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Legendaries should require you to play every single game mode and category of challenge there is.I really can't understand why some people think they deserve to get the hardest reward there is in the whole game just by grinding their comfort zone over and over. It doesn't make sense.

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@Ardid.7203 said:Legendaries should require you to play every single game mode and category of challenge there is.I really can't understand why some people think they deserve to get the hardest reward there is in the whole game just by grinding their comfort zone over and over. It doesn't make sense.

There's a pretty big difference between challenging players and boring them with tedium.

What does farming some random dailies in a dead unpopulated game mode prove exactly? Not a challenge. It's forced tedium to create the illusion of challenge and a way to force people into game modes they don't like.What would those 10 wvw's do if crafters didn't zone in for Gob?

I'll say it again. If the reward is removed and people stop doing it. Then the problem is the content not the reward.

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I played WvW for the first time lately because I needed the Gift of battle , And I really don't like it , the game is fun , but lot of strange thing happens ,some player are like supermen , teleport , never die !!! they told me they are cheaters! sometimes I tried to join a squad so i won't be fighting alone but they kick me out ?!!I thought all the server is one team , now I got the Gift of battle but i don't think I go back there :anguished:

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i nowadays enjoy to go into a gamemode i usually rather not play to reach my current goal. for me its jumping puzzles. i will never be a fan of them but i did some for astralaria lately. it was something to get into for some hours.

for wvw and the gift of battle i see it the same. its not that someone gets forced to play wvw for a couple of month. its for some hours. log into your server comunitys ts for some hours and enjoy the ride. i think it takes like 6 hours to reach the gift around that. so for me not worth to anger about. enjoy something different for the moment.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"zealex.9410" said:Exclusivity gives modes their lifespan. So no pvp should not get another thing as reward track rewards.

Then I guess we should take out dungeon tracks for WvW/PvP.

How about we just make GoB tradeable? People who like WvW can set their price for it, and those who want legendaries without being "forced" can pay the premium. WvW folks complain about rewards anyway, so give them something worth their effort.

Right after they make Gift of Exploration tradeable so I can sell the 12 I have sitting in my bank please.

This would be awesome for WvW players too. I've been playing WvW for almost 4 years and I long ago accepted the only way I'll ever get a legendary weapon is by straight buying it from the TP, which I'm never going to be able to justify with the WvW gold income. The first character I made is at 78% world completion and I find it too tedious to finish, even with mounts. I would gladly trade 5-8 Gifts of Battle for a single Gift of Exploration.

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@Ardid.7203 said:Legendaries should require you to play every single game mode and category of challenge there is.I really can't understand why some people think they deserve to get the hardest reward there is in the whole game just by grinding their comfort zone over and over. It doesn't make sense.

Please tell me what is required from sPvP for a legendary?

I'm not looking forward to the time when I must get another GoB. I just loathe any form of PvP, as soon as I see another person opposite to me, I'm dead. Yeay, fun...

@"Dimi Gravedancer.1463" said:I know a lot of people who would prefer to do PvP a lot more than WvW, because, and I am not trying to sound mean to anyone, there seems to be a lot of "Elitists" in WvW. Before anyone says it is true, I was whispered on several occasions by commanders telling "Follow me or get off the map".A person telling me that gets a one-way ticket to my blocklist. Thankfully, you never run out of spaces on that.

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@Darksun.4702 said:

@"zealex.9410" said:Exclusivity gives modes their lifespan. So no pvp should not get another thing as reward track rewards.

Then I guess we should take out dungeon tracks for WvW/PvP.

How about we just make GoB tradeable? People who like WvW can set their price for it, and those who want legendaries without being "forced" can pay the premium. WvW folks complain about rewards anyway, so give them something worth their effort.

Right after they make Gift of Exploration tradeable so I can sell the 12 I have sitting in my bank please.

This would be awesome for WvW players too. I've been playing WvW for almost 4 years and I long ago accepted the only way I'll ever get a legendary weapon is by straight buying it from the TP, which I'm never going to be able to justify with the WvW gold income. The first character I made is at 78% world completion and I find it too tedious to finish, even with mounts. I would gladly trade 5-8 Gifts of Battle for a single Gift of Exploration.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying this is a good idea.It isnt.I've made two legendaries, and sold them both. I enjoy World Completing and I also enjoy WvW but I didn't find mystic forging for T6 materials or chopping elder wood for days to be "legendary" in the slightest.But a legendary journey should include things that are difficult, and for some people that is World Completing, for others I suppose that 8 hours in WvW getting GoB is a test of their dedication. For me it was rotating alts through Pagga's chopping wood.

