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Favortie GW2 Move

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Illusionary Ambush (Mirage, Deception utility)

It teleports you and your clones to random locations that may land you anywhere within a radius equal to your weapon range from the target. That means using it with a 1200 range weapon like staff or greatsword you can potentially travel up to 2400 units. That's a big teleport! But it also ignores Z axis, so you can teleport on top of objects. It doesn't care about line of sight either, so you can, for example, teleport through walls, around corners, etc. And yes, sometimes it will teleport you into inconvenient places (e.g. inside of objects, through cave walls/floors/ceilings, into fire, etc.). But I love the randomness of it. Just roll the dice!

Aside from the fun/random factor, it's also a pretty solid skill. It's an instant teleport, fairly short cooldown, with a full 1 second evade that also breaks target and refocuses clones.

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My Firebrand's Tome of Resolve - Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery, I love the way my character spins like a ballerina. :D But most Firebrand Tome skills and casting mantras have nice visual effects.

@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:Fist Flurry. I just love the fact that my toon drops her weapon and proceeds to hit somebody with Pai Mei's Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.

I'm a simple girl, I see Kill Bill reference, I upvote!

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@Curunen.8729 said:Illusionary Ambush is indeed a sexy move. Blink and Jaunt too.

Also as bad as it is, Sand through Glass followed by Axe 2 through the mirror is extremely visually and aurally satisfying. The sound effect of breaking any mirage mirror is so therapeutic.

Yeah, I wish the mirrors worked differently somehow. I mean that combo is a nice setup for using a mirror, but often they are not conveniently placed and moving around to break them feels awkward and not really worth the effort.

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Hmmm....debating between mesmer focus 4 and mesmer GS 5 because I've gotten some real good environmental kills in WvW and EOTM with those. Not to mention Skyhammer in PvP back in the good ole days lol.

Lich Form used to be a fav of mine because you transform into this giant spooker and blast people to dealth. Now would probably be mesmers portal, its just such a wonderful skill x3

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My favourite skill animation-wise? Hands down Mesmer's Axe 2 (Lingering Thoughts), followed by Gravity Well, Ele's Twist of Fate, Riptide, Meteor Shower and Necro's Axe 2 (Ghastly Claws).I don't really care for crazy particle effects (actually things like Photon Forge skills make my eyes sore at times), it's the way my character moves while casting that I'm all about. This game doesn't have many skill animations I like (prolly due to quite fast paced combat, short cast times and a lot of insta-cast skills which I loathe), but the ones I've mentioned above are very nice and pleasant to watch imo.

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The skill that got me into the game: Earthshaker. It's tame by flashy standards, but it's an old favorite, you might say.My Charr seemed so happy the time I used it during beta, testing out characters. Flying through the air with this big AoE and a "Wahoo!" crash landing. I got hooked.

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