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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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@Aetheldrake.6395 said:

@"Gop.8713" said:It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

well theyre gonna get a lot less gameplay by forcing people to wait for something. some people are like "im just gonna do the daily for this then go play something else" when they COULD just have the skyscale already and start working on gaining its masteries and learning how to use it. there are already so many daily things in game. dont make major new content time gated on top of the new content already having time gated events

Perhaps I don't understand the problem. What advantage is gained through delay . . ?

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@"Deihnyx.6318" said:

Back to the current content, it's not content we pay for, it's content that is given to us. We had no idea when we bought PoF that we would ever see additional mounts. This was not a selling point (unlike raids and legendary armors for HoT). What I fail to understand is where was it ever said that this content should be readily available, that it "should only take a few hours". Why?

Despite my distaste for the timegate, I am in full technical agreement with you on these key points. Unlike HoT/PoF, this was never "sold" to us (in the literal business definition of being traded to us in a transaction where we give them money and they give us access to their product), so the skyscale could never have served as a "selling point" in that same literal business definition. I also totally agree that we were never outright told that the skyscale should be available in just a few hours.

That being said, I disagree with your general sentiment that nobody should feel jarred or taken aback by the way skyscale was done. The previous seven mounts, delivered to us over a fairly extended period of time, all allowed players to acquire them with considerably greater freedom. Also, the skyscale was widely touted by Anet as a big reason for us to be excited about this episode, and was arguably one of the biggest "selling points" of this content. For something so promoted to turn out so different from all comparable content in the past is at best a pretty questionable decision, in my opinion. Businesses can literally attach numerical value to building up the right kind of customer expectations, so to flaunt those expectations with no warning is widely considered a very real and relatively calculable business risk.

I'm genuinely asking, what is the correct way of rewarding content?

I really wish I had a meaningful answer to this question. The best I can offer is that I've liked literally everything else about GW2's reward structure so far, outside of the skyscale.

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@"Deihnyx.6318" said:

Now as I said before again timegate is just one of the ways, and one I don't like either, but there -has- to be some sort of "effort" associated to it. The beetle was forgotten pretty quickly specifically because it was easy and quick to get.

The biggest difference between the Skyscale and the Beetle collections, is that they've already stepped up the effort required. I finished every beetle mount collection in about 6 hours. It took me the same time to finish 1 of the 5 Skyscale collections, so already they've stepped it up the effort required from 6 to 30 hours, essentially. Putting in the effort was never an issue, everyone knew it would take some amount of effort and were prepared to do it either way.

One of the problems with the time-gate is that it essentially dictates when we're supposed to put in our effort. I'd very much like to be in-game right now putting in the effort to get the mount, but because I didn't finish my first collection by 8pm yesterday, I have to wait another 3h 15m today before I can even begin. This becomes an even bigger issue when people can't afford to wait until the daily reset, whether it be for school, work, or other life issues. We're not trying to get reward with no effort, we just want to say when we put in that effort.

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@Gop.8713 said:

@Gop.8713 said:It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

well theyre gonna get a lot less gameplay by forcing people to wait for something. some people are like "im just gonna do the daily for this then go play something else" when they COULD just have the skyscale already and start working on gaining its masteries and learning how to use it. there are already so many daily things in game. dont make major new content time gated on top of the new content already having time gated events

Perhaps I don't understand the problem. What advantage is gained through delay . . ?

I'm just going to quote myself from another thread:

I hate hard time gates, they are just an arbitrary and lazy way for the developers to stretch their content further. It does not benefit the player in any way and they are not fun. It's a brash way to force the player participate in content they may not want at that time for the sake of the reward.

For those who say "it makes people take their time and enjoy the content more instead of rushing through it." No, it doesn't. It makes me hate the content more because I have to play it that day for the sake of not missing out on "wasted time" instead of just, say, doing a collection for a bit when I feel like it. So what if a subset of people want to rush to get it. They should be able to enjoy the game how they want. Maybe they have their own real life time restrictions and doing it over a day/weekend it is their mostpractical use of time to acquire it. Anet shouldn't be telling people how to best use their time.

