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ATTENTION WVW TEAM: The stomp _NEEDS_ to go!


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Reducing the target cap was one step in the right direction. But guys, you HAVE to remove the stomp as SOON as possible, and nerf the engage damage even further perhaps.

Right now battles have turned into a spastic clashing of mount engages causing lag and making the fights really dull. It also feels strange that while you recently made Battle Standard a stomp, it has a two second cast time, and a TINY 180 radius. On an elite. So why even add this when everyone can stomp to their hearts desire?


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But that's the coolest thing about this. I've not encountered lag specific to mounts either.

I'm just glad, because those who are mounted aren't throwing red aoe circles down while they finish people who will die anyway. Or finish those who are about to get up etc. That's fantastic. Rallybotting is gone.

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@Blocki.4931 said:But that's the coolest thing about this. I've not encountered lag specific to mounts either.

I'm just glad, because those who are mounted aren't throwing red aoe circles down while they finish people who will die anyway. Or finish those who are about to get up etc. That's fantastic. Rallybotting is gone.

Sorry but it isn't fantastic. Fights are a MESS right now, with almost no brain needed.

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No! make it stronger! Let's make wvw a complete no brains required rofl stomp so pve'rs can play in their droves!Remove the target cap entirely! make it all about the mounts and let's not bother with builds or classes any more, it can be all about pink ponies and platforms. Truly we can be Super Mario wvw like they made much of pve in the last expansion.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:Reducing the target cap was one step in the right direction. But guys, you HAVE to remove the stomp as SOON as possible, and nerf the engage damage even further perhaps.

Right now battles have turned into a spastic clashing of mount engages causing lag and making the fights really dull. It also feels strange that while you recently made Battle Standard a stomp, it has a two second cast time, and a TINY 180 radius. On an elite. So why even add this when everyone can stomp to their hearts desire?


The change to Battle Stendard was aimed for PvP, not WvW.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:Reducing the target cap was one step in the right direction. But guys, you HAVE to remove the stomp as SOON as possible, and nerf the engage damage even further perhaps.

Right now battles have turned into a spastic clashing of mount engages causing lag and making the fights really dull. It also feels strange that while you recently made Battle Standard a stomp, it has a two second cast time, and a TINY 180 radius. On an elite. So why even add this when everyone can stomp to their hearts desire?


There is an achievement associated with stomping from a mount. There is 0% chance that they are going to invalidate that achieve.

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@BlueMelody.6398 said:

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:Reducing the target cap was one step in the right direction. But guys, you HAVE to remove the stomp as SOON as possible, and nerf the engage damage even further perhaps.

Right now battles have turned into a spastic clashing of mount engages causing lag and making the fights really dull. It also feels strange that while you recently made Battle Standard a stomp, it has a two second cast time, and a TINY 180 radius. On an elite. So why even add this when everyone can stomp to their hearts desire?


There is an achievement associated with stomping from a mount. There is 0% chance that they are going to invalidate that achieve.

Give it to everyone, rename it, whatever, I don't care. Why should an entire game mode be RUINED for the sake of one minor achievement?

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:Reducing the target cap was one step in the right direction. But guys, you HAVE to remove the stomp as SOON as possible, and nerf the engage damage even further perhaps.

Right now battles have turned into a spastic clashing of mount engages causing lag and making the fights really dull. It also feels strange that while you recently made Battle Standard a stomp, it has a two second cast time, and a TINY 180 radius. On an elite. So why even add this when everyone can stomp to their hearts desire?


There is an achievement associated with stomping from a mount. There is 0% chance that they are going to invalidate that achieve.

Give it to everyone, rename it, whatever, I don't care. Why should an entire game mode be RUINED for the sake of one minor achievement?

Exactly this. Engaging a fight with your mounts should not be the core gameplay in WvW period. The mount should ONLY be for getting around the WvW maps faster for whatever reason e.g.

