, you definitely might have a rough time. If it doesn't, there is some wiggle room to kite it out. Watching that bar for the F3 is also essential to make sure you're not lobbing CC's into that stability. If they're running scepter, then there's a second source of immob to worry about. But I guess what I'm getting at is you can interact with WB. So many of the stronger classes recently feel like they function on a lack of interactivity. And the combat system's foundation is just to amazing for that. So yeah, I'm rambling but I've kinda always enjoyed fighting WB. 

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1 hour ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

They could cut down on the boon generation for Willbender by a LOT imo.


use sigil of absorption. If you steal that 17 second boon, you're welcome. Use willbender against themself. It's always fun stealing their omega long resolution 🥲

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6 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

use sigil of absorption. If you steal that 17 second boon, you're welcome. Use willbender against themself. It's always fun stealing their omega long resolution 🥲

It's why I'm starting to use cover boons such as sigil of Might but... if the person I'm fighting is plat, even that doesn't make a difference lol. I'll likely die 1v1 if the class is actually plat running a broken wvw roamer build more toxic than wb. An example is Cata. A good Cata running a 1v1 roamer spec are Godly in wvw.

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3 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

It's why I'm starting to use cover boons such as sigil of Might but... if the person I'm fighting is plat, even that doesn't make a difference lol. I'll likely die 1v1 if the class is actually plat running a broken wvw roamer build more toxic than wb. An example is Cata. A good Cata running a 1v1 roamer spec are Godly in wvw.

At lest catas have negative chase potential. Kiting a willbender is impossible for the majority of builds. You WILL fight them and they will throw every boon under the sun at you. 

In WvW anyway. Since that's what the video is showing. 

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On 8/2/2024 at 9:09 AM, WingSwipe.3084 said:

They could cut down on the boon generation for Willbender by a LOT imo.


looks to me like warrior self heals need a nerf (like too easy to gain adrenal health from bow) or willy damage a buff. look at all those boons and couldn't even dent the warrior who supposedly (can't see warrior boons for most of it) had less!

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On 8/2/2024 at 2:09 AM, WingSwipe.3084 said:

They could cut down on the boon generation for Willbender by a LOT imo.

Looks to me like war healing is more problematic. I see tons of standing in symbols eating full full whirling wrath channels and the warrior still has the damage to force the wb to disengage at several points. Then when we finally get to see the warrior health it is full after all that punishment.

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23 minutes ago, bq pd.2148 said:

looks to me like warrior self heals need a nerf (like too easy to gain adrenal health from bow) or willy damage a buff. look at all those boons and couldn't even dent the warrior who supposedly (can't see warrior boons for most of it) had less!

11 minutes ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

Looks to me like war healing is more problematic. I see tons of standing in symbols eating full full whirling wrath channels and the warrior still has the damage to force the wb to disengage at several points. Then when we finally get to see the warrior health it is full after all that punishment.

Shout heal condi core warrior with warhorn, thats the healing you get, not many others that can out heal that. You rarely see this though since everyone goes SPB.

And yes, warrior healing is pretty insane, but you can also see that his boons actually wear off and he has to reapply them constantly via warhorn.

For the Willbender the boon uptime for all major buffs was so high that by the time they were refreshed, you had 20 seconds of boon uptime left.

Protection, resistance, swiftness, 10 stacks of might and regeneration never wore off throughout the entire fight. On top of this they generated fury, stability vigor, alac, aegis and quickness throughout the entire fight.

If any other profession could do that, they would have been nerfed for the next 10 "balance" patches in a row. Im also 100% sure this and the blob fights is why boon rip/corrupt got nerfed so hard, cant have anything that could fight their precious Willbenders.

Also quite curious how both of you rolled in during the same time frame with the same arguments.

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I don't like the combined mechanics of WB, which make it front loaded vs power, with less reliance on dodge while applying damage, and ignores condi given its nion perma resolotion uptime +passive cleanse. There was one time I setup a specific boon rip build just to test it against guaurds in general, and it had very little impact. Zorash I know absorption can help, but when they f3 jump > stab, it is meaningles, so you have no choice but to kite the opener. Then, if you outkite that, as soon as you begin to pressure (boon rip/cc/apply condi etc) > renew and the jump begins again with fresh aeg/resolotion.


With random boon rips it is very RNG, and becuase of how quickly WB can cycle through jump>renew, that small window where you rip/absorb resolotion is kinde meaningless, as it is instantly replaced, or an aeg/passive cleanse takes place to slow/remove your pressure. The reason I dislike all this, is becuase the WB achieves this sustain during its burst by doing nothing other than pressing its attack/gap closers. I always will be of the opinion that gaurdians boons need to be seperate mechanics that they have to conciously apply, not just passive bonuses for doing what they wre doing anyway. Plenty specs have this, ele to name but one, yet WB/DH I think benefit a little too much from passive mitigation. DH aeg for traps I think is an abomination, especially since DH is also sittign on unblockable mechanics, which really makes the avg DH too fool proof, and harder to punish for being bad. WB, in it's own way is similar, I think anybody being honest knows it is easier to punish a bad herald than a bad WB.


Specifically for rev, I think mal boon rip should only remove resolotion, it is a condi spec, so it makes sense that it would focus that specific boon, yet the energy cost means you can't just spam it.


Personally I don't like the idea of removing/curruptin stab, along with the idea of unblockables. These types of mechanics are opressive as fk to specs that have very little stab/block access, but depend heavily on them. Anet are lazy, they should have focused on reducing stab/block on specs that had too much. I also say this unbiasly, as my own build spews out resistance for no real effort, which is kinde dumb, as it passively negates cripple/immob for no real concious thought.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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37 minutes ago, GuriGashi.5617 said:

No Monthly Automated Tournament team is running Willbender 

Mostly cause you have to pre plan on Willbender with your team and sometimes they have to bail you out when the plan goes wrong and Rev and Thief can wing it so its one less person to worry about, while in the queues where there is no Voice chat the AoE damage that it deals, shreds.
I think it needs some cooldown increases here and there and something about the defenses so the gank builds are squisher , but that kind goes for all gank builds not just Willbender , like I need some time frame of vulnerability where you can punch a ganker for failing instead of watching them reset and make a do over. 

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20 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

Mostly cause you have to pre plan on Willbender with your team and sometimes they have to bail you out when the plan goes wrong and Rev and Thief can wing it so its one less person to worry about, while in the queues where there is no Voice chat the AoE damage that it deals, shreds.
I think it needs some cooldown increases here and there and something about the defenses so the gank builds are squisher , but that kind goes for all gank builds not just Willbender , like I need some time frame of vulnerability where you can punch a ganker for failing instead of watching them reset and make a do over. 

Why would you nerf gankers with staff spellbreakers and druids running around?

Edited by Kuya.6495
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