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Sudden large increase in toxicity everywhere


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I'm sorry to hear others on the thread reporting such negative experiences. Personally for the past 4 months, I've been pleasantly surprised at the civil and respectful tone I see in most map chats. That said, I came from WoW, which rivals CoD in the level of toxicity of its community, so maybe it's just a basis of comparison lol.

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I will add as a rule, I haven't seen real down right trolling, maybe a few 'show'offs' and my friend's got whispered in wvw when he killed someone once - but generally it errs on the side of banter rather than being 'rude and horrible'It's nice to have a community that will welcome you into conversations, help you out and generally make the game a nice place to be.

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@"Ardid.7203" said:It's the Bless effect, IMO. They simply aren't accustomed to this kind of friendly environments. They will learn or leave. Just be patient and don't act like them.

So.. you're saying it's the Bless curse?

Toxicity has been creeping upwards, but there is nothing that can be done about it (reporting is a myth). People can't gank or troll in the usual method in GW2, so they switch to demoralization to just pollute map chat until they are blocked.Currently, demoralization is a strategy in WvW as well. There is an individual on our server who has at least 5 different accounts that switches through them and then spends half an hour or so harassing people about politics and generally being a troll. When ever he logs onto a new one, people just block and move on until he logs into another account and starts over. Unfortunately, blocking is the only thing that can be done here. Arenanet knows this individual is doing this, but won't kick him, and even if they do, he'll just create another account, get it leveled to 60, and start over.

You can turn map chat off, but overall the only thing you can do is just block and move on. Make use of the "set nickname" feature on the block list so you can mark them as trolls, goldsellers, whatever, and be done with it. Nothing else will change there.

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Unfortunately the only thing I can really say in regards is that I've relegated mapchat and WvW team general to a special tab that only gets used 5% of the time. And as far as the big cities go, it's the reason why I've moved everything to that tab in general -- so I don't hear about 'current non-GW agenda'.

I didn't come to the game to hear someone's current take of the world. I just came to slay.

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@Jwake.7013 said:Earth politics? I'm on Tyria, why would I care about Earth? Also I'm an Asura, why would I care about what Queen Jennah is doing? I hear she doesn't even wear shoes!

Really though, I find it best to just block and move on. If my bad joke doesn't break up the argument in the pvp lobby (maybe works 1 out of 15) best thing for your own sanity is to not linger on it. I play video games to have fun and not worry about such things. If people want to debate something like that, do it in whispers, why it has it be over map chat every time is beyond me lol.

Because unfortunately Earth politics takes priority to Tyrian life. Every walk of life needs to know when $#!% hits the fan (especially with the current leadership,) but yeah, most people don't care to hear about politics in general.

As for the topic, the toxicity is ALWAYS there, it just requires the right trigger to bring to the surface. More people = higher chance someone will fire a couple of shots that wrenches open a fount of vitriol and ugliness. And right now, between Bless's abysmal release, the veritable drought of MMO's, WoW's and most K-MMORPG stigmas, people are shifting into Guild Wars 2 because it seems like the only sane option. I came back out of boredom and procrastination (I want to draw, but don't want to fail, so let me do this one other thing first... I'm sure someone understands.) All things considered, the game hasn't changed much, and the leveling process becomes pretty rote really fast. I expect most of these newcomers to retreat back out within a month's time.

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I just came accross 2 totally different groups yesterday, both dungeon's PuG's, and by far the most agressive and prompt to insult players i've seen since I arrived in GW2 - 2 months ago. If people are bored enough to blame other people for not carrying them trough the game contents, then they should take a break/uninstall, and i'm being pretty nice... considering what those people said.

Blocking people in instance's is not a really good option, if the team is already struggling... I must say, GW2 has some of the friendliest community out there, and I do hope that people who arent willing to support that should leave, we can work together or fail terribly.

I usually ignore rather than block the people talking about ridiculous subjects in Lion arch, they are just making fools of themself...

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If anything, it seems like the politics, trolling, trash talk, etc. have toned down the last week. I've seen a little in WvW when my no-name server was paired with one of the more, er, notorious ones, but that's about it. A week or two ago, though, you could find it in most of the starter areas.

I usually block annoying people which may have taken care of my problem ;) It's been a couple of months since I've had to use it.

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I just think its the bias we all experience where negative experiences have a far more severe impact on us than the constant positive ones we surround ourselves with.

I wouldn't blame new people coming in or anything in the world being different - it's simply that now you meet the "bad" people who were always around because statistically that was bound to happen sooner or later anyway. Maybe other people just had a bad day and in turn caused others to have a bad day. We may never know, but it for sure comes close to being a waste of time to think about it too much honestly.

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Not personally, but then again, I tend to just tune the worst out. Not bothered by profanity (there's a filter for that, if its a problem for ya) or anything like that, either, so I can't comment on that. Granted, I tend to mess with people a little from time to time (all in good fun), but if ya ask me to stop, I'll oblige without question. Then again, maybe I've come across places far, far worse, so my perception is coloured more than others.

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