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Gonna try once to point out what's wrong with Oct 8th balance patch

Trevor Boyer.6524

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Upcoming changes and features/2024-10-08 Game update - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

  • Why is Mesmer getting buffed?
  • Why is Guardian getting buffed?
  • Why is NECROMANCER getting buffed? Oh my god why?
  • Why are the overpowered spears not being tended to?
  • Why are the insanely underpowered spears not being tended to?
  • Why are the classes that are currently underperforming not being tended to?

Arenanet, what are you guys doing? I sure hope you have your priorities in order, because if this one goes through, it's going to trigger another significant exodus era. People are seriously getting tired of waiting long durations of time for outstanding issues to be fixed. Might want to pay attention when the entire community agrees on certain things.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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Can someone on one of the secret discords please, please get a dev to look at this?

I mean, they *are* clearly capable of making quick patch changes. Why, just today we got:

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player's Handiworker crafting level to not raise as intended when training the Homesteading Mastery track. Some players may see a one-time notification of their Handiworker crafting level increasing even if this fix doesn't impact their level.
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1 hour ago, Last Crab.6054 said:


Ranger is currently in a good spot in all game modes, so this update includes a few smaller changes to underused skills and traits to make them more competitive options.

  • Guard: Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 24 seconds. Increased the might duration from 5 seconds to 10 seconds

Possibly even better is the fact the Ranger dev was playing Necro on the Push beta stream, and didn't die a single time--or really even come close to dying.  Sure, they let him freecast, but when he was in trouble, the number of defenses Necro naturally has got him out of trouble and illustrated why Necro does NOT need buffs.

Eles not exactly underpowered at the moment either in most situations, certainly not dagger.  I think CMC is an ele main though, or was? 

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Just look at the state Engineer is in. All specs core, holo, scrapper and mech are just bottom tier. This class needs at bare minumum a Selectable Kit on weapon swap. Which will free up 1 utility slot to at least have 1 more defensive util.

or Allow eng to weapon swap and maybe buff a weapon set because we have Hammer, Pistol Shield only.

They are just lazy and do not care at all.

We waited like 4 months for this 😂


Edited by Skary.8956
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8 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Upcoming changes and features/2024-10-08 Game update - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

  • Why is Mesmer getting buffed?
  • Why is Guardian getting buffed?
  • Why is NECROMANCER getting buffed? Oh my god why?
  • Why are the overpowered spears not being tended to?
  • Why are the insanely underpowered spears not being tended to?
  • Why are the classes that are currently underperforming not being tended to?

Arenanet, what are you guys doing? I sure hope you have your priorities in order, because if this one goes through, it's going to trigger another significant exodus era. People are seriously getting tired of waiting long durations of time for outstanding issues to be fixed. Might want to pay attention when the entire community agrees on certain things.

You missed one important thing that im going to copy paste from the warrior forum:
"Ive been doing some theory crafting recently and taking the new buffs into account, this might get very rough for anyone not playing SPB.

  • Sun and Moon Style: This trait now heals for a percentage of all strike damage instead of only critical hit damage.
  • Wastrel's Ruin: This skill now always inflicts its bonuses against defiant enemies. Increased the maximum number of targets from 1 to 2.
  • Bladestorm: Increased the barrier per hit from 289 to 445.
  • "To the Limit!": Increased the endurance gain from 50 to 100 in PvE and from 65 to 100 in PvP.

This is a Relic of Zakiros built into a baseline mechanic. As good as Loss Aversion is for PvP builds, this is probably taking the cake just for the durability increase alone. 

Just fighting with a dagger/dagger+Hammer and stacking adrenal health is going to get exponentially stronger with these buffs. This is not even taking into account that to the Limit is going to make Relic of Rivers even worse to deal with."

Its all just a bad joke.

Enjoy the upcoming SPB build with more durability, sustain and dodge spam. You earned it.

Edited by WingSwipe.3084
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47 minutes ago, HardStuckBronze.2439 said:

At least engi has Lich form now. For 10 seconds you can become a meta class! Maybe they buff Lich and boom! Engi is back on top 🙂


Its a shame that this super original Profession needs to rely on RNG to get Lich Form 🤣 so Its not almost useless 

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15 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Upcoming changes and features/2024-10-08 Game update - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

  • Why is Mesmer getting buffed?
  • Why is Guardian getting buffed?
  • Why is NECROMANCER getting buffed? Oh my god why?
  • Why are the overpowered spears not being tended to?
  • Why are the insanely underpowered spears not being tended to?
  • Why are the classes that are currently underperforming not being tended to?

