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Tengu or Largos? Which new race do you want to see in a future release?

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The problem with Largos or Tengu is that they would get a racial advantage in certain areas. Largos would get a speed advantage in the water. Tengu would most likely get some kind of natural gliding or something along that line. If you ignore their racial abilities you are just putting a skin on a toon and ignoring natural abilities.

Skritt might be the easiest to incorporate into the game without giving them an advantage.

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@"Thornwolf.9721" said:

  1. Simply put anyone not invested in guild wars 2 won't be joining us with the current expansion model, mounts didn't bring any of my friends from their mmo's and nor did raids. Now a new race/class might do just that and elite specs are a hard sale too if you are not currently invested or at least interested in the game; They want to grow and cultivate a playerbase/fandom not let it rot.

Personally, I am neither strongly for nor against more races; there are some that I think would be fun but I would rather have more options and customizability for those that we have.

I am curious, though, as to why you think added tengu, largos, skritt or any other race would bring in new players. No one not already familiar with Guild Wars would know what they are much less any lore appeal.

@Calvsie.3675 said:Anything other than the two mentioned? I have never seen why people are tengu crazy, and have always been meh on the largos. Let see them go really crazy and give us the Krait

I would much rather have hylek! I really like the design of both those in core Tyria and in the Maguuma jungle! :) I don’t see any appeal in the krait, unless there is much more to their culture and lore (than I know of anyway) and they’re not all vile slavers.

@"Weindrasi.3805" said:Honestly, I loathe the design of the Largos and hope they never become playable. Better yet, let them fade into oblivion with no new Largos NPC's. Like, I'm sorry, but this is supposed to be a race from the deep ocean. Humans in high heels with wings (oops I mean "fins") who wear goth bondage gear do NOT look like something from the deep sea, they look like a bad high school fan fiction.

High heels on Largos? Really? They are from the deep ocean and warriors and assassins — how would they be wearing such nonsense? Both in the concept art and the NPCs in Orr (the only ones I’ve yet encountered in game) they are dressed for battle.

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I'd actually rather discover new cultures among the races that's already in the game, and then be able to play as them (new starter area, new stories that, however, could still connect to the old story around lvl 40-50). I think it should be easier to implement than a new race.

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@VDAC.2137 said:

@"Thornwolf.9721" said:
  1. Simply put anyone not invested in guild wars 2 won't be joining us with the current expansion model, mounts didn't bring any of my friends from their mmo's and nor did raids. Now a new race/class might do just that and elite specs are a hard sale too if you are not currently invested or at least interested in the game; They want to grow and cultivate a playerbase/fandom not let it rot.

Personally, I am neither strongly for nor against more races; there are some that I think would be fun but I would rather have more options and customizability for those that we have.

I am curious, though, as to why you think added tengu, largos, skritt or any other race would bring in new players. No one not already familiar with Guild Wars would know what they are much less any lore appeal.

@Calvsie.3675 said:Anything other than the two mentioned? I have never seen why people are tengu crazy, and have always been meh on the largos. Let see them go really crazy and give us the Krait

I would much rather have hylek! I really like the design of both those in core Tyria and in the Maguuma jungle! :) I don’t see any appeal in the krait, unless there is much more to their culture and lore (than I know of anyway) and they’re not all vile slavers.

@"Weindrasi.3805" said:Honestly, I
the design of the Largos and hope they never become playable. Better yet, let them fade into oblivion with no new Largos NPC's. Like, I'm sorry, but this is supposed to be a race from the
deep ocean
. Humans in high heels with wings (oops I mean "fins") who wear goth bondage gear do NOT look like something from the deep sea, they look like a bad high school fan fiction.

High heels on Largos? Really? They are from the deep ocean and warriors and assassins — how would they be wearing such nonsense? Both in the concept art and the NPCs in Orr (the only ones I’ve yet encountered in game) they are dressed for battle.

Well I mean if you look at it, humans are boring. (I know tons of people who refuse to play them, I lack one on my account and doubt ill ever have one.) And charr specifically only cater to a niche which is more Orc/Skaven respectively. Norn are HORRIBLY misrepresented as they really just seem like bigger humans/dwarves when there was so much more they could of done with them but don't, won't and probably will never do. sylvary are elves and alot of people will be like "Eh" about it as really starting off they are kind of eh, another one I refuse to play. And then we have Asuran who are kind of odd as they kind of are like Skaven/dwarves had a baby and it came out as a rabbit person.