  • Getting supplies
  • Getting to a commander
  • Roaming, but even this is not viable atm as the mount has cc-immunty and 11k hp, so you can't really dismount some one unless you are a ranger or deadeye that's running with a lot of power.
  • Scouting
  • Etc etc.
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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Keep the stomp. Keep the mount. Just stop the 20 different threads complaining about the mount. We all know it's mostly the grief type builds that are upset or the super mobile builds or the zergs that now can't insta rez downs and us pugs can mount stomp you 3 space bar run away/thru/or catch you. Sorry. ty for mount. Eliminates a lot more garbage specs and griefer types then anything else.

Eliminatating garbage specs? That’s great for the game lmao,some ones got but hurt and can’t handle it so do what this cry baby says and start eliminating specs that are designed to grieve. Might as well kill the game sooner than later lol

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@MUDse.7623 said:replace stomp with dismount? so if you hit another mount with it both are dismounted.

1 from a mount should dismount you. This nonsense that I can catch someone mounted in my territory with my mount, but literally do nothing at that point but wave is...nonsense.

The 11k health pool favors burst specs that can get you off your mount and then they've blown their burst.

1 should not insta down anyone.

However, you make 1 dismount you have zergs getting dismounted by the likes of warriors that then run away.

Message of the week? Poor planning and zero testing result in mass hysteria and outcry from your (waning) base. It's actually been the message for more than a week.

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@"Jayden Reese.9542" said:Keep the stomp. Keep the mount. Just stop the 20 different threads complaining about the mount. We all know it's mostly the grief type builds that are upset or the super mobile builds or the zergs that now can't insta rez downs and us pugs can mount stomp you 3 space bar run away/thru/or catch you. Sorry. ty for mount. Eliminates a lot more garbage specs and griefer types then anything else.

What are u even on about???

I am on a server that's literally plowing through enemy zergs and it's not fun at all. Before enemy zergs could at least but up a fight somewhat but now its just a slaughter for 10secs then u move on to the other zerg somewhere on map, do exactly the same thing, then u go back to the other enemy zerg that's probably respawned out somewhere and then u just repeat that over and over. It's literally a braindead k-train at least for us on my server and it's not any fun at all.

  • Imho with the Maul ability, I feel like im abusing a mechanic that should not be a thing at all.
  • And as for the part where u say people are just mad because they can't ress people anymore, I have to disagree because we have support builds and support gear for a reason ingame and the downed state system will not be removed 100% because a lot of mechanics, skills, traits plays around that system exactly.
  • I just feel like you are trying to justify the mount without coming with any opinions on how "balanced" it is currently or how it can be better balanced for wvw.
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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Keep the stomp. Keep the mount. Just stop the 20 different threads complaining about the mount. We all know it's mostly the grief type builds that are upset or the super mobile builds or the zergs that now can't insta rez downs and us pugs can mount stomp you 3 space bar run away/thru/or catch you. Sorry. ty for mount. Eliminates a lot more garbage specs and griefer types then anything else.

Eliminatating garbage specs? That’s great for the game lmao,some ones got but hurt and can’t handle it so do what this cry baby says and start eliminating specs that are designed to grieve. Might as well kill the game sooner than later lol

Games not gonna die. no ones gonna miss you. nobody gonna cry for the dead eye cuz he gets marked by a sentry like the 50 threads bout that. Or the thief who resets the fight 3 times to win cuz we can mount and 3 space bar away and wp during your reset. No ones gonna miss the engage and oh kitten im losing run away with unlimited mobility. No one's gonna miss you at all. Bye bye.

Lmao exactly the reply I was expecting :) predictable ignorance. Never said I was leaving nor that I played a high mobility class in wvw unless dh is considered high mobility lol I can just look at the game as a whole and it’s issues and consequences without straight up bias. I hate getting chased down by thiefs and rangers as much as anyone but it’s what they do especially if it’s literally what it’s balanced towards in thiefs case lmao taking that away and not balancing towards that can really hurt a class and I’m the the end the game. Wow no wonder it’s in the state it is lol

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I mean a lot of new WvWers can't even kill with the stomp.

And the dismount skill only does like 1.3k damage in WvW and only 3k in PVE?