Arenanet, what are you guys doing? I sure hope you have your priorities in order, because if this one goes through, it's going to trigger another significant exodus era. People are seriously getting tired of waiting long durations of time for outstanding issues to be fixed. Might want to pay attention when the entire community agrees on certain things.

I'll answer you on the merit of necro getting buffed, there's only 3 real buffs that are meaningfull the rest is barely doing anything. Those 3 buffs imo should not have happened, I marked them (?)


  • Isolate: Reduced the cooldown from 18 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP only. Changes nothing since there's already a cd reset
  • Extirpate: This skill no longer inflicts Extirpation and instead inflicts weakness. Actually it's a nerf
  • Rending Claws: Increased the damage coefficient per hit from 0.6 to 0.7 in PvE only. PVE CHANGE
  • Ghastly Claws: Increased the power coefficient per hit from 0.5 to 0.575 in PvE only. PVE CHANGE
  • Unholy Feast: Increased the power coefficient from 2.0 to 2.5 in PvE only. PVE CHANGE
  • Unholy Burst: Increased the power coefficient from 1.0 to 1.5 in PvE only. PVE CHANGE
  • Consume Conditions: Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds. Small buff since it takes half a day to cast, fallen heavily out favor on any spec except on core necro
  • Signet of the Locust: Reduced the cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP only. Meaningless buff, not used in pvp by anyone, waste of utility slot 
  • Plague Signet: Reduced the cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. No matter the buff, will still not be used. I know, I tried it
  • Dark Pursuit: This skill no longer increases the cooldown of Dark Path. Core shroud buff, are we really complaining about that?
  • Life Transfer: Reduced the cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds. Increased the bleeding duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. Core shroud buff, are we really complaining about that?
  • Tainted Shackles: Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds. Core shroud buff, are we really complaining about that?
  • Overflowing Thirst: Increased the life force per strike from 1% to 1.5%. Insignificant buff, changes barely anything at all
  • Unholy Martyr: Increased the life force per condition removed from 3% to 7% in PvP only. It's a reverted nerf, with the difference that in 2017 it consumed 3 condi instead of 2, you still have to deal with pulling 3 random condis from allies which can be potentially deadly. Overall a decent buff, shroud gained goes from 6% to 14% in case it's problematic changes %, ez work. (?)
  • Transfusion: This trait no longer teleports downed allies to the user. This trait no longer increases the cooldown of Garish Pillar in WvW. BIG NERF


  • Soul Eater: The healing from this trait can now heal the player while they are using Reaper Shroud. Healing while in shroud has reduced effectiveness in PvE. Bad idea, should not be implemented before serious testing (?)
  • Blighter's Boon: Increased the base healing from 103 to 133. Is anybody actually using this over Deathly Chill or Reaper Onslaught?xD


  • Blight: Reduced the health percentage decrease from 1.5% to 1% in PvP only. It's a 12% buff to harbinger health, this might actually be a bad idea (?)

Good change to unholy martyr would have been removing the other 3 condis pulled from allies, leaving it to 2 pulled and 2 consumed. Thus removing the punitive side for a trait that doesn't need it.

They did not adjust spear 3 range at all, and extirpate instead of weakness should have had a cast time shave of at least 1/4s.

No reworks on harbinger GM traits which suck except Deathly Haste. Not to mention the weird behavior of harb shroud 3, idk adjust aftercast?

I don't think buffs to core necro are problematic considering it just gets deleted by any spec right now

Edited by NecroSummonsMors.7816
Clarity and personal opinions
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Your opinion in regards to specs & the meta is, as per usual, completely wrong and contains, alsp as per usual, not a single good argument. They specifically buffed skills/traits which haven’t seen usage whatsoever and pretty much won’t affect any existing builds.

Personally, I think that the balance team is doing the right thing by ignoring the typical forum complainers, who are known in the PvP scene to be inexperienced and lower rated players and trying to enforce their own vision when it comes to improving the meta.


The current balance team gets my full approval.

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32 minutes ago, GuriGashi.5617 said:

Your opinion in regards to specs & the meta is, as per usual, completely wrong and contains, alsp as per usual, not a single good argument. They specifically buffed skills/traits which haven’t seen usage whatsoever and pretty much won’t affect any existing builds.

