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Please gut mesmer some more.


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@Kraitan.8476 said:Title is pretty self explanatory. Think everyone except the mesmer mains can agree. It’s overplayed, WAY too forgiving making it an extremely easy class to do well on and still applies conditions like its a power burst.

Mirage is currently being banned entirely in any/all tournaments being held. It's the first specialization as a whole, that is so overpowered, that organizers must omit it completely from any competitive play.

Not much more needs to be said other than that.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Kraitan.8476 said:Title is pretty self explanatory. Think everyone except the mesmer mains can agree. It’s overplayed, WAY too forgiving making it an extremely easy class to do well on and still applies conditions like its a power burst.

Mirage is currently being banned entirely in any/all tournaments being held. It's the first specialization as a whole, that is so overpowered, that organizers must omit it completely from any competitive play.

Not much more needs to be said other than that.

That's pretty terrible actually lol and Anet is okay with this? Are they all mes mains?

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@Rysdude.3824 said:

@Kraitan.8476 said:Title is pretty self explanatory. Think everyone except the mesmer mains can agree. It’s overplayed, WAY too forgiving making it an extremely easy class to do well on and still applies conditions like its a power burst.

Mirage is currently being banned entirely in any/all tournaments being held. It's the first specialization as a whole, that is so overpowered, that organizers must omit it completely from any competitive play.

Not much more needs to be said other than that.

That's pretty terrible actually lol and Anet is okay with this? Are they all mes mains?

Yes. Yes, they are.

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@Rysdude.3824 said:

@EpicTurtle.8571 said:Congratulations on making another Mesmer thread, the rest of them clearly weren't getting the job done.


Look at it rationally, if you were a dev would you bother responding to, if indeed you even bothered reading, a thread that says to gut a specific class more on a competitive subforum? I know I wouldn't.

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@Hoodie.1045 said:

@Kraitan.8476 said:Title is pretty self explanatory. Think everyone except the mesmer mains can agree. It’s overplayed, WAY too forgiving making it an extremely easy class to do well on and still applies conditions like its a power burst.

Mirage is currently being banned entirely in any/all tournaments being held. It's the first specialization as a whole, that is so overpowered, that organizers must omit it completely from any competitive play.

Not much more needs to be said other than that.

That's pretty terrible actually lol and Anet is okay with this? Are they all mes mains?

Yes. Yes, they are.

and no engi mains still =/

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@zoopop.5630 said:

@Kraitan.8476 said:Title is pretty self explanatory. Think everyone except the mesmer mains can agree. It’s overplayed, WAY too forgiving making it an extremely easy class to do well on and still applies conditions like its a power burst.

Mirage is currently being banned entirely in any/all tournaments being held. It's the first specialization as a whole, that is so overpowered, that organizers must omit it completely from any competitive play.

Not much more needs to be said other than that.

That's pretty terrible actually lol and Anet is okay with this? Are they all mes mains?

Yes. Yes, they are.

and no engi mains still =/

I was thinking the same thing.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Kraitan.8476 said:Title is pretty self explanatory. Think everyone except the mesmer mains can agree. It’s overplayed, WAY too forgiving making it an extremely easy class to do well on and still applies conditions like its a power burst.

Mirage is currently being banned entirely in any/all tournaments being held. It's the first specialization as a whole, that is so overpowered, that organizers must omit it completely from any competitive play.

Not much more needs to be said other than that.

Guess I better get my scourge going

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Kraitan.8476 said:Title is pretty self explanatory. Think everyone except the mesmer mains can agree. It’s overplayed, WAY too forgiving making it an extremely easy class to do well on and still applies conditions like its a power burst.

Mirage is currently being banned entirely in any/all tournaments being held. It's the first specialization as a whole, that is so overpowered, that organizers must omit it completely from any competitive play.

Not much more needs to be said other than that.

You must of forgot about the time that a team with 4 ele randoms were taking games off Helseth's team when Esl's were still a thing.

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@Trigr.6481 said:

@Kraitan.8476 said:Title is pretty self explanatory. Think everyone except the mesmer mains can agree. It’s overplayed, WAY too forgiving making it an extremely easy class to do well on and still applies conditions like its a power burst.

Mirage is currently being banned entirely in any/all tournaments being held. It's the first specialization as a whole, that is so overpowered, that organizers must omit it completely from any competitive play.

Not much more needs to be said other than that.

You must of forgot about the time that a team with 4 ele randoms were taking games off Helseth's team when Esl's were still a thing.

lol yeah, I remember that. It was THE event that created the ESL anti-class stacking rule. But even still, D/D Cele was only prevented from being stacked. It wasn't omitted from play entirely.

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@Trigr.6481 said:

@Kraitan.8476 said:Title is pretty self explanatory. Think everyone except the mesmer mains can agree. It’s overplayed, WAY too forgiving making it an extremely easy class to do well on and still applies conditions like its a power burst.

Mirage is currently being banned entirely in any/all tournaments being held. It's the first specialization as a whole, that is so overpowered, that organizers must omit it completely from any competitive play.

Not much more needs to be said other than that.

You must of forgot about the time that a team with 4 ele randoms were taking games off Helseth's team when Esl's were still a thing.

People always forget old metas.Maybe people should actually learn how to fight it instead of complaining. This is why the game never evolves. Even back when mes was objectively worse than thief and was only taken for portal people called it OP.

If I had a gold for every person who complained about mirage only to find out later they didn't understand ANY of the traits they take (so impossible find any obvious weaknesses), didn't know how to anticipate shatters, or had auto target on... I'd be half way to buying Eternity.