So you're only talking about the people that is over level 200+ that has the stomp. Lovely. I rather have something to swim through the stupid scourge spam because blob fights are brainless with six scourges and like four Firebrand just carrying bad people.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Keep the stomp. Keep the mount. Just stop the 20 different threads complaining about the mount. We all know it's mostly the grief type builds that are upset or the super mobile builds or the zergs that now can't insta rez downs and us pugs can mount stomp you 3 space bar run away/thru/or catch you. Sorry. ty for mount. Eliminates a lot more garbage specs and griefer types then anything else.

What are u even on about???

I am on a server that's literally plowing through enemy zergs and it's not fun at all. Before enemy zergs could at least but up a fight somewhat but now its just a slaughter for 10secs then u move on to the other zerg somewhere on map, do exactly the same thing, then u go back to the other enemy zerg that's probably respawned out somewhere and then u just repeat that over and over. It's literally a braindead k-train at least for us on my server and it's not any fun at all.
  • Imho with the Maul ability, I feel like im abusing a mechanic that should not be a thing at all.
  • And as for the part where u say people are just mad because they can't ress people anymore, I have to disagree because we have support builds and support gear for a reason ingame and the downed state system will not be removed 100% because a lot of mechanics, skills, traits plays around that system exactly.
  • I just feel like you are trying to justify the mount without coming with any opinions on how "balanced" it is currently or how it can be better balanced for wvw.

Ya because you rolling with your guild in discord and now instead of just wvw players you got 20 or so pve ers mixed in with even less of a clue or organization. It's a karma train everywhere I'd assume. I've taking like 100 keeps in 15 hours this week. Let the pve ers leave and you won't see this nonsense as wvw goes back to normal and everyone left has the mount

Again what are you trying to justify exactly?

  • I'm actually running with new players (pvers or not, I don't know) and wvw pugs, and i've run with my guild but both sides have the same issue about the mounts ability to attack/maul.
  • Current WvW with the mount as it's core gameplay where u just mount up evade into zerg and Maul, then sustain/bomb, the whole thing takes about 10-15secs to wipe an enemy zerg. This does not need discord/TS3.
  • As for fighting an organized zerg/guild, I've also done that the past couple days WITH a zerg not a guild squad. Fighting against an organized guild of 30-40 with pug zerg of about the same and the fight lasts for about 40-70secs before the PUG zerg wipe the guild squad, I've done that as well. This is not balance and I from what i've experienced the past couple days, I can for sure say that current WvW gameplay is not fun at all because the mounts ability to attack has ruined the core gameplay for BOTH pugs and guilds fighting in WvW.
  • And again please argue for your opinions you are not making any sense at all. How exactly are u seeing the current mount as balanced and that there is nothing wrong with the current state of WvW...?
  • And pls dont try to tell me you are trying to balance the mount from a mindset of a group of 5 or less because you can't see how unbalanced it is at all with that number...
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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Keep the stomp. Keep the mount. Just stop the 20 different threads complaining about the mount. We all know it's mostly the grief type builds that are upset or the super mobile builds or the zergs that now can't insta rez downs and us pugs can mount stomp you 3 space bar run away/thru/or catch you. Sorry. ty for mount. Eliminates a lot more garbage specs and griefer types then anything else.

What are u even on about???

I am on a server that's literally plowing through enemy zergs and it's not fun at all. Before enemy zergs could at least but up a fight somewhat but now its just a slaughter for 10secs then u move on to the other zerg somewhere on map, do exactly the same thing, then u go back to the other enemy zerg that's probably respawned out somewhere and then u just repeat that over and over. It's literally a braindead k-train at least for us on my server and it's not any fun at all.
  • Imho with the Maul ability, I feel like im abusing a mechanic that should not be a thing at all.
  • And as for the part where u say people are just mad because they can't ress people anymore, I have to disagree because we have support builds and support gear for a reason ingame and the downed state system will not be removed 100% because a lot of mechanics, skills, traits plays around that system exactly.
  • I just feel like you are trying to justify the mount without coming with any opinions on how "balanced" it is currently or how it can be better balanced for wvw.

