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Never should have gotten rid of town clothes.

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@Aaralyna.3104 said:

@Aaralyna.3104 said:I just got me a Common Clothing Outfit (the one transformed from tonic to outfit) , but now my question is.... how do you save it into your wardrobe (either as costume or skin I do not see it and I am scared that if I use it, it will be gone later on as I like using also other outfits)?

As with any Outfit, you should be able to click on it and bring up an option to store in your wardrobe. Select that option. It will disappear when you do so and be in your wardrobe with the other outfits for free use.

I thought so too. But there is only option use or destroy. Thats why im asking here as there must be plenty that got the same clothing (and perhaps it ended in wardrobe for them). Im scared to click on use as idk if that consumes it without going wardrobe. Or if its a bug like with choirbell instrument where you had to click equip, unequip and then could add to novelties. I just like to know certain before i click something, so question is still open...

Some options aren't available in PvP maps; have you tried traveling to another map? Just a thought.

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From the start I thought towns clothes were poorly designed since you couldn’t wear them in combat. I don’t know about other people but I’m rarely in town unless it’s at the end of playing to clean out inventory/visit the trading post, then log out. I bought lots of gw1 costumes because you could use them in combat and I flat refused to buy any gw2 town clothes for that reason. Now it would have been nice if they had made mix and match outfits but they didn’t and being able to play while wearing them was the important point for me. So no, I don’t miss the old, flawed towns clothes.

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@Automaton.2751 said:All my characters were created fresh after I came back cause I didn't wanna jump into the game with a high level I had no idea how to use.

So this is more about you being disappointed that you lost out on value.

The new system is far more convenient especially with the wardrobe system in place. From a pure game play perspective it is superior.

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@Aaralyna.3104 said:

@Aaralyna.3104 said:I just got me a Common Clothing Outfit (the one transformed from tonic to outfit) , but now my question is.... how do you save it into your wardrobe (either as costume or skin I do not see it and I am scared that if I use it, it will be gone later on as I like using also other outfits)?

As with any Outfit, you should be able to click on it and bring up an option to store in your wardrobe. Select that option. It will disappear when you do so and be in your wardrobe with the other outfits for free use.

I thought so too. But there is only option use or destroy. Thats why im asking here as there must be plenty that got the same clothing (and perhaps it ended in wardrobe for them). Im scared to click on use as idk if that consumes it without going wardrobe. Or if its a bug like with choirbell instrument where you had to click equip, unequip and then could add to novelties. I just like to know certain before i click something, so question is still open...

In that case you are either in an area that you can't use the Store in Wardrobe option, or it's already in your Wardrobe which is the reason it only gives you the two options.

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OP, you can contact the CS Team and request your deleted character(s) that were holding Town Clothes restored. Keep in mind that restoring a character requires an open Character Slot and that the name is still available. Or, if you have proof of purchase, just the items restored.Also, as noted above, older characters are eligible, each year, for Birthday/Anniversary rewards/gifts.

Good luck.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"Automaton.2751" said:All my characters were created fresh after I came back cause I didn't wanna jump into the game with a high level I had no idea how to use.

So this is more about you being disappointed that you lost out on value.

The new system is far more convenient especially with the wardrobe system in place. From a pure game play perspective it is superior.

No, this has nothing to do with lost "value" this has to do with wishing they had kept the old system. If I had the gold to spare I'd buy up a bunch of the town clothes right now. I don't give a sod that they're expensive now and weren't before. Once again someone that's missing the point.

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:OP, you can contact the CS Team and request your deleted character(s) that were holding Town Clothes restored. Keep in mind that restoring a character requires an open Character Slot and that the name is still available. Or, if you have proof of purchase, just the items restored.Also, as noted above, older characters are eligible, each year, for Birthday/Anniversary rewards/gifts.

Good luck.

Don't have any spare slots and depending on when they were changed I may not have those toons. I've had 2 major breaks, one that was a year, then another that was 4. Each time I started from scratch. As such I'm on my third generation of toons. Besides, as stated, I no longer have spare slots. I make 1 toon of each race each time I play.

It was also pointed out above that I probably mis-remembered the town clothes being automatic, which, of, sure, so now as an outfit it would be much the same as it usd to be, t's just gettin gsaid outfit now after all the changes that's the problem. With so much stuff being monetised or simply removed form the game. But I can clearly see that I'm in the minority, on this forum at the very least.

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@Automaton.2751 said:

@Automaton.2751 said:All my characters were created fresh after I came back cause I didn't wanna jump into the game with a high level I had no idea how to use.

So this is more about you being disappointed that you lost out on value.

The new system is far more convenient especially with the wardrobe system in place. From a pure game play perspective it is superior.

No, this has nothing to do with lost "value" this has to do with wishing they had kept the old system. If I had the gold to spare I'd buy up a bunch of the town clothes right now. I don't give a sod that they're expensive now and weren't before. Once again someone that's missing the point.

Sure, considering the old system was strictly inferior to the new one in both inventory space required as well as conveniece, you are likely in the vast minority.

Having a toggle-able outfit which does not require inventory commitment and is available to every character is a strait upgrade.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

Having a toggle-able outfit which does not require inventory commitment and is available to every character is a strait upgrade.

