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Stop making helmets that remove Asura Ears & Charr Ears/Horns. It shows Human Favoritism.


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I know I'm not the only one who dislikes the blatant ignoring of asuran ears or charr ears/ horns.
No, I don't have to buy outfits from the gemstore but it's something I like to do when they're done well. But the continuous ignoring of s playable Races physical features such as ears or horns just tells me to stop buying from the gemstore, because buying it would mean supporting that constant type of design.

The new outfit looks really nice, if you're a norn or human.znxE0SH.jpg


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I totally agree! The weirdest ones are the Dynamics Exo-Suit and the Inquest armour sets - which are clearly asura-themed, but seem to have been designed with humans in mind and then "fitted" to the other races, chopping off asura ears (and charr horns) in the process. The Exo-Suit even has concept art that shows it was designed for humans rather than asura!

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New Outfit looks good on my Asura, given most helms with any kind of horn or other feature normally has enough width to block the character from walking through a door and its managed to cover their toes as well which a lot of outfits fail at as well as most of the amours in the game not racially based. This one should be suited for Humans more so than any due to its Name. If you look at the side of the Dynamics suit helm you notice there are slight bulges to account for ears

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@kharmin.7683 said:OP, do you realize why they make them this way? Can you imagine the chore it would be to make helmets show every combination of hair style, color, ears, horns, etc... ? I get the complaint, but the time/resources just aren't there.


Don't get me wrong. I'd also like to see more armor that lets Asura ears flop around freely but I'd rather Anet prioritize that time/resources into other things, like keeping within the Living World release cadence.

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@"kharmin.7683" said:OP, do you realize why they make them this way? Can you imagine the chore it would be to make helmets show every combination of hair style, color, ears, horns, etc... ? I get the complaint, but the time/resources just aren't there.

That's not quite right though, is it? All charr horns begin at the same place on the skull. Same with all asura ears. So it's not a matter of supporting thousands of combinations, it's a matter of designing the helm in such a way as to support ears and horns.

Given the fact that the helm has "wings" that would interfere with charr horns and asuran ears they've decided that these look better without charr horns or asuran ears and chosen to ignore them during design for aesthetic reasons.

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:OP, do you realize why they make them this way? Can you imagine the chore it would be to make helmets show every combination of hair style, color, ears, horns, etc... ? I get the complaint, but the time/resources just aren't there.

That's not quite right though, is it? All charr horns begin at the same place on the skull. Same with all asura ears. So it's not a matter of supporting thousands of combinations, it's a matter of designing the helm in such a way as to support ears and horns.

Given the fact that the helm has "wings" that would interfere with charr horns and asuran ears they've decided that these look better without charr horns or asuran ears and chosen to ignore them during design for aesthetic reasons.

Further to this, they don't always make them this way. For example, the Primeval Dervish Outfit has holes in the hood to accommodate asura ears properly (but not charr horns), the Ceremonial Plated Outfit accommodates charr horns properly (but not asura ears), and the Royal Guard Outfit seems to do both. So it definitely is something they can do - they just don't do it consistently.

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Wow, I didn't even notice until it was mentioned.That's a shame. Nice looking outfit like that would've belonged in my collection, but if the team can't plan around horns that have existed in the same spot for 6 years or just allow a little casual clipping, doesn't exactly deserve my money.

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@Chasind.3128 said:I know I'm not the only one who dislikes the blatant ignoring of asuran ears or charr ears/ horns.

I agree. On the other hand, I don't think this particular armor set/outfit looks good on non-humans. It also feels a little weird on Norn as I prefer to see them in cultural armor. But that is beside the point. You are right that a released armor set or outfit should consider racial characteristics.

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@"Rauderi.8706" said:Wow, I didn't even notice until it was mentioned.That's a shame. Nice looking outfit like that would've belonged in my collection, but if the team can't plan around horns that have existed in the same spot for 6 years or just allow a little casual clipping, doesn't exactly deserve my money.

Agreed!Take the Dragonscale Headdress as an exemple.Even the Raven Helm had the ears and horns cut off, it was just a single head piece, and yet…Don't tell me that they don't have time/resources, when it's more like time/profit ratio.Everything takes time and work, thats why it is "work"

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i have taken to as a asura player just not showing my head gear (which is utter bull - kitten that we have to use that as a option) the other thing that makes me mad is shoes that remove our toes even haveing them clip out and look like you cut holes in them to accommodate your toes looks better

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@kharmin.7683 said:OP, do you realize why they make them this way? Can you imagine the chore it would be to make helmets show every combination of hair style, color, ears, horns, etc... ? I get the complaint, but the time/resources just aren't there.

Oh, the chore of making races with added features then hardly ever making armor that fits them- but they have once in a blue moon, armor that allows the horns/ ears to come through.

It's called laziness and quick money grabbing.

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All of my characters are either Charr or Asura. I too don't like the fact that they some outfits chop off this and that. If someone plays Human/Norn/Sylvari then it is fine and if they are alright with this kind of costiumes then all the power to them.

As far as I go, I will just not buy them, simple as that. shrug What else to say.

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There is no valid argument for not making horns and ears appear. What extra ressources do you need to make them glitch through a helmet like they do on so many other helmets ingame? You don't want to make a Hole in the helmets because it's too much work? Okay, just let them glitch through. It's fine for me.

And what about beards on norns or humans? Open helmets that erase your beard but closed helmets where the beard glitches through it....?

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As a Charr player, if the armor cuts my horns and ears it's always a "no go" for me.If only at least they glitched trough I bet that there would be a few mostly tolerable.Still lazy work though, and you'r only disrespecting your own creations and designs.

Anet, you have such great designers… c'mon, do us this favor will ya?

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:Also, there is no "human favoritism" because helmets hide human features as well.They loose their ears and eyebrows?

If you can't see them, then yes, they loose them. And before you go say they aren't lost just covered up. Well the same thing could be said for the ugly rat ears and such.

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  • 10 months later...

It's not favouritism.. there are many helms and hats that remove hair from humanoids as well.

Devs do this because it's impossible to make helms etc compatible with head accessories like hair, horns, ears etcThe clipping issues would be an absolute nightmare.. this is also the reason we don't have capes in Gw2

It's far easier and far less time consuming to just make clumsy features like hair and horns disappear when they're equipped.

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