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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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My personal reason for posting #allianceswhen is for communication from the devs. Sweeping shit under the rug and disrespecting the community that enjoys and pays for your product through little to 0 communication is absurd.I won’t stop my #allianceswhen until we get an official response from anet saying the project was shelved forever, or they actually come out.(laughable )They’re dangling the carrot and it’s shit business ethics to have done so for this long. Own up to your mistakes.This is why I’ve added #communicationwhen to crusade now :)

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@Calisanna.8732 said:My personal reason for posting #allianceswhen is for communication from the devs. Sweeping kitten under the rug and disrespecting the community that enjoys and pays for your product through little to 0 communication is absurd.I won’t stop my #allianceswhen until we get an official response from anet saying the project was shelved forever, or they actually come out.(laughable )They’re dangling the carrot and it’s kitten business ethics to have done so for this long. Own up to your mistakes.This is why I’ve added #communicationwhen to crusade now :)

Agreed brother!

Alliances Ever!? Communication when!?

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@acdspydar.8920 u mean, more broken than it is? let's summarize shortly... links create and disrupt communities all some months, some servers and guilds hate each other either way and will never play together, huge amounts of drama in the serverdiscords every some weeks at least;

servers getting unlinked and/or bandwagoned in a vicious circle system. some ppl want to play only for ppt and think that's the holy grail, many others focus on fighting.

gliders and mounts get dropped into maps that were designed for walking, making them effectively too small. yet still big spaces on these maps are outdated or unused. even whole maps (looking at eotm) are abandoned. even of the freaking system itself.

soo yes. #allianceswhen #communicationwhen #anyinfowhen #whenwhen #pryforeod #releasedatewhen

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Restructuring is taking too long, meanwhile, Link servers has poached all the players, host servers becomes link, with no one left. Everyone logs in during Map Meta to zerg around for bags, WvW has become PvE. I stop going to WvW since no one is around anymore that actually are interested in defending objective. If I want to zerg for bags, I can do Dragonfall or any one of the PvE maps. Need to works fast for a better WvW. My world crumbled! long time players left, most of the poachers are new players, they don't have server pride, just zerging around for bags and recruit any one that don't even know what WvW is about. Zerging WvW for easy bags since they cannot do other map meta.

Need restructuring fast! thank you

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@"SweetPotato.7456" did u still not understand how the format works? "host" and "Link" are no set terms. hosts become links and vice versa since link system exists.

it only means u have a lot of casual players if a server is full for too long. leading to getting farmed till the last remaining guilds quit bc ppl fill up maps and u won't ever see them doing anything serious, which is annoying to have.

server pride died many many years ago, servers these days are faceless clusters of players. only guilds still have pride, often sadly a bit too much. the only community u find is on discord, not on the servers itself.

wvw is a largescale gamemode. meant to have big fights, not pvE. it currently is at its pvE peak actually. if u seek for for smallscale, go spvp, there's 1v1 and 5v5 max. accept this, and don't try to fake the history of this gamemode, or its initially planned use.

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@kamikharzeeh.8016 said:@"SweetPotato.7456" did u still not understand how the format works? "host" and "Link" are no set terms. hosts become links and vice versa since link system exists.

it only means u have a lot of casual players if a server is full for too long. leading to getting farmed till the last remaining guilds quit bc ppl fill up maps and u won't ever see them doing anything serious, which is annoying to have.

server pride died many many years ago, servers these days are faceless clusters of players. only guilds still have pride, often sadly a bit too much. the only community u find is on discord, not on the servers itself.

wvw is a largescale gamemode. meant to have big fights, not pvE. it currently is at its pvE peak actually. if u seek for for smallscale, go spvp, there's 1v1 and 5v5 max. accept this, and don't try to fake the history of this gamemode, or its initially planned use.