You're clearly focusing on the wrong things here. I didn't say I had a problem with that. In fact:

@Automaton.2751 said:now as an outfit it would be much the same as it usd to be,

Clearly showing I don't think the old system was better, just the acquisition. Just that I wish I was still able to get town clothes in the same way as before, instead of having to pay ridiculous amounts of gold, or real world money to acquire them. - Which is very much worse than before.

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@Automaton.2751 said:

Having a toggle-able outfit which does not require inventory commitment and is available to every character is a strait upgrade.

You're clearly focusing on the wrong things here. I didn't say I had a problem with that. In fact:

@Automaton.2751 said:now as an outfit it would be much the same as it usd to be,

Clearly showing I don't think the old
was better, just the acquisition. Just that I wish I was still able to get town clothes in the same way as before, instead of having to pay ridiculous amounts of gold, or real world money to acquire them. - Which
very much worse than before.

The old way to get them was by buying them in the gemstore, which either required buying gems with real world money or ridiculous amounts of gold. Perhaps you’re wearing nostalgia goggles If that’s your complaint.

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I have to agree; are you remembering Town Clothes as being free? The only ones that were included at no charge were the race-specific Starter Town Clothes (which are inexpensive to acquire, again).

You can check out the old prices for the Town Clothes individual pieces and sets here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Town_clothing(You can follow the links to some of the item's discontinued pages, or use the 'History' option.)

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@"Aaralyna.3104" said:I thought so too. But there is only option use or destroy.

Uhm, are you sure you got the actual outfit? You bring the tonic to the NPC (namely the Black Lion Exchange Specialist) who exchanges it for an outfit that is automatically added to your Wardrobe, if I remember correctly.

@"Aaralyna.3104" said:Okay, I clicked on the town clothing as "use" and then it went wardrobe unlock. So the text is basically not adjusted to the wardrobe system.

Okay then. ;)

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

The old way to get them was by buying them in the gemstore, which either required buying gems with real world money or ridiculous amounts of gold. Perhaps you’re wearing nostalgia goggles If that’s your complaint.

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:I have to agree; are you remembering Town Clothes as being free? The only ones that were included at no charge were the race-specific Starter Town Clothes (which are inexpensive to acquire, again).

You can check out the old prices for the Town Clothes individual pieces and sets here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Town_clothing(You can follow the links to some of the item's discontinued pages, or use the 'History' option.)

Yes, I am remembering them as, not oso much free, but as something bought cheaply with gold, as I know I had more than 1 set, but I've only recently made my first gem store purchase (that wasn't free) to get the living story. And I have that as a checkable history right back to the day1 celebratory hat we were given for having pre-purchased the game way back when.So if I am remembering incorrectly then fair enough, and I guess nostalgia isn't always what you think it was ^_^

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@Automaton.2751 said:

The old way to get them was by buying them in the gemstore, which either required buying gems with real world money or ridiculous amounts of gold. Perhaps you’re wearing nostalgia goggles If that’s your complaint.

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:I have to agree; are you remembering Town Clothes as being free? The only ones that were included at no charge were the race-specific Starter Town Clothes (which are inexpensive to acquire, again).

You can check out the old prices for the Town Clothes individual pieces and sets here:
(You can follow the links to some of the item's discontinued pages, or use the 'History' option.)

Yes, I am remembering them as, not oso much free, but as something bought cheaply with gold, as I know I had more than 1 set, but I've only recently made my first gem store purchase (that wasn't free) to get the living story. And I have that as a checkable history right back to the day1 celebratory hat we were given for having pre-purchased the game way back when.So if I am remembering incorrectly then fair enough, and I guess nostalgia isn't always what you think it was ^_^

They were cheaper because they were sold in pieces. Just buying a shirt being cheaper than buying a shirt, plus pants, hats, gloves, etc. is nothing surprising.

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  • 1 year later...

@Automaton.2751 said:Oh, and all the endless clothing tonics are a few hundred gold. The few I saw just now were 250g - 500g - That's not cheap.Besides, even if I bought some and exchanged for an outfit, that still means I have to specifically open my hero panel and equip it every time I go to town.

OOPS necro Sorry :(

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I do miss parts of the old town clothes system, largely that you could select pieces of them and mix together. On the other hand I also like the outfit system so they doesn't go away every time you take damage etc. Still miss GW1's system of enabling them and hat separate for combat/city areas. Basically I find good and bad with all versions.

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@"Automaton.2751" said:Am I the only one that misses the old "Town Clothes" option? A set of clothes you could equip like armour in a seperate tab that would equip like a costume whenever you were in town.

Did you have a mod? My problem with Town Clothes was exactly that it didn't do that.

The idea of actually having our characters dress like normal people in town instead of going around in elaborate glowing armor 24/7 was an interesting concept for immersion, but when you had to equip it manually it was just never going to matter.

The vast majority of players aren't roleplayers and are never going to bother with it at all.More casual roleplayers (like myself) aren't committed enough to bother remembering every time they went into town (especially when you're often only in town briefly) and doing a manual action that otherwise doesn't matter at all.

The fact that there weren't very many options (everyone just wearing the same racial outfit while in town would be silly) didn't help, but it seems obvious that one of the reasons the options remained limited was that people weren't using it to begin with.

I'd be all for it returning if it returned as an automated system for the sake of immersion, rather than a manual thing that only a small part of the audience is ever going to use (and a part of the audience that could still manually replicate a similar concept, at that).

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