! Tengue, hylek, Kodan (No skritt please? They really are kind of incapable of being a commander.) Are different enough to where they stand out; They would be a big poster child event for a trailer. New races cater to those not in the game as well as those within, Id level one if need be but I firmly think they should start at level 80 and you have to have a level 80 toon on your account. Mainly because we could have a ten level starting story as to why the "Generic" or trailer commander is not the commander, and we are? And by the end of it we are level 80. We get boosters now and can buy them to boost new PC's to max level so I don't see it as a big deal; These races would bring more folks in who might not be interested. Other factors include and are not limited to these ~

  • We only have two beast races, and three human/human like races.
  • The model for the tengu is done, and it was once intended to be a playable race.
  • It would breath alot more life into the game, as mounts sure are cool but honestly won't bring new players. (Not in bulk anyhow.)
  • We need a selling point for future expansions, Spec's and mounts are a given and mount's now come in the living world? So they aren't necessarily an expansion thing anymore.
  • It helps with diversity, adds some spice of life and color to what we already have.
  • Once more the tengu city is virtually done; The model and animations got a huge upgrade in HoT and there are tons of customization there.

I do agree with you I want more done for norn and charr specially as I feel their lack of customization; And "WOW" Factor are really in the toilet. I still want to be able to choose for my norn to be stuck in beast form with armor on. This way I don't have to look like a giant human despite loving the norn to their core; Id love to be a giant werebear running around.

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

  1. Simply put anyone not invested in guild wars 2 won't be joining us with the current expansion model, mounts didn't bring any of my friends from their mmo's and nor did raids. Now a new race/class might do just that and elite specs are a hard sale too if you are not currently invested or at least interested in the game; They want to grow and cultivate a playerbase/fandom not let it rot.

Personally, I am neither strongly for nor against more races; there are some that I think would be fun but I would rather have more options and customizability for those that we have.

I am curious, though, as to why you think added tengu, largos, skritt or any other race would bring in new players. No one not already familiar with Guild Wars would know what they are much less any lore appeal.

Well I mean if you look at it, humans are boring. (I know tons of people who refuse to play them, I lack one on my account and doubt ill ever have one.) And charr specifically only cater to a niche which is more Orc/Skaven respectively. Norn are HORRIBLY misrepresented as they really just seem like bigger humans/dwarves when there was so much more they could of done with them but don't, won't and probably will never do. sylvary are elves and alot of people will be like "Eh" about it as really starting off they are kind of eh, another one I refuse to play. And then we have Asuran who are kind of odd as they kind of are like Skaven/dwarves had a baby and it came out as a rabbit person.

! Tengue, hylek, Kodan (No skritt please? They really are kind of incapable of being a commander.) Are different enough to where they stand out; They would be a big poster child event for a trailer. New races cater to those not in the game as well as those within, Id level one if need be but I firmly think they should start at level 80 and you have to have a level 80 toon on your account. Mainly because we could have a ten level starting story as to why the "Generic" or trailer commander is not the commander, and we are? And by the end of it we are level 80. We get boosters now and can buy them to boost new PC's to max level so I don't see it as a big deal; These races would bring more folks in who might not be interested. Other factors include and are not limited to these ~
  • We only have two beast races, and three human/human like races.
  • The model for the tengu is done, and it was once intended to be a playable race.
  • It would breath alot more life into the game, as mounts sure are cool but honestly won't bring new players. (Not in bulk anyhow.)
  • We need a selling point for future expansions, Spec's and mounts are a given and mount's now come in the living world? So they aren't necessarily an expansion thing anymore.
  • It helps with diversity, adds some spice of life and color to what we already have.
  • Once more the tengu city is virtually done; The model and animations got a huge upgrade in HoT and there are tons of customization there.

I do agree with you I want more done for norn and charr specially as I feel their lack of customization; And "WOW" Factor are really in the toilet. I still want to be able to choose for my norn to be stuck in beast form with armor on. This way I don't have to look like a giant human despite loving the norn to their core; Id love to be a giant werebear running around.

