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I miss Guild Wars


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@Obtena.7952 said:Still trying to figure out why someone misses something they can play. If you miss it, go play it. I'm willing to bet you will quickly remember why you stopped playing it too.

not a single update for 10 years, go figure it out, and who says I don't play it? What I miss is the active community, active PvP scene, real vibrant life in that game.

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@Mikali.9651 said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:Still trying to figure out why someone misses something they can play. If you miss it, go play it. I'm willing to bet you will quickly remember why you stopped playing it too.

not a single update for 10 years, go figure it out, and who says I don't play it? What I miss is the active community, active PvP scene, real vibrant life in that game.

An update isn't required to enjoy the game. GW1 is "complete". It doesn't need updates anymore. Most games people play aren't updated after a few weeks to a few years. Only MMOs, the latest in multiplayer games, and the latest in series that hold "games as a live service" philosophies are really updated. People still play Magicka, Cod4, Halo Combat Evolved, Age of Empires 2, Age of Mythology, Mount and Blade Warband. . .those games aren't updated anymore and people still enjoy them.

Playing old games that may not be updated anymore but fill a specific niche (like GW1) isn't exactly a novel practice among gamers.

As for missing the community and the active PvP, that has moved to GW2. I've never had a dull moment in sPvP, even during off-hours. Even if you get bored of conquest, plenty of people are in private lobbies doing custom matches and duels. I can't speak to WvWvW, as I don't do that often, but last I checked (a couple months ago) it is fairly active too.

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@Mikali.9651 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Still trying to figure out why someone misses something they can play. If you miss it, go play it. I'm willing to bet you will quickly remember why you stopped playing it too.

not a single update for 10 years, go figure it out, and who says I don't play it? What I miss is the active community, active PvP scene, real vibrant life in that game.

Right, so you don't miss the game itself, you miss the experience you got from it when it was new. I don't see how GW2 doesn't have those things. I mean, it doesn't make sense to say you missed things from the game, you play it and those things you miss are from the game itself. Those things would still be there.

If it's the 'active, vibrant' gaming experience you are after, there are games that have that ... go play them. lamenting you want that in GW1 here doesn't make any sense; not sure what you would expect anyone to do about it.

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Currently on my phone so I can't quote properly but I'll argue with some stuff that I read.

GW1 double profession system was unique when it was released, runes of magic was released later.

About if gw1 was or not an mmo, I could argue that gw1 was more of a mmo than gw2 in respect to the combat system.All of the builds in a team were intricate with each other, in gw2 you do your own thing independently of each other, is more of a single player game in a multiplayer setting.

About why we miss it if we can still play.Can speak for myself only, I played mostly different types of pvp, how can I play it now?As for pve, one thing is playing with players, interacting with each other, other is playing with 7 bots.

Finally the GW aged badly.No, it didn't, graphic wise it's still gorgeous, gaming wise it's still a blast with a vastly superior combat system, sure you can't dodge or jump but are those things the more important ones on a game?Personally I would gladly give up dodge and jumping to have a semi-decent combat system, balance, and challenging content (I'm referring to the play smart, tweak stuff, type of content, not the "hey take this 66456634678 hp boss that oneshots you lul" ).

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@Aplethoraof.2643 said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:Still trying to figure out why someone misses something they can play. If you miss it, go play it. I'm willing to bet you will quickly remember why you stopped playing it too.

not a single update for 10 years, go figure it out, and who says I don't play it? What I miss is the active community, active PvP scene, real vibrant life in that game.

An update isn't required to enjoy the game. GW1 is "complete". It doesn't need updates anymore. Most games people play aren't updated after a few weeks to a few years. Only MMOs, the latest in multiplayer games, and the latest in series that hold "games as a live service" philosophies are really updated. People still play Magicka, Cod4, Halo Combat Evolved, Age of Empires 2, Age of Mythology, Mount and Blade Warband. . .those games aren't updated anymore and people still enjoy them.

Playing old games that may not be updated anymore but fill a specific niche (like GW1) isn't exactly a novel practice among gamers.