Ya because you rolling with your guild in discord and now instead of just wvw players you got 20 or so pve ers mixed in with even less of a clue or organization. It's a karma train everywhere I'd assume. I've taking like 100 keeps in 15 hours this week. Let the pve ers leave and you won't see this nonsense as wvw goes back to normal and everyone left has the mount

Again what are you trying to justify exactly?
  • I'm actually running with new players (pvers or not, I don't know) and wvw pugs, and i've run with my guild but both sides have the same issue about the mounts ability to attack/maul.
  • Current WvW with the mount as it's core gameplay where u just mount up evade into zerg and Maul, then sustain/bomb, the whole thing takes about 10-15secs to wipe an enemy zerg. This does not need discord/TS3.
  • As for fighting an organized zerg/guild, I've also done that the past couple days WITH a zerg not a guild squad. Fighting against an organized guild of 30-40 with pug zerg of about the same and the fight lasts for about 40-70secs before the PUG zerg wipe the guild squad, I've done that as well. This is not balance and I from what i've experienced the past couple days, I can for sure say that current WvW gameplay is not fun at all because the mounts ability to attack has ruined the core gameplay for BOTH pugs and guilds fighting in WvW.
  • And again please argue for your opinions you are not making any sense at all. How exactly are u seeing the current mount as balanced and there's nothing wrong with the current state of WvW...?
  • And pls dont try to tell me you are trying to balance the mount from a mindset of a group of 5 or less because you can't see how unbalanced it is at all with that number...

I really can't. You took exception to 1 of my things i think people have an issue w the mount. I have 0 problems with the mount. It improves my game play. The 15-20 man guild's who you would down 3 or 4 used to be instantly rezzed. Now they get mauled and instead of getting farmed by that guild you have a chance to wipe them. The thief that resets 3 times i can get away. The zerg in front of a tower I can get in w evades to defend. Obviously you are bored with the dominance. I can wp take a camp then rejoin zerg because of mount. Can respond faster to def objectives. The amount of times players get ganked is lower. I mean I tried to guess why you didn't like it based on your observations but everyones exp is different. People just complain in 50 diff threads. I chose this 1 to respond. Wasn't looking to justify my opinion.

You are trying to justify the mount in a VERY bias way dude...You need to look at the current WvW mode in general and tell yourself is the overall situation of the current state really balanced and if so how and why exactly?And just FYI a guild with 15-20 can't wipe a pug zerg of 30+ anymore it hasn't been possible for some time now ... you can't zergbust in wvw anymore unless you are fighting a zerg where the majority in it are bad or new...

  • As for the points you made about running to a commander faster or go to camp, I've never said to take the mobility from the mount, and if you had read what i first wrote in this thread, I said that the mount should ONLY be used for mobility and it's utilities meaning skill 2 and 3... Most of us on this thread are talking about its attacking skill Maul, how it has cc-immunity and 11k hp.
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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:But that's the coolest thing about this. I've not encountered lag specific to mounts either.

I'm just glad, because those who are mounted aren't throwing red aoe circles down while they finish people who will die anyway. Or finish those who are about to get up etc. That's fantastic. Rallybotting is gone.

Sorry but it isn't fantastic. Fights are a MESS right now, with almost no brain needed.

Not more than before. Absolutely not. Fights are CLEANER because there isn't 20 corpses sitting around waiting to be executed.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Keep the stomp. Keep the mount. Just stop the 20 different threads complaining about the mount. We all know it's mostly the grief type builds that are upset or the super mobile builds or the zergs that now can't insta rez downs and us pugs can mount stomp you 3 space bar run away/thru/or catch you. Sorry. ty for mount. Eliminates a lot more garbage specs and griefer types then anything else.

What are u even on about???

I am on a server that's literally plowing through enemy zergs and it's not fun at all. Before enemy zergs could at least but up a fight somewhat but now its just a slaughter for 10secs then u move on to the other zerg somewhere on map, do exactly the same thing, then u go back to the other enemy zerg that's probably respawned out somewhere and then u just repeat that over and over. It's literally a braindead k-train at least for us on my server and it's not any fun at all.
  • Imho with the Maul ability, I feel like im abusing a mechanic that should not be a thing at all.
  • And as for the part where u say people are just mad because they can't ress people anymore, I have to disagree because we have support builds and support gear for a reason ingame and the downed state system will not be removed 100% because a lot of mechanics, skills, traits plays around that system exactly.
  • I just feel like you are trying to justify the mount without coming with any opinions on how "balanced" it is currently or how it can be better balanced for wvw.