Those are good points! I disagree about sylvari being elven — other than being associated with nature, they are really the opposite of elves lore-wise as they are the youngest race. From that standpoint, would largos really be a good option? Aesthetically, they are much closer to elves than are sylvari. Kodan might be redundant to the norn if the beast side of the latter was better developed. I totally agree about the skritt but I’ve seen requests for them, probably for the humor factor, for which I would think a tonic could suffice. It certainly wouldn’t make sense unless it was a skritt that had been altered by asura (the skritt of NIMH?). Tengu at least should probably be added if so many assets are already developed and they seem to be the race most desired by the existing GW2 community.

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@VDAC.2137 said:

  1. Simply put anyone not invested in guild wars 2 won't be joining us with the current expansion model, mounts didn't bring any of my friends from their mmo's and nor did raids. Now a new race/class might do just that and elite specs are a hard sale too if you are not currently invested or at least interested in the game; They want to grow and cultivate a playerbase/fandom not let it rot.

Personally, I am neither strongly for nor against more races; there are some that I think would be fun but I would rather have more options and customizability for those that we have.

I am curious, though, as to why you think added tengu, largos, skritt or any other race would bring in new players. No one not already familiar with Guild Wars would know what they are much less any lore appeal.

Well I mean if you look at it, humans are boring. (I know tons of people who refuse to play them, I lack one on my account and doubt ill ever have one.) And charr specifically only cater to a niche which is more Orc/Skaven respectively. Norn are HORRIBLY misrepresented as they really just seem like bigger humans/dwarves when there was so much more they could of done with them but don't, won't and probably will never do. sylvary are elves and alot of people will be like "Eh" about it as really starting off they are kind of eh, another one I refuse to play. And then we have Asuran who are kind of odd as they kind of are like Skaven/dwarves had a baby and it came out as a rabbit person.

! Tengue, hylek, Kodan (No skritt please? They really are kind of incapable of being a commander.) Are different enough to where they stand out; They would be a big poster child event for a trailer. New races cater to those not in the game as well as those within, Id level one if need be but I firmly think they should start at level 80 and you have to have a level 80 toon on your account. Mainly because we could have a ten level starting story as to why the "Generic" or trailer commander is not the commander, and we are? And by the end of it we are level 80. We get boosters now and can buy them to boost new PC's to max level so I don't see it as a big deal; These races would bring more folks in who might not be interested. Other factors include and are not limited to these ~
  • We only have two beast races, and three human/human like races.
  • The model for the tengu is done, and it was once intended to be a playable race.
  • It would breath alot more life into the game, as mounts sure are cool but honestly won't bring new players. (Not in bulk anyhow.)
  • We need a selling point for future expansions, Spec's and mounts are a given and mount's now come in the living world? So they aren't necessarily an expansion thing anymore.
  • It helps with diversity, adds some spice of life and color to what we already have.
  • Once more the tengu city is virtually done; The model and animations got a huge upgrade in HoT and there are tons of customization there.

I do agree with you I want more done for norn and charr specially as I feel their lack of customization; And "WOW" Factor are really in the toilet. I still want to be able to choose for my norn to be stuck in beast form with armor on. This way I don't have to look like a giant human despite loving the norn to their core; Id love to be a giant werebear running around.

Those are good points! I disagree about sylvari being elven — other than being associated with nature, they are really the opposite of elves lore-wise as they are the youngest race. From that standpoint, would largos really be a good option? Aesthetically, they are much closer to elves than are sylvari. Kodan might be redundant to the norn if the beast side of the latter was better developed. I totally agree about the skritt but I’ve seen requests for them, probably for the humor factor, for which I would think a tonic could suffice. It certainly wouldn’t make sense unless it was a skritt that had been altered by asura (the skritt of NIMH?). Tengu at least should probably be added if so many assets are already developed and they seem to be the race most desired by the existing GW2 community.

I definitely think Largos are too much "More of the same" Just blue humans with wings (Which we currently have as a back-piece and a glider.) I would much rather unique races you haven't seen and probably won't see in other mmo's. Tengu, Hylek, Quaggan, Kodan (Unless norn get developed, which would suffice in that department.) Heck and the ogres from PoF which were noteably different from the base games clans.