For all those who say you should have to 'work' for it (I should specify that I consider work doing something you don't enjoy). It's a game, entertainment, something you do for enjoyment. I shouldn't have to work for anything. Specifically it's an RPG, I should progress naturally as a result of playing. How ticked off would you be if you were playing Skyrim and go to talk to the greybeards but...wait, you have to wait 23h-59m to do that action. Awesome, through the use of time gates Bethesda has doubled the play time of Skyrim! But did they, really? :I

There are sooo many better ways to do this than a hard time gate. They could use a soft time gates like:

  • Collections that require semi-rare RNG drops from map event bosses
  • Larger collections
  • A crafted item (Saddle?) that you have to gather map specific items for. (so basically a collection + crafting).

Now, hard time gates on items make sense in regards to the in game economy but as far as I'm aware the skyscale has no economic value. It's just for prestige like the griffon. Before you someone says it, yes, something can still have prestige and not have to have a hard time gated.

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@Magnus Godrik.5841 said:Omg i have to wait. Burn anet burn. How dare you dictate how i should play. Idc that you made it. Idc about the time it took to make. I want my mount now. And what happened to my premium skyscale mount skin. This money isnt going to spend itself.

It’s cool to be sarcastic and etc, but the “How dare you dictate how I should play.” Line is actually what ANET is against. And again For. F.S. why are people constantly pretending that the people who are up in arms want the mount [now] it’s not the point.

The point is and please correct me if I’m wrong that the inclusion of the time gate did Jack sh!t and has no actual purpose.

@Obtena.7952 And no it does not benefit people who have less time playing the game, who have other obligations irl. You’re simply disagreeing just to do that, because again if it wasn’t there you wouldn’t have said “You know what would of made this mount much more fulfilling?” What? “A darn time gate, it would really bring in a fun aspect to acquiring the mount.”

Here is a perspective, since we going to go the route of it keeping people playing, peep this, you ahead by a day right, those who are behind aren’t going to stop and play the metas(after they got 30), they going to be too busy collecting around the map. People who are rushing now got to rush even more especially if the reset is close.

Just like that billybadass above tried to be sarcastic he actually proved how dumb a timegate like this is. Who in the hell wants to be dictated into how they should play? Looks around Thought so.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@"Klowdy.3126" said:TLDR: it's a problem because people have no patience.

Maybe you should read the email that anet sent out saying that you should come play and get your "SKYSCALE TODAY"its a problem because people dont like bing lied too and bamboozled

LOL ... yeah OMG ... they are FOOLING people into playing a game they have been playing for years to come experience new content. tragic.

i guess you missed the whole part where you cant do the following statement lol

No, i didn't miss it ... I'm just realistic because I play GW2 for more than one day ... therefore it's not a big deal that it takes more than a day to get it. I'm not offended by some minor oversight because I play the game anyways and eventually I will get the mount /shrug

That's great for you that apparently has nothing to do all day but play GW2, some of us have jobs and families and RL so we are unable to sit and play for hours on end, which means I MIGHT be able to get it by Christmas but I'm not holding my breath.

I have a job and family, etc ... that's why time gating doesn't bother me ... because I know I will be playing over a series of days. Time gating doesn't bother people like us.

So do I and I completely disagree with you. Please do not try to speak for everyone with your opinion. Your experience does not equate to my experience.

It's not an opinion. Time gating content benefits players with less time to play because it forces the whole population to spread out their time on the content resulting in everyone playing more like the people with less time to play. That means people with less time to play will be ensured a more populated map.

Oh right it spread it out so the map stays populated longer.... ok fair point but what happens after 5 days map population drops ....

History of the game suggests this isn't a problem. People are still getting griffons. Are those maps dead? The threat of there not being people around in a particular map in months from it's release to get something time gated over 4 days is ridiculous.

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@Gop.8713 said:It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

Time-gating discourages play beyond a certain point (assuming there is one objective you’re working toward). So it would either make no difference (if you go on to other things you enjoy in the game) or decrease how much people play the game until their Skyscale is unlocked — especially those with all PoF masteries who are concerned about losing spirit shards in the meantime. This is my opinion from an outside perspective as I’m only recently returned after a hiatus and haven’t even finished PoF yet!

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@tekhiun.8653 said:I like how they are comparing a mount to legendary gear. I think this just show how poorly designed the whole thing was.

