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Anyone notice an increase in hackers?


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@"Norbe.7630" said:-the supply is 20 of 300-the one you trying to rez is dead not downed

based on the 2 datas above, ill reenact the scenariothe one that is dead is trying to disable the the sieges and gets downed inside while fleeing, the one rezzing is the one that closed the wall that got opened while you are afk and the 2 enemies are the ones entered while the walls are still open before the guy rezzing closed it and killed the downed player

Good observations. I suppose that it is conceivable. But let me add to this that I neglected to mention before. It's not in the video, but afterwards, if I remember correctly, the one that died wondered on map chat how the hell did he die (by the enemy player)? And someone else (maybe same person) wondered how the hell did they get in? I'm sure Anet can confirm the actual chat (if they are inclined).

I went "afk" for a moment after the enemy zerg arrived and lay siege to attack the main gate (meaning I had time to notice that all the walls were up and normal and not under attack, and not dangerously low and definitely no enemies were about before). There was several of us there inside the tower long before the enemy zerg arrived. Bare in mind that if somehow the wall went down in the 1 minute that I was viewing my character screen, why are the rest of the enemy zerg still outside still bothering to ram? Because they wanted to do things the hard way? Why bother making all that siege for the gate if there was an easier way to get in?

I stopped recording after I stomped the 1st baddie, not realizing that another baddie came out of literally nowhere to attack me. IMO, the 2nd one was regenerating at an impossible rate after battling him for maybe 10 sec max (it took him maybe 1 sec to regain Max Health after every single attack of mine), and so I ended up jumping out and escaping as I did not want to be caught trying to be defend against an unkillable player and a zerg. This part I purposely left out before b/c I had no video proof of it, and I didn't fight the guy for that long, but I do think that there was something fishy going on. The main point is that there is really no conceivable way that those 2 players should have been inside the tower while their zerg was still ramming the main gate as there was no breach, and multiple defenders just hanging out inside the tower for some time before the arrival of the enemy zerg.

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It really is rampant, more so than people are willing to admit. Constantly seeing people speed hacking, walking through walls (or just jumping up and over them), even flying. People ressing themselves is becoming more frequent. Facing large multi-stealth toon groups, it's best to camp corpses that don't release. But, you can always see their corpse health bar going up, so you know another player is ressing them and can just aoe the area. Watched one last night just insta-res himself and run off multiple times. Stomped dead, the fight moves away from the corpse, and watch their corpse health bar go from 0 to 100 instantly and they just run off to rejoin the fight.Even people I know were reported with video from a month ago (or more) flying around the map are still logging in on reset night. /smh

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Yesterday (2/28) hacks were rampant in WvW: teleporting, jumping to incredible heights; invulnerability; insta-kills; insta-rez... you name it... but for the six hours I played it seemed that the hacks were limited to two NSP guilds. I'm guessing some kid found a hack-site and told all his buddies and now everyone in those guilds is using them.It's a great way to finally kill WvW for GW2; if this keeps up, the population will be gone within a month.

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@Ubi.4136 said:People ressing themselves is becoming more frequent.

This happened to me very recently.

I was on my Soulbeast fighting a Spellbreaker in a 1v1 in Desert Borderland (he's from Piken Square). I downed him, no ambient creatures around that he could kill and no passing players nearby. I go to stomp him, in less than 2s after he's downed he goes back up and gives me a killing blow. This wasn't Vengeance, because it takes a lot longer to get up from downstate to Vengeance. He was up almost instantly after downed.

When someone plays a broken class and has to use a hack to win..... against a ranger.......

I also noticed a lot of flying players on Piken Square.

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This is sad a great game getting run over,I have only seen it once, fly hack ,3-4 times under the ground hacking where you hit the keep all day to keep it under attack,

Self rez , yesterday . this one is new to me

Luckily for the most part i dont see hacking , the more rampant is the radar hack and equipment check

Could this be the reason servers are so unstable

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Unfortunately Anet's 'ignore the hacks' policy has gone on for so long that roughly about 1/3rd of the games population is using these programs now, doing a mass ban at this point would effectively kill the game instantly.

They should have been swinging that ban hammer 5 years ago as a deterrent to prevent this from happening.

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@"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:Yesterday (2/28) hacks were rampant in WvW: teleporting, jumping to incredible heights; invulnerability; insta-kills; insta-rez... you name it... but for the six hours I played it seemed that the hacks were limited to two NSP guilds. I'm guessing some kid found a hack-site and told all his buddies and now everyone in those guilds is using them.It's a great way to finally kill WvW for GW2; if this keeps up, the population will be gone within a month.

Who was there for this "insta rez"? Support scourge running transfusion and mercy runes, along with a firebrand or 2 using merciful intervention, results in about a 1 second rez, and the player is basically full health from the rez. I've seen it in GVG's, and the guild I am in immediately started using it, it's amazing.

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Hackers are out of control and definitely worse than effort, but this very sad and selfish act has been around for quite a long time.

Have a look at this video by a fairly prominent player...


It is just very unfortunate that ArenaNet is not dealing with the issue, but I guess that allocating resources to it will cost too much.

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@Shagaliscious.6281 said:

@"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:Yesterday (2/28) hacks were rampant in WvW: teleporting, jumping to incredible heights; invulnerability; insta-kills; insta-rez... you name it... but for the six hours I played it seemed that the hacks were limited to two NSP guilds. I'm guessing some kid found a hack-site and told all his buddies and now everyone in those guilds is using them.It's a great way to finally kill WvW for GW2; if this keeps up, the population will be gone within a month.

Who was there for this "insta rez"? Support scourge running transfusion and mercy runes, along with a firebrand or 2 using merciful intervention, results in about a 1 second rez, and the player is basically full health from the rez. I've seen it in GVG's, and the guild I am in immediately started using it, it's amazing.

