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PLEASE PLEASE anet for the love of God bring back the spacebar for the Warclaw.  Even if i change it to spacebar in wvw, it does NOT work for skyscale in pve.   Why did you take it off?   Pressing the V or any other keybind in WvW makes it more difficult when you are fighting a zerg and that keybind is doing nothing to the zerg.   

PLEASE PLEASE i beg of you bring spacebar back to Warclaw in WvW.\

It should of never been changed

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Not to mention the change to Sniff to show gates and walls... it literally hides the enemy players in the red ping circle if they are within the radius and the ping actually lasts longer than the player dot... You can no longer use it to see if there's more than few players inside towers for example. But we've known this for years that WvW is the unwanted child that always get's the short end of the stick. And 2 uses for the dismount? I dunno, this is a bit of complex one. You can no longer escape if you meet more than 1 player and don't want to fight since they can just throw spears and not try to time it vs your dodges. Then again, it's easier to catch up to players.

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The fact that they removed it from WvW in favor of PvE without even informing us is just kitten. The fact that they easy could have made it WvW only and PvE only, because there already are a option for this in the option menu, just that it does not work on this particular situation. GAH! 

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On 8/23/2024 at 7:22 PM, kathy.8291 said:

PLEASE PLEASE anet for the love of God bring back the spacebar for the Warclaw.  Even if i change it to spacebar in wvw, it does NOT work for skyscale in pve.   Why did you take it off?   Pressing the V or any other keybind in WvW makes it more difficult when you are fighting a zerg and that keybind is doing nothing to the zerg.   

PLEASE PLEASE i beg of you bring spacebar back to Warclaw in WvW.\

It should of never been changed


Pressing all keys are hard.

Got it.

That keybind doesn't do anything to the zerg, no. Should roll you out of death tho.

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On 8/29/2024 at 5:59 AM, Leaa.2943 said:

The fact that they removed it from WvW in favor of PvE without even informing us is just kitten

Even in PvE its annoying af since I usually ride the jackal. Typically you have to jump first to make the most out of its dash which the old binding made it more seamless.

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The sniff thing pinging walls is so very very stupid.   Who cares?  All you did with the warclaw was change stuff that nobody cares about except the space bar.   I don't even think we can see sniff dots anymore, just blue things on the existing walls.  PUT IT BACK.   Who ever thought this and made the change is idle and just needed something to do.  Oh, hey, let me change this for no reason.............


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Well i was actually happy about the the sniff thing showing broken walls when they presented it, but in the end they gave us a broken sniff that often do not show the walls being hit and as people already said it covers up the enemies at the gates which in the end made the sniff that did work in to something that is not useless because we only see bugged large wall indicators that on red borders do not even make any sense at all  but also block the view on enemies. So yeah i don't even know anymore. And we are also not getting a single response from Anet about WvW, not on any bug, not on the spacebar stealth change/bug (we dont know since they dont talk), nothing on the losss of players, the uneven matches, how it is impossible for Anet to fix that because we still have one up/one down so they can only reach a point where they can give us one match up a month where they can rely on their "tools" and the rest is one up and one down. 

And people wonder why WvW players are so tired, so angry and upset all the time. Maybe because we are tired of being the neglected stepchild. Maybe we are tired of Anet ignoring the large issues with boonball, cc and bubble meta, maybe we are tired of them  listening more to PvE players about what WvW need or the most hardcore gvg guilds which is a very tiny part of wvw (not unimportant, not at all saying that) and should not be the model of how wvw shoudl look like since that excluded so many players in WvW .

Time moving, clock ticking, wvw bleeding players, Hello?

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This change bothered me extremely. Not so much because now I have to rebuild my muscle memory, but because it perfectly highlights how WvW is never taken into consideration. It is another case where it is decided to make a change for PVE which impacts the WvW. How many mounts does the pve have available?8?
How many mounts in wvw?

Was it necessary? 


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