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Where Are All the Positive Threads?


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I mean geezus, all the threads these days is about something that is broken. Yes there are a lot of issues but there has to be something good going for pvp right? is there anything actually good/fun that you experience in pvp?

If not, is Guild Wars 3 a better idea than relentlessly patching a game that gets so many complaints? Even considering PvE. Personally have found no reason to step foot into PvE content for over a year mostly because everything you do is for fashion goals and im already content with my looks.

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@Ragion.2831 said:I mean geezus, all the threads these days is about something that is broken. Yes there are a lot of issues but there has to be something good going for pvp right? is there anything actually good/fun that you experience in pvp?

If not, is Guild Wars 3 a better idea than relentlessly patching a game that gets so many complaints? Even considering PvE. Personally have found no reason to step foot into PvE content for over a year mostly because everything you do is for fashion goals and im already content with my looks.

Guild Wars 3 is probably a good idea at this point. Apparently the Guild Wars 2 engine is an impossible to understand ancient arcane mystery and not much can be done to alter its base engine functions, or so I hear.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:I would be shocked if there was any PvP forum on any game that was largely positive in existence. The most positive PvPers of any game ever get are player guides and showing off video montages.

yea if things are going well people dont write out what great fun they are having. its like youve said, guides or footage. it could also be funny in game stuff or discussions on expansions.

There is non of that here. More importantly Gw2 doesnt have much of a presence on youtube.

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@Ragion.2831 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:I would be shocked if there was any PvP forum on any game that was largely positive in existence. The most positive PvPers of any game ever get are player guides and showing off video montages.

yea if things are going well people dont write out what great fun they are having. its like youve said, guides or footage. it could also be funny in game stuff or discussions on expansions.

There is non of that here. More importantly Gw2 doesnt have much of a presence on youtube.

Come and join us: the pvp artists and intellectuals

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Most people are still twisting in the wind over recent suspensions and ANet's 'evil' actions. Regardless, the game is great. Heck, better now that some cheaters got the boot. And life will continue in all its glory. Happy people play the game and unhappy people come here to complain about it. That's life on any gaming forum.

But I'm all for Guild Wars 3 . . . in a few more years once Living World storyline is done. =)

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It's very simple.

Happy and satisfied players are not really coming to the official forums to open threads about their experience (why would they?).

However, players who have problems with the pvp system - or the game in general -, they will very much come here and open discussions (or rant) in hope of changing the root of their problem.

There are countless satisfied players in this game, but most of them will not open topics about it (not to mention the ravaging toxicity around here).

sidenote: Reddit is an entirely different story because of the upvotes system, there are a lot of healthy discussions going on there

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@rank eleven monk.9502 said:It's very simple.

Happy and satisfied players are not really coming to the official forums to open threads about their experience (why would they?).

However, players who have problems with the pvp system - or the game in general -, they will very much come here and open discussions (or rant) in hope of changing the root of their problem.

There are countless satisfied players in this game, but most of them will not open topics about it (not to mention the ravaging toxicity around here).

sidenote: Reddit is an entirely different story because of the upvotes system, there are a lot of healthy discussions going on there

I can see happy and satisfied players every day in HotM. Oh wait... they are complaining the same as they are here. PvP is dead garbage rotting corpse of former self. The only reason I'm playing it is to get some APs and tokens. But do I enjoy it? Definitely not.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:I can see happy and satisfied players every day in HotM. Oh wait... they are complaining the same as they are here. PvP is dead garbage rotting corpse of former self. The only reason I'm playing it is to get some APs and tokens. But do I enjoy it? Definitely not.Oh wow look, there are at least 3 people complaining in map chat, pvp iz ded. Don't be ridiculous. It's the same story.

There are problems with pvp, there always have been (balance and population especially), but it's not any worse than the last few seasons in my experience. And I even switched my main (mesmer last season) for this season as it was getting a bit boring.

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@rank eleven monk.9502 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:I can see happy and satisfied players every day in HotM. Oh wait... they are complaining the same as they are here. PvP is dead garbage rotting corpse of former self. The only reason I'm playing it is to get some APs and tokens. But do I enjoy it? Definitely not.Oh wow look, there are at least 3 people complaining in map chat, pvp iz ded. Don't be ridiculous. It's the same story.

There are problems with pvp, there always have been (balance and population especially), but it's not any worse than the last few seasons in my experience. And I even switched my main (mesmer last season) for this season as it was getting a bit boring.

pvp died in 2016, last few seasons are no different to current one

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@"Ragion.2831" said:I mean geezus, all the threads these days is about something that is broken. Yes there are a lot of issues but there has to be something good going for pvp right? is there anything actually good/fun that you experience in pvp?

If not, is Guild Wars 3 a better idea than relentlessly patching a game that gets so many complaints? Even considering PvE. Personally have found no reason to step foot into PvE content for over a year mostly because everything you do is for fashion goals and im already content with my looks.

Studies have shown that people who have a positive experience will inform 2-4 people about it. Whereas people who have a negative experience will let up to 17-20 people know (averages). Human nature is to recall negatives more vividly as you learn from them - I think it's related to basic subconscious biology where the brain is programmed to remember "bad" things to avoid them in the future more than "good" things which happen. This is because in our past, (evolutionary) failing to avoid negatives would more likely kill us than forgetting positives.Back to the topic at hand, I think it's just become part of our forum culture. Many people might misinterpret positive comments as bragging or perhaps sucking up to ANet (I've heard this one, but never fully understood it) which is why they can often be shot down.

Is GW3 a good idea? IMO, yes, but not right now. Personally I enjoy a lot of the aspects of GW2 currently and don't see it falling behind in the world of MMOs just yet. When you look at other, more recent titles coming out within the genre, GW2 still offers more of what I like, still has a fantastic combat system, still treats its customers fairly (someone's going to have a problem with that comment; save your breath), continues to deliver content, I could go on.


A question for all the people with only negative comments -If you don't like so much about GW2, why are you still playing?It might be because there is no better alternative currently.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Ragion.2831 said:I mean geezus, all the threads these days is about something that is broken. Yes there are a lot of issues but there has to be something good going for pvp right? is there anything actually good/fun that you experience in pvp?

If not, is Guild Wars 3 a better idea than relentlessly patching a game that gets so many complaints? Even considering PvE. Personally have found no reason to step foot into PvE content for over a year mostly because everything you do is for fashion goals and im already content with my looks.

Guild Wars 3 is probably a good idea at this point. Apparently the Guild Wars 2 engine is an impossible to understand ancient arcane mystery and not much can be done to alter its base engine functions, or so I hear.

for a gw3 to happen you are talking half a decade of development or more, so I think at this point that's highly unlikely. It is already apparent that the MMO trend in general is declining fast, so what would be the point? Kids nowadays want to play games like fortnite - boring, linear games that offer instant gratification. This is the real cash cow

my dream is for gw2 to launch its own pvp esports oriented game utilising its core combat mechanics. This for me is what separates this game from any other.

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