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[suggestion] Mounts are great, But changing mount is a pain!


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Having mounts in the game is a blessing when it comes to movement speed. It's always nice to be able to move faster from a point to anotherand loose less time running. But mount usage is not limited to this. We need different mounts for different situations and obstacles now andhave to change mount very often and this is where things get a little boring to my view. I have to dismount and change mounts a lot and I waswondering if it would not be a good idea to make switching mounts a little easier and more practical for players.

My suggestion is that once you choose a mount and use it, you only have "key 1" and "X". I would love to have other mounts listed on empty(available) key bars, so you could switch from a mount to another without having to dismount each time, then choose and change mount andmount up again! Also do we really need to be auto dismounted on each interaction? It would be nice to remain mounted and be able to sell orbuy something from a vendor or talk to a npc!

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@Hitman,Thanks a lot for your reply man. I didn't know about the keybinding possibility and it's already very nice to be able to that :)I used the num keys 1,2,3,4 for my mounts now. But it would still be much better if the switch would happen without dismounting .

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Honestly, I hope they never allow people to interact with NPCs such as merchants and TP folks without dismounting. Sometimes it's difficult enough getting the right NPC if there's a small cluster and people are around them enough you can't clearly see - we don't need to add a pile of mounts on top of NPCs either.

I'm not terribly bothered by the 'dismount and remount' mechanic, myself. The only time it slows me down is when I come upon an obstacle I didn't see ahead of time or needed to get closer for, otherwise I switch mounts on the run. Each of my mounts is bound to a different keybind and you can dismount and remount without the need to stop moving. Though if a better interface for switching is done, awesome, that'll definitely be better with a menu option and having to select it if you choose not to keybind. Granted, there's still a 'key to mount, key to dismount, key to mount again' but it's better than having to manually select with the cursor.

I think the dismount/remount needs to be kept, but that's my personal opinion. Not that it's convenient (as it definitely isn't) but it has the potential to be game breaking. Removing that mechanic to where you can seamlessly transition between mounts seems like it is just one of those things that would give the players too much power in moving around maps, and is a control thing. Every MMO that I've played that has mounts requires you to dismount before switching a mount, and likely with good reason from a developer standpoint.

/unpopular opinion end

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have only 3 Options available at the Options>Control Options> Mounts - Menu....

  1. Mount /Dismount
  2. Mount Ability 1 (special dismount skill, defaut #1
  3. Mount Ability 2 (special movement skill, (default "Space")

Am i doing something wrong?

EDITFor all the people struggeling with that issue, checking your options menu at character selection screen doesnt work, you need to be loaded into a map with a character for the mount options to appear :)

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@DerJoker.9081 said:I have only 3 Options available at the Options>Control Options> Mounts - Menu....

  1. Mount /Dismount
  2. Mount Ability 1 (special dismount skill, defaut #1
  3. Mount Ability 2 (special movement skill, (default "Space")

Am i doing something wrong?

EDITFor all the people struggeling with that issue, checking your options menu at character selection screen doesnt work, you need to be loaded into a map with a character for the mount options to appear :)

People are complaining about have to press a key to dismount because it takes too long or too many key presses.

They also complain about being dismounted by talking to npcs......the absolute horror!!! I spoke to a merchant and now I have to get back on my mount......how unjust is this world!!

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@Fermi.2409 said:You can bind keys for each different mount in the hotkeys menu

First of all, not everyone has convenient keys or mousebuttons left for this, and second, even when you do, this solution is pretty bad as well because you have to press the key twice (dismounting before you can hop on the newly selected mount).

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@Bloof.5169 said:Having mounts in the game is a blessing when it comes to movement speed. It's always nice to be able to move faster from a point to anotherand loose less time running. But mount usage is not limited to this. We need different mounts for different situations and obstacles now andhave to change mount very often and this is where things get a little boring to my view. I have to dismount and change mounts a lot and I waswondering if it would not be a good idea to make switching mounts a little easier and more practical for players.

My suggestion is that once you choose a mount and use it, you only have "key 1" and "X". I would love to have other mounts listed on empty(available) key bars, so you could switch from a mount to another without having to dismount each time, then choose and change mount andmount up again! Also do we really need to be auto dismounted on each interaction? It would be nice to remain mounted and be able to sell orbuy something from a vendor or talk to a npc!

You can assign a button to each mount if you dont know that you do now you first have to unlock each respective mount to get the control option though. also not 100% sure if you know this you can use modifiers like shift+x or alt+x and even ctrl(conttrol)+ x so plenty of ways to set it up both left and right to the respective shift control and alt keys count as different modifiers to ;)

as for while already on mount might be more technical reason why this isn't supported maybe to prevent exploiting or glitches.

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@TwiceDead.1963 said:People have already said it, but I'll parrot it.


You can do one for every mount. It's quite fluent once you get used to it.

I use keybinds and they are perfectly adequate to the task. However, using those empty spaces in mount skill 2-5 accomplishes the same thing, but doesn't require players to set extra keybinds. This assumes that A-Net has no plans to fill those blank skill slots. Perhaps they do?

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

I use keybinds and they are perfectly adequate to the task. However, using those empty spaces in mount skill 2-5 accomplishes the same thing, but doesn't require players to set extra keybinds. This assumes that A-Net has no plans to fill those blank skill slots. Perhaps they do?

I'd love those empty slots to be for mount swap (if they aren't reserved for something yet to come, as you say). However, that would have to go along with automating the dismount-remount process. Otherwise you'd still have to have some other way to initially mount the desired one. I've seen suggestions for a radial dial in the UI. This would not help me since I mouse move and thus would have to stop moving, locate my cursor, do the UI stuff, then resume motion; I'm stuck with keyboard for everything but moving.

For now I just press shift + relevant key for my next desired mount no matter which mount I'm on now (A Allmount-Griffon S Springer Z Szkimmer D Dog-uh... Jackal, and technically R Raptor but I have Raptor on default and X toggles that one). Keep shift pressed, wait a beat, tap the relevant key again. I can do that on the run as long as no combat hits me during the dismount moment. I find it a bit awkward since I don't like to do combo keys in a hurry, but so far it's working. (There may well be people that no longer have convenient combo presses as they have compressed all their commands into a small part of their keyboard -- my combo aversion helps me there as until mounts my only combos were ctrl-T for setting target and ctrl-s for swapping in and out of snap-to-target-aoe).

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I have a key bound for each mount and I still find mount switching very cumbersome. First, you have to dismount, and chances are, in PoF anyway, you have aggro and cannot remount until you deal with a protracted battle. Then you must mount and hope the instant respawns don't dismount you. It's a horrible way to have to travel. IMO, we need more seamless transition between mounts. Or introduce into the game a unified mount that can do everything the raptor, springer, skimmer, and jackal can do. The way it's set up currently is unnecessarily complicated.

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I'm not fan either of how mounts are changed on the fly.. I mean, the UI is already terrible to begin with, miss-click and you pick the wrong mount. Now this may not sound like much of a problem at first glance, but it's friggen annoying when you are trying to swap mounts, get attacked, and now your stuck in combat for way too long.. and you can't select until you're out of combat.

I'd rather them just be keybound F1,F2,F3,F4,F5 and not have to dismount in the process and can change them on the fly. This would be one of those QoL deals.

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