As for missing the community and the active PvP, that has moved to GW2. I've never had a dull moment in sPvP, even during off-hours. Even if you get bored of conquest, plenty of people are in private lobbies doing custom matches and duels. I can't speak to WvWvW, as I don't do that often, but last I checked (a couple months ago) it is fairly active too.

Sure but you would not have the fun of coming onto forums and threatening to hold your breath until you turned blue if you did not get your way. The number of times this has happened on forums it must be really really fun to do this, I just don't see the thrill.

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i was pveing at first. then i discovered the synergy between mantra of resolve and traps, so i went to random arena and tried it. looked good, if you do it offensively. then joined an IWAY guild. but they were transitioning with builds coz they kinda got disgusted with IWAY. so i left and stood in the Lobby of HoH. then i saw someone who will become the co-founder leader of our guild. he played traps. and we formulated the 2 traps/mantra of resolve 4 wars, 1 tainted and 1 oop/oov. first run with that team, we went as far as the last map of HoH. so we gathered the team and made a guild. my partner trapper suggested "Lords Of Beantown" as the name, likely a Homage to the skate Movie "Lords of Dogtown". and I suggested "Your Math Teacher", so if we won HoH, i said to him, it will be funny. take note, it had to be singular coz the next phrase after the guildname is "HAS won the HoH..." so yeah. it had to be grammatically correct.

and the rest, was history.

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@"zionophir.6845" said:i was pveing at first. then i discovered the synergy between mantra of resolve and traps, so i went to random arena and tried it. looked good, if you do it offensively. then joined an IWAY guild. but they were transitioning with builds coz they kinda got disgusted with IWAY. so i left and stood in the Lobby of HoH. then i saw someone who will become the co-founder leader of our guild. he played traps. and we formulated the 2 traps/mantra of resolve 4 wars, 1 tainted and 1 oop/oov. first run with that team, we went as far as the last map of HoH. so we gathered the team and made a guild. my partner trapper suggested "Lords Of Beantown" as the name, likely a Homage to the skate Movie "Lords of Dogtown". and I suggested "Your Math Teacher", so if we won HoH, i said to him, it will be funny. take note, it had to be singular coz the next phrase after the guildname is "HAS won the HoH..." so yeah. it had to be grammatically correct.

and the rest, was history.

This broke my brain.

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I do think the OP has a legit point here. The incentive to go do something with friends as a group is extremely low. I think the problem is the way the world is made. Except for a few exceptions, the content is either solo-able OR the content requires a massive group. There are no fun, repeatable 4-5 man group dungeons. Sure, one could argue fractals but personally I don't think fractals are fun to do nor can you really do them without bit of planning. Guild Wars 2 is devoid of the "hey guys lets go do X" thing. There is no spontaneity to GW2 which is what to GW was all about. There are more things that I miss about GW like the mixing of classes for example which was AWESOME to tinker with.

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@Obtena.7952 said:Still trying to figure out why someone misses something they can play. If you miss it, go play it. I'm willing to bet you will quickly remember why you stopped playing it too. Times changed people don’t play anymore . Maybe the real answer is people are disappointed in gw2 . I mean come on now don’t you think ?

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@sereniity seven.5603 said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:Still trying to figure out why someone misses something they can play. If you miss it, go play it. I'm willing to bet you will quickly remember why you stopped playing it too.Times changed people don’t play anymore . Maybe the real answer is people are disappointed in gw2 . I mean come on now don’t you think ?

Maybe, but how does people not playing GW1 anymore have anything to do with people being disappointed in GW2? They aren't the same game, as much as people want them to be. It's funny you ask me to think ... I did, and I still don't see what nostalgia over what GW1 was has anything to do with what GW2 is ... Sorry I'm crashing the cry party but ... this thread is about what again? GW2 isn't GW1? No kidding ... I could have told you that the day it was released. No amount of "OMG I miss GW1" is going to make GW2 like GW1.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Personally I would gladly give up dodge and jumping to have a semi-decent combat system

It all comes down to personal preference. I HATE the combat system of GW1 but I absolutely adore Gw2's. Gw2's combat system feels dynamic, fast paced and kind of action like, but especially different to most other MMOs.Gw1's combat system feels stiff, slow, unsatisfying and... unoriginal. Most traditional MMOs have a similar combat system.

