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Swimsuit Outfits?

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@Brother.1504 said:

@Brother.1504 said:Why do people want swim wear?

Festival of the Four Winds = big ol' party on the beach.

  • Way out on one of the more southerly islands in the Labyrinthine Cliffs zone, there's an interactable hut marked "Changing Room" or something like that. If you interact with it, your character disguises himself or herself as wearing just the "no armour" undies. Not exactly a swimsuit, but not way far off.
  • It's possible to glitch the diving goggles on the airship so that when you dive into the water, the goggle mode doesn't reset.

So you remove your armor and stand around doing what? Or you guys want to have maximum skimpy armorness and play the game as usual?

Both at times, and most importantly, the option to do so. After an endless stream of caped trench coats with extra cloth over the chain metal, I need more options that have as little as possible

Edit: and I will pay much more for armor pieces than outfits

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@Tiger Ashante.1792 said:Not sure if anyone noticed or mentioned in this thread, but in Labyrinthine Cliffs there's a bunch npc's dancing under a tent way out on the beach area and one of them is a human female in brand new swimsuit. it looks amazing!

There is a tent nearby where you can dress up for the beach as well. Don't know whether your a human female would receive said swimsuit, though. You should check it out! :)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Tiger Ashante.1792 said:Not sure if anyone noticed or mentioned in this thread, but in Labyrinthine Cliffs there's a bunch npc's dancing under a tent way out on the beach area and one of them is a human female in brand new swimsuit. it looks amazing!

There is a tent nearby where you can dress up for the beach as well. Don't know whether your a human female would receive said swimsuit, though. You should check it out! :)

No sadly, i was on human female and tried that but just got kek color underwear lol

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@"Xenon.4537" said:Can we please have these as outfits? I understand these are some sort of fan-made concept, but they look really cool.

P.S.If you hate skimpy outfits, you don't have to wear it...

Man the two fur-options are giving me a raging

I want them soooo badly. :D

One could say, they make you norny?Love the Elonian one! Can't wait for even skimpier male swimsuits for the next Mr. Tyria contest!

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Hmm, from the comments of the artist that made these, I got the feeling there where for a specific thing/event/purpose, and got the idea that they where for areas like Southsun Beach. Basically replacement for your underwear, not armor/costume or visible elsewhere, unless you chose to go naked.

Which I'm entirely fine with, and think is a good solution.

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I really love the recreational areas on the new map as well as the one in Southsun Cove. The game could use more of these, but there should be something to do there as well. Maybe a fishing event like in Sandswept Isles, bar brawl or a surfing minigame. Something to do other than RP.

Swimsuits would be nice, but as many Outfits, I would probably never wear them. Outfits are the cheap way to participate in FashionWars and yes I am the style police ;). It's like those "copy his/her look for under 50 bucks" segments in magazines. Sure it's a coherent look, but it's bland. However, for swimsuits this would fit perfectly I guess as there is not much fabric to make a 6 piece set of armor out of it.

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@lokh.2695 said:However, for swimsuits this would fit perfectly I guess as there is not much fabric to make a 6 piece set of armor out of it.

Ironically that would make them even more fit as armor pieces in my eyes, because it would HOPEFULLY allow us to disable the pieces we didn't like, since they could be considered different parts ;) Don't like the feathers on the side, disable the gloves, don't like the fur around the neck, disable shoulders, etc.

But yeah, still would prefer them to be just underwear alternatives for the Southsun beach and similar areas. Really don't want to look at bikini asuras in the shiverleaks :p

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@joneirikb.7506 said:

@lokh.2695 said:However, for swimsuits this would fit perfectly I guess as there is not much fabric to make a 6 piece set of armor out of it.

Ironically that would make them even more fit as armor pieces in my eyes, because it would HOPEFULLY allow us to disable the pieces we didn't like, since they could be considered different parts ;) Don't like the feathers on the side, disable the gloves, don't like the fur around the neck, disable shoulders, etc.