Were the GoB tradeable all that would happen is you would see them farmed by the longtime WvW vets (who have run out of reward tracks they find interesting) and the value of it would drop to about 30 gold (This number is totally FMA but you get the point) . Meanwhile Arenanet loses one of the few incentives for you to experience one of the other game modes. All the buyer needs to do is run three cycles of Istan Metas and the longtime WvW'er is just playing for low rewards as usual. Neither player has done much more than chop wood.A legendary is meant to expose you to a wide variety of what the game has to offer, be it WvW, map completing, jumping puzzles, world bosses... There's no reason for that to change. Everyone will find something they hate about it. The devs' hope is that you find something new you like.

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i got the gift of battle before i even got the commander's spoon, lol, a couple hours in wvw doesn't hurt - unless you're on a t4 or less server that is, then it does hurt cus commanders where?? and if you're not geared for wvw and aren't inclinced towards pvp you're on t4 roaming a lot and that's just a series of dying -> 10 minute run back to somehwere -> die before you can take a thing -> repeat (keywords: not inclined towards pvp, people who have no dedication to wvw or pvp cannot hope to survive these encounters without dedicated time to learning how to). hope a zerg takes something close to your worlds spawn and take it back, don't count on encountering anyone at all to take champs. t3+ is fine though, i've never had issues doing wvw stuff in t3+ and unlike t4, in t3+ i've almost always had someone to take towers with.

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@LadyRhonwyn.2501 said:

@Ardid.7203 said:Legendaries should require you to play every single game mode and category of challenge there is.I really can't understand why some people think they deserve to get the hardest reward there is in the whole game just by grinding their comfort zone over and over. It doesn't make sense.

Please tell me what is required from sPvP for a legendary?

I frankly don't know. My opinion stands: to be really legendary, such items SHOULD require you to play every single game mode and category of challenge. This includes PvP.

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@DMO.4158 said:Or are WvW people actually asking it remain exclusive so they can pad the numbers in WvW and have some easy noobs to kill?Ding ding ding! We have a winner. :)Except they only want the noobs on the other teams, never their own.

@mindcircus.1506 said:Right after they make Gift of Exploration tradeable so I can sell the 12 I have sitting in my bank please.

I'm okay with this too!

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I bought like... 10 when they were 500 badges each. I miss those days, but I also don't since I had to rotate through 3 identical maps +EB to get the gift of exploration as well (the only reason I had so many badges to begin with).

That being said, this is at least a manageable way to handle it with the reward track. It's involving and more invested than get to level 14 and talk to a vendor. It at least gives me a reason to touch WVW on like the rank 18 server I'm on. Otherwise, the mode's torture.

I would be fine if it got added as a track for sPvP as well, albeit, perhaps increase the reward pts needed slightly to make the time invested about equivalent.

So yeah. As it is, it's not in a bad state all things considered. I'd not be against a sPvP track with some adjustments, but the current iteration is healthier than past iterations.

Or. Or. They can just give everyone a free legendary of their choice (Kraitkin, my love!).

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@"lokh.2695" said:Crafted many legendary items so far and the two things that require the most buckling up on my part are always the Gift of Battle(as I don't WvW that much) and the Gift of Exploration(as mapcomp became boring for me after the 5th char). But, going from what my signature says, If I want the shiny and I have to get the gifts for the shiny, I have to want or at least accept the gifts as well.

Legendary Weapons and the way you aquire them are ok. You think getting your GoB as a PvE'er is bad, think about all the PvE stuff a WvW'er needs to do if he/she wants a legy. Dungeons, HoT-Metas, Farctals, Mapcomp, Events, Champs all that non WvW-content. If you don't want to WvW. If you can't get yourself to farm EotM, which is more like a PvE champtrain than actual WvW, for approx 10Hrs, less if you max out on reward-track bonuses, you should not get a legendary weapon.I would like to have more PvE-Only legendaries, I think we already have Aurora, but that's tied to ls3, which isn't available for everyone. But, and this is a big one, should there ever be another PvE-only legendary, they need to make it hard to get to give it value. But, and that's the even bigger one, if they make it hard, ppl will cry that it's too had or that it requires a portion of PvE they personnally don't play. Not everyone enjoys the same things in PvE, shocking right. I liked Fractals and loved Dungeons, I hate JPs and waiting for timed events to start. I'm sure out there there's a player that hates all the instanced stuff in the game but jumps all the puzzles everyay if he/she's not waiting for the next world boss to spawn. All the "I want my legendary to be PvE-only" ppl should really think about if they would actually want this. It would have to be grindy, it would have to be hard, it would have to be costly and it would still not be for everyone. Would you still want the GoB replaced by a PvE version if it required you to kill 500 open world bosses? Would you still want to ditch WvW if the PvE-GoB required you to gather 500 tokens of each Dungeon? Or dare I say...if the PvE-GoB was tied to Raids, i.e. endgame PvE content? New PvE-GoB requires 500 acc.bound tokens only available once per day per account form world bosses in lvl80 zones, how about that, still want to keep things PvE-only? GoB can be replaced with the Gift of Fractals, sold for 10k relics, or would this be more like it?

