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The Name of the Deep Sea Dragon S......!!


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@"Castigator.3470" said:What if it really is "Steve Bubbles", but all the historians, record keepers, and everyone else prefer not to mention this, because all the dragons are named in some rather hard to pronounce outlandish fashion?Honestly, who of you would like to admit, that you all were driven from your ancestral homelands by the Elder Dragon, the horrible threat, that cannot be overcome, by STEVE BUBBLES?!

Lmao :D

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Orpheal.8263 said:Smaug ..ehm, oh, no ,already taken, my bad xD

How about ( looking for names that go
over the togue)
  • Siendeidaras
  • Shyllaeth
  • Sathaerloss
  • Sharinnedo'ul (a bit more playing around with spelling here, makng this way the name sound more interesting)
  • Shaesadethr
  • Sheherazade (jk xD)

somethign alogn this I'd surely vote for it as name ^^ Most likely if it woudl go after me and my idea,s it take Sharinnedo'ul I guess

meh, i doubt everyone is able to read these names.

And people complain Kralkatorrik is too hard to remember and pronounce...

@Orpheal.8263 said:Smaug ..ehm, oh, no ,already taken, my bad xD

How about ( looking for names that go
over the togue)
  • Siendeidaras
  • Shyllaeth
  • Sathaerloss
  • Sharinnedo'ul (a bit more playing around with spelling here, makng this way the name sound more interesting)
  • Shaesadethr
  • Sheherazade (jk xD)

somethign alogn this I'd surely vote for it as name ^^ Most likely if it woudl go after me and my idea,s it take Sharinnedo'ul I guess

meh, i doubt everyone is able to read these names.

I agree.

Personally I don't think they will name it. If the name is lost to history, unless it comes up to introduce itself with a wave and a handshake, then I suspect if we ever encounter it, they will use "Deep Sea Dragon" or equivalent.

If they do name it, I hope they use it as a good way of digging further back into older rises. We've touched upon it a little with the Mursaat tablets and a few other bits, but I think if we could somehow uncover something much older than previously discovered, then that could be really intriguing

If its minions speak like 4 out of 5 other dragons' minions, then it will get named by its forces if nothing else.

And getting more details on the prior rise would be nice, especially to iron out the inconsistencies (was it 10,000 or 3,000 years ago? ANET YOU KEEP GOING BACK AND FORTH!).

Come to think about it, the names all originate from the Dragons themselves. So if it was written down, a race would have previously discovered before from the Dragon/Minions. I wonder, rather than just use speech, we will "sense" it somehow from them - that would be more in keeping with a horror/eldritch style if they choose to use that theme for the Dragon.

If I remeber well, the name "Mordremoth" simply got to us from the mere presence of the dragon. I believe their names are just felt, known in the subconscious mind even before anyone actually write them.

Scylla is just perfect, IMO.

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@Ardid.7203 said:

@Orpheal.8263 said:Smaug ..ehm, oh, no ,already taken, my bad xD

How about ( looking for names that go
over the togue)
  • Siendeidaras
  • Shyllaeth
  • Sathaerloss
  • Sharinnedo'ul (a bit more playing around with spelling here, makng this way the name sound more interesting)
  • Shaesadethr
  • Sheherazade (jk xD)

somethign alogn this I'd surely vote for it as name ^^ Most likely if it woudl go after me and my idea,s it take Sharinnedo'ul I guess

meh, i doubt everyone is able to read these names.

And people complain Kralkatorrik is too hard to remember and pronounce...

@Orpheal.8263 said:Smaug ..ehm, oh, no ,already taken, my bad xD

How about ( looking for names that go
over the togue)
  • Siendeidaras
  • Shyllaeth
  • Sathaerloss
  • Sharinnedo'ul (a bit more playing around with spelling here, makng this way the name sound more interesting)
  • Shaesadethr
  • Sheherazade (jk xD)

somethign alogn this I'd surely vote for it as name ^^ Most likely if it woudl go after me and my idea,s it take Sharinnedo'ul I guess

meh, i doubt everyone is able to read these names.

I agree.

Personally I don't think they will name it. If the name is lost to history, unless it comes up to introduce itself with a wave and a handshake, then I suspect if we ever encounter it, they will use "Deep Sea Dragon" or equivalent.

If they do name it, I hope they use it as a good way of digging further back into older rises. We've touched upon it a little with the Mursaat tablets and a few other bits, but I think if we could somehow uncover something much older than previously discovered, then that could be really intriguing

If its minions speak like 4 out of 5 other dragons' minions, then it will get named by its forces if nothing else.

And getting more details on the prior rise would be nice, especially to iron out the inconsistencies (was it 10,000 or 3,000 years ago? ANET YOU KEEP GOING BACK AND FORTH!).

Come to think about it, the names all originate from the Dragons themselves. So if it was written down, a race would have previously discovered before from the Dragon/Minions. I wonder, rather than just use speech, we will "sense" it somehow from them - that would be more in keeping with a horror/eldritch style if they choose to use that theme for the Dragon.

If I remeber well, the name "Mordremoth" simply got to us from the mere presence of the dragon. I believe their names are just felt, known in the subconscious mind even before anyone actually write them.

Scylla is just perfect, IMO.

I believe bobby stein confirmed we knew it because it of knowledge within the pact, they just did a bad job of conveying it, hence why it seemed to come from nowhere

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I know Anet take a lot of inspiration from mythology and folk legend for Tyria but there arn't a lot of sea monsters with specific names beginning with S. Scylla is a possible choice or a variation/extension as she had multiple heads and our deep sea friend is shown to be hydra like in his concept art but, the she is the pesky bit. All Elder Dragons so far seem to have a very male presence, they don't reproduce in the traditional sense... apart from Mordremoth who may have birthed the pale trees from seeds but that's a whole other conversation. Then there are Selkies and Sirens, also female creatures known for their trickery and murder mainly through leading young men astray. So I don't think the obvious options are very likely.If we also look for clues in some other dragon names, it's possible his name will come from meaning or power.Mordremoth- It's quite close to Mordred from the Arthurian legends but I don't see much of a connection there, however in French Mordre can mean to bite orto encroach or to be tricked. Considering he is the dragon of the mind this fits quite nicely.Primordus- Obviously he is the first to awaken and the oldest so, primordial, first.Jormag- Might be taken from Jörmungandr which means huge monster or beast, although he was also a sea serpent so maybe that would have been better for Steve.

I quite like the name Saegrund, in old english meaning the bottom of the sea.But who knows, the historian even says she thinks the letter is incorrect!

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The sea is often used in art to represent the unknown and the feared, so keeping the name unknown would stick to the theme. But ANet doesn’t quite like sticking to the normal (their takes on common tropes and mechanics seems to work out better than others, like the mounts system and waypoints), so they may reveal it

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