What is "Initially Planned Use"

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@SweetPotato.7456 here, from another post who summarized it well

@Chaba.5410 said:

At launch there was a mechanic called Orbs of Power. The Orbs were the real essence, not PPT. They are what WvW was originally designed for = fights for control over an object in and around buildings. You had to break into a keep and steal the Orb then bring it back to your keep and protect it. It got removed because of hacking. There was also a mechanic called Power of the Mists that gave PvE bonuses depending upon how well a server was doing in WvW. It was meant to be a bridge to bring PvE players into WvW. It was so poorly understood and advertised that PvE players were completely confused when it finally got removed.

The biggest mistake so many WvW players make is not understanding that WvW was not designed for just capturing and holding keeps and towers. It was designed for fights that tied into keeps and towers and there was an incentive to attack keeps. Because PPT is basically a hold-over scoring system for a different game, Anet's tried to make modifications to it, including adding in PPK and using Victory Points instead of Warscore. Success has been mixed. There's still very little incentive to fight over well defended keeps.

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@kamikharzeeh.8016 said:@SweetPotato.7456 here, from another post who summarized it well

At launch there was a mechanic called Orbs of Power. The Orbs were the real essence, not PPT. They are what WvW was originally designed for = fights for control over an object in and around buildings. You had to break into a keep and steal the Orb then bring it back to your keep and protect it. It got removed because of hacking. There was also a mechanic called Power of the Mists that gave PvE bonuses depending upon how well a server was doing in WvW. It was meant to be a bridge to bring PvE players into WvW. It was so poorly understood and advertised that PvE players were completely confused when it finally got removed.

The biggest mistake so many WvW players make is not understanding that WvW was not designed for just capturing and holding keeps and towers. It was designed for fights that tied into keeps and towers and there was an incentive to attack keeps. Because PPT is basically a hold-over scoring system for a different game, Anet's tried to make modifications to it, including adding in PPK and using Victory Points instead of Warscore. Success has been mixed. There's still very little incentive to fight over well defended keeps.

This has nothing to do with what you said at all.I am all for having PPT Guild + Fight Guild + Havoc Guild, not just one blob at one specific time of the day. Not looking bleakly while enemy flip your objective where no one help to defend. Not calling out an attack on your T3 objective and the commander purposely log out.

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havoc barely really exist anymore and aren't doing much, since small group cannot have big effects anymore on bigger ones due to all the target cap and damage nerfs.

ppl usually only defend stuff, if it makes sense to do so. like going with 5 against 20 is sheer pointless, as it is often with having 15 pugs against 30 guildgroup players. no real comm does "log on purpose" if there is content. he might have led yet for hours or has to go for other reasons. t3 keeps are usually defended against bigger group, if your "commander" has a bigger group as well.

that point has not really changed since years. its harder to defend in undernumbers, but with a lot of siegehugging, the ppters still do that with big effort on known servers. defending is just overall more easy for defenders, so ppl normally don't fight in objectives, it's straight unfair to fight. if u play off-hours, there gets nothing defended, if one side has NA zergs and the other only few EU pugs, idk.

also, due to map capacity tune downs, zergs or blobs from other maps cannot just hop to yours. 1) they would not fit back into the border they left afterwards 2) they might not even fit your border with sufficient numbers 3) if they don't fit in fully, still defend it, they are kinda stuck. their group split up and cannot go back nor stay here effectively, so gotta hop to other borders, then Q pops, then the map is 100% full due to panic calls on teamchat.

next your map is filled with pugs and if the enemy zerg attacks the t3 objective again, and the comm hoped borders to reunite his squad, he just won't be able to help u again. in these cases enemy only needs 35-40ish groups to farm your 50 pugs for quite some time or just take the keep.

towers just flip faster, since walls have less HP than they originally had, while siege dmg did not get lowered. (keeps also, but they have 2 walls as we know)

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I wonder if Anet has running jokes going around the office about alliances or if its a dirty word that nobody speaks about. If it is a joke, they probably have a betting pool going on how long it takes us the players to realize it isn't ever coming out. I just want to hear some of the jokes they got going about it :)

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