Thank you for thinking my points are good, I mean logically we need at minimum one more beast race. Similar to the issue with Heavy armored class's compared to other class's. For a long time prior to rev we only had guardian and warrior; And we always said there would be another class added to the game to fill the gap. Another beast race is kind of the same thing for race choices; One more would be fine. (As well some revamps to existing ones, Norn being the most notable in my humble opinion.)

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Voted neither because neither will be a good use of anet's time and resources.

Both will require their own origin map and personal story which will be low level areas to teach newbies game mechanics, not meta farm maps so they will have limited replay value.

Largos will require HEAVY underwater content and LOL at people who think that's ever coming.

Tengu are more grounded in the lore but at the end of the day, it's just another beastmen race with wonky rigging. Most people won't play one for the same reason they don't play char. They either aren't into the whole animal person aspect or armor is going to look really stupid on them with their skinny bird limbs and tail feathers.

Anet will also have to move narrative mountains in order to explain why both have been doing jack shit for like 10 years as the rest of Tyria helps fight the dragons.

People always ask for new races and then just go play humans 50%+ of the time with the next highest being whatever's the most sexy monster girl race. Unless female largos are absolute sexbombs, I don't see them being the next draenei or night elves. Anet doesn't really do sex appeal much anymore.

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Hate to break it to everyone but as much as I want to play a Tengu adding another race isnt possible. If they did add a new race they would have to add that race to every story so far or players would be very upset. The amount of work that would be it wouldn't be worth it. Anet has stated many times they don't want to work on old content and instead want to work on new stuff.

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@Silvercyclone.1462 said:Hate to break it to everyone but as much as I want to play a Tengu adding another race isnt possible. If they did add a new race they would have to add that race to every story so far or players would be very upset. The amount of work that would be it wouldn't be worth it. Anet has stated many times they don't want to work on old content and instead want to work on new stuff.

They would not have to do that and, in fact, it would be better if they didn’t, in my opinion. I think it would make the most sense and be far more interesting to add a playable race only with an expansion and they join the story that way. This would, however, mean that the current NPCs would need to refer to the PC differently depending on whether you were playing the commander or a new character. They could also make the new race only available from the gem store on a per character basis that starts at level 80 so as to not have to create numerous low level maps to level up a new playable race.

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@"Thornwolf.9721" said:

I definitely think Largos are too much "More of the same" Just blue humans with wings (Which we currently have as a back-piece and a glider.) I would much rather unique races you haven't seen and probably won't see in other mmo's. Tengu, Hylek, Quaggan, Kodan (Unless norn get developed, which would suffice in that department.) Heck and the ogres from PoF which were noteably different from the base games clans.

Thank you for thinking my points are good, I mean logically we need at minimum one more beast race. Similar to the issue with Heavy armored class's compared to other class's. For a long time prior to rev we only had guardian and warrior; And we always said there would be another class added to the game to fill the gap. Another beast race is kind of the same thing for race choices; One more would be fine. (As well some revamps to existing ones, Norn being the most notable in my humble opinion.)

I would be happy to see hylek, especially if they felt different to play. :) They should at least revamp the norn as right now they’re just larger humans with even fewer options except in tattoos. Maybe they should fill a spot in between human and beast races if that is appropriate lore-wise?

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@VDAC.2137 said:

@"Thornwolf.9721" said:

I definitely think Largos are too much "More of the same" Just blue humans with wings (Which we currently have as a back-piece and a glider.) I would much rather unique races you haven't seen and probably won't see in other mmo's. Tengu, Hylek, Quaggan, Kodan (Unless norn get developed, which would suffice in that department.) Heck and the ogres from PoF which were noteably different from the base games clans.

Thank you for thinking my points are good, I mean logically we need at minimum one more beast race. Similar to the issue with Heavy armored class's compared to other class's. For a long time prior to rev we only had guardian and warrior; And we always said there would be another class added to the game to fill the gap. Another beast race is kind of the same thing for race choices; One more would be fine. (As well some revamps to existing ones, Norn being the most notable in my humble opinion.)

