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What are the classes the devs dont play so i can avoid wasting my time.


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Here we go again


The warrior mains will say warrior. The guardian mains will say guardian. The revenant mains will say revenant. The ranger mains will say ranger. The thief mains will say thief. The engi mains will say engi. The ele mains will say ele. The necro mains will say necro. The mesmer mains will say mesmer.

So if we go by the specific subforums for the classes. The devs dont play this game at all.

You have to avoid every class. Good luck!

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Engie. We have like 1000 tools that just are there never been looked at because no one at Anet knows what to do about them.


But you know you need to look at some gameplay videos, maybe some class specifically clicks with you and then it doesnt matter. Better play what you like not what is meta.

Edited by Gendalfs.7521
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1 hour ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Here we go again


The warrior mains will say warrior. The guardian mains will say guardian. The revenant mains will say revenant. The ranger mains will say ranger. The thief mains will say thief. The engi mains will say engi. The ele mains will say ele. The necro mains will say necro. The mesmer mains will say mesmer.

So if we go by the specific subforums for the classes. The devs dont play this game at all.

You have to avoid every class. Good luck!

Its pretty clear right now that its Guardian and Ranger thats being mained by the devs right now though.

Both of them are getting buffs and QOL updates almost every patch since the summer last year.

Also, dont touch Ele unless you want carpal tunnel.

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It depends on game mode. In PvE, you won't be wasting time with any profession. The balance isn't perfect, but good build variety is probably the most diverse it has ever been.

In competetive modes, however, it is not so simple. For example, in WvW, there are outlier builds/skills that are not being addressed which creates impression that devs simply love those professions and don't want to nerf them. It might be true or not, idk. The fact is, those outliers exist and if you don't play them, you are much less effective at killing/surviving and you are kind of "wasting time".


1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


There is at least 1 dev at Anet who mains warrior, assuming they were telling the truth.

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Engi and Warrior are a clear case of devs not playing a class

Devs play Ele but for role play purposes, so I'd avoid that, too much gimmick mechanics that aren't worth the effort

They ocasionally play thief, guardian, rev and mesmer, but they don't care enough to fix it

Ranger and Necro is your go to classes, specially later one

Literatlly core necro and all it's elite specs can be played in every single game mode available, with almost every weapon

Edited by Supernova Starr.2069
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5 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Here we go again


The warrior mains will say warrior. The guardian mains will say guardian. The revenant mains will say revenant. The ranger mains will say ranger. The thief mains will say thief. The engi mains will say engi. The ele mains will say ele. The necro mains will say necro. The mesmer mains will say mesmer.

So if we go by the specific subforums for the classes. The devs dont play this game at all.

You have to avoid every class. Good luck!

Ironically, everyone who contributes these cliche "tHe DeVs DoNt EvEn pLaY [literally any class]" threads actually prove only how balanced the game really is. If everyone thinks their own class is underpowered then that's strong evidence that they're all equally powerful.

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5 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Here we go again


The warrior mains will say warrior. The guardian mains will say guardian. The revenant mains will say revenant. The ranger mains will say ranger. The thief mains will say thief. The engi mains will say engi. The ele mains will say ele. The necro mains will say necro. The mesmer mains will say mesmer.

So if we go by the specific subforums for the classes. The devs dont play this game at all.

You have to avoid every class. Good luck!

Trig very obviously plays Ranger, and CMC is an ele main who plays Necro on the side. Roy is a guardian main if I recall. That is the balance team, so there you have it. The prior Dev lead before the dev and balance leads were combined into one role, Solar, played Firebrand and Mechanist when EoD launched and was behind the Enigneer rifle buffs that made it an AFK DPS machine. 

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There are a few devs on the balance team who are well known to play Ranger, Elementalist, Necromancer, and Guardian… Thief if recall correctly is also mained by one currently too…

Engineer was only ever mained by one for a short time during EoD, and its lack of actual play by any devs is evident in the sheer number of times it has had completely unnecessary nerfs to its skills despite already being in a poor spot beforehand. There is a giant list of QoL issues and bugs with Engineers that dates back to Alpha tests that have still to this day never been addressed.

Mesmer is in a similar boat to Engineer also having a lot of issues that have persisted since the alpha tests.

Warrior was mained by a few devs back before HoT and for a short time during HoT… but even then they never knew what to do with it… every buff and “fix” it received was in the wrong places and even now it has some extremely problematic design choices…

Revenant is a complete unknown… it has changes that suggest a dev mains it and some that suggest no one mains it… and we haven’t really heard word from any dev claiming to main it either…

Edited by Panda.1967
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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Trig very obviously plays Ranger, and CMC is an ele main who plays Necro on the side. Roy is a guardian main if I recall. That is the balance team, so there you have it. The prior Dev lead before the dev and balance leads were combined into one role, Solar, played Firebrand and Mechanist when EoD launched and was behind the Enigneer rifle buffs that made it an AFK DPS machine. 

I dont really know what is actually the case and which classes they are playing more and less. But this wasnt what I wanted to say with my post.

If you look in the class subforums, you can find tons of posts saying "devs dont play my class". And you find these everywhere. They are in every subforum and you basically read stuff like that every week or 2 on this forum.

You can also find this under this topic again. You seem to be certain that they play ranger, ele, necro and guardian. And still you can find posts under THIS topic that say ele isnt played by one of them or dont care about guardian enough to fix it. As I said I dont really know what is actually the case but people are never happy with their class and come by to say "my own class isnt played by the devs".