No matter what you guys complain about now it's better than petting zoo, hambow, and S1 Chrono Bunk.

Balance is based on conquest, not what you people fail to achieve in 1v1s.

I can kill Mirages on a thief and holo using terrain, I can go even with a burn guard vs power, I can kill condi mirages with necro, I can contest them with Ele, FB, and SB.Question is why can't you?

Only thing I reallly can't (though admittedly haven't tried much recently) is with Ranger since the passive suitability nerfs. (and rev cuz I honestly never made one)But wanna know what's worse than something that can gank people who don't know how to anticipate or doge?:Low risk builds that live forever without the need for movement in a game revolving around cap points. (ya know the exact reason why Chrono bunk s1 was so bad... and why when teams took 4 eles was bad.) Thank God for the passive nerf.

I admit condi mirage might be a little strong but that's because the ease of application.Best way to nerf condi (mirage) is A. Reduce the cover condis. B. Give cleanse priority.If you want to gut Illusive mind I'm fine with that too. Maybe we should go for 7 seconds of exhaust.

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Thought we were already over the condi application on mes since the confusion nerf.So what needs a nerf now according to playerbase:

  • condi application
  • mobility
  • clone spam
  • stunbreak on dodge
  • perma evade
  • instagib
  • ambushes

The solution:Give only autoattacks on mes, remove everything else!Oh wait, someone complained about gs auto being op. :/

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@Daishi.6027 said:

@Kraitan.8476 said:Title is pretty self explanatory. Think everyone except the mesmer mains can agree. It’s overplayed, WAY too forgiving making it an extremely easy class to do well on and still applies conditions like its a power burst.

Mirage is currently being banned entirely in any/all tournaments being held. It's the first specialization as a whole, that is so overpowered, that organizers must omit it completely from any competitive play.

Not much more needs to be said other than that.

You must of forgot about the time that a team with 4 ele randoms were taking games off Helseth's team when Esl's were still a thing.

People always forget old metas.Maybe people should actually learn how to fight it instead of complaining. This is why the game never evolves. Even back when mes was objectively worse than thief and was only taken for portal people called it OP.

If I had a gold for every person who complained about mirage only to find out later they didn't understand ANY of the traits they take (so impossible find any obvious weaknesses), didn't know how to anticipate shatters, or had auto target on... I'd be half way to buying Eternity.

No matter what you guys complain about now it's better than petting zoo, hambow, and S1 Chrono Bunk.

Balance is based on conquest, not what you people fail to achieve in 1v1s.

I can kill Mirages on a thief and holo using terrain, I can go even with a burn guard vs power, I can kill condi mirages with necro, I can contest them with Ele, FB, and SB.Question is why can't you?

Only thing I reallly can't (though admittedly haven't tried much recently) is with Ranger since the passive suitability nerfs. (and rev cuz I honestly never made one)But wanna know what's worse than something that can gank people who don't know how to anticipate or doge?:Low risk builds that live forever without the need for movement in a game revolving around cap points. (ya know the exact reason why Chrono bunk s1 was so bad... and why when teams took 4 eles was bad.) Thank God for the passive nerf.

I admit condi mirage might be a little strong but that's because the ease of application.Best way to nerf condi (mirage) is A. Reduce the cover condis. B. Give cleanse priority.If you want to gut Illusive mind I'm fine with that too. Maybe we should go for 7 seconds of exhaust.

Yeah, there has been bad stuff in the past but it got fixed just like this probably will. People shamelessly defending their class (which usually happens) never helps.

I can kill any class with any class if the other player isn’t great, saying you can kill x y or z with another class isn’t saying much. I’m sure the top players would crush me regardless of what I’m playing/what they’re playing.

I would assume a lot of the frustration we are seeing right now can be attributed to a few things. Slow balance, lack of communication and general frustration with the state of the game.

When stuff is broken we end up waiting months to see any “fix” and more often than not they get it wrong. Then we wait months (again) for the whole cycle to repeat itself until the next expansion comes along and nukes everything.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Kraitan.8476 said:Title is pretty self explanatory. Think everyone except the mesmer mains can agree. It’s overplayed, WAY too forgiving making it an extremely easy class to do well on and still applies conditions like its a power burst.

Mirage is currently being banned entirely in any/all tournaments being held. It's the first specialization as a whole, that is so overpowered, that organizers must omit it completely from any competitive play.

Not much more needs to be said other than that.

Chrono was getting banned before Mirage. So your post isn't entirely accurate.

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@"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:Thought we were already over the condi application on mes since the confusion nerf.So what needs a nerf now according to playerbase:

  • condi application
  • mobility
  • clone spam
  • stunbreak on dodge
  • perma evade
  • instagib
  • ambushes

The solution:Give only autoattacks on mes, remove everything else!Oh wait, someone complained about gs auto being op. :/

There was a post in the mesmer forums that Mesmers are the "girl" class so you can add sexism to the list of things to nerf.

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@Leodon.1564 said:

@"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:Thought we were already over the condi application on mes since the confusion nerf.So what needs a nerf now according to playerbase:
  • condi application
  • mobility
  • clone spam
  • stunbreak on dodge
  • perma evade
  • instagib
  • ambushes

The solution:Give only autoattacks on mes, remove everything else!Oh wait, someone complained about gs auto being op. :/

There was a post in the mesmer forums that Mesmers are the "girl" class so you can add sexism to the list of things to nerf.

Didn't saw that one.So, girls are banned from playing tournaments! This is getting ridiculous, ANet needs to step in.

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