Was going to say, if this is in a group encounter, it's probably Transfusion. Transfusion also stacks since it's not a status, so more scourges = more free rallies. Two scourges running this will res multiple players in under a second.

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I'm not sure what others have seen, but I'm talking about dead players who were just stomped. Stomp them dead, get the wxp for them, run about 600 away and watch their corpse health bar go from 0 to 100 instantly and they run off to rejoin their group. No one else is ressing them (or even nearby), it's like they use an instant revive orb, but they are in wvw and there is no penalty.

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@Teratus.2859 said:The hacking software absolutely breaks the game.. specially in PvP/WvWCan increase your default runspeed to cross maps in seconds, can fly anywhere, break through the map at any time, make yourself immune to CC effects..I'm amazed Anet haven't done anything about this..

When I reported a gold generator I found years back Anet had it shut down within days.. this hacking tool has been around for months.. and so many people have reported people clearly using it.

I'm not much for PvP or WvW but I am looking forward to the upcoming WvW changes and considering playing regularly after they've been implemented.. but not while this tool is being used.I absolutely despise people who cheat in online games.. and I will not play with them whether they be friend or foe.Anyone I see using it will be getting reported even if they are guildmates or real life friends.. I have a zero tolerance policy for cheaters and until recently I thought Anet did too.

No its been around for years.. As shown in youtubers videos.. unless it affects the bottom line its largely ignored because as soon as they mod code to fix the hole , hackers just mod their own code and it becomes a game of cat and mouse.Problem is ANET just don't act quick enough on the reports and 1 day, 3 day bans just don't cut the mustard it needs more decisive actions, the more they act the more of a deterrent it becomes, but pipe dreams and all that....

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@"whoknocks.4935" said:Speed hack scourges seems to be normal thing now. Seen 2 yesterday while I was soloing around with my holosmith with rocket boots and I couldn't catch up then and they disappeared on the horizon.

Another pretty common thing I saw are perma stealth deadeye attacking you while still stealthed up, I don't think they can do that.

Or a dagger pistol daredevil able to handle 4 people without dying, he was platinum rank and then whispered to all us "git gud" but I he barely received a single hit, constant perfect interrupts, stealth, and repeat. And he was handling 4 people focusing him.

I dunno, speed hacks are easy to spoilers but those others hacks not so much, if he was hacking.

Wait till the under surface attackers reapper or the castle flyers... we have had it all in WvW.. only a matter of time until they reappear after waiting months and months for a fix. Excuse is to try and catch as many as possible.. actually means couldn't be bothered, not a priority, doesn't make money sweep under rug until game mode suffers to a point matchups become barren wastelands.

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We have been noticing alot of hackers going through the wall inside a keep or tower and its mainly a mesmer. As far as Anet doing anything, I dont think so. Their mainly interested in PvE. This is why they are trying to make a change in WvW because it has been so long since anything is done in WvW to make it better. WvW has always been and will always be the last thing Anet decides to fix to keep players. Im just hoping the new World Alliance is not the DOWN FALL to WvW

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to someone earlier who pointed out on the condition immunity hack (that thread got removed). It was pretty eye-opening and is definitely a game changer. Though the latest videos on this hack appear to be from a year ago. Anyone knows if it is still around? Just curious because it's a game changer in wvw.

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A plus and minus to people posting things is that some people will see and try things. It shines a light on issues but also encourage other idiots. Hoping that ANet is close in their audits to detect and remove people. Here's also hoping that they share some of the banhammer to boost player moral. Not saying name and shame since that might have legal issues but sharing a little stats goes a long way in player moral.

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@Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:The other day I've seen a really pissed off cussing guy running hacks just to catch and wreck the other one from opposite server. Think I've seen it all now.

LOL this sounds absolutely hilarious i wish i had seen that.

Personally though, as a general response to this thread.. I have never actually seen anyone cheat. Not once. I guess you guys must be kinda unlucky? im not sure. i dont ever really hear about people cheating or hacking at all either in game..

Surely ANET wants to keep hackers and cheaters out of the game but i dont think its that easy to track them down. like others have already stated, false reports happen all the time. I too get accused of cheating or hacking occasionally where a person will ( supposedly ) make his party or even entire guild report me.

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@bigo.9037 said:

@Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:The other day I've seen a really pissed off cussing guy running hacks just to catch and wreck the other one from opposite server. Think I've seen it all now.

LOL this sounds absolutely hilarious i wish i had seen that.

Personally though, as a general response to this thread.. I have never actually seen anyone cheat. Not once. I guess you guys must be kinda unlucky? im not sure. i dont ever really hear about people cheating or hacking at all either in game..

Surely ANET wants to keep hackers and cheaters out of the game but i dont think its that easy to track them down. like others have already stated, false reports happen all the time. I too get accused of cheating or hacking occasionally where a person will ( supposedly ) make his party or even entire guild report me.

It does exist, count yourself lucky not coming across it. If your playtime only extends to prime or zerging hours then most likely you won't see/notice any most of the time. What server do you play and what hours do you spend in WvW? Roaming/zerging? It might give a general idea on why you may not be coming across any.

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@"bigo.9037" said:I have never actually seen anyone cheat. Not once. I guess you guys must be kinda unlucky? im not sure. i dont ever really hear about people cheating or hacking at all either in game..

here to give you an idea

btw, i saw hacking in WvW first time 3 days ago after 3 years, ironically, its also an HoD like the one in that videoi saw superman who fly

i also have a screenshots, no video atm because i cant figure out how to work my shadowplay

try late sea or early na timezone, thats the time i saw hackers

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