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What's your least favorite Living World Season 3 map?


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@Moyayuki.3619 said:I voted for Bitterfrost Frontier since it looked like every other snowy map in the game to me (I also really hated Braham in that part of the story...).

I voted based on my thoughts about the maps only -- if I'd take story into consideration, Bitterfrost would probably "win" entirely because of Braham, yes. Ugh. Followed by Siren's Landing because Livia had me go from "there's the person I'm supposed to find" to "go kiss a running trash compactor you arrogant, putrid POS" in like three seconds flat. As it is, I like both of the actual maps, but the story/characters are the worst.

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I guess the one I disliked most was Bitterfrost. It wasn't actively bad or anything like that. It just looked like I thought it would, no surprises, didn't like refarming for the cold protection potion when i went back later to get some mastery points much. I've disliked Quaggans ever since I found out there were no gemstore skins to reskin my minions as little undead Quaggans (or a big undead Quaggan to replace the golem D: ), so the presence of Quaggans didn't help.

Silliness aside, my real issue is it felt like a side story in the middle of a more immediate set of events. It's not horrible or terrible, but I felt better getting back to other parts of the story when I was done with Bitterfrost. I'm not trying to make the writers/developers/people that did like it feel bad here, it's really just a pure personal taste issue on my part.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:Although I liked the story of Ember Bay, the map itself is lacking, it's too open/large and feels emptier than the other maps

My thoughts exactly. Maybe it's all the lava, smoke and dusty ground; maybe it's the lighting, too, that is adding to its atmosphere, but I simply find the map depressing. Which is a shame, because I remember the fire islands from GW1 which were really cool. They had that magic purple glow and doom-y atmosphere.

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@Absconditus.6804 said:Bloodstone Fen due to it just being a bit too bland for me. No repeatable Hearts, and I hate the rate which you get the Blood Rubies.

Not to mention that it felt like they were learning how to make a map again. A few rocks and such in the air, about the same for most of the ground level (with the rest a more straightforward TD feel), and very little non-rocky space to stand on. I also was annoyed it came SO close to being able to connect to VB but did not.

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Lake doric. Hearts take forever and aren't interesting. Feels like a quarter of the map was wasted on leather farm. White mantle clerics. Spawnrates and scaling on lots of events is just WTF, I've had groups of 3 or 4 ppl around and big packs of lvl 83 vets and elites spawn whereas other times there are 20 people and a single lvl 81 will spawn every 30 seconds while we twiddle our thumbs waiting to kill enough to bring the bar down to finish the event.

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@Sophiia.6310 said:I adored all the maps. Each had their strengths and flaws.Unfortunately, Siren's landing was the most disappointing for me. Mostly because of my own high expectations, nothing else. I was hoping to see a more transformed Orr. More plant life, natural wonders and so forth. I was saddened to see most of Orr's landscape hadn't changed much. While there were some beautiful parts of Orr (especially Lyssa's reliquary), I just wish there was more flora and plant life in other regions, such as Melandru's. However, it was pleasing to see that the reclamation service had made some progress... After five years. coughAside from that, I did enjoy it tremendously; the lore scavenger hunts were fantastic, accompanied by interactive NPC's and general layout of the map. The shrines was an amazing feature.

It's an already slow process cleansing an entire continent drenched in the corruption of the natural ocean as well as tons of death magic. The Sylvari group is the only reason it's as far as it is. Maybe in another 5 years when we get the next chunk of orr...

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in design, I love all maps, they have the right tones or settings for their respective plots and locations.However, there are flaws on every map, and some maps have bigger flaws than others. One ultimate flawis that most maps only offer life in the sense of collections/achievements, and once done lack incentive to return.Then there's also a few maps that are a complete drag to pull yourself through, like the Bitterfrost Frontier.You'll get punished with so much chill it's no longer fun. An ocassional chill forces you to change your build and defend accordingly,but here its inconsequential, because as soon as you cleanse the chill you get a new stack of chill. it doesn't end,so thats why I voted that map the worst. I love that chill is the main enemy on the map,but it's overdone, to the point of it no longer being challenging but just being tedious.

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Draconis Mons isn't too bad once you get used to it, I think. Some areas are a bit out of the way, but much of the time you can just fling yourself off Heathen's Hold and get where you need to be in short order. It confused the living daylights out of me on my first character until realized that, though it helped that I luckily stumbled on the path leading up to that waypoint almost immediately.

Granted, "not too bad" can still be a dealbreaker. For me, though, Lake Doric is a lot more annoying to navigate though on paper it is not complicated at all.

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Draconis mons, even WITH the super useful oakhearts reach, it was a pain to traverse and it just felt really unfun to explore when trying to get all the points of interest and vistas. The experience greatly improved once I reached the top and had infinite gliding (which i didn't the first time i went to draconis mons), but it's still a slog to get through. I anticipate it will be much more fun once we get the mounts (specifically the skimmer to avoid tripping over small objects).

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From worst to best:

  • Bitterfrost Frontier is a mess, it doesn't make any sense. Super dangerous frontier, yet it's full of allies everywhere. The subzones don't fit each other well either, it's like they had a checklist, and put stuff in each corner without making it flow well. See the forest, for example, it feels so out of place. The entire zone screams themepark. A single unique boss for the meta-event would have been better than random champions, too. The high trees are awesome, but they weren't used for anything worthwhile, like a puzzle or a town.
  • Next is Bloodstone Fen, because it's ridiculously small, and the White Mantle was wasted completely by making all of them go crazy. Worst introduction to a villain faction ever. Events very repetitive.
  • Then Lake Doric, it should have used some pull and push meta event, similar to Silverwastes. The battle doesn't feel real enough, yeah there's groups fighting, but there isn't a real feeling of struggle. I feel like it needs to begin invaded, and then we clear it out, get our loot, and wait for the reset. I'm also a bit mad they didn't respect the boundaries of Caudecus's Manor, and put a forest over its northern half instead of leaving it empty or mountains.
  • Ember Bay is missing a proper meta event, but aside from that is ok. The skritt caches are a bit annoying, should have made them normal chests.
  • Siren's Landing is nice, could use some final boss for the meta-event. Kinda sad they didn't connect it to Straits of Devastation.
  • Draconis Mons is my favorite one, and it's pretty much perfect. Satisfying meta-event, good size, good events, and also chests with keys, though I wish they were more rewarding. Could use some more updrafts for easier navigation, and more stuff to do in some of the locations that get easily empty.
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