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Sudden large increase in toxicity everywhere


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Has anyone else noticed just as of recently almost every map that's more populated is filled with trolls and overall toxicity? This didn't used to be the case but it seems like all of a sudden no matter where I go I see players harassing each other, talking trash about the game and other games, trying to start fights, etc. It feels like CoD chat flooded the game.

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Personally, I haven't experienced it, but I can only suggest this is may be due to increased activity on media regarding GW2. I'm in no way singling out new players but we have just had a wave of "Bless Refugees" join.Chances are, given the recent spate of YT videos promoting GW2, there are some people joining just because of the hype but in reality, they won't be staying for long.At least if you're hearing it in map chat, it indicates that those players have bought at least 1 expansion and extra funds for ANet is always good for the playerbase.

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I run with the profanity filter off and my experience has seen the a amount of profanity has dramatically increased since the Bless debacle. For me, I do blame the influx of new players because it wasn't this bad just a few weeks ago. As a community, it's probably best if we don't respond in kind and maybe those who feel the need to use such language would tone it down.

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@"MarshallLaw.9260" said:Personally, I haven't experienced it, but I can only suggest this is may be due to increased activity on media regarding GW2. I'm in no way singling out new players but we have just had a wave of "Bless Refugees" join.Chances are, given the recent spate of YT videos promoting GW2, there are some people joining just because of the hype but in reality, they won't be staying for long.At least if you're hearing it in map chat, it indicates that those players have bought at least 1 expansion and extra funds for ANet is always good for the playerbase.

Exactly my train of thought.

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You are correct. The levels of toxicity have increased drastically since 2015 to the point where I stopped interacting with players altogether. I used to enjoy helping out newbies and even spend an hour or two lurking in the starting areas to see if anyone could use some help, but not even newbies are exactly "good" people nowadays. I have no idea what's going on with these people. And this applies to all content.

I've had loads of bad experiences with the community, and I'm afraid that will only get worse.

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Weird, I haven't seen any of it. Just the usual map chatter. People asking for help and offering help and advertising guilds, etc.

There have been times in the past where I seemed to run into a spate of bad behavior all at once, but things would always go back to normal after a week or two, and I decided that it was coincidental, that I just happened to run into a few jerks around the same time.

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I don't see it in EU PvE leveling maps, very often. It's rare depending on the time of day and map.

In LA or DR, though...I don't take them too seriously though. Bit of banter, trolling, arguments, and typical childishness. But some of it is enjoyable if you know they are not really kitten holes.It kinda blends with the other types of chats. Until it dies down, or some of them log off.A lot of the ones I see are more from veteran style players who just like to chat shit while hanging around the main areas with the afkers.

Nothing much. Sometimes you do get some propper trolls around the city maps though, or people whos strong views and debates, often make those with a weaker spine, pipe up and get involved.

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I haven't seen toxicity get worse lately. sPvP is always "toxic" to some degree, though I put that in quotation marks because people often argue over legitimate tactical errors that one person makes, and that useful discussion gets personal and toxic quickly. Nothing out of the ordinary, in Heart of the Mists the Trump supporters have been quieter than the past few months.

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@circuitnerd.5863 said:Has anyone else noticed just as of recently almost every map that's more populated is filled with trolls and overall toxicity?No. I haven't see any evidence of increased toxicity.

This didn't used to be the case but it seems like all of a sudden no matter where I go I see players harassing each other, talking trash about the game and other games, trying to start fights, etc. It feels like CoD chat flooded the game.Sounds like a combination of a perception problem (expecting to see more, so noticing more) and forgetting what it was like before. Toxicity ebbs & flows, like memes do. One day, everyone is talking about SpongeBob at the Tony's, and the next day, it's all about Net Neutrality. One day, everyone is calm-as-cucumbers with South for being late to burn at Tarir, and then the next day, people go DefCon 5 with East cutting it close (but not being late)

They only way to know (for one's self, never mind for others) if there's a change is to be tracking things regularly.

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Haven't noticed spike in toxicity. Even PvP has been quite tame for me recently. In previous season, there would always be someone in ranked matches going: "Please uninstall" or "don't play ranked again". But I haven't seen it this season.

I have seen a rise in frustrated people in HoT maps though. Complaining that the maps are too complex and all.

This does seem coincide with the "Bless migration" though. Not sure if it is related. Possibly frustration at Bless not working out being vented out on GW2.

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Earth politics? I'm on Tyria, why would I care about Earth? Also I'm an Asura, why would I care about what Queen Jennah is doing? I hear she doesn't even wear shoes!

Really though, I find it best to just block and move on. If my bad joke doesn't break up the argument in the pvp lobby (maybe works 1 out of 15) best thing for your own sanity is to not linger on it. I play video games to have fun and not worry about such things. If people want to debate something like that, do it in whispers, why it has it be over map chat every time is beyond me lol.

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I wish you could delete your chat log, not that i'm worried about a bit of swearing or even some of the LA topics but it would be nice to clear down.There is toxic in all games, I just choose to either ignore it or not take it personally.

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