I would be happy to see hylek, especially if they felt different to play. :) They should at least revamp the norn as right now they’re just larger humans with even fewer options except in tattoos. Maybe they should fill a spot in between human and beast races if that is appropriate lore-wise?

They should be inbetween, when out of combat they are in human form. While within combat they always shift into beast-mode as thats what they did within the lore and within the context of guild wars 1. I feel that alone would be so cool and if you could customize how your beast-form looked as well? Sign me up.> @"Substance E.4852" said:

Voted neither because neither will be a good use of anet's time and resources.

Both will require their own origin map and personal story which will be low level areas to teach newbies game mechanics, not meta farm maps so they will have limited replay value.

Largos will require HEAVY underwater content and LOL at people who think that's ever coming.

Tengu are more grounded in the lore but at the end of the day, it's just another beastmen race with wonky rigging. Most people won't play one for the same reason they don't play char. They either aren't into the whole animal person aspect or armor is going to look really stupid on them with their skinny bird limbs and tail feathers.

Anet will also have to move narrative mountains in order to explain why both have been doing jack kitten for like 10 years as the rest of Tyria helps fight the dragons.

People always ask for new races and then just go play humans 50%+ of the time with the next highest being whatever's the most sexy monster girl race. Unless female largos are absolute sexbombs, I don't see them being the next draenei or night elves. Anet doesn't really do sex appeal much anymore.

I hate the humans and sylvary, I don't have one on my account and I never will. I have three norn, four charr and one asuran as I think anyone who plays human in a fantasy world where you could be anything are just boring individuals who want their Lord of the rings/John Snow moment. So your arguement falls flat on its face because tons of people I know won't come because of how human this game is. You want to steal people from WoW? Give em something they have never gotten before, tengu would do just that as no game has EVER allowed something like them to be playable.

The same could be said for hylek, Grawl and Quaggan. Ogres could take the place of orcs in our world as they are basically warcrafts orcs with horns and would pull a large demographic due to their culture and appearence. Just because human is the most played "Now" is not a reason not to invest in it, now if you gave the races more depth and uniqueness it might solve the issue of humans plaguing the vast majority. The issue is A-net is to affraid to devote themselves to the idea of races having unique interactions and perks which basically makes having any races at all outside of human completely irrelevant and ruins the immersion of even bothering. What needs to be done is each race has its unique features and some cool perk to being them. Charr should be more savage and brutal in appearance and not goofy with Weeb hair and buck teeth. Asuran should climb into golems whenever in combat that are filled with customization and are merely a cosmetic extra, Same with norn and their beast forms. Sylvary (No clue.).

Heck if we really REALLY want to get into it, each race should have unique armor skins based on race and acrossed all of them the armor we obtain will look completely different. Skills should have unique appearances as well (Engie turrets for example. Charr = more steam-punk, Norn =more totem like, Human = the ones we have now, Asuran = Aether-tech, Sylvary = salad version.) This way not only does it add some flair but some cosmetic vanity for the player so perhaps having multiple of different classes would actually be worth the time in investing in.

Im not asking for state advantages, but cosmetic benefits should be something given so that players have more choice and won't be pigeon holed into the kind of weird stuff we have now. Plus for example if you're playing a human warrior all knightly and covered in the armors we have now (As most are designed around human cosmetics.) And then a norn warrior who legit looks like conan the barbarian stood next to you it might make you want to make a norn to get a different look for a different spec? Or maybe a charr clad in legion platemail? The cultural armor was a good start, but its not enough and it shouldn't be the only thing we have (Despite how I like the norn/charr's alot.)

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  • 9 months later...

@Mea.5491 said:This. I just do not understand the obsession with a new race. The new body shapes would end up with tons of clipping issues just like Charr and people would cry.

They would just use models with added things. For Tengu they would use a charr model, and for largos, they would use sylvari/human models.

Yes I know I'm late


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@Thornwolf.9721 said:(Engie turrets for example. Charr = more steam-punk, Norn =more totem like, Human = the ones we have now, Asuran = Aether-tech, Sylvary = salad version.) This way not only does it add some flair but some cosmetic vanity for the player so perhaps having multiple of different classes would actually be worth the time in investing in.

If you want that, actually spend karma, and buy cultural weapons!

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