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What to do when you hit max lvl ?


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Now i just own base gw 2 game, bought it since the release but i am not fond of buying the expansions.Are the expansion worth it ?To fully experience gw2 i would have to buy season 2 and season 3 of living story on top of that. Which is like around 40 euro.So when i hit lvl 80 what can i do here ?So there is either arena, wvw ( i never liked pvp ).There are explorable dungeons or fractals.I never done one but i guess it is like mythic + dungeons in wow ?So thanks for the info.

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Not many people do the original dungeons anymore and without the expansions you really are very limited since the expansions bring the masteries including gliding and mounts and elite specializations. For 40 bucks though it's a lot of content so it is worth it in my view.

Without all of that, fractals and grinding yourself silly for legendary weapons is about all there is really.

The LS chapters are worth it also to me, particularly season 3 which has a lot of daily zones where you can quite easily gather special items to buy ascended trinkets and well there is crafting of course. For endgame crafting is pretty important as it's how you can get ascended armour and weapons.

All in all the expansions and season 3 I would definitely recommend. Season 2 is more story from back then but doesn't really add new zones since dry top and Silverwastes can be accessed without those episodes as well. I just bought those for completion more than anything.

But without the expansions you really are very limited in what you can do at level 80.

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You don't have to get the expansions and LWS episodes at the same time.If money is an issue you can always wait for the expansions to go on sale, there was one not too long ago where you could buy both expansions for a total of €25. Living World Story also gets discounts in the gem store from time to time so just grab 'em then instead of buying them at all full price.

I highly think the expansions are worth it, many new maps, mounts, specs and much more opens up to play around with. They're definitely worth their money even at normal price.

I highly recommend just googling your initial question as there is ton's to do and I'd rather not waste my time regurgitating it when you can find tons of info with a two second search...

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WoW Mythics came along well after I quit that game so I'm not sure, but I vaguely recall people saying WoW stole the concept from fractals, so maybe?

Basically a fractal is a short dungeon, each with its own mechanics and puzzles. There is a large set of them, and individual fractals repeat at higher tiers of difficulty, with added mechanics making them harder. You get instabilities that make odd things happen (like no one can dodge, or enemies explode with aoe damage when they die), and the main difficulty enhancer, Agony. This is an unavoidable damage tick at certain spots in a fractal that will kill you if you have not equipped Agony Resist, which you build up by playing lower level fractals to get the infusions to put in your Ascended gear (or you can buy the infusions for a lot of gold on the TP).

You don't have to be 80 to do fractals, you get scaled up to 80, but ascended gear that can hold AR is level 80 so you can't do the tougher ones before 80. Plus of course a true 80 has all the traits and gear available.

I think that if you can afford it you will find it well worth the money to get one or both expansions along with living story. Note that if you have had your account since release you may well have logged in during episodes of LS, in which case you have already unlocked them for free. What the expansions and LS offer are new maps, new collections, new achievements, new skins, new stats, good sources of mats, new legendaries, new variations on professions (the elite trait lines), all the stuff that one spends time on in this game unless one sticks with pvp/wvw. It's a lot of content.

If you don't want to take that plunge, you can do Dry Top and Silverwastes with the base game, level alts to learn new professions, collect hungry cats for your home instance (at least the ones in the core maps), run with boss train zergs to get loot, work on base game achievements such as Dive Master, and so on. The achieves won't matter so much without the expansion other than to progress you in miniscule fashion towards Radiant/Hellfire skins, but if you unlock the Mastery system then at that point you'll be happy to already have a lot of core Tyria achieves under your belt.

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Getting to level 80 is about 5% of the game. Hopefully it helped you learn what your class can and can't do (somewhat). The expansions are a must in my opinion. Not just for content, but for enjoyment of just playing the game. Gliders, guild halls, and autoloot are possible with Heart of Thorns and mounts were added with Path of Fire. Even doing old content or map exploration is so much more enjoyable when you can glide and use a mount. Autoloot is a game changer. You have to do things to earn enough mastery points to get it, but in the end is the most valuable change to the game.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Sewedir.3027 said:What to do when you hit max lvl ?Only naming the most important stuff:
  1. Palawadan -> 2. Akili -> 3. Great Hall -> 4. Akili -> 5. Akili -> 6. Great Hall -> 7. Akili -> go back to step 1.