Some of the legendary comparisons were just trying to show that sometimes you may want things but unless you go thru the hoops you don't get them. So the point was if 5 gated days was too much maybe it isn't something you should spend the time in. To be fair some of the above was but I want it nows arguments. Many posts were stated better than that and make more sense from those people posts. I feel more for the people that took time off to do, that I get but that's also issues of assumptions and lack of information.

Some of the other treads had other points as well on how the progress blocks access to spirit shards on other maps. Don't need spirit shards but get others do and if that is a case then there might be another issue. I agree Anet should review this decision if its not fun for people and/or if its blocking progress. As I said earlier since I am not there yet is it blocking story progression and / or map access that is required for story instance?

Sometimes we have seen the forum base lose it because they weren't clear that ANet didn't want them fully using something till later to give you more a sense of growth. Not saying that's the case here but we did see this trend in both Hot and PoF because people had become used to fully clearing a map and then go to the next, where as they were planning on us revisiting. And looking back it, it worked, at least it did for me. Just pointing this out as why some people reply the way they do, past forum experiences being what they may.

Honestly the not fun bit is just as big as progression blocks because you don't want people to just logout because they felt like time was wasted. I honestly think we would have had a time gate on the griffon but since it was hidden they went with the gold sink instead. I have the gold but if it had to be one or the other I would go with time over gold since not all players would have the gold. Good gaming!

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@"Deihnyx.6318" said:SNIP

What I fail to understand is where was it ever said that this content should be readily available, that it "should only take a few hours". Why?

Now as I said before again timegate is just one of the ways, and one I don't like either, but there -has- to be some sort of "effort" associated to it. The beetle was forgotten pretty quickly specifically because it was easy and quick to get. Gold sink brings negativity from a lot of people as well (and can become a pay2win situation), and let's not even talk about challenging content that is just no longer allowed in story mode.

I'm genuinely asking, what is the correct way of rewarding content?

You and everyone else that keep spouting this make no sense. Almost NO ONE is stating it should only take a few hours. There is an ARBITRARY time-gate it. It is not time- gated because the journey is so comprehensive, it is time-gated because it says, "wait until reset".

So what you have right now is something that takes 20 hours or what have you. But instead of being able to do that WHEN you want. You have to finish each step BEFORE reset each day, or you literally cannot progress. So, if you have a work schedule that only lets you play one day but not the rest of the week, you make way less progress than someone such as a student that can play before and after daily reset for that same time-frame. That is the issue that you fail to see and acknowledge.

The other thing is that LS isn't provided for "free", it was sold as the model with expansions. Time and time again when they have "revamped" their roadmap/strategies this has been reiterated. They do not do this as a favor to the playerbase but because this is a sustainable business model for them. You need to remember that, they would not retain a player-base charging for these things, nor would they with the release cadence they have for content in general.

Mounts were promised with the content in that they advertised the new LS with a NEW MOUNT, not that players went, "Wah no new mount with this LS, why you lie?". It comes back to being open and transparent with your community. I think it is telling that they chose to leave out the time-gate portion of the mount because they knew it would not be well-received.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Klowdy.3126" said:TLDR: it's a problem because people have no patience.

Maybe you should read the email that anet sent out saying that you should come play and get your "SKYSCALE TODAY"its a problem because people dont like bing lied too and bamboozled

LOL ... yeah OMG ... they are FOOLING people into playing a game they have been playing for years to come experience new content. tragic.

i guess you missed the whole part where you cant do the following statement lol

No, i didn't miss it ... I'm just realistic because I play GW2 for more than one day ... therefore it's not a big deal that it takes more than a day to get it. I'm not offended by some minor oversight because I play the game anyways and eventually I will get the mount /shrug

That's great for you that apparently has nothing to do all day but play GW2, some of us have jobs and families and RL so we are unable to sit and play for hours on end, which means I MIGHT be able to get it by Christmas but I'm not holding my breath.

I have a job and family, etc ... that's why time gating doesn't bother me ... because I know I will be playing over a series of days. Time gating doesn't bother people like us.

So do I and I completely disagree with you. Please do not try to speak for everyone with your opinion. Your experience does not equate to my experience.