But yeah, still would prefer them to be just underwear alternatives for the Southsun beach and similar areas. Really don't want to look at bikini asuras in the shiverleaks :p

I’d love to be able to wear the fur speedo as “leggings” with regular heavy armour everything else on my male Norn.

Going He-Man.

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@"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:Can you explain to me why you would want these? Like, what would it add for you? What would you do with them?

Personally I am just really stumped why this is so highly requested, so please enlighten me.

because bikini armour is awesome? and its pretty much NECESSITY in an RPG :Dred_sonja_color_by_logicfun-d6qns5e.jpg

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@joneirikb.7506 said:But yeah, still would prefer them to be just underwear alternatives for the Southsun beach and similar areas. Really don't want to look at bikini asuras in the shiverleaks :p

Hmm, but that still doesn't stop ppl running around in there underwears in the shiverpeaks... given the choice I'd prefer to look at someone in swimsuits! =)

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@CJH.2879 said:

@joneirikb.7506 said:But yeah, still would prefer them to be just underwear alternatives for the Southsun beach and similar areas. Really don't want to look at bikini asuras in the shiverleaks :p

Hmm, but that still doesn't stop ppl running around in there underwears in the shiverpeaks... given the choice I'd prefer to look at someone in swimsuits! =)

But at least then they'd have to run commando, aka no armor :) I've done that a few times myself, mostly for the fun of the challenge, but still ;)

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Well to be honest you can almost remove all of the visual looks on 4/6 of existing armors already (toggling the hands, shoulders, helmet) & then there is the invisible footwear skins.... so in a way (on female light classes human) you can already kind of have a bikini while still wearing all of your armor.... giving us the option for proper swimwear just makes it more fair for every other race, but of course we're all entitled to our own opinions. To me it would be a definite plus to GW2 even if others may not necessarily agree.

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  • 2 years later...

@CJH.2879 said:Well to be honest you can almost remove all of the visual looks on 4/6 of existing armors already (toggling the hands, shoulders, helmet) & then there is the invisible footwear skins.... so in a way (on female light classes human) you can already kind of have a bikini while still wearing all of your armor.... giving us the option for proper swimwear just makes it more fair for every other race, but of course we're all entitled to our own opinions. To me it would be a definite plus to GW2 even if others may not necessarily agree.

you're right friend. Many players love the idea and beg for it.. but A-net just doesn't want free money i guess....

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@ProtoGunner.4953 said:I never understood why people want such irrelevant kitten all the time...

I always get a chuckle out of these knee-jerk, obtuse reactions as if it's some bizarre foreign addition.

If you can answer this question, you've just answered your own question: why have ANY skins in the game at all and not just default skins for everything?

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:This is highly unnecessary. They can add tents near beaches like they did in the festival. Mass amounts of players running around in swimsuits or even a few would look dumb. It's fine in the areas of the game where it makes sense.

Yeah, and mounts are highly unnecessary. They should add NPCs near Mount race areas and challenges were you need a specific mount to proceed and ride. Mass amounts of players running around on mounts in cities and low level areas looks dumb. It's fine in the PoF areas of the game where it makes sense.


Do people still complain about mounts like that? Not arguing the legitimacy of such limitations but limiting where you can use a swim suit would help far less than limiting mounts. At least one would preserve the gameplay of early zones and new players.

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July 26, 2018. Please tell me it didn't take you that long to come up with a reply to my post.> @Leo G.4501 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:This is highly unnecessary. They can add tents near beaches like they did in the festival. Mass amounts of players running around in swimsuits or even a few would look dumb. It's fine in the areas of the game where it makes sense.

Yeah, and mounts are highly unnecessary. They should add NPCs near Mount race areas and challenges were you need a specific mount to proceed and ride. Mass amounts of players running around on mounts in cities and low level areas looks dumb. It's fine in the PoF areas of the game where it makes sense.


Do people still complain about mounts like that? Not arguing the legitimacy of such limitations but limiting where you can use a swim suit would help far less than limiting mounts. At least one would preserve the gameplay of early zones and new players.

Also, I'm not interested in handing out this kind of attire when the bulk of its use would not be tasteful.

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