^ GW2 endgame in a nutshell

Without the expansions?Well this makes things a little bit easier:
  1. Open TP -> 2./3. buy cheap -> 3./2. sell for profit -> go back to either step 2. or 3.
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@Tails.9372 said:

@Sewedir.3027 said:What to do when you hit max lvl ?Only naming the most important stuff:
  1. Palawadan -> 2. Akili -> 3. Great Hall -> 4. Akili -> 5. Akili -> 6. Great Hall -> 7. Akili -> go back to step 1.

^ GW2 endgame in a nutshell

Without the expansions?Well this makes things a little bit easier:
  1. Open TP -> 2./3. buy cheap -> 3./2. sell for profit -> go back to either step 2. or 3.

Riba farm doesn't need expansions

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Once you hit 80, you've got to set your own goals. Was there anything you did while leveling you enjoyed? That might help you pick what you want to work towards. Do you want to climb to the top of the fractal ladder, building up a set of ascended gear along the way? Get 100% world completion? Collect skins for your wardrobe? Build a legendary? Collect titles and achievement points? Without expansions, you won't be able to do raids, or work on masteries, but there's still lots to do, if any of the content speaks to you.

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@Overlord RainyDay.2084 said:Once you hit 80, you've got to set your own goals. Was there anything you did while leveling you enjoyed? That might help you pick what you want to work towards. Do you want to climb to the top of the fractal ladder, building up a set of ascended gear along the way? Get 100% world completion? Collect skins for your wardrobe? Build a legendary? Collect titles and achievement points? Without expansions, you won't be able to do raids, or work on masteries, but there's still lots to do, if any of the content speaks to you.I did enjoy, collecting skins and leveling.Also should i get the yellow ( rare ) gear from the auction house, karma vendors or order vendor ?By the way were can i get the transmog charges, i always running low on them ( without ) spending cash on them.thanks

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@Sewedir.3027 said:

@Overlord RainyDay.2084 said:Once you hit 80, you've got to set your own goals. Was there anything you did while leveling you enjoyed? That might help you pick what you want to work towards. Do you want to climb to the top of the fractal ladder, building up a set of ascended gear along the way? Get 100% world completion? Collect skins for your wardrobe? Build a legendary? Collect titles and achievement points? Without expansions, you won't be able to do raids, or work on masteries, but there's still lots to do, if any of the content speaks to you.I did enjoy, collecting skins and leveling.Also should i get the yellow ( rare ) gear from the auction house, karma vendors or order vendor ?By the way were can i get the transmog charges, i always running low on them ( without ) spending cash on them.thanks

Yellow gear is pointless at level 80 really. I mean you can wear it but gold (exotic gear) is cheap to come by these days and if you saved your gold while leveling or do some gathering and sell the materials then it's easy to afford. Alternatively in Orr you can get exotic gear from karma vendors if you saved a lot of karma. Realistically you can do pretty much anything in the core game with exotic gear and most things in the expansions (not raids or fractals where ascended gear is required or preferred).

You get transmog charges for map completions but that takes a while. Sometimes you get a key instead for a black lion chest. That always has an item in there you can exchange for two charges. I haven't done much WvW but I heard that transmogs area easily earned there though, so that might be something to explore.

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If you like PvE, then go for masteries.

If you like PvP, then level up for the finishers and special reward tracks

If you like WvW level up for WvW masteries and additional rewards.

If you like Fractals- level up to 100 lvl, and get the masteries.

I lost count how many lvls you can get in this game- I guess its countless.

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There really is a lot to do in the game, I did not really enjoy the HoT maps, but definitely frequent them more than Orr, PoF and mounts are definitely fun and worth the investment in my opinion. As far as what to do, I often search through the achievement panel. There is always the basics of farming, events and general exploration. The best thing to do, is find a partner to play with, that is really what makes the game shine.

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@Arden.7480 said:If you like PvE, then go for masteries.

If you like PvP, then level up for the finishers and special reward tracks

If you like WvW level up for WvW masteries and additional rewards.

If you like Fractals- level up to 100 lvl, and get the masteries.

I lost count how many lvls you can get in this game- I guess its countless.

Most of what you speak of here cant be made on a core account can it?