Thats basically my point -> You got people always being like "my class is the worst" and this topic is again spammed by posts like that.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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7 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

I dont really know what is actually the case and which classes they are playing more and less. But this wasnt what I wanted to say with my post.

If you look in the class subforums, you can find tons of posts saying "devs dont play my class". And you find these everywhere. They are in every subforum and you basically read stuff like that every week or 2 on this forum.

You can also find this under this topic again. You seem to be certain that they play ranger, ele, necro and guardian. And still you can find posts under THIS topic that say ele isnt played by one of them or dont care about guardian enough to fix it. As I said I dont really know what is actually the case but people are never happy with their class and come by to say "my own class isnt played by the devs".

Thats basically my point -> You got people always being like "my class is the worst" and this topic is again spammed by posts like that.

Ele being well balanced and Ele being played by one of the balance devs don't have to be simultaneously true, it just means that they aren't good at balancing even the professions they play.

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Yeah, a profession being mained by a dev doesn't actually correlate to it being treated well. I play all professions, albeit to varying degrees, and elementalist and warrior are the two I think are in the worst shape overall. I don't say this out of sour grapes, outside of wanting them all to be good - the professions I'd consider to be my mains are quite functional in comparison at the moment, although no profession is problem-free.

Maybe CMC is overcompensating to avoid the perception of bias (we saw what Solar did...), or maybe CMC enjoys a specific build or playstyle which is among the few that work. Either way, elementalist doesn't seem to be reaping any benefits from nepotism. If anything it feels like they've been really regretting making a profession with so many weapon skills and have been cutting corners to make up for having to make 18-26 weapon skills for it each year.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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On 8/14/2024 at 12:51 PM, SeTect.5918 said:

Here we go again


The warrior mains will say warrior. The guardian mains will say guardian. The revenant mains will say revenant. The ranger mains will say ranger. The thief mains will say thief. The engi mains will say engi. The ele mains will say ele. The necro mains will say necro. The mesmer mains will say mesmer.

So if we go by the specific subforums for the classes. The devs dont play this game at all.

You have to avoid every class. Good luck!

Guardians are not on our team, everytime i have encountered devs in this game (with the dev icon) they played guard !! That comment is very untrue. Engi is clearly untouched by the devs !

Edited by Jor El.5260
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Every class is viable. Every class has its problems. 

However , depending on the game mode, there are some elite specs receive more dev attention than others. 


Elite specs to avoid in PvP:

Mechanist - Most players find the AI and rifle playstyle toxic, so Anet killed the elite spec off entirely. It's widely seen as the worst thing you can play and players will flame you for using it. 

Renegade - It's been struggling for a long time. It's saving grace was the shortbow, but with weaponmaster training Vindicator can use it better than Renegade can. 

Firebrand - It's at a better spot than it has been, but for years this spec has  outclassed by core guardian in PvP (arguably still is). Its heal skill is still nerfed to heal for 0 in PvP. 

Berserker (?) - It's been terribad for a long time, but it's recently had a huge resergence of play. Time will tell if it gets nerfed in to irrelevance again. Play at your own risk. 


Elite specs to avoid in WvW

Mechanist - PvP nerfs carried over here as well. It's playale-ish as a roamer, but it's arguably the worst specs for zergs. It's outclassed by ranger in literally every way as a pet spec. 


(Meta Defining) Elite specs to avoid in PvE: 

Catalyst (Boon DPS) - It's bad. You will work twice as hard to achieve less than any other boon dps can. Has needed a rework since day 1. Pure DPS build still has issues, but at least the reward is there if you master it. 

Mirage - It's not unplayable, but it keeps getting weird nerfs thrown at it because 0.01% of players pump out high numbers with it. Expect questionable balance if you main this. 







Edited by Kuma.1503
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I think they just try to keep things relatively diverse. No real balance, just keep classes in a "good enough" state.

Change things here and there to keep things relatively interesting.

People who want high APM and people who want low intensity can play together without a huge gap. People who like a more challenging combat can play with people who don't.

A dev might want a bit more challenge or a handicap on the profession they are playing, so you might not want to play the same profession they do.

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4 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Thats basically my point -> You got people always being like "my class is the worst" and this topic is again spammed by posts like that.

Dunno but ranger is eating really good right now, like REALLY good. Best healer (druid), best dps (soulbeast), arguably best open world class (untamed). Theyre great in pvp, great in WvW. Wtf are you talking about?

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It's been my experience that every profession has to sit in the dunce chair from time to time.  Not just the professions, but the specific elite specs, too.  I.E. there's a lot of complaints from mesmers about how core/mirage/chrono are handled, even though Virtuoso is ripping the PVE scenery up.

The one profession that's most likely to not get anything special is the warrior.  Their theme is that they're the profession with little magic, so they don't get any big, flashy things like the other ones do.  That said, I happen to enjoy Bladesworn and I will solo bounties with it.  

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6 hours ago, Xelqypla.6817 said:

I think they just try to keep things relatively diverse. No real balance, just keep classes in a "good enough" state.

Change things here and there to keep things relatively interesting.

People who want high APM and people who want low intensity can play together without a huge gap. People who like a more challenging combat can play with people who don't.

A dev might want a bit more challenge or a handicap on the profession they are playing, so you might not want to play the same profession they do.

One issue with this is that there are professions which have people who'd like to play them for thematic reasons, but every big change just seems to be pushing them more and more into high-intensity playstyles. And there are some that are supposed to fulfil a particular role, but just can't no matter how much APM you have due to how janky and conditional they are.

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