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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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@Crazy.6029 said:I wonder if Anet has running jokes going around the office about alliances or if its a dirty word that nobody speaks about. If it is a joke, they probably have a betting pool going on how long it takes us the players to realize it isn't ever coming out. I just want to hear some of the jokes they got going about it :)

They probably can't talk about it honestly because if they admit that they have been manipulating links to promote gem sales in a pay to win scenario, they might run afoul of some laws in the EU...

Alliances ever? Communication When!?

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Cant beleive how old this thread is back from 2018!, whats happened? WvW is well worth working on and many players love it despite all the criticism, I for one would probably not bother playing GW2 if it went all together. At this point any change to WvW has to be for the better. Why are 'worlds' or servers or whatever you call them, split between US and Europe, geographically anyway. My simplistic view, its just a computer where people logon to play the game and game mates and guilds and alliances can arrange times to be together online 'in world' Shouldn't it be just one big mega server on 24 hrs a day and ppl pick and choose when they play. A season as suggested of 8 weeks is too long IMO why not make the season the same length as the match. I dunno but I do know its a mess at the moment and any work done on the system could be an improvement, from my laymans point of view seems like there is too much choice and division and needs more of a keep it simple approach not more complicated.

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I think it comes down to confidence. People have lost their confidence in Anet when it comes to alliances. I feel at this point if they do not deliver it would be hard to recover from. I personally believe that Alliances and Legendary Armory will be parts of the next expansion. Even though they shouldn't be. But it would encourage people to buy the expansion non the less. If this does happen its bad form on their part.

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if anet really thinks that way, that's weird af. imo these old promised things should simply have happened ages ago. nobody buys the expansion bc of them. every remotely active player will buy the expansions to play the new elite specs.

its just a bit sad how rejected Wvw gets. for a lot of people it's the only reason to log even in, no matter what the "daedgaem" trolls say. alone from my guild, ppl barely play outside of the two guild runs + resets. since our guild leader is atm on break, several ppl barely log in. including myself, tho for me its also that i'm still injured... the fast movements during Wvw aren't easy for ruptured nerves to handle ^^

and to close this, let me add the obligatory #allianceswhen

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@Excursion.9752 said:I think it comes down to confidence. People have lost their confidence in Anet when it comes to alliances. I feel at this point if they do not deliver it would be hard to recover from. I personally believe that Alliances and Legendary Armory will be parts of the next expansion. Even though they shouldn't be. But it would encourage people to buy the expansion non the less. If this does happen its bad form on their part.

Preach my brother! The problem is, 3+ years is way too long to release a promised feature and Anet has built themselves into quite the corner because of it. Releasing Alliances will fail to bring people like myself who quit GW2 back into the game while it will cause mass player drop-off if they do announce that they canceled it. They now have the choice of spending doomed resources for a feature that will not provide the company with great benefit, or they can cut the rope and lose a decent size of their game's player base. There is simply no good option

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@K THEN.5162 said:

@Excursion.9752 said:I think it comes down to confidence. People have lost their confidence in Anet when it comes to alliances. I feel at this point if they do not deliver it would be hard to recover from. I personally believe that Alliances and Legendary Armory will be parts of the next expansion. Even though they shouldn't be. But it would encourage people to buy the expansion non the less. If this does happen its bad form on their part.

Preach my brother! The problem is, 3+ years is way too long to release a promised feature and Anet has built themselves into quite the corner because of it. Releasing Alliances will fail to bring people like myself who quit GW2 back into the game while it will cause mass player drop-off if they do announce that they canceled it. They now have the choice of spending doomed resources for a feature that will not provide the company with great benefit, or they can cut the rope and lose a decent size of their game's player base. There is simply no good option

Preach my lost WvW brother!

My guilds bleed members to other games that deliver promises kept!

Alliances ever!? Communication when!?

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hello noalliances, my old friend,i come to #allianceswhen at you again.

@Aury.1367 said:Anet wont ever release Alliances as long as they get money like kitten from transfers. As soon as they find a way to keep milking us with alliances, they will push it.

the link system as such is just unhealthy for Wvw. even without alliances, i'd like to see it gone. full unlinked > link system | alliances > full unlinked imho.

and they just will get money from that transfers, naturally. some people still believe tiers have any worth. others are forced to transfer for content.

most players don't frequently transfer and farm the gems ingame tho. one of my guildies even just deletes all his characters so he gets a free transfer xD (he lives in a poor country, so i understand that, isn't about beeing greedy) like even if u take the 80 WSR guilds of Kill, LAYS, FAIR who jump servers all six months at least do not make that much of transfer money. the clueless pugs who only seek for the biggest ppt server may hop often initially, but i sorta doubt that most do this consistenly over the years. it'd be just too expensive for questionable real use.

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@kamikharzeeh.8016 said:so we skipped april's fools, bc still no alliance is a permanent aprils fool :P (the choya battletonic was fun tho)

and here we go again, #allianceswhen

@distant.9403 actually the oldest posts that announced Wvw alliance system been found in late 2016 i think, latest 2017. so technically is even longer.

Seems right in-line with their typical mode of operation. It took them at least 5.5yr to make a build-template system after hinting that they were working on it in June 2014 and were soliciting opinions. & that was something they could at least monetize.

I don’t see how they could monetize alliances. If they made owning the expac a requirement for alliances, would everyone who didn’t own it be suddenly blocked from WvW? Or just be forced to operate as solo-players that get forcefully relocating to whichever alliance needs extra bodies instead of traveling with their guild’s alliance?

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ppl just think it might come with the expansion since it (the expansion) has basically a new load of content dropping there either way. there's zero real evidence that even anyone works on alliances, or that it isn't dropped yet. it will 100% not be expansion locked, that would be pretty weird and makes no real sense.

this thread is a mix of meme and hope, but also simply to remind them of their words. honestly, the biggest mistake ever is to plainly think about monetarizing everything... in the end that tactic probably costs companies a lot more income from the sales alone. first u have to offer something great and keep it running, then u can talk about having it make more money.

caring about how they make money is not the users/players problem, it really weirds me off how often it's taken into argumentation in this forum. if i remember the sales numbers, gw2 isn't one of Arenanet's worse moneymakers.besides: most people forget how much money is made with Anet just having people alternative accounts, on several servers, some even on both EU and NA. that is often double sales, since barely anyone of them has really the patience to level by hand (it got easier lately, wasn't for a very long time since u could not transfer lv80 exotic gear always etc etc)

and to stay ontopic #allianceswhen

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@kamikharzeeh.8016 said:tbh, i donut think alliances, if it comes, will be exactly bound to buying the EoD content. but it'd also wish to see it asap... it's literally 5 minutes before midnight.

therefore, #allianceswhen

I agree with you, just like the desert map was not bound to Having HoT.

Still, we have no guarantees that WvW Alliances will be part of EoD.

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yeah, i think so either. we have no guarantee for anything, to be precise ^^

some clear communication without terms like "soon", "working on it", "planning", "some time", "in the future" would be dope. imagine "there will be XYZ released in august." ... literal dream :D which is kinda odd, isn't it. #allianceswhen

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