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@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

@"crepuscular.9047" said:Yeah, the dual class system GW1 had was really unique to the gaming world, especially in PvP

No it wasn't. I played Runes of Magic around 2011, and it had a dual-class system that was, if anything, even more radical than GW1's. Each character had (when I started) two classes, and you more or less had to play with first one, then the other as "primary" because only the currently active primary gained XP, and the skills that a class provided (when it was secondary) depended on the
of its level and the current primary's level.

Example: I'm Mage (think fire ele) and Knight (an actual tank class). My Mage level is 27 and my Knight level is 17. When I am Mage/Knight, Mage provides all its skills at level 27, and Knight provides a subset of its skills at level 17. When I'm Knight/Mage, Knight's skills (the full set) are still 17 and so are Mage's (a subset). I had a consistent policy of swapping back and forth.

In 4.0 they added a third class slot, and the "third right now" was inactive, but the same rules about levels applied, so you tended to end up rotating through the three. If I'm currently Mage/Knight(+Rogue), Rogue provides nothing, except once I switch to Rogue/Knight(+Mage).

Never played

GW release date: 2005, same gen as World of Warcraft, Ever Quest 2, Lineage 2, Final Fantasy XIGW: Nightfall, release date 2006, third and final true expansion of GW1 franchiseGW: EoTN, release date 2007, really just a story expansion to establish the Elder Dragon story background for GW2GW2 development start date 2007

Runes of Magic release date: 2009 in Taiwan

so can't really group Runes of Magic to be in the same gen as GW1

and it's very typical for Asian MMORPG to take ideas of existing games and go rampant with itjust look at the amount of WoW clones in Asia

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@Dami.5046 said:At least In GW you could sit in an outpost and not get a barrage of 'cool dudes' thinking they are 'sick' talking about 'sick stuff'. TBH some of the conversations border on the disgusting.

Just goes to show what happens when a game goes FTP.You cannot say GW had no challenge. Try doing some of those missions with just hero/hench.

@Dami.5046 said:At least In GW you could sit in an outpost and not get a barrage of 'cool dudes' thinking they are 'sick' talking about 'sick stuff'. TBH some of the conversations border on the disgusting.

Just goes to show what happens when a game goes FTP.You cannot say GW had no challenge. Try doing some of those missions with just hero/hench.

People paid me 200 plat to do each of the RoF missions before Heroes existed, with just 6 henchies +1 leecher. TBH once heroes released there was not a SINGLE mission in the game harder than trying to do that before having buttons that commanded your henchies where to stand.

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@"Warlord.9082" said:I do think the OP has a legit point here. The incentive to go do something with friends as a group is extremely low. I think the problem is the way the world is made. Except for a few exceptions, the content is either solo-able OR the content requires a massive group. There are no fun, repeatable 4-5 man group dungeons. Sure, one could argue fractals but personally I don't think fractals are fun to do nor can you really do them without bit of planning. Guild Wars 2 is devoid of the "hey guys lets go do X" thing. There is no spontaneity to GW2 which is what to GW was all about. There are more things that I miss about GW like the mixing of classes for example which was AWESOME to tinker with.

Except once heroes released the incentive to do things as a group almost entirely disappeared. It became damn near impossible to find groups in PvE content because Heroes were just too reliable with the right meta builds.

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@Maikimaik.1974 said:

@"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:Personally I would gladly give up dodge and jumping to have a semi-decent combat system

It all comes down to personal preference. I HATE the combat system of GW1 but I absolutely adore Gw2's. Gw2's combat system feels dynamic, fast paced and kind of action like, but especially different to most other MMOs.Gw1's combat system feels stiff, slow, unsatisfying and... unoriginal. Most traditional MMOs have a similar combat system.

