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new balance patch gaves rev nothing


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New balance patch gave nothing but nerfs to mesmer and ele, and the specs that suck didn't actually become viable because the buffs were so marginal.

Power soulbeast, power reaper, and power rev will still be way behind dragonhunter, warrior, and holosmith.

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@Chuck.2864 said:Power Herald was already good and all it got is buffs. If you seriously think it's bad in PvP\WvW, that's a l2p issue sadly.

If you were in a comformed 5 player team, to play one of those tournaments that no longer exist aiming to be competitive, why would you chose a Revenant for the +1 role in an environment in which both Thieves and Mesmers are much stronger for that task?

Also, if you were to roam with a partner, which class would be the best to pair with a Rev?

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@ZeftheWicked.3076 said:It seems they do the lazy approach:

  1. Does profession have a meta build for a given game mode, or preffered damage type?
  2. If yes, balance around that, screw other options.
  3. ????
  4. Profit.

Condi Herald and Renegade still avait their viability in WvW and sPvP...

The moment I pull out the renegade short bow, my teammates complain and say gg. I can't even complain because I know they're right.

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The only thing positive I can think of right now is that they could not put a massive rework of rev and/or renegade into todays patch. So they only did minor things to reflect that if it comes soon. Maybe wishful thinking but the only positive way I can see this balance pass working out for a stale meta where revs don't really have a place outside of pve.

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The deathstrike animation reduction alone is amazing for power revenant. Additionally most everything got nerfed while power rev has stayed the same, so it’s already going to be doing better than it was before. It’s still a high skill cap class, tho, so I don’t see it becoming super popular even if it’s on par with or better than most other classes. Also toker won the last NA AT with a Revenant, so it’s clearly a viable option, just maybe not as good for solo queue

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Sigh. I am not surprised at all, but yet another patch with Ventari being nothing more than a joke in PvP. Protective Solace change is both a nerf and a buff. Sustained bubble gets a buff but bubble blasting is now more expensive. Bolster Fortifications getting a damage modifier, umm what? Please attach it to Shared Empowerment and keep BF as strictly defensive/supportive. Shield is still kitten. Best thing to come out of this for me is Banish Enchantment range increase, which I admit is very nice. Overall not bad, but I am just a very bitter centaur lover. Was hoping this patch would give me reason to log on, but alas...

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@Master Ketsu.4569 said:We got a buff, it was just the wrong buff. Rev needed better utility, better condi clear. Instead we got a fairly solid buff to sword 5 making rev even more of a power-assassin in sPvP.

Agreed. Sword was already in TOO good of a place, propping the class up when it has meh utility and ghastly condi cleanse. The gap between sword and axe/shield as an offhand is just greater now as other parts of the class continue to be subpar, making a pretty stupidly strong offhand even more of a must take if you want to be viable.

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At least we got better energy management, which is something they've improved since the changes made to Charged Mists.

However they haven't touched Renegade, even though it's pretty good in PvE it doesn't change the fact that this specs was awfully designed to begin with, which is why it's unplayable in PvP. And I could understand if Kalla was only good in PvE, you could still play Renegade without her in PvP, but at the very least could they make the Shortbow not miss all the time in PvP, because it's baffling to see that they think the Shortbow is in an okay state right now, when you cannot hit anyone that is remotely awake.

Or looked at Mallyx, which hasn't really been changed in years, and the last time they changed him they hastily reworked his entire design, and because of that we've a lot of traces of this old design that don't make any sense today, such as Pain Absorption which is a death sentence for yourself in most cases, and traits like Demonic Defiance, Bolstered Anguish, and Maniacal Persistence, that made sense when you could copy conditions with Embrace the Darkness, but today they're just high risks for almost zero reward traits. Mallyx really need to be looked at for PvP, but also PvE, and they need to ask themselves what they want this legend to be.Ventari could also have received few buffs, alongside Jalis which is never used anymore.

It's a shame that Revenant is the only class that has only one viable build in sPvP, and in PvE you have condition Renegade, and the hand kite build (useful only for one boss), and that's it (still better than Necro though).

Edit: typo

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@ZeftheWicked.3076 said:In WvW you'll get to really understand what shortbow means...

No one wants the Renegade in wvw, and there's nothing yet for Condi Herald. The sword was good enough already. Really nothing useful in this patch. But like someone said in one of the posts, maybe they are considering big changed for Renegade? Shortbow 2 and 3 are not making sense the more I play it. Okay 2 maybe. But 3?

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@Caligrafers Blade.3871 said:

@ZeftheWicked.3076 said:In WvW you'll get to really understand what
bow means...

No one wants the Renegade in wvw, and there's nothing yet for Condi Herald. The sword was good enough already. Really nothing useful in this patch. But like someone said in one of the posts, maybe they are considering big changed for Renegade? Shortbow 2 and 3 are not making sense the more I play it. Okay 2 maybe. But 3?

Correction, there is nothing useful for YOU in the patch. For those of us who play power rev there are some nice changes.

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@Zenith.7301 said:New balance patch gave nothing but nerfs to mesmer and ele, and the specs that suck didn't actually become viable because the buffs were so marginal.

Power soulbeast, power reaper, and power rev will still be way behind dragonhunter, warrior, and holosmith.

Power soulbeast has 2k more dps on benchmark than dh rn, and with the buffs on rev/herald they prob will be better than dh as well, anet don't seem to like dh at all sadly.

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@"ventusthunder.5067" said:

@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:We got a buff, it was just the wrong buff. Rev needed better utility, better condi clear. Instead we got a fairly solid buff to sword 5 making rev even more of a power-assassin in sPvP.

Agreed. Sword was already in TOO good of a place, propping the class up when it has meh utility and ghastly condi cleanse. The gap between sword and axe/shield as an offhand is just greater now as other parts of the class continue to be subpar, making a pretty stupidly strong offhand even more of a must take if you want to be viable.

That's kind of how I saw it and is the hidden downside to the patch. It could also be read as "We indirectly made every Rev PvP build that doesn't use sword-sword utterly worthless by comparison. Hope ya'll like being Kirito."

It is a damn good buff though as I try it more. Helps a lot in the Rev-Mesmer matchup because if the mes jaunts themselves into their backline you generally know that means they are likely out of dodges and can sword 5 meme them.

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Soulcleave's Summit upkeep need to be reduced so Revenant can use damage skills for this other than Auto. Or give this skill some sort of added damage utility or something since I can only Auto with this skill.

Also would be nice if the Renegade's Master traits were more useful and the Mechanic abilities were more useful beside Bombardment. But even that has too high of a energy cost.

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