It's not an opinion. Time gating content benefits players with less time to play because it forces the whole population to spread out their time on the content resulting in everyone playing more like the people with less time to play. That means people with less time to play will be ensured a more populated map.

Oh right it spread it out so the map stays populated longer.... ok fair point but what happens after 5 days map population drops ....

History of the game suggests this isn't a problem. People are still getting griffons. Are those maps dead? The threat of there not being people around in a particular map in months from it's release to get something time gated over 4 days is ridiculous.

Just as ridiculous as saying the map is going to be empty if people are allowed to complete the Skyscale Collections at their own pace.

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It’s fine, I am happy to have a relaxing time cracking away at this over the next month. I get the instant gratification thing, believe me, I crafted Exordium yesterday. But I respect the choice to make it a time-gate.

However in future ANET may want to leak the fact that it’s a time-gated affair when they announce such features.

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@Gop.8713 said:

@Gop.8713 said:It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

well theyre gonna get a lot less gameplay by forcing people to wait for something. some people are like "im just gonna do the daily for this then go play something else" when they COULD just have the skyscale already and start working on gaining its masteries and learning how to use it. there are already so many daily things in game. dont make major new content time gated on top of the new content already having time gated events

Perhaps I don't understand the problem. What advantage is gained through delay . . ?

You kind of went against “No” with that question.

Because that is why this timegate is a problem, there is nothing positive with the timegate. Timegates forcing people to play the game achieve nothing [positive] because it’s not people playing because they want to, it’s people now logging in ignoring map chat unless it pertains to collections if we are talking about the people who don’t want to play that is.

It also adds annoyances to people who have a lot going on in rl(such as myself). Because it’s artificial progression and life to the game. Nothing really organic about it, and options are limited.

People who are saying no, let’s be honest do you even care for timegate? Be honest don’t bull jive me. Do you really like timegated stuff now keep I mind I know you feel like it doesn’t affect you, so the question is why do you legitimately believe they should keep it, if it doesn’t matter to you(maybe it’s one of your desires which would be shocking)?

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Honestly I think it’s fine, sure no time game would be fine too, but imo not everything needs to be an instant grab the day of or after the patch comes out.

It also helps with keeping the map be lively longer as people continually do things for the skyscale as the game goes on (new players, people who didn’t care about rushing the skyscale etc).

However, I do think it should have been said ahead of time that it would take a few days to get the skyscale, just so people would be prepared for that.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@Gop.8713 said:It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

well theyre gonna get a lot less gameplay by forcing people to wait for something. some people are like "im just gonna do the daily for this then go play something else" when they COULD just have the skyscale already and start working on gaining its masteries and learning how to use it. there are already so many daily things in game. dont make major new content time gated on top of the new content already having time gated events

Perhaps I don't understand the problem. What advantage is gained through delay . . ?

I'm just going to quote myself from another thread:

I hate hard time gates, they are just an arbitrary and lazy way for the developers to stretch their content further. It does not benefit the player in any way and they are not fun. It's a brash way to
the player participate in content they may not want at that time for the sake of the reward.

For those who say "it makes people take their time and enjoy the content more instead of rushing through it." No, it doesn't. It makes me hate the content more because I have to play it that day for the sake of not missing out on "wasted time" instead of just, say, doing a collection for a bit when I feel like it. So what if a subset of people want to rush to get it. They should be able to enjoy the game how they want. Maybe they have their own real life time restrictions and doing it over a day/weekend it is their mostpractical use of time to acquire it. Anet shouldn't be telling people how to best use their time.

For all those who say you should have to 'work' for it (I should specify that I consider work doing something you don't enjoy). It's a game, entertainment, something you do for enjoyment. I shouldn't have to work for anything. Specifically it's an RPG, I should progress naturally as a result of playing. How ticked off would you be if you were playing Skyrim and go to talk to the greybeards but...wait, you have to wait 23h-59m to do that action. Awesome, through the use of time gates Bethesda has doubled the play time of Skyrim! But did they, really? :I

There are sooo many better ways to do this than a hard time gate. They could use a soft time gates like:
  • Collections that require semi-rare RNG drops from map event bosses
  • Larger collections
  • A crafted item (Saddle?) that you have to gather map specific items for. (so basically a collection + crafting).

