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Thoughts on Episode 3 trailer

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@"mazut.4296" said:I agree, Joko trailer is just stupid. Instead of trying to make it "fun", make it epic... sad story

I'd like to point out one of Joko's dialogues of GW1:

Palawa Joko: "We shall regain my throne! And all thanks to these well-to-do hero types. They have no choice but to destroy her vanguard and retake my palace for me."Player party approachesPalawa Joko: "Well, hello there well-to-do hero types."

And of course (from a cutscene, trying to order his army)Palawa Joko: "No, No, No! Mummified flesh on the left! Dried bones on the right! No, your other right! You worthless bits of animated anatomy!"

I find the trailer to be perfectly in character for a Joko that's established himself again and is about to unleash what he percieves as his "I win"-move.

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I was in two minds when I watched the trailer for the first time. However, after a small research, now I absolutely love most things that I saw.

  1. Joko acting like Deadpool? Not really. Now he reminds me more of Beetlejuice (more on bugs later), down to the quote "It's SHOWTIME!". Look for the animated series intro. Also, I went back to some GW1 movies and... Joko acted like that all the time. I wasn't aware, since I only recently got into GW1, but the way he acts in the trailer is more like him than ever before in GW2.
  2. Beetle runner. It's, again, a bow towards history. There were racing beetles in the game and they look surprisingly similar. I absolutely adore the fact GW2 didn't end up with a traditional "bicycle mount", like so many other games. It stays in character. ALSO, fund this: Armadillidium vulgare. A real bug. :D Tell me that's not amazing.
  3. As a QA I can't stop giggling at the amount of bugs, here. Bug cycle, bug Plague, bug character, bugs in the code.. oh, wait.. :PAll in all, I'm hopeful. PoF story irritated me, more than anything. But this Living Season so far has been a blast.Ps. I want to ride a ladybug.--EDIT--Paraglenea fortunei - panda bug :D (there exists a panda wasp, that looks like an ant as well, btw. - animal world is amazing). Bugs have such a potential.
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Joko was always like that; we just haven't seen this part of his character fleshed well enough in GW2 yet.

As for the Roller Beetles, and the magitech saddle we have, I can bet my ass we'll get the ability to ride them and have the saddle constructed thanks to our new resident entomologist and bug lover, Gorrik. Nice way to flesh out his character and usefulness a bit.

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@Invidia.9074 said:Joko was always like that; we just haven't seen this part of his character fleshed well enough in GW2 yet.

As for the Roller Beetles, and the magitech saddle we have, I can bet my kitten we'll get the ability to ride them and have the saddle constructed thanks to our new resident entomologist and bug lover, Gorrik. Nice way to flesh out his character and usefulness a bit.

Ohh, you're right, I completely forgot about Gorrik. It seems he'll be helping us to break into somewhere. ;D rewatches the trailer again

Aaaand another bug: Phryganistria chinensis Zhao. If it rolled, it'd be a loop. :D Imagine a ring-like roller... has a mental image of riding the One Ring in her head

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I feel sorry for Joko after watching the trailer- don't you see he has no friends? :'(

I love this aspect of him- he's crazy as Scarlet, vicious as Mordremoth, proud as Balthazar and wicked as Joko. :D His personality is so complex, so I don't know why you didn't like him in this trailer.

And this "Joko's bored. Let's pick up the pace." is my favourite voice line in this game now. :D

I wanna be a friend with Joko, he is too awesome. :D

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@"Abdel Muhti.6431" said:Just watched the video. If anyone not familiar with GW2 sees it, he may think:" I was looking for a serious deep atmospheric multiplayerroleplayinggame but what i see looks like an comedy action game settled in a fantasy environment".

kinda. :D A bug in the system trailer was kinda scary, but this one is kinda showing him in his weirder side, what I truely like about him is that he is complex, and to me it's just amazing.

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Also it's so amazing to see it like that:

We are soo focused on him, we wanna kill him, we wanna put an end to everything what he's built in ages.

But then Joko is like: meh, let's have fun!

Tell me it's not amazing? He's so chilled, we are rather uptight. Praise Joko, cos he's amazing. :D

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Pure subjectivity.I don't like GW1, however I do liked the beetle design, it looks fun and within proper GW2 sillyness. I don't like the human centrism of Elona, but I do enjoy the absurd, ridiculous yet menacing egocentrism Joko exudes. IMO it also fits into the GW2 world.Almost all the legendaries are uber-shiny, huge and tacky. No surprise here.

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I liked the trailer. Much is up to interpretation. The jesting Joko to me showed a being sure of their power that felt contempt to those that would challenge it. Excited for new fractal and like the looks of the new warhorn enough that I am pondering a delay in finishing Howler. New fractal is welcome and looks puzzlish which can be fun. Was expecting new mount but will be interesting to see how that plays out, assuming it's specialty is speed and airtime if you can find a area to project from. Overall, looks fun, now to hurry and wait.

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:The new mount looks ridiculous.The new legendary warhorn looks even more horrificEasy solution, you should not get the "Ridiculous new mount" nor the "horrific Warhorn".I am strongly believe that no one will ever put in any sort of effort to convince you of having them.

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Breaking news: Different people like different things. I'm not interested in the Mount one way or another, but the Warhorn is everything I've been looking for in a horn since I started playing. The Fractal doesn't look interesting except for it being a new fractal because we saw nothing about it. There isn't enough information for it to be interesting. I believe the word you were looking for is intriguing. Being intrigued by something you have no information about, but would like more on, makes sense.

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I really adore the new mount, I always loved the beetles in gw1. It even does the dance they do.

I'm also going to theorize that Jokos "show" is going to be when he releases the scarab plague.And when it comes to Joko well...he's always been a bit of a hammy character so seeing him in the intro like that wasn't surprising for me. I actually liked it since we haven't seen much of Jokos hammy side lately so it shows hes confident about whatevers happening in this chapter.

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