Personally, I think that the balance team is doing the right thing by ignoring the typical forum complainers, who are known in the PvP scene to be inexperienced and lower rated players and trying to enforce their own vision when it comes to improving the meta.


The current balance team gets my full approval.

Their current format and philosophy of number crunching is a perfect fit for updating every couple weeks with minor changes and looking at unused traitlines which accumulates into larger impacts to the meta, but maybe not over three months? The transfusion change is one that is more like something you'd allow to "settle" for 3 months and see where it lands. But reducing locust signet CD by 5 seconds for the next 3 months? What does it accomplish for this unused skill? Which skills and traits do you think will be lifted from that patch? You said it yourself no existing builds will be impacted...so, let us know, what exactly is being impacted here...

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9 hours ago, Skary.8956 said:

Just look at the state Engineer is in. All specs core, holo, scrapper and mech are just bottom tier. This class needs at bare minumum a Selectable Kit on weapon swap. Which will free up 1 utility slot to at least have 1 more defensive util.

or Allow eng to weapon swap and maybe buff a weapon set because we have Hammer, Pistol Shield only.

They are just lazy and do not care at all.

We waited like 4 months for this 😂


Yeh, I was kinda surprised to see 0 mech changes in the notes. Mech needs some love in PvP, it seems like Anet has just forgotten about the spec altogether. 

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7 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

While I do agree mesmer spear could use a round of nerfs... have you seen which parts of the mesmer toolkit they were buffing?

They are buffing core mesmers and condi mirage; not exactly what I would call "overperforming"

Then they buffed phantasmal disenchanter, that's schizoposting but we'll get there

ppl read something gets buffed on a class and automatically assume it will be a lot better without actually knowing what 🙂

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20 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Upcoming changes and features/2024-10-08 Game update - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

  • Why is Mesmer getting buffed?
  • Why is Guardian getting buffed?
  • Why is NECROMANCER getting buffed? Oh my god why?
  • Why are the overpowered spears not being tended to?
  • Why are the insanely underpowered spears not being tended to?
  • Why are the classes that are currently underperforming not being tended to?

Arenanet, what are you guys doing? I sure hope you have your priorities in order, because if this one goes through, it's going to trigger another significant exodus era. People are seriously getting tired of waiting long durations of time for outstanding issues to be fixed. Might want to pay attention when the entire community agrees on certain things.

For mes, hardly anyone uses main hand axe, off hand sword is more dead than the game itself, mirror isn't a meta pick, phantasmal defender isn't a meta pick and so on. Like did you actually read it? If anything you should be happy they're looking at under utilized traits and abilities. This just looks like a typical "my class didn't get as many buffs as other classes, and I'm big mad" reaction. 


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26 minutes ago, Trigr.6481 said:

This just looks like a typical "my class didn't get as many buffs as other classes, and I'm big mad" reaction. 

And your post looks like a retro time-warp 2014 post from a 16 year old kid.

Look man, it's that they're ignoring the Mes spear. It's one of the top 3 offenders that just needs its spear nerfed. This is ridiculous that they aren't tending to it.

Furthermore, I love how you act like these aren't substantial buffs to the already overperforming power shatter builds:

  • Mass Invisibility: Reduced the cooldown from 60 seconds to 50 seconds in PvP only
  • Furious Interruption: Reduced the internal cooldown from 3 seconds to 1 second. Increased the quickness duration from 3 seconds to 4 seconds in PvE and from 2 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP and WvW.
1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

ppl read something gets buffed on a class and automatically assume it will be a lot better without actually knowing what

It's not even that dude. It's that they're just completely ignoring the spear, and directly buffing 2 power shatter aspects.

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21 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

because if this one goes through, it's going to trigger another significant exodus era

I have had the same arena partners for a long time. We not gone for good but we dipped. Its already happening. IMO the spears was a half-baked sit show. They didnt even change the animations from the under water ones to out of water (new) ones. My character moves the bottom feet and has the swimming hand animations as if under water.  Bad balance on top of laziness... I didnt even get mad just took a break. There's some people who will always be here regardless and think its "not a big deal"  "lets just be happy that" etc etc - but it is. The main focus of the xpac was something that already existed. Its the most copy psata thing ive ever actually seen a gaming company do, and TBH it really annoyed me they tried to sell it for 100 USD on the big purchase option. 

  • The new game mode for pvp is nice (better late then never)
  • Dedicated player housing is cool af 

The rest is meh - and the decisions after are worse. Ill be joining you in the confuse reacts. GGs go next game. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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