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What class is best to fight the Deadeye Priestess to kill here in under 8mins.Thought i saw there was an achievement: Faster than a Speeding Bullet.After first stage, most times i tried to mass invis from ground to get to he, i was getting immune message.Managed to get to her by double blinks to hide behind rocks and get to her.But would like to crack it again to get it done before 8mins.

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Did with warrior, died two or three times, finished with plenty time left.(Berserker, Greatsword, bring lots of CC)

Same with all the other timed achievements, got them all on my first try with the warrior.Didnt get thecalling of the awakened between the shatterers strikes, since they often ran in random directions

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I've not touched Mirage in ages (beta). Do they have enough access to evasion/distortion to avoid the shots? Also would Ventari tablet reflect be effective in that respect as well? All I can say is Dragonhunter (and probably base Guard as well) was clearly not a fast method.

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I didn't have a problem killing her in time with a guardian in celestial gear with gs and longbow. It's just a matter of moving fast enough over the ground from cover to cover and knowing where she teleports to and go that way asap. When you get close to the building she's on, just mount up and jump rabbit up instead of taking the stairs.

The rest is just doing enough damage and I think you can see that I didn't go for the big dps on my toon there.

But moving from cover to cover is the key. It breaks the beam so she can't shoot you. If the distance is a bit bigger use a roll or equip a speed boost if you need it. All in all she jumped twice after her initial location. Some of the cover is breakable so she will shoot them, but better the cover than you ;)

Just gotta keep moving from cover to cover and not wait around really.

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I did it on Guardian Firebrand with a condi build, so anything should do if you can kill her safely. Swiftness and blinks help. Dont forget that you CAN dodge roll her shot if you time it right.

Edit: it occurs to me that I jumped off the top of the first (and last) tower, which would save quite a bit of time vs running back down, if thats what you've been trying. I got shot on the way down, but survived. I have not tested if Stealth Gliding from HotS is effective, although it stands to reason that it should if regular stealth works.

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@JDub.1530 said:I've not touched Mirage in ages (beta). Do they have enough access to evasion/distortion to avoid the shots? Also would Ventari tablet reflect be effective in that respect as well? All I can say is Dragonhunter (and probably base Guard as well) was clearly not a fast method.

Unless you slot Mass Invisibility and maybe Mimic for double Decoy, I'd say no for the invisibility part. I went with torch & decoy, and the stealth was barely enough to run from one cover to the next, even with blink. Slotting additional stealth wouldn't do much good, since you'll lose out on better utilities and the cooldowns are really bad anyway.

Not sure about distortion and/or evasion. I did try to dodge/distort a couple shots, but I don't know if they can be evaded or if my timing was just simply bad.

Again, I'd recommend Daredevil for this one. The permastealth, all the shadowsteps, and the massive damage bursts pretty much make it an optimal class for this fight. You can presumably even spam pistol 5 during the actual fighting phase to avoid getting hit.

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Axe druid. I don't think I beat any time limits (not that I'm aware of) but had no problem with the fight, once I figured out how to get through the range. Taking cover behind stuff was the key to that. I was downed twice during the fight, but easily got up with my pet to revive me. Using Quickening Zephyr probably helped.

Probably wasted too much time finding the way up to the top of the platforms.

Oh, by the way--longbow stealth shot does nothing.

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I really like this patch overall, but I really hate this boss mechanic.Bc it would be really nice to use mounts, but then you die horribly.Walking towards the boss (and hiding behind things) is a biggest mechanic of this fight.To me this does not feel like a challenge, it just feels kittenly annoying.
Just let us use our mounts on this one! Then the boss would be way more fun.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:Did with warrior, died two or three times, finished with plenty time left.(Berserker, Greatsword, bring lots of CC)

Same with all the other timed achievements, got them all on my first try with the warrior.Didnt get thecalling of the awakened between the shatterers strikes, since they often ran in random directions

THAT was not something that worked in an intuitive fashion.

To call the people to your position, you target the person and you put your cursor where you want them to run ... took a few of them dying to figure it out. The shatter strikes are timed and in order, so getting this achievement once you know how to do it is easy.

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Did it with a power holosmith. I did die a few times but the time was more than enough. As long as you are careful to move from cover to cover it is generally easy to get her in time. Literally the same strategy as in MGS5.Also when you get to her you can go all out. Dieing on her a few times is not a big deal as long as it allows you to burst her faster. The checkpoint is right under her always.

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@Sleepwalker.1398 said:What class is best to fight the Deadeye Priestess to kill here in under 8mins.Thought i saw there was an achievement: Faster than a Speeding Bullet.After first stage, most times i tried to mass invis from ground to get to he, i was getting immune message.Managed to get to her by double blinks to hide behind rocks and get to her.But would like to crack it again to get it done before 8mins.

I did it the first time thru on my firebrand guardian. I failed and got hit and kinda gave up and forgot about the time thing. I'm not sure if using scepter/shield and axe/focus both helped from getting hit or if just dodging and weaving your way to her using the stone pillars in the middle as Line of Sight breaks helped. Also from each of her points after fighting her when she bails and goes to next spot, you can jump off the side and stealth glide quite a ways to her with out being seen, the rest is positioning & dodging.

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