Now, hard time gates on items make sense in regards to the in game economy but as far as I'm aware the skyscale has no economic value. It's just for prestige like the griffon. Before you someone says it, yes, something can
have prestige and not have to have a hard time gated.

Skyscale is not a prestige item, it's a mount. That everyone will have by next week . . .

And I disagree that your solutions would be better. RNG will always negatively affect outliers who don't get the drop. That's a bad idea for story-related content. And making the collections larger just makes them more boring . . .

But I asked bc I wanted to see if there were perspectives I hadn't considered so I do appreciate your reply . . .

@VDAC.2137 said:

@Gop.8713 said:It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

Time-gating discourages play beyond a certain point (assuming there is one objective you’re working toward). So it would either make no difference (if go to other things you enjoy in the game) or decrease how much people play the game until their Skyscale is unlocked — especially those with all PoF masteries who are concerned about losing spirit shards in the meantime. This is my opinion from an outside perspective as I’m only recently returned after a hiatus and haven’t even finished PoF yet!

I don't see this as a negative either. The fact that I can only do so much at a time means that there is time for me to work on other cheeves or enjoy the other aspects of the game that I was doing last week before the new episode came out. It's like slow-releasing the new content, it's nice . . .

@Susy.7529 said:

@Gop.8713 said:It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

Wrong, they are doing the exact opposite to that.I'm not playing in the current map until I get Skyscale not to waste experience...

Your complaint is not about the timegate. It's about the fact that you don't get shards when your masteries aren't complete. That has been an issue since the mastery system was introduced and there will be many players affected by it long after everyone has the new mount . . .

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@RizelStar.3724 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@Gop.8713 said:It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

well theyre gonna get a lot less gameplay by forcing people to wait for something. some people are like "im just gonna do the daily for this then go play something else" when they COULD just have the skyscale already and start working on gaining its masteries and learning how to use it. there are already so many daily things in game. dont make major new content time gated on top of the new content already having time gated events

Perhaps I don't understand the problem. What advantage is gained through delay . . ?

You kind of went against “No” with that question.

Because that is why this timegate is a problem, there is nothing positive with the timegate. Timegates forcing people to play the game achieve nothing [positive] because it’s not people playing because they want to, it’s people now logging in ignoring map chat unless it pertains to collections if we are talking about the people who don’t want to play that is.

It also adds annoyances to people who have a lot going on in rl(such as myself). Because it’s artificial progression and life to the game. Nothing really organic about it, and options are limited.

People who are saying no, let’s be honest do you even care for timegate? Be honest don’t bull jive me. Do you really like timegated stuff now keep I mind I know you feel like it doesn’t affect you, so the question is why do you legitimately believe they should keep it, if it doesn’t matter to you(maybe it’s one of your desires which would be shocking)?

x-post. If my above reply doesn't answer your questions pls do ask again . . .

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Yes.. get rid of it asap.. why should they put a stop to people working hard on achievements..

If some one wants to spend the entire day dedicated to getting all these achievements done.. Then let them. That just means Oh well, back to what ever other game they we're playing while waiting for this new update..

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Feel i we got hyped up to play with new mount on new map, i sorta just expected new map to be designed around the new mount so it would be part of the "RELEASE" but after seeing it time gated i pretty much feel all i can do is finish todays collection -> log out wait for next -> finish that -> log out and when i finally get mount i can finally play around on the map with it.

I actually enjoyed doing Griffon as i was in full control over how i did it and what stuff i could work on ( being poor at the time made working on money an objective ) but i as player was always in full control over how i did it but a time gate is the opposite i have no control over it other than just wait.

Does it even accumulate so a player who join late say first starts on day 3 can do collection 1 + 2 + 3 or are they cursed and have to do 1 then wait for reset then 2 etc cause that alone would severely punish people doing em together as even if you wanted to help someone catch up to the step you are on is no longer an option.

I enjoyed helping people doing griffon stuff but because of the time gate on this i see no reason to even bother.

