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Nerf volcano boss


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On necro i got enough condi cleanses, but either ele tempest needs buffed in condi counters, or this boss needs nerfed.

As soon as you cure 5 condis, another stack of burning intensity is on you with 3 or 4 charges, and you are dead in no time.

I got like 3 condi cleanses and all of them are on a cd

I can cure with water but if i stay in water the whole time i do zero damage.If i use my attacks i'l die because i can't survive.Something has to give.Please nerf this boss.

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I can't cleanse fast enough

it has way too large of a aoe effect with burning and the stupid things that it summons spreads condis too easily.Even my team thinks its dumb.Do you have any idea how long it takes to get overload water? by the time i get overload water i'm dead already.

The fire cleanse thing that cleanses 3 condis has a cd of 40 seconds.Also by the time i can even get into water sometimes its on cd.

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Might have to swap some traits around a bit when that boss is up. I prefer switching to traits that offer more condi cleanse in such cases, or when enemies are applying random conditions when hit.

I have to agree with the others in that this is a case where you might just have to move skills around a bit or rotate to water to keep yourself alive. Sure DPS is going to drop a bit but its better you live and keep fighting while take a minor dip in damage.

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@Axl.8924 said:I can't cleanse fast enough

it has way too large of a aoe effect with burning and the stupid things that it summons spreads condis too easily.Even my team thinks its dumb.Do you have any idea how long it takes to get overload water? by the time i get overload water i'm dead already.

The fire cleanse thing that cleanses 3 condis has a cd of 40 seconds.Also by the time i can even get into water sometimes its on cd.

I don't think you get the core issue. Just don't attack him for a few seconds after breaking the bubble and take care of the adds instead. Two problems solved in one step. Or alternatively, get a healer who knows what he's doing. But don't whine and cry for a nerf when you clearly do not understand the very basics of the encounter.

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You could just stop attacking for 5 seconds. Or you can use lightning storm, meteorshower and LH 4 into Fireshield if you want to see 50+ burning stacks.

But seriously, if you don't have a chrono and druid perma condi cleansing don't attack during his enrage. Since you are new to fractals you need to learn that unloading all of your burst into enemy is not always the best strategy. Sometimes it's better to wait for the mechanic or breakbar with your burst.

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um i've done this before on tier 3 on necro its different.i've been doing this for a while too on necro, after all a first character like my necro wouldn't be able to get full ar without paying for it, and i did it by hand.

Second:My character is a condi tempest.I don't have the materials to make it into power.

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If you have a healer and don't suck entirely its fine on T4. On T3 you just need to not suck entirely, and everywhere else its a nothing boss.

Edit: Actually, to not just be an asshole, huge pro tip, bring projectile reflect. So much better then condi cleanse for survival. Back before healers were the norm in pug t4, I used to play power tempest scepter/warhorn in fractals, and I would swap to the focus for swirling winds, and the boss would go from nightmare to easy as all sin.

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It is one of the few bosses I actually go ranged when pugging in most cases. If it is a good group with chrono and sufficient healing, I use my staff (playing Daredevil) and trait accordingly. You can basically burn him down ignoring all damage that way.

In most pugs though, I use double pistols, trait accordingly and stay away from the boss. I do the same with the Chaos and Thaumanova boss when pugging.

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I used to have problem with this boss when i reached T3. I mostly play chrono now so i dont have a problem there. If you dont have reflects/heals you can stay ranged, wiggle from side to side so you dont get burning and aa him from range. Every 25% just destroy slublings instead of breaking his shield. He will eat vilager and get 25% back but next shield phase will come at 50%.Its not pretty but it works

If you have heals and reflects like chrono with feedback you can just burst him and reflect slublings every 25 percent

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Volcano is one of my favorite fractal esp last boss fight .. super fun mapJust a very “minor” change request /voice lowered --- can we pls remove the cinematic at start pls pls.. it gave me nightmare that creepy woofing noise...

Recorded a pug volcano last boss while backI don't think any nerf is required for this map. It's very good as it is currently.

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So many people attack it during the wrong times and get debuffs, people still stand in melee when the boss soars into the sky--which means it's about to land with aoes--. All the other mechanics are just simply "don't stand" and "kill adds" which you can pretty much cleave down. Change to a more efficient condi cleanse skill/talent, but besides that you should easily have enough cleanses if you avoid the avoidable.

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@Talindra.4958 said:We used to play this map at lvl 50 with 5 ar only as I remembered we have to dodge boss arrow or u get agony from it lol I remember playing ele for this boss and focus air 5 was life saving at shield phase

Is there such a thong as projectile hate abilities in this game? I though if adds spawn and start attack you its a wipe.

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I usually play fractals as a Herald/Shiro build with absolutely zero condition cleanse and I manage just fine on this fractal. What I do is mostly pop Impossible Odds with the heal until it depletes fully then switch to Herald. By the switching time most good groups have already gotten to the first lava elemental phase, and at that point I simply pop the Herald heal to not take damage for a couple seconds (or wait if the phase is not there yet), and dispatch of lava elementals with sword 3, sword 2 and walking around while auto attacking them at maximum melee range. After that it's just rinse and repeat, since Shiro is already ready to be popped again with the heal and impossible odds.

I assume every single other class has equally viable strategies to overcome this fight. You simply have to recognize you can't be hitting it all the time, let alone be stationary all the time. I wish very much this fight is never nerfed because it's one of the few ones where the mechanics actually involve constant motion (rather than overhealing through it) and it's absolutely fun and challenging as a melee character. Granted, if I am particularly lazy someday I just bring my necro and cheese it, but otherwise I don't think it should be nerfed at all.

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