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@Sewedir.3027 said:

@Overlord RainyDay.2084 said:Once you hit 80, you've got to set your own goals. Was there anything you did while leveling you enjoyed? That might help you pick what you want to work towards. Do you want to climb to the top of the fractal ladder, building up a set of ascended gear along the way? Get 100% world completion? Collect skins for your wardrobe? Build a legendary? Collect titles and achievement points? Without expansions, you won't be able to do raids, or work on masteries, but there's still lots to do, if any of the content speaks to you.I did enjoy, collecting skins and leveling.Also should i get the yellow ( rare ) gear from the auction house, karma vendors or order vendor ?By the way were can i get the transmog charges, i always running low on them ( without ) spending cash on them.thanks

Hi, this is a list of what you could do:

1: Get a guild if you dont have one (specially for number 6 and 7).

2: If you like exploring, you can distribute some part of your in game time to map completion.

3: Expand your crafting to get better gear (dont spend gold).This can be improved with the materials you get exploring the map and salvaging gear.

4: If you like platforms games you could spent some of your ingame time in jumping puzzles and minidungeons. They are repetible also.

5: If you like huge easy fights you could check all the world bosses in game, you can get rares (yellow gear) and exotic gear (above yellow gear) with them, some can award ascended gear (red-pink gear). This activities give rewards at a daily basis.

6: Go to do the dungeons (warning: guild and/or friends maybe required).Tip: Start with the lower level ones, you will need to upgrade your gear gradually or you could feel them heavy.This will allow you to get exotic gear.

7 Go to do fractals, starting with the low level ones, the ones between 1-10 are easier than dungeons in general, so they can help you to get better gear.

8: Play WvW (recommended to go with exotic gear).Also you can start in Edge of the Mists, but the wvw gameplay is dumbed down there since its a place to farm and level up.

9: Do more collections.

10: Getting a legendary. Legendary precurssors can be crafted, you will need HoT at least in some of the cases. But they can also be bought or found by chance.

11: Consider buying expansions and LS:

In terms of story continuity is: LS2, HoT, LS3, PoF and if you don't have the already released episodes of LS4, then them.In term of what they bring: PoF, HoT, LS4, LS3 and LS2.

Good luck and hope you stay more time on Tyria.

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Level 1 through 79: Training levels. Learn your class. Learn the game mechanics. Dabble in personal story if you want, but it's not necessary at all. Level 80 is when the game really begins.

Things to do along the way:

  • Join a guild - seriously, if you're not already in one, find one. Being in a good guild makes this game much better, giving you additional ways to find help or lend help. At level 80 you'll be able to participate in any content the guild wants to tackle.

  • Unlock waypoints for LA and the racial cities. Explore maps and unlock even more waypoints.

  • Try out some lower level dungeons. Don't be surprised if you struggle at first.

  • Do some of the lower level world bosses (follow the world boss train, and prepare to watch your frame rates suffer)

Things to do once you reach 80 and have decided on a build you like:

  • Gear up to at least exotics (orange) for all armor and weapons. There are multiple ways to get these, each having some advantages and disadvantages:

    • Option A - Buy them from the TP (the most flexible option, but will cost you some gold. Luckily exotics are relatively cheap)
    • Option B - Craft them (leveling your crafting is expensive, but if you want to do that, you can eventually craft armors and weapons. However this is a very expensive route compared to just buying them on the TP. Crafting is more useful later if you want to make ascended gear, but until then it's mostly a gold and time sink.)
    • Option C - Buy them with dungeon tokens (requires you to do dungeons or PvP/WvW reward tracks to get the tokens. Tracks also give a weapon or armor at various points.)
    • Option D - Buy them with WvW currency (requires you to do WvW)
    • Option E - Buy them with Karma (armors from temples in Orr. Warning - very expensive karma-wise)
  • Gear up trinkets to ascended. There are lots of ways to do this including LS currency on LS maps, Laurels, Guild Commendations, rewards from Story chapters, Drops in Fractals, etc

  • Try out Fractals, PvP, WvW, Living story, HoT, PoF

  • Have fun!

Things to do when you think you're running out of other stuff to do:

  • Try other classes.
  • Max out specializations
  • Max out masteries
  • High end crafting (ascended weapons & armor, legendaries, special skins)
  • Achievement point (AP) hunting
  • Fashion Wars (along the way you'll likely find you need more skin unlocks, more dye unlocks, and you may risk spending way too much time in the wardrobe, or filling your entire hard drive with screen shots)
  • Become an Altaholic (you can have up to 70 characters, but it will cost a lot of gems to unlock that many slots)
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@Linken.6345 said:

@Arden.7480 said:If you like PvE, then go for masteries.