This is exactly how I feel. I loved GW1 and played for over 5k hours on it. My absolute favorite aspect was the "deck building" aspect of character skills. By that I mean that I think of making a build in GW1 a lot in the same way I do building a deck in Magic The Gathering. That said, looking back at it I always enjoyed theory crafting builds more than I enjoyed actually playing them. With dodging and jumping being a thing now, not only can I not go back to GW1, I find I am spoiled for MOST other MMOs. ESO for instance does a LOT of things right in the setting, the world, the story, the questing, the housing and RP friendly features... but the combat just isn't GW2 and I can't play it. No matter how strategy based build crafting was in GW1, and how much I sometimes miss that specific aspect in GW2... I can't enjoy the game itself as a whole because combat in GW2 is just so infinitely better despite the more limited skill-base.

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@"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:Every time I hear people talk about how GW1 was stellar for how you can make builds, I think about Champions Online where you actually could pick abilities piece meal from any set. Classes? What's that?

You COULD pick any skill from any class... 100% of all skills were selectable on a single character if you took the time to learn them. That was a choice of 1,319 different skills across all classes. You were limited instead by your bar size (only 8 skills selected at a time, only one of them can be elite), and the main and off profession you had at any given time. Your secondary could be changed in any outpost, so you had to plan ahead based on what you were doing, but you could make a setup for anything, with any skills you wanted. (attributes were a different story... each class had a "primary attribute" that was unique to that class... for most classes it was some kind of sustain based attribute for managing energy, but there were exceptions)

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omg please don't bring up villainy of galrath ever again.EVER.but yeah I feel you man. gw1 was my first mmo… and well, you cant really beat your first mmo experience (your first good one ofc).

editholy crap. I think I remember you man. I tried to do that galrath quest once or twice before, it took about an hour and failed both times. then you come and tank it... yeah lol I remember you! wow that's crazy. welp thanks again for that I really hated that quest. pretty sure I adapted your healing hands build after that.

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I have no idea regarding the hero hate. We did things in groups, we did things half and half and some times we just went solo. You should be able to play a game your way, as so many say these days regarding gender/race so why not be able to group if you want or not.
We don't have this available here and it is missed i think.I lol'd at that 200 plat, btw..was that masters too?

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I liked GW1 more than any other game in history. I like how the story changed and became progressively more dark and cool. I liked the beautiful graphics at the time. I really liked the skill system and all the different types of skills to choose from. Tons of builds to learn and make etc. This made you feel different than others. MAde you feel like a somebody. Now everyone is the same despite armor etc.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:Yeah, the dual class system GW1 had was really unique to the gaming world, especially in PvP

No it wasn't. I played Runes of Magic around 2011, and it had a dual-class system that was, if anything, even more radical than GW1's. Each character had (when I started) two classes, and you more or less had to play with first one, then the other as "primary" because only the currently active primary gained XP, and the skills that a class provided (when it was secondary) depended on the
of its level and the current primary's level.

Example: I'm Mage (think fire ele) and Knight (an actual tank class). My Mage level is 27 and my Knight level is 17. When I am Mage/Knight, Mage provides all its skills at level 27, and Knight provides a subset of its skills at level 17. When I'm Knight/Mage, Knight's skills (the full set) are still 17 and so are Mage's (a subset). I had a consistent policy of swapping back and forth.

In 4.0 they added a third class slot, and the "third right now" was inactive, but the same rules about levels applied, so you tended to end up rotating through the three. If I'm currently Mage/Knight(+Rogue), Rogue provides nothing, except once I switch to Rogue/Knight(+Mage).

Never played

GW release date: 2005, same gen as World of Warcraft, Ever Quest 2, Lineage 2, Final Fantasy XI...Runes of Magic release date: 2009 in Taiwan

so can't really group Runes of Magic to be in the same gen as GW1

Fair point. It was, I guess, unique at release, but not in the larger history of MMORPGs.

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