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Fear not this night 2018 version : on Soundcloud !

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This is such a contrast to the original, "optimistic" version of the song, this one sounds brilliantly dark and full of foreboding. I absolutely love it!

Hahaha, I hope we will one-day encounter The Soggy Joko Brothers performing their rendition of the song in one of the remote mountain homesteads of Tyria. :)

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@holodoc.5748 said:The male vocal completely lacks any sign of life in his voice. Like he is bored to death while signing. In fact he sounds so emotionless and lifeless that I can easily imagine him being an undead, singing somewhere in Orr. Intentional or not, can't tell. For me personally Asja's version has no competition to date.

That is in part deliberate (and also a slight misinterpretation of what he doing) considering the style it is in homage to. He is trying to twist the original into a darker and creepier style. Which is he pretty much nails. Whilst it doesn't compete with Asja's naturally, they aren't really comparable in that way either.

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You do understand that it's the composer doing the singing, right? He wasn't comfortable with his own voice in the initial release with the trailer, but there was a big positive response so he put himself out there to do this longer one. So no, it's not someone who professionally sings doing it, but it's someone who deeply understands what the piece is supposed to sound like.

I'm pleased as anything with the rendition, myself. Diemer's got a much better voice than he credits himself for, and any "off-sounding" parts only contribute to the eeriness.

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So awesome. Been waiting for this one. Thank you so much for posting this! Very Phantom of the Opera feeling to this version. Jesus . . . this is so beautiful. I can't get enough. Lost count of how many times I listened to it on repeat. . . .

Edit: @Donari.5237 Completely agree! Probably Guild Wars 2's best song and rendition in my humble opinion. So dark and so delightful.

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@holodoc.5748 said:

@"Donari.5237" said:You do understand that it's the composer doing the singing, right? He wasn't comfortable with his own voice in the initial release with the trailer, but there was a big positive response so he put himself out there to do this longer one. So no, it's not someone who professionally sings doing it, but it's someone who deeply understands what the piece is supposed to sound like.

Yes I know who he is, but being responsible for everything sound-related that comes out of ArenaNet it should have been his responsibility to acknowledge the lack of vocal prowess and simply hire someone else to do it.

He has acknowledged his "lack of vocal prowess", particularly when people first started asking for a full version of the snippet we got in that LS trailer. People still wanted to hear more of his take on it, and he was kind enough to give us that. I, personally, think he's a better singer than he gives himself credit for. Indeed, it's not perfect as far as diction, tone, breath support, and all that go; it's also clear that his forte is not vocal performance. However, for me, it's the right kind of sound for this more menacing version of the song, and I think any "faults" in the quality of the vocal performance enhance the overall effect of the piece. Plus, I'm sure it was cheaper and easier to get him to record it than to hire someone else to do it. ;)

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@RoseofGilead.8907 said:

@"Donari.5237" said:You do understand that it's the composer doing the singing, right? He wasn't comfortable with his own voice in the initial release with the trailer, but there was a big positive response so he put himself out there to do this longer one. So no, it's not someone who professionally sings doing it, but it's someone who deeply understands what the piece is supposed to sound like.

Yes I know who he is, but being responsible for everything sound-related that comes out of ArenaNet it should have been his responsibility to acknowledge the lack of vocal prowess and simply hire someone else to do it.

He has acknowledged his "lack of vocal prowess", particularly when people first started asking for a full version of the snippet we got in that LS trailer. People still wanted to hear more of his take on it, and he was kind enough to give us that. I, personally, think he's a better singer than he gives himself credit for. Indeed, it's not perfect as far as diction, tone, breath support, and all that go; it's also clear that his forte is not vocal performance. However, for me, it's the right kind of sound for this more menacing version of the song, and I think any "faults" in the quality of the vocal performance enhance the overall effect of the piece. Plus, I'm sure it was cheaper and easier to get him to record it than to hire someone else to do it. ;)

Agreed. This is one of those odd cases where the flaws make it perfect, because the piece is supposed to be twisted, imperfect, and wrong.

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I can say nothing but thank you ANet, and thank you Mr. Diemer and Ms. Isaacson, for recording this full version! From the very first second, I got chills all over again. But somehow, I feel that the duet part lifts the spirits too much... the shorter version felt more dark and twisted. Yet I understand that there needs to be some resemblance to the original. The ending, however, brings back the picture of a bug crawling over the screen =)

An amazing piece of music! The myth of Mr. Diemer's "lack of vocal prowess" has been officially busted, especially when he hits that climax!Leaving your comfort zone and doing something you're not perfectly comfortable with only to meet the heart-felt requests of your community is kind of a heroic act. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Maclaine Diemer! (And of course, thank you ANet!)

The Sun Has Risen For This One.

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I've felt a chill run down my spine at the intro. It was just perfect. I hope to hear this during the Living World Season. It would be great if used at the right moment. Obviously, he is not a singer and I guess it was intended to only appear in that trailer once, but he still took the effort with the other guys in there to make this. I think that gesture of sorts is nice.The tone of the song is what makes this better for me than the original. The original tries to fill the listener with hope and such. It keeps telling you how great things will be. This version however... it has a much darker tone. It makes things seem a lot bleaker and hopeless. But since the lyrics are almost the same it makes you feel like there is still a slight hope, but that's it. And this is exactly why the last two lines are so powerful in the song.

"Who needs the light?Fear not this night."

As if saying that we don't need hope. We just need to get used to the situation and accept it as it is. Because sometimes, we have to accept reality and stop fighting it to be able to get anywhere.Overall, this is why I like it more than the original. Good Work, Maclaine!

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I really appreciate the attempt at making a new version :)

Not my personal cup of tea, kind of reminds me of a lonely teenager trying his best to be really edgy.I can totally see what the intention was, but doesn't have the 'magic' for me.

I guess I just really enjoy the classic 'operatic and strings' kinda thing.

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@Arden.7480 said:

@"Orpheal.8263" said:Beats in no way the original, sorry

The original catched an emotional moment, that this remix never can do the same

Don't apologize! :) Not everyone loves everything, and it was awesome to get to deliver something that so many people wanted. It's been great the past few hours to see everyone's excitement--and for those who don't care for it the original still exists!

And I thought nothing can beat it XDDDDD You're awesome, ANet!

Oh . . . my. Well . . . that was . . . different.

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:

@"Orpheal.8263" said:Beats in no way the original, sorry

The original catched an emotional moment, that this remix never can do the same

Don't apologize! :) Not everyone loves everything, and it was awesome to get to deliver something that so many people wanted. It's been great the past few hours to see everyone's excitement--and for those who don't care for it the original still exists!

And I thought nothing can beat it XDDDDD You're awesome, ANet!

Oh . . . my. Well . . . that was . . . different.

=) thanks for the good laugh!

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