If you like PvP, then level up for the finishers and special reward tracks

If you like WvW level up for WvW masteries and additional rewards.

If you like Fractals- level up to 100 lvl, and get the masteries.

I lost count how many lvls you can get in this game- I guess its countless.

Most of what you speak of here cant be made on a core account can it?

Yes. Though some would say that WvW is harder without the elite specs from expansions, though that is not entirely accurate.

Fractals may be hard to find a group later if they only want certain classes, though again, that is subjective.

Not sure if the core masteries open without Heart Of Thorns, but they are there.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Arden.7480 said:If you like PvE, then go for masteries.

If you like PvP, then level up for the finishers and special reward tracks

If you like WvW level up for WvW masteries and additional rewards.

If you like Fractals- level up to 100 lvl, and get the masteries.

I lost count how many lvls you can get in this game- I guess its countless.

Most of what you speak of here cant be made on a core account can it?

Yes. Though some would say that WvW is harder without the elite specs from expansions, though that is not entirely accurate.

Fractals may be hard to find a group later if they only want certain classes, though again, that is subjective.

Not sure if the core masteries open without Heart Of Thorns, but they are there.

no masteries without an expac

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Arden.7480 said:If you like PvE, then go for masteries.

If you like PvP, then level up for the finishers and special reward tracks

If you like WvW level up for WvW masteries and additional rewards.

If you like Fractals- level up to 100 lvl, and get the masteries.

I lost count how many lvls you can get in this game- I guess its countless.

Most of what you speak of here cant be made on a core account can it?

Yes. Though some would say that WvW is harder without the elite specs from expansions, though that is not entirely accurate.

Fractals may be hard to find a group later if they only want certain classes, though again, that is subjective.

Not sure if the core masteries open without Heart Of Thorns, but they are there.

no masteries without an expac

Got it. Thanks.

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For about the same price you got the first game ,actually slightly less you can get both expansions. Unlike other game expansions each is its own Unique design, and you can play them out of order. Heart of Thorns contributions are Guild halls, Masteries, Raids, and elite specializations. Masteries are kind of a new idea letting you do things like using mushrooms in the world for jumping, speed boosts , etc. One of the main masteries you can go for is gliding which comes in real handy. Now mastering glding takes time and several levels so it is not a walk in the park. Gliding can be used in all areas of the game including any new content. Path of Fire is the second expansion this one introduces mounts to GW2, which is very similar to gliding in that is can be used in the entire game. Mounts are also part of the mastery system that came from Heart of Thorns. Now other games have mounts and had them way before GW2, but the mounts in GW2 are very Unique. You probably seen them around while playing. the game.

Now are the expansions worth it yes of course they are. GW2 expansions do not follow the old type mmo expansion design. If you do not like one you can play the other before you play the first. Also even if you play the core game and log into the game without the expansions yet and a new living world episode is active you never have to pay for it. Episodes are 200 gems each didn't log in for while they were active. Living world is not required but is a fun story and opens new areas of the map and adds to the game. Think about LW as a constant expansion to the game on top of the bought expansions.

I hope this helps you in your decision, because in GW2 Level 80 is when the game gets good.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Arden.7480 said:If you like PvE, then go for masteries.

If you like PvP, then level up for the finishers and special reward tracks

If you like WvW level up for WvW masteries and additional rewards.

If you like Fractals- level up to 100 lvl, and get the masteries.

I lost count how many lvls you can get in this game- I guess its countless.

Most of what you speak of here cant be made on a core account can it?

Playing GW2 without expansions- especially HoT is pointless...

If somebody really played the whole Core Game content, then should definetely buy the expansions!

I dont know how it is on fractals on F2P acounts, but after you purchase HoT there are masteries that give you the access to merchants, you can use mistlock thingies...

Also with Core Tyria mastery you can craft the precursors and craft whole bunch of Tier 2 legendaries.

Mastery System is very engaging, and you can buy the expansions only for that, because you get new Mastery Levels from HoT and PoF, but also if you purchase Season 3 and 4 episode, you get the new ways to travel the maps.

Also you get 2-3 lvls every 3 months on PvE and with HoT and PoF its just a mastery bomb.

Personally it took me 5 months to get all the HoT masteries, while farming for Nevermore. But I played very casually.

HoT was a very nice experience to me, because I was taking everything with small bites.

Thats my opinion, anyway.

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