If you want the easy legendary...work some extra shifts in RL and buy one from the TP for cash. If you want to work for your legendary, accept that WvW is a SMALL portion of the process and get over it.

May Dwayna bless you. Gosh an actual sensible and well thought out post that isn't full of selfish desires or cynicism on one of these, I can't believe it. Thank you kind soul for imparting some of your light into this abysmal topic.

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@"lokh.2695" said:Crafted many legendary items so far and the two things that require the most buckling up on my part are always the Gift of Battle(as I don't WvW that much) and the Gift of Exploration(as mapcomp became boring for me after the 5th char). But, going from what my signature says, If I want the shiny and I have to get the gifts for the shiny, I have to want or at least accept the gifts as well.

Legendary Weapons and the way you aquire them are ok. You think getting your GoB as a PvE'er is bad, think about all the PvE stuff a WvW'er needs to do if he/she wants a legy. Dungeons, HoT-Metas, Farctals, Mapcomp, Events, Champs all that non WvW-content. If you don't want to WvW. If you can't get yourself to farm EotM, which is more like a PvE champtrain than actual WvW, for approx 10Hrs, less if you max out on reward-track bonuses, you should not get a legendary weapon.I would like to have more PvE-Only legendaries, I think we already have Aurora, but that's tied to ls3, which isn't available for everyone. But, and this is a big one, should there ever be another PvE-only legendary, they need to make it hard to get to give it value. But, and that's the even bigger one, if they make it hard, ppl will cry that it's too had or that it requires a portion of PvE they personnally don't play. Not everyone enjoys the same things in PvE, shocking right. I liked Fractals and loved Dungeons, I hate JPs and waiting for timed events to start. I'm sure out there there's a player that hates all the instanced stuff in the game but jumps all the puzzles everyay if he/she's not waiting for the next world boss to spawn. All the "I want my legendary to be PvE-only" ppl should really think about if they would actually want this. It would have to be grindy, it would have to be hard, it would have to be costly and it would still not be for everyone. Would you still want the GoB replaced by a PvE version if it required you to kill 500 open world bosses? Would you still want to ditch WvW if the PvE-GoB required you to gather 500 tokens of each Dungeon? Or dare I say...if the PvE-GoB was tied to Raids, i.e. endgame PvE content? New PvE-GoB requires 500 acc.bound tokens only available once per day per account form world bosses in lvl80 zones, how about that, still want to keep things PvE-only? GoB can be replaced with the Gift of Fractals, sold for 10k relics, or would this be more like it?

If you want the easy legendary...work some extra shifts in RL and buy one from the TP for cash. If you want to work for your legendary, accept that WvW is a SMALL portion of the process and get over it.

Holy crap. THIS.

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Why do people expect we want an easy and fast PvE way for getting the GoB?Of course it should still be a legendary reward for hard work. There could just be other more enjoyable ways of doing the hard work, than throwing people into game modes they absolutely detest.

@DMO.4158 said:Or are WvW people actually asking it remain exclusive so they can pad the numbers in WvW and have some easy noobs to kill?


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@Fundor.2098 said:

@DMO.4158 said:Or are WvW people actually asking it remain exclusive so they can pad the numbers in WvW and have some easy noobs to kill?


Very unlikely. The people who are hardcore about WvW would prefer that there's no incentive for PvErs to join, because (in their estimation) it spoils the purity of the combat.

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Because, as a wvw player, we have to go out do map comp, do world bosses, collections, or do a thousand other things. A pve player has to come into WvW for 6 - 8 hours max, while a wvw player has to suffer in pve maps for way longer than 6-8 hours, more like days or in some cases months. I happen to do both pve and wvw but its kinda one sided. Asking for another method to get 1 part of a legendary item is silly. It would be like a wvw player asking to have all of the pve items moved into wvw so they don't have to leave their comfort zone. I have 8 gob and 14 gifts of exploration in the bank.

Its about moving out of your comfort zone pulling up your underpants and getting into a new game mode. Learn why majority of wvw players don't like pve stuff. And some pve players might find that wvw is a great game mode.