Ya because you rolling with your guild in discord and now instead of just wvw players you got 20 or so pve ers mixed in with even less of a clue or organization. It's a karma train everywhere I'd assume. I've taking like 100 keeps in 15 hours this week. Let the pve ers leave and you won't see this nonsense as wvw goes back to normal and everyone left has the mount

Again what are you trying to justify exactly?
  • I'm actually running with new players (pvers or not, I don't know) and wvw pugs, and i've run with my guild but both sides have the same issue about the mounts ability to attack/maul.
  • Current WvW with the mount as it's core gameplay where u just mount up evade into zerg and Maul, then sustain/bomb, the whole thing takes about 10-15secs to wipe an enemy zerg. This does not need discord/TS3.
  • As for fighting an organized zerg/guild, I've also done that the past couple days WITH a zerg not a guild squad. Fighting against an organized guild of 30-40 with pug zerg of about the same and the fight lasts for about 40-70secs before the PUG zerg wipe the guild squad, I've done that as well. This is not balance and I from what i've experienced the past couple days, I can for sure say that current WvW gameplay is not fun at all because the mounts ability to attack has ruined the core gameplay for BOTH pugs and guilds fighting in WvW.
  • And again please argue for your opinions you are not making any sense at all. How exactly are u seeing the current mount as balanced and there's nothing wrong with the current state of WvW...?
  • And pls dont try to tell me you are trying to balance the mount from a mindset of a group of 5 or less because you can't see how unbalanced it is at all with that number...

I really can't. You took exception to 1 of my things i think people have an issue w the mount. I have 0 problems with the mount. It improves my game play. The 15-20 man guild's who you would down 3 or 4 used to be instantly rezzed. Now they get mauled and instead of getting farmed by that guild you have a chance to wipe them. The thief that resets 3 times i can get away. The zerg in front of a tower I can get in w evades to defend. Obviously you are bored with the dominance. I can wp take a camp then rejoin zerg because of mount. Can respond faster to def objectives. The amount of times players get ganked is lower. I mean I tried to guess why you didn't like it based on your observations but everyones exp is different. People just complain in 50 diff threads. I chose this 1 to respond. Wasn't looking to justify my opinion.

You are trying to justify the mount in a VERY bias way dude...You need to look at the current WvW mode in general and tell yourself is the overall situation of the current state really balanced and if so how and why exactly?And just FYI a guild with 15-20 can't wipe a pug zerg of 30+ anymore it hasn't been possible for some time now ... you can't zergbust in wvw anymore unless you are fighting a zerg where the majority in it are bad or new...
  • As for the points you made about running to a commander faster or go to camp, I've never said to take the mobility from the mount, and if you had read what i first wrote in this thread, I said that the mount should ONLY be used for mobility and it's utilities meaning skill 2 and 3... Most of us on this thread are talking about its attacking skill Maul, how it has cc-immunity and 11k hp.

Was wvw in any way balanced before the mount? I just don't see how the mount that in a week every wvw player will have 126 points in breaks the mode more. The cc/ lower hp the mount to me is so you can gank that player. Never saw that as good for the game mode. Now he gets back to the zerg which should help instead of that guy getting killed respawning and ganked again till he logs/swaps maps. People want 1 evade instead of 3 again so they can catch him if he's running or outrun him if he's winning. Right now wvw is the old friday reset k-train so no. this isn't good for wvw. I have zero ideas how to fix wvw.

There is nothing wrong with 3 evades if cc-immunity is gone and the 11k hp gets lowers below 7k hp. With 3 evades you can still outrun non-mounted players and evade a gank easily and get to your commander without having to have 11k hp and even if the cc-immunity was gone you can still do the same by taking advantage of the terrain and the 3 evades...

  • If u still get ganked then it's just a L2P issue.

NO ONE has said that WvW was balanced before and the current state of WvW balance is even worse THAT'S what A LOT of us are saying...

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