Also people who say players are gonna play the map more, then no it would be the same amount of time you would just instead of doing whatever amount you could in x time you have available it would be do as much as you can pr reset log out when collection is done and wait, to make it even worse if you did 99% just as reset hit and then did last 1% after you now have to wait almost 24 hours to do more progress regardless of how much time you currently have to continue if it was possible, does that not encourage people to literally not play the game or explain to me the enjoyment part of that?

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I am not sure why we should be forced to stop doing collections if, for exemple, we had a whole free day off to play.

Just imagine this, you work 45h/week and you also have some other real life responsibilities. You finally have a day off and you're like; " ah let's have a no-stress day by playing on my video game today."

So you plan to play a lot that day. You are very far in the game and you also heard there was a new mount. Let's unlock it, right?

You start doing your first collection, for exemple, the scales. Man, that took a lot of time in my day, but that's over!

Now you cannot continue because for some reasons you need to wait for daily reset.

That's kinda disapointing, no?

Some may disagree.

However, if they had tell us that it takes a certain numbers of daily resets to complete the collections, I'm sure people will be a lot less disapointed then right now. You would have known.

I am not necessarely the type of person that rushes trough content but I do play a lot when I'm motivated.

Just for a conclusion, I am not sure how preventing people to have the mount when they want is useful in any way.

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@"Roquen.5406" said:You and everyone else that keep spouting this make no sense. Almost NO ONE is stating it should only take a few hours. There is an ARBITRARY time-gate it. It is not time- gated because the journey is so comprehensive, it is time-gated because it says, "wait until reset".Almost no one but the person I was answering to... But I'm glad we agree.

So what you have right now is something that takes 20 hours or what have you. But instead of being able to do that WHEN you want. You have to finish each step BEFORE reset each day, or you literally cannot progress. So, if you have a work schedule that only lets you play one day but not the rest of the week, you make way less progress than someone such as a student that can play before and after daily reset for that same time-frame. That is the issue that you fail to see and acknowledge.I said multiple times timegates are just one way to do it. They've tried other ways before. They've tried the money sink with the gryphon. People complained just as bad.Again, find a rewarding way to get something where everyone is gonna be happy about it. There is none. Make it a paid content, and people will complain that it should be free, put a gold sink on it, and other kinds of people will complain that they don't have the time to farm.

The other thing is that LS isn't provided for "free", it was sold as the model with expansions. Time and time again when they have "revamped" their roadmap/strategies this has been reiterated. They do not do this as a favor to the playerbase but because this is a sustainable business model for them. You need to remember that, they would not retain a player-base charging for these things, nor would they with the release cadence they have for content in general.

New mounts were never promised. That was my whole point. Heck even the gryphon wasn't promised.

Mounts were promised with the content in that they advertised the new LS with a NEW MOUNT, not that players went, "Wah no new mount with this LS, why you lie?". It comes back to being open and transparent with your community. I think it is telling that they chose to leave out the time-gate portion of the mount because they knew it would not be well-received.And there is a new mount. They haven't lied. They don't have to give out every detail on how to get it, it's part of the fun.

I'll be honest. To me a gold sink is even worse than a timegate. Gold sink means brainless farming or credit card. One is a waste of time, the other a waste of money. A timegate, while also being annoying, isn't not a waste of time, more like a delay. But I can still do other stuff in the meantime.To me the best way is through -actually playing the damn game-, which also include challenging the players. But that too is not possible cause why developing builds and strategies in a game! (and yeah no doing collections through youtube is not what I call challenging)Timegates are not the worst, and I'm fine if that's non sense to some people.

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Really enjoyed the episodeBut am I gonna do this collections?! no not really.I don't have much time to play everyday and I'm not going to waste it on something I may unlock fully after a month or two...

So yeah gonna do Nevermore collection instead, its more fun and I can finish it on a few days or maybe even a week with the time I have to waste...without any pressure I'm in no hurry...because you know its not going to tell me I have to wait 24 hours to collect 14~52 items more and then wait 24 hours for another 30 items:\

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This is what timegated content does for me, in this case the Skyscale mount.So, off work today, powring thru the new stuff #Hyped, got all my collections done and ready to go get my shiny new mount and get down to the nuts and bolts of Dragonfall...........enter Gorrik with "see ya later", do a search "after reset".........................Log out and go prep for the new season that drops on another game Friday, instead of playing and spending on GW2.Have a nice day!

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