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@Fundor.2098 said:Why do people expect we want an easy and fast PvE way for getting the GoB?Of course it should still be a legendary reward for hard work. There could just be other more enjoyable ways of doing the hard work, than throwing people into game modes they absolutely detest.

This goes both ways. WvW players more often than not have a very arrogant attitude toward everything PvE and they avoid it as much as they can. But in my opinion the current system is good for both sides. As a PvE-er, you get to experience a new game mode which, hey, you might even like. Originally I went in WvW for GoB, now I have completed that track dozens of times, I have a number of spare Gifts in my bank and I just return into WvW for the fun of it despite remaining mostly a PvE-er. And as a WvW-er you get to dip yourself into the despicable open world and mix with the plebs, hopefully humbling you a bit and making you respect PvE-ers a little.

What you propose would lead to a further division and scorning between the two groups which I can't see as healthy for the game.

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@Fundor.2098 said:Why do people expect we want an easy and fast PvE way for getting the GoB?Of course it should still be a legendary reward for hard work. There could just be other more enjoyable ways of doing the hard work, than throwing people into game modes they absolutely detest.

@DMO.4158 said:Or are WvW people actually asking it remain exclusive so they can pad the numbers in WvW and have some easy noobs to kill?


No. WvWers dont care about pvers, they actually call em pve plebs cause they cant wvw properly - hence, diminishing the combat experience. Couldnt care less about some easy lootbags.

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@Faaris.8013 said:It would make me more happy to have a PvE version of the Gift of Battle. Since I basically never engage in combat against other players in WvW to get the Gift, it feels like PvE for me anyway. I only kill guards or stop a caravan, take camps or claim land, or buy some nice cultural skin when spending badges gives you reward track xp.

I would rather do something in open world though where nothing requires you to cover space for minutes without mount and mostly without gliding.

But if they did that, where would all the digital warriors get their easy kills?

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@"Dimi Gravedancer.1463" said:I know many people out there are not fans of WvW. I know a I've quite a few people who were extremely angry when, as they put it "ANet is forcing me to do crap I absolutely hate, just so I can get a Legendary weapon" and they continue to say how it isn't worth it.So since we battle other players in WvW on a constant basis for our gift, do you think it would be possible to maybe add a Gift Of Battle Reward Track to PvP??I know a lot of people who would prefer to do PvP a lot more than WvW, because, and I am not trying to sound mean to anyone, there seems to be a lot of "Elitists" in WvW. Before anyone says it is true, I was whispered on several occasions by commanders telling "Follow me or get off the map".

So that is my Idea, a GoB track in PvP?

ask a wvw player about gift of exploration

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@"Feanor.2358" said:WvW players more often than not have a very arrogant attitude toward everything PvE and they avoid it as much as they can.This is a pretty wide brush you re applying to people who WvW. You may be reflecting the views of a small but vocal minority. Most WvW'ers are like you or I and don't carry this attitude. The most hardcore WvW streamer I watch is constantly saying that "map completing is fun and relaxing". A few I have talked to are downright impressed at the number of times I've gone 100% on core Tyria.Saying that the majority of these players ("more often than not") carry an arrogant attitude is not just harmful, it is in my experience, inaccurate.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"Feanor.2358" said:WvW players more often than not have a very arrogant attitude toward everything PvE and they avoid it as much as they can.This is a pretty wide brush you re applying to people who WvW. You
be reflecting the views of a small but vocal minority. Most WvW'ers are like you or I and don't carry this attitude. The most hardcore WvW streamer I watch is constantly saying that "map completing is fun and relaxing". A few I have talked to are downright impressed at the number of times I've gone 100% on core Tyria.Saying that the majority of these players ("more often than not") carry an arrogant attitude is not just harmful, it is in my experience, inaccurate.

Come to think of it, you're probably right. The hostility toward the clueless is characteristic for the elitist crowd and it probably is a minority, just like everywhere else. But you have to admit it's the vocal part of the population that creates your impression of it.

By the way, I totally understand their attitude, I'm pretty much PvE elitist myself. :tongue:

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I've done the WvW slog three times where I just capture ruin points over and over again, the occasional scout flag and dolyak escort, while watching a couple movies. Celebration boosters, XP boosters that bump your reward track and the Guild track buff to get it done in about 6+ hours. I sometimes die but I can't care less except when it ruins my track bonus bar.

The smallest amount of interactivity with WvW, the better. I loathe having to deal with people who interfere with my progress in any game and in real life. Gift of Battle is the worst part of this game.

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