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I'm Impressed!

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This is probably a common occurrence on these forums, but wow this game is a breath of fresh air. I have played World of Warcraft for over a decade, I have played ESO since beta and have played a ton of FFXIV. I have quit world of warcraft and ESO, haven't played FFXIV in a while. I was looking to try a new MMO and figured I have never played GW2 so why not. I'm blown away by how good this game is and mad at myself that I have been sleeping on this game.

I'm blown away at how fun the game is and how awesome the community is. Everyone is so nice and helpful. Something I'm not accustomed to. I don't know if things change when I hit level cap but I'm enjoying my time so much I just wanted to gush about how much I'm enjoying it on the forums.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:once you hit L80, what differentiates the player base is pretty much your skills and game knowledge

I'd say, what differentiates the playerbase is those that are casual (in the literal sense) that don't take everything so seriously and the others that min/max, get angry at less optimization and when they achieve the goal that they optimized their time to obtain, they complain about content being too easy, to restrictive, not enough new things or how they are forced to play certain game modes.

One thing I'll advise is if you're a PvE player, don't sign off WvW. There's a lot you can do across the various game modes.

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@Nole.3017 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:With a few exceptions, you should find L80 content just as enjoyable, community-wise.

Welcome to Tyria, and good luck. :)

The exception being raids i presume?

Nah spvp. Raids are OK if you know what are you doing and don't waste peoples time.It's just in spvp people run outta patience very quickly, as in any other competitive game/game-mod

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@Leo G.4501 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:once you hit L80, what differentiates the player base is pretty much your skills and game knowledge

I'd say, what differentiates the playerbase is those that are casual (in the literal sense) that don't take everything so seriously and the others that min/max, get angry at less optimization and when they achieve the goal that they optimized their time to obtain, they complain about content being too easy, to restrictive, not enough new things or how they are forced to play certain game modes.

One thing I'll advise is if you're a PvE player, don't sign off WvW. There's a lot you can do across the various game modes.

I'd say what differentiates the playerbase is that players are different . . .

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@Leo G.4501 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:once you hit L80, what differentiates the player base is pretty much your skills and game knowledge

I'd say, what differentiates the playerbase is those that are casual (in the literal sense) that don't take everything so seriously and the others that min/max, get angry at less optimization and when they achieve the goal that they optimized their time to obtain, they complain about content being too easy, to restrictive, not enough new things or how they are forced to play certain game modes.

One thing I'll advise is if you're a PvE player, don't sign off WvW. There's a lot you can do across the various game modes.

Salty much ? All I see is that there is a wide spectrum of different players, having different objectives, different needs and different playstyle, and that is beautiful. The only barrier to everyone's enjoyment is eachother's attitude, which is generally (albeit not always) positive in GW2.

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@LofiNick.7014 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:With a few exceptions, you should find L80 content just as enjoyable, community-wise.

Welcome to Tyria, and good luck. :)

I'm excited I have 2 max level boosts from buying the expacs, but I want to save them until I have at least one character leveled on my own.

Yeah, that's a good idea. Don't rush to 80. Learn all the things! :)

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@Joraan Adenard.2061 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:once you hit L80, what differentiates the player base is pretty much your skills and game knowledge

I'd say, what differentiates the playerbase is those that are casual (in the literal sense) that don't take everything so seriously and the others that min/max, get angry at less optimization and when they achieve the goal that they optimized their time to obtain, they complain about content being too easy, to restrictive, not enough new things or how they are forced to play certain game modes.

One thing I'll advise is if you're a PvE player, don't sign off WvW. There's a lot you can do across the various game modes.

Salty much ? All I see is that there is a wide spectrum of different players, having different objectives, different needs and different playstyle, and that is
. The only barrier to everyone's enjoyment is eachother's attitude, which is generally (albeit not always) positive in GW2.

So then my salt is beautiful, or is all the diversity only beautiful when it agrees with your perspective.

But I'm not salty, I'm merely speaking truths. Specifically, to the OP. The moment you start pressuring toward serious elitist attitudes is the moment you start the road to disliking the game. There's nothing wrong with disliking GW2 but there's something wrong if you start hating things you don't have to do but do anyway. Like people complain about grind when there is none, or imbalances when they aren't dire or lack of content when they only play PvE. These are contradictions you can avoid if you just play the kitten game for fun.

But go ahead. Peddle your spectrum perspective. Everything is rainbows! Everything is valid! Everyone is right! It's all beautiful lol

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I tried playing the latest wow expac with friends a few months ago, it was God awful. Even with friends it's just no fun at all in every respect. I just kept thinking, I wanted them to play GW2 and see what a good, fun MMO is like. Alas I'm the only person I know IRL that plays GW2, but that's fine, WoW is just so bad.

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@nosleepdemon.1368 said:I tried playing the latest wow expac with friends a few months ago, it was God awful. Even with friends it's just no fun at all in every respect. I just kept thinking, I wanted them to play GW2 and see what a good, fun MMO is like. Alas I'm the only person I know IRL that plays GW2, but that's fine, WoW is just so bad.

Yea, I enjoyed it for a little bit, after I took it really slow and read everything. At the end of the day though you're right its just not that fun. The new patch sounds cool but meh, I don't have the drive to go play it again. So happy to found a new home I always wanted to play GW2 but never had the time. Glad I found the time.

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